Summoning Something From Beyond [Pt.2][longer multi-part story][rape][tentacles]

Part 1 can be found: [HERE](

As the remains of the binding circle flicker and fade, the mind flayer steps forward. No longer constrained in power or abilities, the strength he wields surges through the room like a tidal wave ahead of him. Samantha can feel his mental powers plumb her to her depths and pass through her as he evaluates his surroundings. In quick flashes, She’s shown details from her memory.

*The binding of the imps, enough to tie them to her mind, but not ever fully under her control*

*The summoning spell that they “found” for her, only partially translated*

*The book of arcane spells conveniently knocked to the floor during the summoning ritual*

The room vibrates with his deep laughter as he forces Samantha to relive some of the critical moments that drew her to her current position. Exposing clearly that the imps had set these events in motion, a ruse to subjugate her.

“**COME**.” He commands. Was he demanding that she orgasm again from aphrodisiac washing through her? That she move to him? She feels a deep pull to do both. Was the command even directed to her?

The tentacles release her from their grasp and gather at the feet of the flayer along with the imps.

“You have done well, little ones… and now for your reward!” The flayer gestures, and the tentacles rear back their barbed tips yet again before plunging them into the bodies of small demons. Inhuman cries fill the room as the tentacles merge with the incubi, their flesh rippling and stretching as they transform.

The mind flayer turns his gaze back to Samantha as the metamorphosis continues. “I’ve left your link to them intact, for what it’s worth. Do you still have enough resistance to the tentacle venom not to beg for them to come please you? And how will your subconscious desires affect their mutations?” He chuckles condescendingly. “But the link flows in both directions now. Maybe it’s **you** who’ll respond to *their* commands…”

Samantha focuses in order to hold the waves of pleasure crashing through her at bay as she watches the tentacles merge and transform with the imps. The effects of the dark ichor she’d been injected with growing with every second, it threatens to wash all thoughts from her mind beyond touching her achingly erect nipples or throbbing cunt. She should be run or flee, but can’t gather the necessary motivation under the intense enraptured pressure from the aphrodisiac pulsing through her veins.

Physically moving would only distract her from desperately constructing mental fortress anyway. A mental trick learned during Samantha’s magical studies, she focuses on building a hidden locked room in her mind, then storing elements of her memories, thoughts, and personality into the new room. Control of her body might be lost (for now), but she can place the parts of herself that she values in a protected mental location that *should* be safe… but it’s hard to maintain focus as she sees the changes in the imps come to completion, hears their thoughts surging with new force down the link between them.

“*Stupid slut, tricked so easily…*”

“*Time for our reward!*”

“*There’s leftover transformative ichor, shall we use it on her?*”

No longer diminutive in size or power, a terrifying array of new shapes turn their attention fully on her prone body. A mixture of rippling muscle, hulking forms, throbbing cocks, and waving tentacles – Samantha knows that her time has run out. With no more time to prepare, she obscures the paths to her new mental fortress as best as she’s able and slams the doors closed. Hopefully it’ll hold up…

The downsides of her mental fortification are immediately highlighted as the demonic forms descend on her body. Locked inside her psychic bunker, her mind has a level of protection from their assault, but she’s ceded control of her mortal frame, leaving only the base animal necessities required to keep it alive. No longer under her direction and pumped full of aphrodisiacs, she cant help but watch from a distance as her own face washes with ecstasy, her body shudders with overwhelming orgasm from the first simple touches, and her holes welcome any and all appendages without resistance.

It isn’t long before the demonic minions start to unload themselves inside of her, but their desire and appetites only seem to heighten as they orgasm. With each batch of semen that’s pumped into her and sprayed across her body, she can feel its addictive qualities re-writing the wiring in her brain. Strengthening the connections responsible for pleasure and connecting them to areas that they were never associated with before. Even from the safety of her mental fortress, she can feel some of her disgust with demons and beasts morphing to desire, her humiliation and abuse at the hands of the group satisfying a thirst she didn’t feel before. The mental link that she shares with them bombarding the walls of her enclave with their hunger for her.

Samantha briefly considers cracking the barrier she erected to salvage some of the elements of her personality that she didn’t have time to collect and wouldn’t want to see permanently changed. Would it be worth the risk? She could lose… everything… if she were not able to get back to safety. Better to ride this out. As long as she survives, she’ll be able to rebuild and recover. Eventually. Probably. Maybe.

“She yet resists. You’ll have to try harder.” The voice of the mind flayer commands his minions mentally. She’d been so distracted by the transformed imps that she’d forgotten about him… but with the reminder, she can sense his mind inside her own, testing the borders of her sanctuary for cracks and checking the strength of the walls. If she had broken the seal, he’d have been inside in an instant and she’d have been defeated. For now she can still hold tight. Now aware of how close she was to losing herself, she focuses her mind and concentrates to burrow deeper and strengthen her defenses.

The mind flayer roars at the resistance and again the tips of a number of tentacles split to reveal a barbed tip. They glisten in the candlelight with foul fluid before plunging themselves into Samantha’s body, piercing into her throat, nipples, ass, and clit. The remainder of the transformative ichor surges into her, searing with fire as they rewrite the structures of her body. Her flesh twists and moves as the mind flayer describes the changes being forced on her body.

“Watch as the structures of your breasts are rewritten. Watch as your nipples grow and stiffen, stuck in a state of permanent arousal. Watch as your breasts swell as they fill with milk. Soon even the slightest stimulation will cause them to leak sweet milk and fill you with desire. And ignore them if you dare, the feelings will only increase unless they are milked regularly. Stimulate them to go mad with pleasure or resist to be driven mad with desire…” Samantha grits her teeth and tries to keep her focus on her defenses as the changes take shape. But it’s hard to ignore her stiff and pulsing aroused nipples or the newly expressed milk leaking out of them.

“Feel the changes made to your throat and ass.” The mind flayer’s voice commands as her cells writhe and vibrate in response. “Feel the flesh change as the nerve endings from your clit are duplicated into your ass, so that even walking might stimulate you and anal sex will easily lead you to overwhelmingly powerful orgasms. The same with your throat, so that even talking and eating will cause sexual stimulation, that even the simple act of swallowing will leave you craving the pleasure of a cock rubbing your new throat clit from the inside.”

“Watch as your clit is enlarged and expanded to encompass new nerve endings. Not only will they be needed to increase your sensitivity, but we’ll be incorporating the neural net of a remaining dark tentacle into it. It will have a mind of it’s own and demand to be fed, fill you with further desire, and… if you feed it with male semen, maybe it’ll get strong enough to fight your mind for control of your body…” The mind flayer chuckles with evil mirth as he feels Samantha recoil mentally to the changes being wrought on her body. Her clit aches with impossible to ignore pressure as it swells and grows, protruding strongly and wriggling as if with a mind of it’s own.

With her mind out of the picture, Samantha can feel the tentacle seize control of the vacant structures of her body, grasping at the cocks and tentacles and hungrily guiding them to her holes. An undeniable craving for cum powering her movements. It’s foul to see herself controlled like a marionette. A slap in the face that’s hard to ignore. And even harder as the first cocks press against her newly modified body, each touch so almost so pleasurable and overwhelming that it approaches pain. She’s unable to imagine more stimulation at once until they push harder against her and slide into her slick cunt, modified asshole, and throat pussy nearly simultaneously.

With a cry, Samantha is overwhelmed with an orgasm so strong that the force of it washes all further thoughts from her mind. It’s like heaven, ecstasy unending and unable to be ignored. An ocean that overpowers her senses and fills her vision with white brightness. Every fiber of her being vibrating with the force of an explosion, all ability to make a conscious thought is blasted away. The strength of her pleasure uniting her body again with her mind into a unified whole… 

… As the orgasm starts to taper off and the white brightness fades, a black rectangle comes into view. Framed within it is the hulking form of the mind flayer. The mind Flayer! She’d lost control!

Frantically casting her mind about, Samantha’s heart sinks as she defines the extents of her current predicament. The connection between her physical body and mental fortress had been flooded with pleasure, until, with her mind distracted, the flayer had managed to find an opening. The walls that had once been her defences, now suddenly turned against her as the flayer is inside and blocking the one exit. She desperately attempts to collapse the walls, but finds them now supported by the inhuman invader. What was her protection is now a prison. But now that he has her trapped and exposed, what does he have planned? What can he take that he hasn’t already? She’s been defeated and corrupted physically, but can she still fight back or defend herself mentally against such a foe?

[part 3: to be continued… for now]

[Take a stroll through my profile for more stories of kink and depravity]
