The snowstorm

It had always been a strange experience living next to a Catholic girls boarding school with no neighbours around for at least 2 miles. It was a truly fucked up place with verbal and physical abuse where means of punishment were everything from beatings to house arrest to having to go without food. Some of the pupils always hung around on my dads land, as the windbreak protected them from the eyes of the staff.

I got to know a few of them very well over the years and let’s just say that living next to a bunch of sexually repressed teenagers of your age came with some benefits.

I was coppicing hazelnuts the day the snowstorm surprised all of us. The forecast had anticipated clear skies and temperatures slightly above freezing, but suddenly a wall of cold came over me and I saw another wall of snow following behind.

I turned off the chainsaw and went back inside to check the forecast. It now gave Desaster warning. 2 feet of snow over the next few hours, another 5 through the night and more the coming days. It was -18°C outside.

I had a long call with my parents. They decided to extend their vacation because they would be stuck before they got home.

I was cutting up chestnuts when someone knocked on the door.

I went to open and Julia, a small girl of roughly my age fell into my arms. “Thank god, Charlie, you are here.” She said as a group of girls from the school moved into the living room.

The last one closed the door behind her and the cold flow of air abruptly ended.

Julia left my arms and I looked around. 12 of the girls from the school were standing in the living room. Their faces red from the cold outside. I knew them all by name.

“Before you tell me what happened come on take a seat. I was just preparing dinner and knowing your school, some of you ought to be hungry.” I told them after I regained my ability to think.

I grabbed a whole lot more ingredients and took some time to make a whole lot more than I had planned. I made diced chestnut with egg and vegetables in a large oiled pan.

I returned to the living room with food and drink.

“So, what leads you here?” I asked after distributing the food.

“The principle has suspended us all.” Corinna answered, she was a tall redhead with freckles and a strong body. “He went completely off the rocker over the last few weeks, claiming that he was the forerunner of the return of the Messajah.”

“And with this new found megalomania came paranoia. He accused teachers of treason or something, threw them out and locked all staff and students into the building. A building that has only a day of food stored in it at any given time. We protested earlier today when the storm worning came through to my secret phone that we needed to evacuate whom we could and bring back food and water on the return trip. He would not listen, we fought hard and Julia eventually lock picked the door and drove off with as many people as she could, bringing them to the next town and returning safely with as much food and water as she could afford with our combined money.” Gina added. She was a muscely girl of average hight, brown eyes and hair, she had always trained martial arts with me and ran races of 2 km across the farm. “When the principle attacked her, I may have broken his jaw.”

“You can stay as long as you need.” I said. And we talked for hours and hours. Mostly about the shit school, but also about the farm, some shared interests, the lack of plans after school because they had not learnt to live for themselves.

That night I was woken up by the door. I still had to fix the issue that it was squeaking loudly when it was moved. Some good old WD40 should do the trick.

In my room stood Julia. Surprised at the noise that the door made.

“Hey sweetheart.” She had taken to calling me that when she was flirting with me. We had done a few things together before, and one thing had lead to the other.

“Hey Julia, What leads you here in the middle of the night?”

“Memories, you remember that night last fall when I snuck out to go fishing with you at the creek?”

“Yeah, I remember.” I said. “It was a nice night. It was pleasently cool, the moon was dim and we could see the entirety of the milky-way in the sky.”

“And then you did something to me, I never felt that good before or since. I want to experience that again.”

“I am not sure if that is a good idea right now. Might just cause drama with the others.” I said.

“I know about you and Gina, and Hayley, and Corinna. And they know of each other and us. It is not a problem. We talked about it, hell, we did help each other out with such desires from time to time.” Julia replied. I realised that this was a different way that they had rebelled against their school, not just the sex, but the non-monagamy.

“In that case, sure.” I said and allowed her to slip under the blanket with me. I had always slept naked, and she quickly dropped her clothes.

Her body felt small and soft nestled against mine as I explored her body with my hands.

She kissed me with a passion for a time as I put my hands around her tiny waist.

“I lied when I said I did not know what I wanted to do after school.” She told me as we were cuddling. “Since that one evening I always envisioned my life with you on this farm. I want to play with you every day until the end of my life. I want to walk through the trees with you, play with the animals, kiss near the creek under that star filled sky again. I want to carry children, to play and shout and run around on the farm.”

I was overwhelmed. On one hand, I didn’t want to destroy the thing that we were having right now. I liked her, and I would be OK with doing that, in the other was the feeling of exploiting her situation, her lack of healthy relationships to any men that made any decent guy look like an angel by comparison.

“That sounds like a beautiful time.” I said and kissed her.

I was now playing with her nipples. They were pointy and hard and she noticeably moaned when I hit a sweet spot.

I turned her around, below myself and slowly caressed her soft skin, down from her boobs, her waist, to her hips, and then I found what I had been looking for.

She moaned loudly as I started to slowly move my thumb over her clit.

I stayed there for a while, kissing her upper body up and down.

She moaned like crazy as I started to suck on her nipples.

I was as in a trance, the smells and tastes and feelings just felt right as I played with her body, my mind noticed every single detail, the feeling of the surface of her skin, the smell of rose that she had put on, her wetness down below.

I came on her belly before she had to do anything.

Edit: some spelling mistakes.



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