
The witches of Greed had deliberated after hours of deliberation inside the dormant ivory shard amidst the broken, layered and unordered time of the void realm. It was a unanimous decision. The grand cow of mystery rendered the verdict.

“Sasuke, you shall perform a Vahkr recital before the audience, and only then shall we decide how to end your existence.” the cow spewed with his ruminating mouth.

“I shall do as you wish.” replied a confident Sasuke. “However, I ask you to bring me the harmonicum my master played before he was executed. The music he produced transcends the broken time of our glorious realm. It’s my personal belief and yet my greatest conviction.”

“Bring it in!” the cow ordered.

The goblins brought in an open ended barrel inside of which big-breasted wenches were breathing air through a straw as the air broken by time couldn’t be breathed inside of the barrel. At the edge of the barrel, time was rapidly accelerating as in a waterfall and made their bulging pussies sweat the sweet aroma of their lewd and uncensored organs.

“Let’s see how long he lasts.” the cow muttered to himself.

Sasuke jumped right in as he did the Naruto run making everyone cringe. As the warped and broken time slowed down his momentum. He turned his dick inward, which pushed out his balls and allowed him to perform double jumps in mid-air as the air couldn’t stand being touched by the jewels of this cringe person. As he double jumped over and over again, he hit women on their foreheads with his hairy balls. The wenches didn’t hesitate to voice their anger as they mumbled weakly as they were half suffocating inside this hellish musical instrument, but because of the broken time, the sounds warped into a grandiose series of descending chords and rip-roaring octaves from the master Chopin himself. As his hairy balls became wet, the music also transformed. It now abounded with ornamental turns and grace-notes reminiscent of the grand gesamtkunstwerk performed by master Yulin who performed a recital using a floating ballsack and fifty distressed sirens as the motility of his wavy ballsack fingered on their tits like the great German pianists of old.

“What is he doing?” a sensible woman asked.

“Shut your trap!” shouted an elder sorcerer. “How can an unrefined woman such as you dare question the undeniable majesty of His music!?”

The music yet again transformed as his guts started spewing farts, which accentuated the sweeping chromatic runs and the thunderous chromatic octaves that his lagging ballsack started producing as his sweat acted like a poorly made adhesive against the increasingly agitated foreheads of the wenches. Then suddenly a huge fart ended the recital and broke the barrel-like thingy as the wenches desperately galloped to the safety of the crowded corners of the room while gasping for fresh air. Unsurprisingly, the crowd roared in admiration as Sasuke sharted onto the remnant of the barrel-like thingy.

“It’s a miracle!” the cow said. “As section IV of the covenant of the witches explicitly states, Sasuke shall be made into our king, and all shall feast on his sweaty penis, especially the wenches who are gasping for air in every corner of the room!”


1 comment

  1. I like the part where everyone cringes when Sasuke does the naruto run.


    Excellent story. Even sexier plot. I am engaged in masturabatory salutations to your gem of a yarn as we speak.

    Er— as *I* speak. *You,* on the other hand, are being unusually silent.

    Are you there? Are you even listening to me?!

    Hello!!?? CAN ANYONE HEAR ME!?

    ^(Hmm… nothing…)

    No matter, I’ll just finish this up here and get going.



    #OH YEAH!!! ⚡😎⚡

    🥵 wow that was intense. Hm should I clean this up?

    Ehh this place seems abandoned, and I don’t really feel like it….

    **OH FU-UCK!!!** Shit! You startled me heh heh 😅

    Wait… have you been reading this the whole time??😳

    Like… with the— …. and the— ….

    ^(oh god.)

    ^(I’ll be going now.)

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