Sneak peek at a new project (Incest)(MF)(Brother/Sister)

Author’s note: This is a sneak peek at a new project I’m going to be working on. If you’ve read the start of my other series Rings of Reshaping, don’t worry I do have more written and even more planned but just had some issues, but I’ll explain that when I get the next chapter posted soon.
Back to this sneak peek, it’s unpolished and unedited as well as written on my phone. The idea had been brewing in the back of my mind for a day or two when I started the drive home from a vacation I’d been on. This scene completely consumed my thoughts while driving to the point I had to turn off the audiobook I was listening to since I wasn’t even hearing it. Finally after over an hour of thinking about nothing else I was forced to pull over onto a highway rest stop to get it written down and out of my head. Luckily it is for situations just like this one that I keep a folding bluetooth keyboard on me at all times whenever I leave the house. Since this wanted out of my head so badly I thought I might as well share it. 
Also a couple things have been deliberately either omitted or slightly changed from what will be the final version. This was done to remove some context of what this scene means for the larger plot because I don’t want to give it away. Probably doesn’t need to be said but all characters are 18+, specific ages will be given in the full project. 

I gently stirred awake. It took a few moments for me to realize what had awakened me. I think it was a combination of stimuli that did it. First I could feel some strange movement on my bed between my legs. Next there were the sounds: a faint one that was a mix of a sloshing and a sucking noise;the other was just the barest bit louder and was a strangely muffled grunting. Finally there was the thing that properly clued me into what was going on, the sensations being reported by my cock. Those being that it was very hard, and a warm, wet enveloping. The first was thuroughly unsurprising but the latter was quite the opposite.
Based on everything being reported to my brain by my body it would appear that someone had decided to give my slumbering form a blowjob. There was just one problem with that. I am not currently dating anyone and I definitely did not bring home a girl last night. Yes, I’m pretty certain that whoever is giving me head, and doing an amazing job I might add, is a woman based on three things; the sounds of fingering, the higher pitch to the grunting, and the feeling of long hair on my thighs.
The logical part of my brain, which was rapidly shrinking into the background with every millisecond that passed, was telling me to stop whatever was happening until I could figure out what exactly was happening and with whom. The horny part of my brain, which was in contrast rapidly gaining in power, was explaining that there were two possibilities and that in either case the only response was to feign sleep and let things continue. Possibility one this was just a lucid dream in which case I wouldn’t want to ruin it because it would mean pleasure now and when I woke up with an inevitable hardon. Possibility two this was actually happening and doing anything but feigning sleep would result in waking up to the disappointment of a half finished blowjob instead of the pleasure of one brought to completion. I think there was some whispering from somebody named ‘logic?’, whoever that might be, that if this was really happening and I did nothing that after it was over I would probably feel dirty and used. Eh, what did he know anyway?
My internal struggle only lasted a couple of seconds before my decision was made I was going to feign sleep and just enjoy the experience. A decision that was proven to be prudent as quickly became very clear that the person was doing their best to try not to wake me up. She would occasionally pause her motions and I could feel her tilt her head to be better able to listen for signs of me stirring. Unfortunately for her, back in my high school years I had mastered pretending to be asleep to fool my parents, actually going so far as to record myself sleeping a few nights and practicing matching my breathing pattern. I’m not sure what distracted her and made her miss the actual signs of me stirring but once I had made my decision there was no way she would be able to tell. It was during one such pause that I felt her pull off my dick completely.
“Oh Mason, I don’t know why just looking didn’t work like it usually does, but please don’t hate me if you ever find out about this. I’m going to make sure you get off too as payment” I heard the barely audible whisper.
My brain completely malfunctioned at those words. However it wasn’t the words, whose meaning I could not decipher that caused this, it was the voice. A voice that I recognized. A voice that just so happened to belong to my sister. How? Why? Is this real? Do I want this to be real? These questions as well as a myriad of others that I couldn’t even put words to were spiraling through my mind. However a quiet sniff from near my crotch clued me into the fact that my sister had noticed something was off. That noise made me realize that it hadn’t only been my brain that had stopped working but my lungs as well. I played it off as best as I could by giving a half snort and rolling my head to the other side, an action I had seen in a couple of the videos of me sleeping.
The next few moments passed in a torturous silence. Blake, my sister in case there was any confusion, clearly trying to figure out if I was waking up as well as probably debating whether or not to continue her actions. At the same time, there was a war happening inside of me about if I wanted it to continue or not. I honestly could not tell you what I was hoping would happen, but I definitely knew that I did not want her to know that I was awake. Apparently she decided that the danger had passed and I was back to a deep sleep because at that point she resumed her actions. Tidal waves of emotions were slamming through my body. First an erotic thrill at the taboo nature of the action. Next a twinge of shame at letting the act continue. Then appreciation that my sister liked me enough to want to do this to me, accompanied by pleasure at the realization that she was clearly enjoying performing the act. Followed by disgust that I was ‘spying’ on her in such a state. The thought of which sent me back to the beginning of the cycle and with each repetition the waves grew stronger until they were more like tsunamis than mere waves.
The maelstrom of emotions quickly spiralling out of control and the need to focus on feigning sleep were surprisingly helpful aids for holding back an orgasm as Im fairly certain that I might not have even lasted a third as long as I did. Towards the end I could tell that she was getting tired and regretting her promise to make sure I got off as well. Not that she wasn’t enjoying herself all the same, I’m pretty sure I noticed her climax at least twice. That’s not counting what I suspect is another one that both woke me up and allowed me to do so without being noticed. It was because of this that I found myself doing something that I have never done with a woman before. Trying to think of anything and everything that could possibly make me fire off as fast as possible. It took a few things to find something that would do the job.
The thing that finally worked was the fantasy of pulling her mouth off of my cock and up to my mouth for a quick kiss before making her ride me as hard as she possibly could. Once that fantasy started the orgasm that was approaching like a snail’s pace suddenly took off like a cheetah, however that brought the awareness of a new problem. The fact that my orgasm had been delayed for so long just meant that it was going to be that much more forceful and therefore extremely hard to hide. I was barely able to make that realization before it was too late for any preparation. I think I did a pretty good job of hiding it. I don’t think that I made any noise except for a couple tiny snorts similar to the one I did earlier to hide my pause in breathing. I don’t think I managed to keep it off of my face however as I could feel it scrunch up in the effort to hide the noise.
I probably didn’t need to have worried however as the moment the first blast of my cum fired off into her mouth a much stronger orgasm than the previous ones ripped through Blake. Although that’s just an assumption based on the fact that there was a lot more noise and movement than before. Plus I’m pretty sure I heard what sounded like a rush of fluid hitting fabric. Was my sister a squirter? That was just one more question for later. After a few moments where we both did our best to calm down from our orgasms as quietly as possible, I could tell she was doing her best to tell if I had woken up which caused me to redouble my efforts to remain undetected. Apparently satisfied that I was still asleep she moved to lay next to me planting a long kiss against my cheek before pulling back and whispering.
“That was truelly wonderful Mason. I just wish I could tell you how I feel while you are awake. I’ve come close a few times but always chickened out.’ She let out a long suffering sigh before continuing. “I just know that you will be disgusted with me for my incestous desires… and now actions. You have no idea how many times I have snuck in here to masturbate while looking at your cock and occasionally touching it lightly. I’ve never told you how grateful I am that you sleep nude. Ugh why couldn’t I get off just from looking like I have before. It was bad enough when I was just having incestous thoughts but now I have actually comitted incest.”
I felt her wrap her arms around me and hug me tightly. I was debating stopping my act and letting her know that I was awake and that I was not disgusted with her. I had made my decision to do just that and was just plucking up the courage to do so when something terrible happened. The exertion from having to pretend to be asleep as well as the usual post orgasm drowsiness combined with the physical and emotional warmth of sharing a post orgasm embrace with my sister caused me to actually drift off to sleep.
