Paul Cantor is a high school Physics teacher. Being on his own for too long, her realized he needed to get laid. Wanting to just have sex, he went to a massage parlor, where he met Angie. He eventually discovered she was one of his current Grade 12 students.
About 2:30am, Paul heard the security buzzer and he let Simone into the building. He met her at the elevator and while she was a little reticent, Paul took her into his arms and kissed her. He took her to his apartment.
“I am glad you’re here, I really didn’t want to be alone for the rest of my life. Particularly if you’re going to be in my class on Monday.”
“Well, we had better get this sorted.”
“Hungry, coffee?”
“Oh yeah, I usually pig out on leftovers when I get home,” Simone said.
“All I have is some chicken and three or four day old Greek salad.”
“Chicken, and hold the salad, I think,” she laughed.
“I’m sorry this place is such a dump, I have really not paid it any attention for the last year or so.” as he led her through the small unit.
Simone looked around at the empty lounge, noting the need for a serious vacuum and an industrial cleaning.
“No worse than mine I am afraid. But it is less cluttered and no empty whiskey bottles to trip over.”
“Oh? Well, the only place we have to sit is the bedroom, only one chair at the table, as you can see.”
“OK,” and Simone began to undress.
“Hold on,” Paul said, “You are here to talk first, if you want then, maybe the sex, but I am sure you are more than a little tired.”
“Yeah, a little. Okay talk first. My story, then yours. Deal?” Simone said as Paul brought her a cup of coffee and some warmed chicken.
Paul nodded. “You may remember my mother died about eighteen months ago.” Paul didn’t but then it was just before his life fell apart so he may have been distracted. “Dad- well Dad didn’t handle it well. He has always been a drinker, but he really started hitting the bottle. Soon he had no job, no income and we were in danger of becoming homeless. I had to find a job, and fast, so I did.”
Simone was matter of fact about it all. She told Paul how she realized that she had no qualification that could return a decent enough income to pay the rent, food and so on. Then she realized that hooking was the only real option for her to make that kind of money in a part time job. She has a cunt and she had lost her virginity to a family acquaintance after her mother’s funeral, and that was, all told, an interesting and enjoyable experience. She had followed that up with paid sex with a guy in her apartment building, to pay rent, so had some understanding of what it was all about. She talked about looking for a place to work, getting a false id, then working up the courage to walk in one evening and ask. Madeline was a little suspicious, but the id gave her age as nearly nineteen. In makeup and the right clothes, she could pass as that, easily. Madeline put her to work immediately, and by the end of that first night, she walked out with eight hundred dollars. She was tired, and a little sore, but she had the money to pay next week’s rent and put food on the table.
The next night she earned a thousand dollars and could now pay the utilities. By the end of the second month, she had caught up all the bills and started to put some into her diminished college fund. Paul didn’t interrupt her but when she ran down he asked a few questions. Sometimes, she can earn well over a thousand a night, the lowest so far has been nine hundred for the three nights, but most of the city was closed that weekend. It’s a pretty classy place, with a good, steady clientele, and Madeline only deducts twenty-five percent, not half like other places do. Sometimes we do parties, and that can be lucrative. You don’t want to know, no really, but they get really sexy. “Well,” she said, “I find myself doing things that I never thought I would like but they can be good fun. Sex can be cheap but vice is very expensive, so no, I won’t get you a ticket, and I really don’t think I want someone whom I may get emotionally involved with watching me at such a party.”
“I find it pretty hard to reconcile this gorgeous and very sexy young woman here right now with the bookish and extremely quiet girl in my physics class.” he said.
“Oh, that was easy.” she replied. “Mom helped me be smart, she always supported me. I found out early that being a little flashy and smart can be a deadly combination. So I decided to be smart. I don’t get bullied because I just avoid everyone, even the nerds leave me alone, it’s easier.”
“It might be easier, but it really doesn’t help you though.”
“Well, it did, I don’t have anyone I am interested in who – well, OK, I didn’t have anyone who would look down on me for being a hooker.” She saw Paul’s shocked look and went on, “Because no one knew. I mean who would equate the glamorous Angie with the shy and reticent Simone?”
“You still don’t have anyone who looks down on you for being a part-time hooker. What does your father think?”
“He thinks I am flipping burgers but he is so out of it most of the time.” She shrugged, “I am not sure there is much of my father left anymore, who that person is now, – I really don’t know.”
“OK how about taxes? How do you cover yourself?” His analytical brain not switching off.
“I am a receptionist on call, I get paid by the hour, in cash and tips so declare my income via my bank statements and pay it directly. What I declare is for six nights work, so I don’t earn too much. No, I don’t bank all my income, so yes, I pay plenty of tax. I still might get into tax trouble, but only if they come check up on me. So, what’s your story?”
“The usual, loving couple where one is not as loving as the other. All good one morning, empty apartment that night. Then she doesn’t even bother to let me know just what the problem was.”
“Oooh, that’s cold.”
“Yeah, a nightmare for me. A year in neutral, I did nothing, met no-one, worked, slept, ate sometimes, mostly junk food, an emotional black hole. Last night, I couldn’t sleep, so I masturbated, and still couldn’t sleep,” Paul said, as honestly as he could, “Then I realized I hadn’t had sex for over a year. I didn’t want to do the dating thing, at least not for a while, then thought I couldn’t wait. I thought a massage parlor would be a certain thing where a bar I don’t know might get me nowhere. I looked in the newspaper adds, saw Madeline’s add, well away from where I live and work, made the booking this afternoon and met Angie. Just a coincidence that Angie turns out to be one of my better students. Unbelievable!”
They talked on for a while, and Paul told her of his fears that if this ever did get out, then Madeline, all her clientele that could be tracked down would be in deep trouble. Careers would end, for no good purpose. As he understood it, the law did not take into account any duplicity or culpability on her part. The fake id would likely wreck her credibility, and might reduce any prison sentences, but not by a lot. Likely she too would be tried as an adult so the stigma of a Class B misdemeanor conviction would stay with her. There would be no point in exposing anything.
On a more positive note, Paul said he would be a frequent visitor to Madeline’s on a Friday or Saturday night, not every week but often. He would always ask specifically for Angie. Make sure his booking was for her.
“Some of the girls have regulars, but they are always chosen by their clients, never the other way around.”
“No, you are my first, if you want it that way. And free, for you.”
“Yes, I do want it that way – but not free for me, never. Look, for me it is simple. This is your livelihood, it is keeping you in an apartment, feeding you, help you pay your college fees. At this point, you can’t just give it away.”
“I can if I want to, it is still my choice!”
“Yes, it is, but when you are working, you are earning. What you do in your time off, well that is your business. But if I visit you at work, then it is full fee paying, all the time.”
“Oh, by the way, I live outside the school district I work in. There are no students around here that go to our school. If you wanted to visit me, when you are not working, I would love it. You can catch the subway, or drive if you like- you do drive?” Paul asked, and Simone told him she had completed Driver Ed before she was seventeen so already claimed a senior license, “-the basement car park is available, I can give you an electronic key for the car park gate, the elevator and a key for the door.” Then Paul added a little uncertainly, “If you want it – of course.”
“Yeah, I think I would. By end of Saturday night’s shift I am pretty tired, usually. But by Tuesday, I am seriously horny and looking forward to getting to work Thursday evening. Would it be Ok if I was to come over Tuesday evening?”
“Well, you can cum over me any time you like. I won’t expect you on weekends then, but Mondays, Tuesdays or Wednesdays I will be here if you want to come over.”
“Okay, works for me. Now, what gave me away?”
“The ‘more please’. That made it all fall into place.”
“Damn, Bobby Carson and the fluid mechanics prac?”
“Yep, that was it. Didn’t get it at first, but I felt there was something familiar. I originally thought you were a former student, and figured you might tell me who you were, if you wanted to. Pretty good disguise by the way.”
“Yes, change of hair style, free flowing and no bun, no glasses, makeup and, of course, being naked. You can’t blame me for not picking up on you straight away.” They both laughed.
“If I had known it was you in the room I wouldn’t have even gone into it. You know, at first, I didn’t get your voice. I didn’t see you exactly, you were face down, and I had never paid any attention to your back. You have a really cute ass, that distracted me.” Paul smiled, and as Simone had finished her coffee and chicken sandwich, he took her hand. “Then, when you rolled over, your cock was already hard, and it was probably the most gorgeous dick I have ever seen. So straight, and hard and great to look at, I just had to have it, so I took it. I don’t normally, though. First rule is no sucking or fucking without a condom. That was why I really looked at it, see if there was anything unusual, no lesions or warts or anything. Then sniffing, if it smells clean then it is well looked after. Anything suss, condom first. Oh, you taste really nice, not bitter at all, just a bit salty. You taste like you smell, very sexy.”
“You think that in the classroom?”
“Oh sometimes. When you get close enough, you do smell pretty good. But others don’t think so, if you are thinking that is a way in, forget it.”
“No, never considered it. Not just out of bounds legally, but also doesn’t help when grading.”
Simone laughed her delighted, unexpected laugh. “So does this mean I get an A-Plus for my work now?”
“Only if you earned it. For tonight’s effort, an A+++, for the assignment handed in on Thursday, looks more like an A.”
“Oh,” she pouted.
“Nothing must change, except I can provide you with some extra tuition if you feel you need it when you come over. That will always help”
“mm Maybe, but it won’t be any extra tuition I will be coming over for.” She tried to stifle a yawn.
“Now, when are you eighteen?” Paul asked.
“In thirteen weeks” Simone replied, then yawned, “All I have to do is stay out of police hands for the next three months and it is all over.”
“Not quite,” Paul said, “I don’t want to make you afraid, but what you have been doing can never come out. I mean never. I don’t know how long the law allows for sex offenses, but I would think that even invoking the Statute of Limitations won’t stop the really bad press and career finishing details to emerge. Likely no-one will go to jail in a few years, but even so, it would damage everyone connected with it.”
“Oh, I hadn’t thought that far ahead. Anyway, I won’t want any of this coming out at all, at any time.”
“If you get busted in a year, and they find out you been working for two years, its all over.”
“Oh,” she yawned again, “Well, I will work something out. For sure.”
“It’s late,” Paul said, “You want to stay for the rest of the night? You can sleep here if you want.” Paul was very glad he put his new sheets on the bed that evening.
“Ok, sure. Beats driving home so tired.”
“What time should I set the alarm for?”
“I only need about six hours sleep, so about 9:30 will be fine,” Simone said, “Then I can get home, make sure Dad has something to eat and still be in plenty of time for work.”
They didn’t make love that night, just held each other. For Paul, the comfort of having another person in his bed, even a bed in an apartment as grotty as this one, was a wonder. For Simone, it was nice just to curl up with someone, to relax, to be comfortable with, was a real pleasure. It was better than having to lock her door at night, just so her father wouldn’t try and fuck her, calling her by her mother’s name. It was better than anything she had experienced for a long time.
Paul was awakened in the morning, not by the alarm, but by the lips that were wrapped around his cock. He felt Simone’s mouth stroking his dick, sucking the juices from it. She was so good at it that it wasn’t long before he felt his balls spasm and a huge rush of semen shooting up his tube, out the end of his dick and into Simone’s mouth. He gasped and grunted as he shot, pushing almost all of his member into her mouth and throat as the life creating cream fired from him. She took it all, swallowing it, he thought he even heard her swilling it, after she pulled her head off his dick. She surprised him even more by coming up the bed and kissing him, on the mouth, plunging her slightly salty, saliva and cum covered tongue into his morning breath mouth. With mostly satiated, and sleep deadened reflexes, Paul went to wrap his arms around her, but she wriggled out of his reach, got out of bed and made a beeline for the bathroom.
He heard her using the toilet and it flushed, then running water in the sink, then silence for a few moments, and she came back. She cuddled into him and kissed him again, “That was a nice way to wake up,” he whispered in her ear, wishing to spare her more of his morning breath.
“My pleasure, or it is about to be.” she said pushing his shoulders down a little. Paul got the hint and eagerly kissed her shoulder then her nipples, flicking them with is tongue one at a time, then alternating. He kissed her stomach and quickly moved to his destination. She was, he found, very considerate, she had washed herself after her peeing, and her pubes had a fresh feel and taste to them. Paul quickly sought her little button and mouthed it, used his tongue to flick at it. He pushed his tongue down, onto her labia lips, and using his fingers, entered her. He pumped them slowly in and out of her, all the while pressuring her clit. He tried to time his hand movement with his tongue, lapping on the out stroke, flick, flick with the tip of his tongue on the in stroke.
He must have been timing it right as he felt her begin to pump his hand, pushing her clit onto his mouth. She gasped and moaned, and pumped harder, then started rocking and swaying her hips, more and more urgently. Then she came, Paul replaced his fingers with his tongue, lapping at the lips of her vagina, plunging it in as deep as he could get it. She squeezed him with her thighs, she bucked him with her stomach muscles tightening, then releasing to tighten again. Her moans echoed around the room, the first such moans for a long time.
This is what he was after, he realized. A woman, the sounds and smells of a woman, the feeling of completeness. The warm body of a night time, the feeling of someone else, a real person, displacing the ghosts of his past. He looked around the room and knew that within a week or two it was going to be whole again. He knew that Simone would not always be there, would not spend her nights with him, but that was OK. He had no idea if this was going to go anywhere, but for the moment, he didn’t care. All he wanted right now was next to him, her scent in his nose, her taste on his lips and tongue; and it didn’t matter that this may not always be the case. All he knew was that he felt better for her being there.
Life was a lot better for Paul Cantor since he had met Angie. Angie was the working alias of Simone Flammel. Simone was a seventeen year old Grade 12 student in Paul’s Physics class. Angie was a hooker in an upper class brothel. Paul met Angie in the brothel he went to after he realized that he needed to get past his non-life-after-divorce existence. He enjoyed fucking Angie, immensely. After she had sucked his dick and he had cum in the condom she fitted on him when he fucked her, only then did he recognise who Angie really was. Frightened the shit out of him, and her too.
Simone was scared he would expose her, Paul was terrified she would blab of him fucking her. Mutually assured silence brought them together, and Paul had no reason at all to regret this, but it had only been four weeks. In that four weeks, Paul had visited Angie twice, and Simone had come to his apartment every Tuesday and Wednesday evening. He loved having her. Simone never asked him to use a condom, she said she loved his hot cum shooting into her. He insisted that they use a condom with Angie, and while Angie may not have been happy about it, she did see the sense in it. Today was Tuesday and he expected Simone for dinner at six o’clock, but she had not been in class in first period. He hoped she wasn’t sick and would not be able make it tonight. This thought stayed with him until lunch time.
At lunch, Paul was informed that the night before, Simone’s father had been hit by a truck and was killed instantly. About five minutes later, Paul received a message on his cell phone from Angie, “Save me some dinner, will likely be late, but will be there. Love.” He responded, “Just heard the bad news, you sure? You OK?” “Talk later, but I will be OK tonight when I am with you.” Paul took that at face value, so whatever her issue she is practical and straight forward, he thought. He took the implications of her statement in, and thought himself lucky, she did love him at some level. And while he didn’t know if he loved her, he did know that he desired her, he wanted her body, her mouth, her ass, all of her, on his cock.
Six o’clock came and went, then seven. Paul looked around the apartment and marveled at the differences that had been made in just a month. The first week, Paul got a professional cleaning service to go through the apartment, washing and cleaning every surface. The second week he purchased a new leather sofa and complementary swivel chairs, not overly expensive, but certainly not cheap. A new widescreen television and sound system. A lot of new bedding. Through the building supervisor, he hired a cleaner, to keep the apartment in far better condition than it had been. In the small kitchen he fitted a coffee machine, and purchased new chairs, it made a complete difference. All this came to less than six thousand dollars, barely making a dent in Paul’s savings.
Paul made a coffee, and as he settled down into his new lounge chair, he heard a key in the lock of his door. He was at the door instantly, and as Simone walked through, he took her in his arms and kissed her. He closed the door with one hand as he held her in the other, and returned his attention to her. Just holding her aroused him, he could feel his cock moving inside his briefs. Kissing her, tasting her lips, her tongue, breathing in her aroma, Paul’s cock just had a mind of its own.
“Wow,” Simone said as they came up for air, “Perhaps I should get here a bit late more often.” She smiled. Paul didn’t let go of her, and he knew she could feel his arousal. “And I am starved, and after that, we can eat.” She took his hand and led him to the bedroom.
Within moments they were naked, touching and caressing and kissing each other. Simone turned around and pushed herself onto his mouth while sliding her lips over his rampaging tool. Simone love the taste of him. She loved the feel of his hardened silky skin sliding between her lips. She could tease the pre-cum from the eye of his dick and feast upon it any time she wanted it, and she wanted it now. He head bobbed up and down, her cheeks slithered along his skin, feeling the veins and the shape of the crowning glans. Her tongue tickled the ridge of his glans and she could feel him harden even more. While she loved his cum, in her cunt or her mouth, even up her ass, she didn’t want him cumming too soon. She lifted her head off him and groaned as his tongue delved the depths of her snatch.
Paul’s tongue worked around Simone’s clit, teasing it, prodding it, and wiping over it. Already in a high state of arousal when they hit the bed, Paul cleaned up her juices, taking them into his mouth like they should be nowhere else. He mouthed her vaginal lips, gently tugging them, slurping between them, wrapping them around his tongue as he stabbed it into her. He felt the silken wetness of her vagina as he traced out the shaped of her with his tongue. She started pumping her hips onto his mouth and his plumbing of her depths took on a more urgent action. She stopped sucking his dick and lifted her head off him and moaned her pleasure loudly. He felt her quiver with her excitement and then spasm as her orgasm overtook her.
As her spasms ceased, Paul gently pushed Simone onto her back and sat up on his knees. He bent and kissed her, tasting the slightly metallic flavor of his pre-cum mingled with her own taste. Spreading her legs he moved between them, still on his knees, and prepared to enter her. He could see his ramrod cock, hard and more than ready. The purplish knob touched her lips and they always seemed to part, then grab his cock, pulling it into her. He was fascinated by that, watching as his tool slid into her. He saw the folds of her labia lips stretch and folded slightly inwards, as if pushing his cock, demanding it be inside her. Paul pumped slowly in and out of her, watching her sex move in rhythm with his actions. He loved the white diamond of her clit pointing towards his cock as it slid on the glistening skin of her labia lips, in and out of her.
Simone wrapped her legs around Paul’s ass, pulling him into her as deep as she could get him. With every thrust he would tickle her cervix, causing little ripples of pleasure to sweep outward through her body. His strokes were more and more rapid, his breathing harsher and more strained, his moans more urgent and he timed it perfectly. He felt his balls tighten and start to spasm just as Simone’s second orgasm began. He shot his seed into her and she accepted it, drawing it inside her as deep as the muscles in contraction could bring it. Paul felt his cum streaming out of him and Simone’s love tunnel was flooded with heat.
Paul collapsed onto her, and she kissed him, deeply. His cock was buried inside her, slowly detumescing. He felt it fall out and Simone gave a little gasp as it no longer filled her. She kissed him again and whispered in his ear, “Roll off me, I want to eat.” Paul did and Simone faced him, then slid down to take his wet cock into her mouth. She lapped the cum covered tool slurping and sucking every drop of moisture off it and from it. Angie did this the first time he fucked her, and he loved it. Finishing him, Simone kissed his chest, and licked his nipples, then kissed him again, snuggling into his armpit, resting her head on his shoulder.
Paul’s breathing returned to normal, his heart slowed down. He felt his body relax as he held her, kissing the top of her head. They held each other and just felt each other’s hearts, beating almost in unison.
“You heard then,” Simone finally asked.
“Yes,” Paul replied somberly, “It was all over the school by lunch time.”
“Well, it doesn’t matter. Police and welfare have been talking to me all day. Apparently there is to be an inquest, mainly because of the amount of alcohol in his system. I understand the truck driver is still in shock, but it wasn’t his fault. I told police dad had likely been drinking since lunch, but as I was at the shop when he went to the liquor store, I didn’t know he was gone until I got back.”
“Yes,” she said, “I am still not an adult, so they want to take me into care. Jesus! If that happens I am really fucked. I have a big favor to ask.”
“Yes. Whatever it is, yes. I would love to.”
“You don’t know what I am going to ask.”
“Yes I do, I would be happy for you to stay here, but you are going to have to sleep in the second bedroom.”
“What? Why?”
“What do you think welfare would say if you told them you were going to be sleeping with me?”
“Oh! You are awful sometimes, just lead me up the garden path.” She laughed.
“OK,” Paul said, “Dinner, I am starved now, and my coffee will be cold.”
They spent that night in eating dinner at the table, discussing how they could convince welfare to allow her to stay with Paul. Planning out what they would say, what they would do. Then the subject of her work came up. Simone had already decided she could not give it up, not yet anyway, and maybe not for a few years yet. She wanted to stay at school, graduate and get into college. That took money. If she went into care, then there could be no work, and no college. Paul offered her financial support but Simone refused citing it was far to expensive to be supporting a college student.
Paul and Simone slept until about five am, then made love again. They showered together and shared breakfast. This was the first time Simone had stayed so late on a week night, but she had to leave, get home, change and get prepared to meet the welfare officers. Paul hugged her and kissed her goodbye as she left. He turned to face the new day, happy in the afterglow of their sex.
The day passed swiftly and at lunch, Paul was asked if he would attend a meeting with the Principal and two welfare officers.
The welfare officers told the meeting that a proposal was made by Simone. Instead of going into care, as she is not able to pay the rent on the apartment, would it be okay with the school and Mr Cantor for her to stay with him. Paul was very surprised, as he clearly had not considered he had any kind of relationship with Simone outside the classroom. Some rather intense discussion revealed that Simone was impressed with Mr Cantor’s openness and integrity. Of all her teachers, he was the one she respected most. Mr Cantor said that she was a diligent student, something of an isolate, but he knew nothing of her outside of that. She was a straight-A student, and while her grades dropped around the time her mother died, she was able to move on and got her grades back where they were before.
The principal was not inclined to support the move, as he felt it opened Paul to too many negative connotations. He didn’t want a good teacher to be unfairly accused or abused for helping a student. Paul accepted that but in the end, it was how he felt about having a student in his home as the over-riding concern. He explained that his heart was saying he had to help this poor kid but his head was telling him to make sure it was the right thing to do for Simone.
The social workers informed him that the only reason they were even considering this was that Simone was to be eighteen years old in two months. After that, she was legally an adult and if she wanted to fight the Agency, it would likely not be concluded before she reached majority. They had some misgivings as well, but in the end, it was really up to Paul. There would be some child support payments made by the State, which would be continue until, at least, the end of the school year. After that, if Simone intended to attend college, then payments could possibly continue until the age of twenty one, or, they informed Paul, if she became self supporting. Paul nodded, but essentially asked, “Food and clothing funds?” They agreed.
Paul invited them to visit him that afternoon, at his apartment, if the principal didn’t mind his leaving early. They would have to bring Simone with them though, she certainly would not know where he lived. They all agreed they would meet, and it was all set. Paul caught the subway home, and had arrived a few minutes before the buzzer went to inform him that his guests had arrived.
He welcomed everyone, offering coffee to his guests, and invited them to sit down. He rearranged the furniture a bit so that the social workers could sit on the sofa while Simone and himself were on the swivel base chairs, all around the coffee table.
They discussed the matter, and Paul asked the social workers about the checks that would be made on him and his circumstances. They told him that as he was an accredited teacher, much of the paperwork was already done, and in place. Paul asked Simone what her reasoning was and she was quite honest about what she was thinking.
She said that she had to go somewhere, the rent on the apartment she lived in was due at the end of the month and she couldn’t keep paying it. Also, if she was to go into care, then it is likely she would not get the support past the age of eighteen she needed to get into College. She would have to work, and while she didn’t mind flipping burgers, she would likely not be able to attend college and work sufficient hours to keep her and pay rent if she was living alone. Her grades were good enough to support her application for student loans and she needed to study if she was to be successful. As she was seriously interested in the Sciences, she also hoped that her Physics teacher would be able to help her if she needed it. Then she said, “I know I am being really self-centered here, but I am in a situation I never wanted to be in. I can’t do it on my own and I don’t have too many people I can ask for help.” That surprised Paul.
Paul learned that all of Simone’s father’s family were already gone, her mother’s family had no interest in her at all. She had one friend, Madeline, but she lived the other side of the city, and Simone wanted to finish her last year as a senior at the school. Paul nearly choked on Madeline’s name, but kept it together. Paul said that there were three rules, both must respect the other’s privacy, that anything she hears or sees that relates to another student, she must keep it absolutely confidential, and last, she must always keep her eye on college. Simone agreed.
“Simone, your father has just died,” Paul started, “And-”
“And?” Simone asked.
“I am wondering if your composure is more a facade than you are letting on.”
“Come right out and say what you are thinking, please.” Simone prickled a little. She took a deep breath and let it out, “Sorry, that was a little defensive. Look, my dad, my real dad, died with my mother. Who he became – well – he looked like my father, but he wasn’t someone I knew, not a complete stranger, just someone who wasn’t my dad. He would call me by my mom’s name, and there are things that happened – well, my dad would never had even thought about them.”
The social workers looked at each other, and Simone said, “No, nothing bad, but I made sure the bathroom was always locked, my bedroom door was bolted, that I did the washing and so on. My dad would not have thought of trying to get into the bathroom while I was having a shower or bath. And look, I am just tired of having to grieve for my parents. Its been over eighteen months, and I need to move on. So if I am not shedding a tear now, it is because I am at the point where I can no longer cry myself to sleep over them.”
“OK, I am going to take that at face value,” said Paul, “But I am sure there would be a counselor available to you if you feel the need.”
Simone nodded and said, “Okay. I can’t say that I won’t need such services, but right now, it doesn’t seem too much of an issue.”
Paul took the party on a short tour, short as the two bedroom apartment was small. He made sure Simone knew there was a lock on the bathroom door, and he would fit a lock on the second bedroom door if she wanted it. Simone shook her head and said that this had to work on trust, if she felt she couldn’t trust him, she would not be asking to stay with him. Paul then said he would put the lock on anyway. Details were completed, agreements made, and Simone had a place to live that allowed her to stay in school and start college.
The whole point of this farce was to allay the potential concerns of the social workers, as they had worked out the night before. Looks like they were going to get away with it, Paul thought. Oh for some really serious fucking.