Love in the Arms of the Sasquatch [MM]

It was late summer in 1997 when I first came to the Pacific Northwest. I was traveling with a group of scientists who were searching for a rare fungus that was endemic to the region. We made our camp about 30 miles away from the nearest outpost.

Our days were spent searching for the elusive fungus and cataloging other forms of fungi in the region. We also cataloged other forms of flora to see if there was a correlation between the presence of certain plants and the fungus for which we were searching. I found myself separated from the group and estimated that I was about 6 miled away from camp. I was cataloging everything I could find and had lost track of time. I tried to find my way back but I had left no trail markers and soon became very lost.

I decided to set up a small emergency camp next to a large redwood. As I settled in for the night with a small fire I heard a knocking nearby. It sounded as though someone was hitting a tree with a log and making an attempt to frighten me away. Being lost I had no place to flee to so I decided to ignore the knocking and try to sleep. I woke in the middle of the night, and I saw a humanoid figure standing above me. I was frozen with fear, but at the same time I felt a peaceful presence coming from the large creature standing in front of me.

He looked at me with curiosity in his eyes and I saw no trace of malice. He squatted down and looked at me as I bolted up in my sleeping bag. He reached out his hand in a seeming gesture of friendliness. I also reached out my hand and our fingertips touched. I felt an instant magnetic attraction to this creature that stood in front of me. It was bizarre and indescribable but somehow I felt as though I had always known the Sasquatch that squatted before me in my makeshift camp.

I reached into my knapsack and pulled out an energy bar that I had brought with me that morning. I unwrapped it and offered it to him. He took the energy bar cautiously, smelled it, and gingerly took a bite. He must have enjoyed it because he swiftly devoured the entire bar. I could see that my gesture had won his trust, and that he wanted to reciprocate an act of kindness. He stood up and extended his hand to me I took it and stood up from my sleeping bag we walked into the forest.

We walked for what seemed like an hour, and eventually we came to a large nest. He led me into the nest which was covered with a canopy of branches and vines, and begin to take off my shirt. I protested at first not knowing what his intentions were but as I looked into his eyes I saw a kindness and in an intelligence that I had never seen in a human.

His fur was damp from the humidity of the forest and moss grew in his coat. He smelled sweet not musty like I would expect a primate in an environment such as that to smell. Seeing that he meant me no harm I allowed him to take off my shirt. I then took off my own pants and underwear and stood before this magnificent creature fully nude and vulnerable to his desire. He caressed me with his large hands feeling every inch of my body. He lifted me in his arms kissing me tenderly, and then laid me down in the soft bed which he had made in his nest.

We began to make love. He was cautious at first not knowing the limits of my body but soon he realized that I could receive his passion without fear of harm. We continued this for what seemed like hours our bodies melting into each other, his fur hanging down into my face as we kissed and I felt the warmth of his body filling my own. After we made love, we fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Soon I heard the singing of birds and saw dawn’s pale blue light peeking through the roof of the nest. I looked over and saw the sleeping Sasquatch. He looked so peaceful resting there in his nest, no concerns like those that filled my daily life. How easy it would be to stay here with my lover. To never return to the stress of the world of man. But I knew if I stayed others would come searching for me and this magnificent lover of mine would be treated as a freak and cataloged like the fungus that we had come in search of.

I quietly dressed and grabbed my knapsack. I gave one more longing look to the beautiful Sasquatch who had taught me more about love than any other man before. I set out trying to find my camp, but the entire time I thought of what I had left behind. I will never forget him, I will never forget the night we spent together and the warmth of his flesh against mine. I go back now to my old life, but I will never be the same and I will always treasure the memory of the Sasquatch who loved me.
