Her Forever Virgin Ch. 10: Toy’s Secret

Margo wished everything could work out as smoothly as it does in fiction. In fantasy, things never seem to go as planned because that’s what makes a story entertaining but at least things happened. “Sorry I’m not free til Saturday,” wasn’t an inconvenience that she could do anything with. No last minute change of plans; no shocking revelations that make you look back on everything in a new light. It was just inconvenient. Dear perverts, that’s life.

Brando’s next inch would just have to wait until tomorrow night. Luckily, she’d arranged to hangout with a beautiful woman regardless of slow progress and she’d also get to find out why Yennessa wanted her to bring the vibrator last time.
Standing at the door, Margo wondered why she thought it was a good idea to drive all the way to Yennessa’s apartment. Temporary blindness felt like a small price to pay for the time and gas she’d save avoiding driving across the county. I am lucky she even lives this near, Margo remembered that witches are scattered across the world yet frequent a limited number of magical establishments via transport spells. It wasn’t uncommon to speak to a witch and confidant from each continent in a single visit to Knocker’s. Where on Earth is Knocker’s anyway? she wondered. It suddenly occurred to Margo that she’s never seen the exterior of Knocker’s or any other magic shop for that matter.
The door opened to reveal a Yennessa that Margo had never seen. She wore a jean skirt which tucked in a horizontally striped, spaghetti strap top that showed a generous portion of cleavage. Her previously flowing hair was now trimmed just above her shoulder with bangs above her eyebrows. Her eyes were surrounded by a thin mark of black eyeliner and her lips highlighted by a pale pink lipstick.
“I didn’t realize you were taking me to court,” said Yennessa eying the taller woman up and down.
“Oh yeah. I came here straight from the office,” Margo suddenly felt overdressed in her office attire. She was wearing black pantsuit, an open black suit jacket with a subtle dark plaid pattern, a white button down blouse with a collar neck, and black gloves which covered the tribal style tattoos that ran from the top of her left shoulder and down to her fingers. As she walked forward she was also reminded of the magical wig of long wavy reddish-brown hair she always wore at the office . What made the wig magic is that it replaced the wearers real hair while it was on, looking and even feeling like real hair attached to Margo’s scalp when pulled on anyone but herself. As she pulled the wig off her head to reveal her short orange afro the perfectly combed and well kept hair faded and tangled as it took on the appearance of a cheap dollar store costume piece.
“Did Amy make that?”
“Yeah. She gave it to me as a gift when I made partner.”
“Seriously?” Yennessa closed the door, “You know those wigs are one of the few things she makes hard cash on right?”
“Trust me I know,” Margo placed her jacket neatly on one arm of the couch, “She complains to me anytime she gets an order.”
“I bet she still spends hours getting it done perfectly anyways,” Yennessa said pulling out two beer bottles from her mini fridge, they clinked them together, “Salud!” and they sipped.
“So,” Margo pulled out the men’s vibrator and placed it between them, “what else does this thing do? You know, besides shrinking a guy’s cock,” Margo was having difficulty containing a smirk at what just came out of her mouth, “You said something about exchanging the time I wasted on him.”
“You don’t let details like that pass you by do you.”
“I wouldn’t be very good at my job if I didn’t hang on to every word.”
“Don’t get offended but are you happy with your body?”

Yennessa casually leaned comfortably into the couch as she received the expected, “What do you mean?” She wanted to keep Margo on her toes so she chose a question that seemed out of the blue. She relished at the thought of showing Margo what the toy could really do. She almost just wanted to scream it but see knew teasing it out was the road to true fun.
“Don’t get me wrong,” Yennessa looked at Margo from toe to tip imagining the subtle abs and lean legs which had never been hidden by her office clothes at Knocker’s, “I’ve noticed you put a lot of work,” Yennessa nudged herself closer to Margo, slowly reached out to give her target a chance to retreat, and squeezed a muscled forearm, “but have you ever thought of anything you’ve wished to be different.”
She observed how Margo tried to play off the grab like it was nothing even though she could sense the taller woman wanted her to go so much father. It’s funny how the smell of good karma can change the way you see a person. She let her fingers slip along the sleeve of Margo’s blouse, pinching it before finishing her visit.
Yennessa couldn’t tell if Margo moaned in wonder or pleasure before she said, “Thanks for noticing. I do go to the gym often, especially after Brando dumped me. I started hitting the weights just to get my mind off it. Plus I’ve always been one of those people that just naturally goes for the healthy stuff anyways.”
“Nice humble brag,” Yennessa said playfully grabbing a piece of her own plentiful midsection.
“I mean don’t get me wrong, Amy and I had our fair share of pizza and TV dinners and other crap when we were first on our own. Especially after Amy’s mom stopped paying part of the rent when she dropped out of college. It got so bad that we ended up sharing a room at her Aunt Debra’s until I graduated. That woman by the way, did my tummy no favors with how amazing her cooking is?”
“Oh, I know. She’s still a grand counselor at witch camp. All the girls love it when Ms. Pierce runs the kitchen.”

Margo couldn’t believe how well things had gone so far. Part of her worried that they would have nothing to talk about besides the toy but Yennessa was proving quite easy to get along with. Margo continued, “But that’s the other thing, even when I do gain weight it never goes where I would like it to. I mean, I’ve always liked being thin. I think I’m the kind of person that would like my body no matter what. It’s just that I’ve always thought it’d be fun to have more curves,” Margo made a wave motion with her free hand.
“Have you ever asked Amy for help with that?”
“I mean,” Margo rubbed her shoulder, “You know how she is about that kind of magic. Plus I never really know what is and isn’t in her range so I try not to bother her with magical requests.”
“That’s nice of you. You know not all confidants are as considerate. Some can get a little too into magic and seeing what there friends can do.”
“I’ve thought about asking a few times though.”
“Really?” Yennessa was intrigued, “What would you ask for if you felt like it?”
Margo felt an unfamiliar pang of shame come over her as she thought of why. It was a sexual fantasy so embarrassing to her that she hadn’t even been brave enough to share it with Cy, the one person she discussed all her fantasies with even if they weren’t all things they were going to do together. This was something ridiculous and if Margo weren’t aware of magic she’d call it impossible but it was all too possible with magic. Yet somehow it still felt a taboo desire.
Margo considered giving Yennessa a half truth, “I’ve always thought it would be fun to have bigger boobs,” and then suddenly decided to give her the whole truth, “Well it’s actually more than that,” Margo stared at one end of the apartment to avoid Yennessa’s judgment until she’d said her piece, “Sometimes I like to fantasize about what it would be like to…” she couldn’t believe she was finally going to tell someone, “to watch my boobs grow. Like before my eyes,” Margo bit the tip of her pinky nail and tried to gage Yennessa’s expression from the corner of her vision.

Yennessa gave a calculated laugh mixed with smugness and teasing. Perhaps it wasn’t right to knowingly poke at Margo’s insecurities like that but Yennessa would soon patch it up with a few words. “You mean breast expansion? It’s more common than you’d think,” Margo slowly returned her gaze to Yennessa with a nervous smile, “Especially among witches.” Given the way all their interactions had gone over the past several years she never thought Margo was capable of looking so adorably vulnerable.
“I can’t believe I actually told someone that.”
Yennessa picked up the toy and began wiggling her fingers above the entrance of the vibrator, “The reason I needed you to agree to meet with me is that this toy has certain functions that can only be operated by a witch.”
“One that could help me, you mean?” said Margo with a smirk.
Yennessa wondered what Margo meant by that comment. Having served as Amy’s magical mentor sometime ago she didn’t appreciate other people mocking her student’s handicap. She asked, “What’s that supposed to mean?” with what she feared may have had too much suspicion.
Laughing casually Margo replied, “You know how Amy is about curses and body augmentations. She told me you let her slide on those tests.” Yennessa smiled realizing that Margo was indeed a true friend and that she had missed the little way she accused her. Her commands over the vibrator completed, it filled with a clear oily looking liquid as if though it were a wellspring. She held it out for Margo to take.

Margo placed her beer on the floor and took the vibrator like a cup. “So this stuff is supposed to make my tits grow?”
“You catch on fast.”
“Well it is what we were just talking about,” Margo twirled the liquid like wine, “Is it his jizz?”
“No,” Yennessa giggled, “Well maybe a little. Did you clean it?”
“Yes, thank god. I’ll swallow it fresh but dried at the bottom of a pocket pussy for a week? Pass. But seriously, what is it?”
“It’s his inch, the one you took. The best way I can describe it is like this. The magic of the vibrator converted it into an idea and with my help now that idea is a potion.”
“Good enough for me,” shrugged Margo as she put it to her lips and began to drink. When the liquid touched her lips she took note of the sensation it caused in her body. Odd, unique body sensations often accompanied magic.
Margo, feeling like a perpetual tourist to the realm of witches often tried to remember these feelings whenever she got the chance to experience them but this was different. The first thing she noticed was the sweet creamy taste. After that it was sensual as a tingling feeling traveled from her lips to her chest which in turn began to kindle her nether regions with what felt like intent. It was as if a force of nature were awakening her arousal. She also noticed that she couldn’t stop drinking, maybe it was the pleasure, her curiosity or something supernatural but she had to finish it until there was nothing left. She rubbed the interior with a finger, it felt dry, as if it never was filled with liquid in the first place.
“Whoa,” Margo let the toy fall on the couch cushion. She couldn’t help but to press the tips of her finger against her tender breast. They didn’t feel any bigger yet when she thought about them it also brought to mind words like grow and larger. Flustered she had to ask, “Do you mind if I…”
“Go ahead,” with a giant smile Yennessa said, “It’s just us girls here.”
Margo unbuttoned her blouse so desperately that she just tore off the remaining 2 at the bottom. She lifted her bra up and fell back into the corner of the couch squeezing her breasts. She noticed Yennessa lean in closer and shot back an inviting smile in return.
“You feeling good?” asked the plump woman with care, “It should start any second now. Mind if I help a little?”
“Please!” begged Margo. Seconds later she felt full heavy breasts press against her stomach. Plump lips delicately met her skin sending orgasmic pleasure as they kiss her right nipple. The sensitivity of her breast heightened, instinct told her what was coming. She looked down and saw Yennessa suckling one nipple while she held the other. She gently squeezed her one breast as it grew while the other pressed up against face as it rose. The sight of her breasts rising drove her over the edge, “I’ve never cum like that before.” Margo wasn’t normally tuckered out by a single orgasm but this was different. It felt somehow magical.

Yennessa stood up and admired the hot mess that she created on her couch. There was something oddly appealing about how Margo’s formal clothing clashed with her sexual bliss. The highlight was the pair of modest tear drop breasts which were flatter when she arrived.
Yennessa placed a finger to her chin, “Wait right there. I’ll be right back.” Margo gave her an exhausted nod. Like she’s going anywhere? The short woman walked excitedly to her bed at the other end of her apartment. From beneath she retrieved a folded felt black bag. Unfolding it as she walked back revealed the words “True Novelty” in hot pink cursive lettering.
Yennessa shot Margo a mischievous grin wondering how she’d bring her guest to her next orgasm, and maybe her own along the way. “Let’s see what we’re playing with today,” she reached into the bag and felt a long phallic object inside, “A magic double ended dildo!” she said holding what looked like a regular, though large, looking dildo, “How lucky are you?”
“Um,” Margo released with exhaustion and confusion, “I think it’s a little short to be double ended.”
How cute, she forgot I’m a witch. Yennessa walked up to Margo who straightened up slightly in the couch. “Ye of little faith,” she said lightly slapping the taller woman’s cheek with the dildo. She then positioned it just in front of Margo’s thin lips, “Kiss it,” she said swiftly.
“Kiss it?” Margo gave her a curious look.
“Yes! Just a besito,” she said trying to sound cute. Margo did as instructed. Then Yennessa took a few steps backwards snapped her fingers and fell back onto an invisible cushioned seat. Upon trying to rest her arms she realized that she’d forgotten to give her invisible throne arm rests. Fuck me, every time. She leaned back, twirled her finger and her skirt unbuttoned itself and slid to the floor. Yennessa slipped her thong off with her fingers and opened her legs wide to take the magic dildo. I can’t wait till she feels this bad boy inside her.

Her mind still agape from what was unquestionably the best orgasm of her life Margo continued to wonder why Yennessa called it double ended. Still she had to admit it was pretty fun to watch Yennessa floating on air as she teased her thick brown thighs with the dildo as it inched ever closer to her wide but trimmed bush. Margo bit her lower lip and began floating her fingers over to unbutton her pants. Yennessa took a hand off the toy to give a quick snap and suddenly Margo felt a force push back her hands to her sides.
“Trust me,” Yennessa winked, “There’s no need for that.”
I can’t believe she did that. Margo felt offended but not violated. Yennessa had just challenged Goddess Margo’s authority over her own pleasure but what could she possibly do to turn the tables on a witch?
As Margo saw the head touch Yennessa’s entrance she felt something press against her but looking passed her newly enlarged breasts revealed nothing which in witch terms she understood always meant something so long as you trusted your senses. Gently it began to slip inside her pussy; returning her vision to Yennessa, she quickly pieced together the enchanted puzzle. Whatever amount of the dildo was inside Yennessa’s wonderland was reflected in her own.
Seeing it enter and feeling it made for a surreal effect. Her brain could barely cope with the pleasure the moment. It was as if she was Yennessa yet still herself.
She closed her eyes and tried to think about how to process the experience but the blissful confusion of the moment overwhelmed her. Margo projected her orgasm moan louder than usual to ensure her source of pleasure would hear the appreciation.

“Doesn’t take much to get you off. I hope you can handle more because I’m not even close to mine,” Yennessa squeezed the grip of the toy’s base, began sliding it in and out, and the pace increased as the toy magically secreted a lubricant, “Is it feeling good for you too?”
Margo responded with something that could have been a yes or a yeah, it was hard to tell as she said it through moans. Yennessa continued pushing the toy faster and deeper until she arrived at a specific rhythm. Trying not to lose too much focus on the pleasure she thought about the toy moving just as it was in the moment. She thought about each second of motion as one image. She let go of the toy and it remain in moving absent of her hand. Her spell cast she rested one hand behind her head while beginning to play with her clit as the dildo rocked in and out. She reveled in watching Margo cum again and again across from her for several minutes until at last she decided it was time for her ultimate pleasure. She slid her body down slightly in her invisible recliner so that the dildo would reach deeper. She focused on Margo in her orgasmic trance, closed her eyes and let her self be taken by release.
After a few seconds she grabbed the dildo by its base and fought against it with her grip to make it stop it’s repetitive thrust until at last it lost it’s magical motion.
Yennessa sat in her invisible chair, her eyes switching from Margo, the ceiling, closed and then back to Margo. It went on like that for a bit longer until she got up. Her body, no longer in contact with the invisible seat, caused it to disappear. Yennessa pinched the bag from the floor returned the dildo and sat next to Margo in the center of the couch.

Margo’s eyes were shut peacefully, I’ve never needed a nap more badly in my life. She felt the seat depress next to her and opened one eye to look to the side of her. She saw Yennessa wearing nothing but her top, her gorgeous round face glistening with sweat and a peaceful post-climax smile that seemed zen.
She leaned down slowly letting her shoulder hit Yennessa’s which in turn made the plump woman slowly drift down to lay on her right side with Margo following. Before Margo’s head hit the couch cushion she heard a snap, and she felt her ear push into a pillow with a velvet exterior. She only needed to glance down for a second to realize she and her lover were resting against another unseen magic construct. Margo placed her top hand on Yennessa’s knee, let it slide up her thigh, back around to run them up a plump ass cheek and reached around to her soft midsection to pull the witch in just a little closer.
“Don’t lift your head for a second or the pillow will disappear.”
“Okay,” Margo responded exhausted, I don’t know if I’ll ever get back up after what we just did. Her eyes still closed she left Yennessa lift her torso and reach for the table. Margo heard a song come on, then Yennessa sunk back into place. Her hair smells nice, she thought as she squeezed the shorter woman slightly tighter.
“Can you magic my clothes clean before I head out?” Margo asked with lazy curiosity from behind Yennessa.
“Sorry but trust me, you don’t want me to even try cleaning with magic. I can let you borrow some clothes instead. I’ll even resize your bras for you sometime.”
“No offense but, I’d be surprised if you had clothes in my size.”
“Resizing magic is way easier for me.”
Margo chuckled, “Dating a witch is awesome,” then she opened her eyes in horror. What the fuck did I just say? “Or at least it would be, you know,” Not the worse save, she hoped.
Margo began to raise her arm to back away from this awkward moment but Yennessa raised her large pillowy arm around to trap Margo’s toner, thinner one in place, “Trust me, I know. I certainly try to make it interesting.”
Margo felt simultaneously relieved yet disappointed in herself. This had been her chance to show a little dominance over Yennessa. She thought about how she could have taken control over the situation if she’d only owned her blunder but now she was subject to this witch’s gratitude for sensually blowing off such a costly Freudian slip. This isn’t even a date. They remained laying there silent comfortably in each others company for what felt like a blissful eternity. Unfortunately dear perverts, for both you and them, all blissful eternities must come to an end.
Eventually, they got up and stretched. Yennessa helped Margo pick out something to take home in her size. Before leaving, they reviewed the plan one more time, had a good laugh, and hugged before Margo left.
On the drive home Margo contemplated how her plan for vengeance was clear But her new plan for romance less so. it seemed kind to her that Yennessa would forgive her poor choice of words but she didn’t insist on letting her leave with a kiss and the taller woman couldn’t bring yourself to ask after such a major fuck up. This is going to haunt me all week. Trying to think of less humiliating things she refocused her thoughts on Brando and her face twisted into a smile as she thought about having him over on Saturday night.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/p11qp9/her_forever_virgin_ch_10_toys_secret