Wife starts fitness IG account and guys slide into her DMs

Lately my wife has been teasing me and other men (unintentionally, as far as I can tell). See my profile for the fun stories so far and you be the judge!

She works out a lot, and really loves that industry. She’s getting certified as a personal trainer as a career change and will be pursuing it further. As part of getting used to “putting herself out there”, she started an Instagram account to share her workouts and nutrition advice. And I’m helping her out as she goes.

She is growing her audience organically by interacting with other people who show interest in similar subjects. I have access to her account on my phone so I can help her out with that as well. When we have a spare minute, we like and comment on pictures on similar accounts. It’s resulting in a steady flow of followers.

And it’s also resulting in a steady flow of thirsty guys.

I’m getting a good laugh as I comment on some guys pic and he starts trying to interact with my wife immediately. The second they see a good looking girl comment on their stuff, the follow right back

I don’t blame them though, my wife is in amazing shape and her yoga pants are showing all the right curves. Their messages are hilarious… and desperate. They are tripping over themselves to get her attention. Telling her she’s beautiful, asking her out to dinner, giving her compliments then following up to see if she read it, asking her name (which is odd b/c her name is on the profile), and so on.

I must confess, it’s a bit of a turn on for me watching them scramble into her DMs, wanting her attention.

We all know that sex sells, so like a good husband I have been encouraging her to start posting pictures that show off her “ass-ets” a little more … she has the pictures and videos already (I take them while we are at the gym). They’ll give the girls who follow her some motivation, and the guys… well can do whatever they want with those posts. ;)

Most of her posts have been pretty PG13, but today she posted a picture of her working out and her yoga pants are wedged into her ass. OMG the response! These guys are clammering over my wife’s ass!

These pants are my absolute favorite and look incredible on her. The other day she wore these at the gym and I saw a guy stop what he was doing, and continued to follow her!

My wife isn’t an attention whore who will make these posts all the time. I think it’s good that she does now and again to appease some of her male followers… and I love that she is making them happy! ;)

Perhaps in time she will like posting some pictures on Reddit as well!

NOTE: I’m not sharing her IG account on here because it is tied to her name. Sorry.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/otfl3j/wife_starts_fitness_ig_account_and_guys_slide