Ch 1 is posted on here earlier today. Let me know what you think! Ch 3 posted later today.
Ryan and I spent the next couple days mostly in our suite, enjoying the exploration of our new sort of dynamic. I became more accepting of the desires I felt, much to the credit of Ryan guiding me in his firm but caring way.
True to the rules he laid down, I wore a lot of my former fiancĂ©’s lingerie when he took me to bed. If we ventured down to the hotel bar, or out to a restaurant in the evenings, he’d have me wear just the panties from a set under my clothes.
It was remarkable, and took no small amount of adaptation, on my part, at any rate, how dynamic Ryan could be. He seemed to effortlessly transition between the dominant, insatiably lusty alpha male in our room, and my best friend outside of it.
It was hard for me to keep up with that level of emotional and mental gymnastics, but I learned.
There was, of course, always the subtle recognition from him of the change to our relationship. The occasional use of my feminine name, or talking about the panties I was wearing in public, for example. But he always did this out of earshot of others
Eventually the time came that we checked out of the suite.
I was exhausted.
My muscles were sore, including my jaw and my ass, as they had been to varying degrees all week.
But I didn’t mind the soreness, I found. It was a reminder of the past days.
What I’d done, and what Ryan had done to me. For me, really. Both physically, and mentally.
We travelled as we had on the way to the resort in large part, just as a couple of good buddies that went way back. In appearance, we looked the same too. Only, my underwear had changed from then to now – the original white lace panties were tucked away under my jeans as we boarded the plane.
Aside from the wardrobe modifications, mentally we were in much different places. I was, especially. I had evaluated how I felt about myself, sexually.
I had determined that I was right about in the middle, something like bisexual, though I always found the labeling to be a bit clumsy. A solid “3” on Kinsey’s famous scale, I would guess.
I still noticed the flight attendant’s alluring hips, beckoning from behind her pencil skirt. But thoughts of Ryan’s body flashed through my mind too. The heft and length of his cock, the muscular legs and ass he used in conjunction with it. The heavy, low hanging balls that he enjoyed emptying into me.
I found myself with bulging panties not a few minutes into the flight.
We arrived back home, and took an Uber to Ryan’s place.
“Home again, home again.” Ryan sighed as we grabbed our bags from the Civic’s trunk.
“What’s left of it..” I grumbled, thinking about the logistical mess of figuring me and Megan’s lease out, and moving somewhere else. Megan and I had both been providing about half the income for the apartment, and I couldn’t maintain it on my own.
“Talking about your apartment situation?” Ryan said, turning back toward me. He thanked the Uber driver in passing, heading to his first floor apartment at the semi-upscale community he lived in.
“Yea, it’s a mess with the lease, finding a new place, all that.” I mumbled.
“This is too easy, you can just move in with me here, man.” He said, as if he was talking about loaning a friend a tool.
“I- well Ryan, I don’t know if…” I stammered, caught a bit off guard.
“Relax, you’d have the guest room all to yourself, and between the two of us rent wouldn’t be bad at all. It just makes sense, don’t you think?” He said, turning the key and shouldering his door open. I followed in, thinking through the situation.
“Yea.. and I mean, don’t think I don’t want to.. because I mean obviously it would..” I trailed off, and he closed the door behind us.
“It would let me fuck your brains out whenever I wanted?” He said with a mischievous grin. I felt the fabric of my lace panties strain against the growing bulge the thought brought on.
He was subtly reminding me that we were alone together now. Rules in place.
“Y.. well yes sir, of course that!” I said with genuine enthusiasm. I had to admit that I had discovered that I absolutely loved getting fucked, at least by Ryan’s picturesque cock. But the thought of living with him, and ALWAYS being “on” made made pause a bit.
“You’re hesitant. I think I understand, you’d be alone with me about any time you were home. And you think that could be a bit overwhelming.” Ryan said, as deadpan as if he was diagnosing me with tendinitis.
“Well.. yes, a little bit sir.. I mean, you know I love being your sissy. You know I love taking your big cock.. I just.. it could be a lot, over time..” I said, guiltily. Feeling like I lacked the resolve to live up to his expectations.
“Don’t you worry about that Eva, I understand. We’re both human. So that’s why the rule would be that if you were in your room, unless you asked me in, you wouldn’t be under the rules. Only when we were in the other rooms together. How does that sound?” He clearly had decided on all this earlier.
“Oh.. well I.. yes, yes sir it sounds great then!” I said with a smile.
“Good girl..” He winked at me. “Now, before we worry about moving you, and all that stuff, we have some other things to attend to, as per the rules. Remember the one about the dildo?” He asked with a cocked eyebrow.
“Oh, yes of course sir..” I recalled.
“Well we’re going to go take care of that together. I want you to meet me at this place over on West Broad, called Cherries, at seven tonight, alright?”
“Cherries on West Broad, at seven, got it, daddy.” I noted it quickly in my phone, seeing the rules Ryan had passed to me a week before on the same page in the notepad app.
“Good, now I’ve go some things to arrange, so you head out to your place and start looking at moving over here, and all that. I’ll see you at seven.”
I had to admit, I was a bit disappointed that Ryan hadn’t decided to fuck me right then and there.
He had certainly been insatiable at the resort. He came four times over the course of a day there, once. And I didn’t think there had a been a day with less than two.
“Yes sir, see you at seven.” I said. I turned to head out and snag an Uber. Ryan groped my ass firmly as I turned.
“Wear that black thong tonight.” He whispered in my ear. I nodded, smiled, and headed to my old place.
Ryan was already in the parking lot when I arrived, at a punctual 6:55. He smiled to me in the parking lot that was otherwise empty, save an aging, red Toyota Corolla.
We stepped inside, and a young woman, a slim brunette with subtle, red highlights in her straight, shoulder length hair looked up at us. She smiled, maybe a bit more than I would expect from every day customer service.
She had a small stud on the left side of her nose, and a faint smattering of freckles across her face. She was very fair skinned, and undeniably cute.
Compared to the people one could often expect to be manning the post at similar adult bookstores, she may as well have been Helen of Troy.
“Welcome to Cherries, guys. Toys and videos for against the back wall there. You’ll find the guy on guy stuff on the back left. Arcade is back there too.” She said, casually.
I almost had a mental objection to her assuming Ryan and I were a gay couple, but then I realized the silliness of my taking exception to it.
I wasn’t sure what you’d classify what Ryan and me had going on, but she wasn’t far off the mark, was she?
I smiled politely, not quite forming a word, so I just nodded to her.
Ryan was already walking to the aforementioned section. I turned to follow, acutely aware of the black, stretch cotton thong that Ryan had instructed me to wear.
Ryan browsed the aisle, then picked out a realistic looking 8 inch dildo in its plastic case. He handed it to me and grinned. “Your new second best friend, Eva.” He said in a low voice.
It always gave me goosebumps to hear him use my feminine name in public, making me ultra aware of my girly underwear, and what Ryan would be doing to me later.
“It looks big.. sir..” I added quietly.
“Well, sluts love big cocks don’t they?” He said with a smirk. “And besides, it’s smaller than this..” He gripped his crotch, pulling the outline of his ample manhood tight against his linen shorts.
“Yea, I suppose you’re right.. ” I agreed, staring unabashedly at the outline of his manhood.
“I’m getting a bit worked up Eva.. ” He said while not releasing his shaft. I could see it pulse through his shorts. He was getting hard right here in the store.
I felt my panties tighten as my penis automatically responded. Mine was much easier to conceal than his, though.
“Me too daddy..” I cooed softly.
“Good girl.. Show me your panties, baby.” He said biting his lip.
I reddened, and looked over my shoulder at the cashier, the only other person in the store. She was tapping away at her phone, seemingly quite bored, uninterested in the two guys back in the gay section.
Going red with nerves and embarrassment, I unzipped my jeans and pulled them down slightly, just enough to allow Ryan to see the black waistband of my thong.
The shelves for the merchandise hid us from the waist down or so, but it was hardly private.
“Pull them all the way down ” He whispered with a devilish grin.
I exhaled, and obeyed. I pulled my pants down to my knees, leaving me in my skimpy thong. My penis pulsed in them, straight up, tucked into the waistband, not quite long enough to stick out of the top.
I turned around so he could see the fabric envelop and then disappear into my round butt. He gave my left ass cheek a firm squeeze..
I heard his zipper behind me and I turned, just in time to see his perfect cock spring out of his shorts.
I inhaled sharply. Here? In public? Only a small shelf concealed his erection and my panties from the cashier, let alone anyone else that walked in.
He came close. I felt the hot, smooth skin of his penis rub against my left ass cheek. He turned me around. I looked at him, nervous, embarrassed.
“Don’t worry baby. Just suck.” He whispered, and guided my to my knees right there in the aisle. I was nervous as hell, I’d never done anything like this in public before.
I wasn’t exactly the daredevil that Ryan tended to be. But I trusted him. And, frankly, I wanted to do it. So I disappeared behind the shelves, and was face to face with his thick rod.
I obeyed his command, and my head began to bob up and down as I blew him.
I closed my eyes, and thus didn’t see Ryan giving a knowing grin and a wink to the cashier, to which she grinned and shook her head.
I wouldn’t discover until later that Ryan’s “arrangements” had been with the cashier to facilitate what we were getting into. She’d quietly locked the door to the store and turned the open sign off. In exchange, she would get to watch.
In front of her, the CCTV footage from one of the ceiling cameras showed her the two men in her back aisle, the one wearing the tiny thong desperately sucking the bigger man’s cock, like he depended on it for survival.
She’d always enjoyed watching two guys together more than anything else, but she’d never got to see it in person, before today that is.
Her hands crept into her jeans, behind her own panties and started to tease her clit as she watched the boys getting it on.
The bigger guy, the sexy alpha type, had his hands on the beta’s head, now slow fucking his face. She could just make out the wet gurgling sounds from her counter.
Then he pulled him off. She saw the alpha’s equipment for the first time. “Fuck, he’s big..” she thought. The submissive guy was a talented, or at least very dedicated cock sucker to be servicing that big dick that well..
She was entranced, even watching on the relatively low resolution CCTV feed. She could still make out the distinct view of cock disappearing into the kneeling guy’s mouth. He watched the bottom’s hands grope the alpha’s toned ass, his other hand down the front of his girly underwear.
She relished the thought of him putting the women’s underwear on that day, and the feelings that must have gone through his head as he did. The rush of being able to see him in this secret, vulnerable position. It was right up her alley.
The front of her pink bikini cut panties were drenched, her clit a tight little pebble under her probing fingers. She heard a loud gagging sound, and moaned a little bit as she saw the top’s balls connecting with panty guy’s chin.
“Oh fuck…” she whispered, watching the big dick being deep throated by the clearly amateur, but dedicated sucker.
She stared at the screen, her hand dancing in her panties. Then she saw the big top look up at the screen, in effect looking her in the eyes.
He motioned with his head to the curtain to the video arcade. He was asking her to come back there?
Almost as if he sensed her hesitancy, he motioned again with greater emphasis, and a smirk to boot.
She sucked air in. She didn’t think that things would get this far. She hadn’t asked a ton of questions earlier, when Ryan had stopped by. Ryan had been willing to pay her, but the overlap of his request and her sexual proclivities made that unnecessary for her.
She saw the two guys get up, and slip behind the curtain, into the small hallway the video booths were located off of.
It wasn’t every day that you got one of your biggest kinks to fall right into your lap like this. So in response to Ryan’s invite, she slid off her stool, and headed back to the red curtain in the corner, walking slowly, nerves straining. Curiosity and lust kept her moving.
She stood against the shelving outside, now able to easily hear whispering and moaning inside the dim aisle.
She took a deep breath, and stepped out to the curtain.
I put my hands against the wall, pushing my butt out to present it to Ryan. I was growing to love the feeling of offering my ass to him.
The rush of vulnerability of opening myself up like that, and the excitement that my doing that was going to turn him on, make him want to fuck me. Presenting him an opportunity to please himself.
He stood to my right side as I stood in the pat down position. I purred as his big, warm hands wandered over my smooth, rounded butt.
Fingers flitting under my pantyline. I felt the distinct feeling of his generous cock come to rest across my ass.
I loved the feeling it gave me when he did that. Reminding me of its size, thickness and weight. And I knew he enjoyed seeing his penis against my body, and he’d take pictures occasionally of it and show me.
It protruded a seemingly impossible length over me, and I was always shocked that I could somehow fit him inside of either of my holes.
As I was reveling in the anticipation of Ryan mounting me. I’d essentially forgotten where we were, or the perceived risk of being caught.
I smiled to myself, and stuck my ass out a bit farther, arching my back like all the models on Instagram demonstrated consistently.
That’s when I heard the slide of the curtain only a few feet from me. I froze in terror. Someone was about to see me bent over, in panties, with my friend’s throbbing erection across my ass.
“Hey Kira!” Ryan said with a beaming grin. I looked back to Ryan with a confused, scared look on his face. “It’s okay baby.. she knows about what’s happening.” My expression was frozen in terror still.
“Hi.. hi guys, uh yea, don’t worry, it’s totally okay. The store’s closed, like we talked about..” She looked at Ryan, in confirmation.
“Great. See Eva? Nothing to worry about. Kira was willing to let us.. occupy the space.. just in return for getting to watch. I figured she’d appreciate a closer look than the security camera.”
“Oh.. wow, so she was already watching when we.. oh… okay sir..I just..”
“It’s what I want, Eva. So it’s what we’re doing, right?”
“Oh yes, of course sir..” I said, remembering myself.
“Kira, you can watch from anywhere you’d like.. This is Eva, when he’s being my sissy like this.. now.. you think I should fuck him?” He asked her with a wink and a grin.
Her nerves began to melt, and she sauntered past the now fully naked guys (save my thong) and pulled one of the folding metal arcade chairs into the hall and sat down.
“Mmhm.. I deeefinitely think you should Ryan..” she said, trying to contain her rising excitement.
“And what about you, baby? You want something?” He murmured in my ear.
“Yes, daddy. Please, I want your cock inside me. I need to take it..”
“You’ve got him trained well don’t you?” Kira cooed from her seat, as she worked her jeans down past her knees, her hand tunneling back to her slick, delicate folds.
Ryan watched with contentment as Kira openly masturbated while she awaited the homoerotic main event.
“It’s not training, Kira, it’s just what we both want. It’s how our relationship works now, isn’t it Eva?” He said, while he stepped behind me, his erection settling perfectly in the cleft of my ass.
“Mmhmm..” I moaned softly in agreement.
“Then it seems like everyone is going to have a fun time, huh?” Ryan chuckled. I felt his cock, slick with my saliva, slowly rubbing back and forth across my ass.
Kira purred, her nerves relaxed now, shyness disintegrated.
“Such a big dick.. he takes that whole thing?” She said breathily.
“Like a pro.. don’t you?”
“Yes sir.. I love it when you use that big dick on me..” I wagged my but left and right provocatively. I loved the anticipation of him getting ready to slide in to me. He pulled my thong to the side.
He drew out a small lube bottle from his discarded shorts’ pocket, and generously drizzled it onto his cock and my ass. He worked the lube into me with two fingers.
I could hear the soft, wet sound of Kira’s fingers exploring her pussy. And then I felt the warm, slick tip of Ryan’s cock slide down my ass, coming to rest against my hole.
“Mmm.. please, daddy.. put it in..” I whimpered.
“My pleasure, baby..” he whispered. I felt the now-familiar pressure as the head of his penis strained against my anal ring, quickly overcoming it, and entering me.
Kira sucked in air as she watched him penetrate me.
“Mmm fuck.. you guys are hot..” She groaned.
Ryan firmly but gently slide his shaft further in. I exhaled, relaxing, letting more and more of him into my ass. I pressed back against him, and within a minute, he had his entire cock buried in his sissy’s pussy.
He grabbed my hips, thumbs under my thong, and began to thrust. The sensation of him sliding in and out, that I’d come to adore, roiled through me.
The pain was still there, but it had grown briefer and the pleasure had come quicker with each time Ryan had bedded me.
He rocked his hips back and forth faster, making deep strokes. His heavy balls swung into me with each thrust.
“Mmm yes… yess daddy fuck me!” I moaned. The pleasure was washing over me now. He began to fuck me, hard now.
She shamelessly spread her legs wider, working her clit in rapid flicks of her fingers, moaning as she did so. Her sounds were all but drowned out by the rhythmic slapping sound of Ryan’s hips meeting my ass.
This was the fifth time Ryan had taken me, and this was the hardest he’d fucked me yet.
I looked to my right, watching Kira pleasure herself, lustful ecstasy written on her face.
“You boys can really fuck…” She said, breathing raggedly. “Fuck it’s hot.. you take it like real bitch in heat, panty boy..” She muttered, arching her back in her seat slightly from the orgasm building deep inside her.
“Yes she does doesn’t she?” Ryan panted. The more turned on Ryan got, the more he called me “She” instead of “He.”
I liked it, as it made me feel like his girl in that passionate, primally sexual moment.
Ryan had always been predominantly straight, so feeling that I could fill in for a woman for him made me feel proud, sexy. I loved reinforcing my acceptance of the feminine role for him.
“Yes sir I take it like a good girlll… Mmmm yes.. yes… Fuck my pussy daddy…” I said, my voice quivering with each of his thrusts.
My words seemed to turn up the intensity for him because he started pounding me like I didn’t know was possible. I stopped being able to readily form words, only guttural moans as my whole body shook violently from Ryan’s invading erection thrusting in and out.
Kira sighed and moaned. “Oh my godddd… You two are too hot.. Mmmmm yes fuck her pussy Ryan! I want to see you fill her with your cum..” She seethed.
Kira kicked off her panties, naked now, working her clit in rapid flicks of her fingers, moaning as she did so.
My eyes were alternating between being screwed shut (literally, in this case) and wide as saucers. Kira was looking behind me, to see the action of Ryan pounding me, and making eye contact with me.
She seemed to get more turned on from the looks my face cycled through from the fucking I was receiving.
I realized I loved that she was watching. That someone was witnessing me and Ryan’s secret sexual relationship. Especially since she was getting so turned on from it.
“You like being watched as you get fucked baby? Like putting on a show?” Ryan said, panting as he plunged his thick rod into me.
“Yes! I love it..ugh.. ugh.. ugh.. I love someone seeing you fuck my sissy ass!” I moaned.
“Oh my fucking God you two.. this is insane.. I fucking love it..” Kira said, her high voice an octave lower in her lust.
I felt the now familiar feeling of pressure building, each thrust of Ryan’s penis growing it more and more.
The front of my panties starting to go wet as my precum was fucked out of me.
Ryan had explained that I had been having prostate orgasms, “sissygasms” he called them sometimes, and that I was lucky to have them so regularly.
I attributed it to the perfection of his penis, and my genuine desire for it.
“Fuck fuck fucckkk it’s happening again daddy.. Can I.. Ugh ugh.. Can I cum sir?” I whimpered.
“Good girl..mmm.. I want you to try not to.. But I bet you can’t even help it.. I bet you don’t last a minute..” He whispered.
His thrusts shortened, slightly. His thick glans zeroing in on my P-spot like a laser guided missile.
It wasn’t even a fair fight. I started shaking, and with a quaking squeal, started the sort of slow motion orgasm that Ryan’s cock imposed on me.
It was different than a normal orgasm, and often I would begin to ejaculate before my actual orgasm began.
That’s exactly what happened this time, and it gave me a few seconds to observe myself cumming before my orgasm shut my body down almost completely.
“Mmm I told you, you can’t help it, you horny slut…” Ryan panted, as he felt me go over the point of no return.
“Oh fuck… he’s cumming! You’re fucking him into cumming.. oh god…” Kira gushed as she watched and stroked.
Kira slid her chair closer to us, looking underneath me, eagerly waiting to see me explode.
I was incapable of speech by now, and could only moan.
Kira and me both intently watched the front of my panties.
I saw my panties suddenly get soaking wet, and then my cum flowing out through the thin fabric, streaming out in erratic spurts.
My orgasm hit a beat later, turning me into a shaking, spasming, euphoric mess. My anal muscles contracted in erratic misfires, meeting the resistance of the rock hard member plunging deep into me.
This was always my favorite part, because I could so acutely feel the presence of his penis inside me, and I knew that the contractions often would push Ryan over the edge, making him empty those big, low hanging balls inside me.
His moans seemed to confirm this was about to happen.
I heard Kira scream, and I opened my eyes and saw her shaking, her legs spread wide.
One hand fanned across her clit, the other with one of her small nipples rolling between her fingers. I saw the telltale sharp jerks of her cumming, her mouth open wide, eyes rolling back.
She was close enough that I could see her pussy gush with her cum, the excess flowing down her perineum and ass.
“Oh fuuuuck fuuckk…” She moaned raggedly as she processed the rolling climax.
I heard Ryan grunt just a little more emphatically. I knew he was close. My body felt like it had melted. I figured Kira felt similar. I felt several deep, forceful impacts as Ryan drove his throbbing shaft deep into me.
Kira was whimpering, trying to scoot rearward to see Ryan’s cock disappearing into me up close.
He slid back, and he groaned forcefully. I felt his tip slip from my hole, followed immediately by the feeling of hot, sticky rain falling on my back.
He immediately pressed his cock into me again, just the tip inside my ass, and I could distinctly feel the spurts of his cum filling the shallow part of my ass.
With a forceful groan and exhale, his tip slid down and out, his generous load now fully spent in and on me.
Kira got up, staggering like a baby giraffe at flirts, Ryan beckoning her over.
I looked back and could see her next to him, fondling his half-hard cock, like she was congratulating her athlete husband after a win.
I felt a sudden, almost absurd feeling of jealousy, that I tried to quickly dismiss. It was my cock, after all, wasn’t it?
They both were focused on my ass, and I could feel a deluge of Ryan’s cum leaking out from the shallow part of my ass he’d ejaculated in, as well as the cum on my back dripping off me to either side.
“Jesus guys.. that has got to be the hottest thing I’ve ever seen..” She said, still trying to catch her breath.
Ryan towered over her, looking down at her, and then me. He motioned me to stand up, and I did.
I felt all the semen in and on me shift directions to begin flowing straight down. My thong slid back into my ass, the whole garment seemingly soaked in cum.
“It was great to have an audience, don’t you think, Eva?” Ryan asked with a wide grin.
“Oh god yes.. it was so hot..” I purred. “You were a machine.. such a stud, sir.” I said with a smile.
I staggered left and right a bit, legs shaking from the position I was in, coupled with the fucking I’d just received, and my shattering orgasm.
“I’ll say.. I’ve never seen anyone fuck like that.. it was something I’d expect out of a porn star.. I’m a lucky girl..” Kira cooed.
“I’m flattered, you two.” Ryan said with an exaggerated head bow.
“Well, let’s get the things that we came for, and then me and Eva are going to head back to our place. I wasn’t expecting this, but I think that it would interesting if we were to continue this little dynamic, don’t you?” He looked to both me and Kira.
I nodded with a sleepy smile.
“Oh my God yes!” Kira gushed.
“Well I’m going to text you the address then, and we can see what sort of trouble we can get into!” Ryan beamed. “Now, to matters at hand, can you point us to a nice dildo for Eva here? We’d hate to come in and not buy anything.” Ryan half joked.
“We have all that, and I think some other interesting things for us. I’ll bring some by later maybe?”
“Absolutely-” Ryan and I both said simultaneously, spurring a chuckle from us all.
Ryan smiled wide.
“We’ll see you later tonight then, our little adult bookstore angel.”
Had me leaking precum the whole time