Educating Alicia

Alicia was barely 19 when she first entered my office. I took notice of her mainly due to the smattering of freckles on her face, which you could tell was normally pale but today was a becoming peachy pink. Those freckles really popped. I wondered if I could count them. She had a riot of dark brown curls tumbling down her back and her chest was heaving as though she’d been too engulfed in a bodice ripper and had to run for the bus. Late for her first day, I thought disapprovingly. Not a good sign.

‘Yes, May I help you?’ I asked, clearing my throat slightly and shifting in my seat. A faint waft of sweat mixed with summer roses had reached my nose. I looked down my glasses at her.

‘Mrs Jones told me to report to you, sir. I’m new. The new cadet. Alicia Southerland.’ She looked like she was about to offer me her hand, but at the last minute thought better of it. She wiped her jeans-clad leg instead. I was aware that I was feeling inclined to be charmed by her air of gawkiness. This would not do.

‘You’re late,’ I growled. ‘Sit down.’ She complied, with a quick glance at my face, her eyes wary. ‘You will be at least five minutes early from now on.’ It came out gruffer than I’d intended and she quickly nodded. I’d felt my hand itching with the hope she would regularly disobey my directive. I briefed her on her duties and she left my office slightly less bouncy than she’d entered. I watched her go.

Alicia finds me a tad on the stern side. I know this, and I relish her discomfort. I have nurtured it from that day to this. I feel her body tense as I walk past; her mind following my path even as her head remains bent to her computer and her fingers tap diligently. She has beautiful slender fingers, manicured in subtle pinks and French polishes. One day soon, I shall chose her polish. And her clothes. Her pleasure. And her pain.

One day soon, I shall find her alone in the storage closet, maybe searching for new notepads and biros. She will be distracted, and impatiently tucking strands of her hair behind her ears. She will be in the middle of her best story yet or maybe just the market report. I will hear her sudden intake of breath as I reach up from behind and pull down the boxes she needs. She will turn in my arms and we shall lock gazes. I will want to pull her close. But I won’t.

Instead I shall trail my fingers down her forearm. I will see the fine gold hairs prickle and stand erect. She will lean into me and her eyes will cloud over.

‘Don’t think I don’t notice you,’ I will tell her. ‘I see you. I see the work you’re doing. You’re doing well and pleasing me.’

At this, her body will shiver. She senses more than she knows. It shall fall to me to guide her safely to that place she doesn’t yet know she wants to go. Yearns to go. She is my cadet. She shall be so much more. It falls to me to provide her education.

I do not fail.
