Words, unfiltered. [Wordplay]

Words, unfiltered. No backspaces or delete buttons moving forward.

Sensual. Mind. Body. Soul. Cerebral. Entangle. Dance. Write. Create. Stimulate. Indulge. Drink. Sharpened. Convergence. Light. Salacious. Explore. Offer. Trust. Roar.


Longing. Heat. Burning. Attraction. Arousal. Moisture. Essence. Entrance. Manhood. Vulva. Moan. Groan. Flirt. Push. Pull. Touch. Slippery. Intense. Desire. Destruction. Delight. Decadent. Decency. Devious.


Breathe. Ignite. Empower. Tactile. Contemplate. Complement. Transfix. Surrender. Grab. Sensation. Persuasion. Gratification. Exquisite. Alluring. Intense. Responsive.


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I’m a 33 year old male who would like to continue to explore creative writing as an outlet. I’ve dabbled in the past in a variety of mediums and intentions, including literotica, craigslist, tumblr and reddit. I’ve always found written word to be very powerful and am excited to resuscitate this element of myself!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/os1wf2/words_unfiltered_wordplay