Rose of Two Thorn’s: Scott Part 91-95 (FF MM MF MFF MFM Bondage Solo Toys) RVS & Dream Master

“I think this will cheer up Barry” I tell the gang of 5. Ding dong goes the bell and when he answers Devon says “Surprise it’s a homo invasion even though that guy is straight” as he points at Lane. “Thanks man way to feel outcast I’m kidding Hi Barry.” Barry smiles and tell everyone to come on in. “Hello detective Lane, hello detective Grant” and they hug. Everyone gets into Barry’s living room and Devon hands him the box “Its those cock cakes from spread em bakery.” He says je loves those and even Lane wants one “You look good Lane” Barry comments on his weight loss “Yes I have lost 15 pounds, but I will indulge those look great.” We all eat and by the time our cakes are gone he is in better spirits. “Thank you, Devon, Scott, Marcus and Marcus, Lane too I am a very lucky guy to have all of you to cheer me up.”
           I ride back home with club Marcus because yeah, we have been fooling around, I mean a gay boy needs some action and with us no strings attached.  “Dam dude that nut suck you do is awesome” as I kiss him goodnight.  He gropes my cock and says, “I like your thrusts pretty boy give me some sugar.” I kiss him more before he takes off, I do feel wanted at least but he is not off my mind yet. I unwarp my shirts from the cleaners and get my green one out to go with my black slacks. I left something in the pocket, so they put it in the envelope it is a picture of Robbie and I on the beach with King. I do like this picture its special so I will frame it later. Now I need to get to bed tomorrow is the staff party, so I need my beauty sleep.
Blonde Island the next morning
           “Yes, chief thank you for the forensic report I know I need to read it and I will, right now its very raw.” I thank him and get back to my desk just then Brian calls. “Hey commander what can I do for you” I hear all about his plan to woo my newly found sister back (though I have known her my whole like we just found out we share a father). “It sounds super adorable so my hopes are that it works and yes you can barrow King he likes you too, I’ll bring him tomorrow.” I crack open the report and my stomach hurts it was murder suicide but the bullets do not match dads gun they found another weapon in the truck but where did it come from.
Amara that morning
           After breakfast I talk to Lane, and he says we will be on surveillance this weekend so make no plans. “You sure know how to treat a guy do you do this with the ladies” I laugh, and he is slightly amused. “No, I take them to dinner and a movie first then I make my move I will let you know when.” I grab the shirt and slacks with my work clothes on I will be helping Vivian with reports and grades just like I did before the great orgy (aka Christmas break). I get a call from Brian in the car on my way to work he has a whole plan to get Heather back that includes King “You give him chest scratches from me, and you go man.” After getting half the alphabet done its lunch time so down to the cafeteria.  I get down there and Marie is putting out chips and cheese sauce for nachos, yum my favorite. “Hey, Scott, I will be right their nacho day is nuts but thankfully the lunch rush is almost over.” I wait my turn and dish up chips, meat, cheese sauce, beans, and some tomatoes.  Marie and I are chatting when she chimes in with “I think Jane is sleeping with our dean.” I swallow and drink some tea “Yes I know this Marie, Devon and I saw them in the tall grass by pussy lake I know I should have said something, but I saw you happy, so I am a dumb friend.”  She tells me no I am not but all though that annoys her there is not much that can be done. “I am smitten with her even though yes she is trans and dose not want the surgery right now the sex is amazing.”
           After lunch Miss Grant and I head to the Art Building to get some stuff set up for the party tonight. Britt is helping us; we get place cards set in no time. I get to sit with pretty much everyone I sat with at the awards ceremony. “I love my place setting I don’t have to make dumb small talk” Vivian tells me “Small talk is good, and you should interact with more staff its only polite.” I tell her yes Miss Grant and we all finish up.
Blonde Island
           “I will see you tomorrow Betty here are the tickets to Sundays show for the kindergarten class.” She tells me “Thanks hon and its pre-school but they love the shows, it will be a packed house bring the dog.” I tell her I will and hop on my bike. I get over to Brian and drop off the recipe I found for chocolate Lava cakes.  “You are really putting on the dog my man you should be getting an A plus.” He tells me he hopes so including some groveling “I really do love her and Lila too, but my family dynamic was really screwed and children of my own was never a thought.” We say our goodbyes and I hit the road I need to clear my head Scott has been on my mind and I want to go to our beach where we first met. I get going and see a familiar truck pulling up behind me and keeping pace. I hit my earpiece and call Betty. “Hey betty, its Robbie.  I am being followed, I am up near the base I just left heading up Farmers hill. Hey man back off” I wave them around, but they do not pass. “Its Richard ahhhhhh help Betty.”  The last thing I hear is “Robbie, Robbie answer me.”  “All units attention this is Betty, and we have an officer in civilian clothes on a Honda motorcycle up on Farmers Hill Road all units respond officer down.” I come too for a few minutes, and I am loaded into the ambulance I see Brian. “Hey man you are going to be fine I am on this investigation we will find out who did this.” I look at him and say, “King to Scott if something happens, it was Richard.” Brian looks at me and says, “You got is who is Richard.” The ambulance pulls away and no one is answering my questions. “Ok well if no one wants to talk I know someone who will right Betty.” Betty is on the radio and suddenly everyone starts talking, then Oren comes up. “Commander Marten” I look at him and salute “You do not need to salute me, Oren.” Oren tells me what he saw from the air and that he did not realize it was Robbie. “Have you told you brother, yet I know they had a falling out, but he might want to know. “I tell him I am not looking forward to that call but yes I will.
           We are finally all done, and I am changing my clothes when I see my brother is calling. “Hey man have you done the begging and pleading yet or have you turned chicken.” I was not prepared for what he told me “Robbie was run off the road he is in the hospital in a coma, he wants you to have King if anything happens.” I drop my phone and the next thing I know Vivian and Britt were trying to revive me. “Hello is this Brian” he says yes “This is Brain who are you.” She says, “I am Vivian Scott’s mother by birth and technically your aunt so what’s going on.” Britt is panicking and trying to speak Mel heard the commotion from the office, so she comes in to sign. I come too after Dean Kane breaks open a smelling salt. “I need some water and Vivian goes to get me one. I tell everyone what Brian told me and I lose it. Dean Kane helps me up, Vivian hugs me and Mel and Britt tell me they are deeply sorry. “Scott hang in their school is almost over then you can go see Robbie I am sure Brian will keep you posted.” Vivian is trying to help me feel better. “I wish we could let you go but this is the last three days of finals so yes you are stuck here.” I look at our dean and tell him “Yes I know but if I am a but distracted do not get all uppity.” I sit at my desk and chug the water. I call Lane and ask if I can barrow his police radio, he tells me he heard what happened and yes come down anytime. I am numb when Vivian comes back in and tells me it is time to change, we need to get to the party. I get my clothes on and head down to the building my head and heart are not into this, but it needs to be done. I win a student award for coolest motorcycle, so I thank everyone and after the ceremony is done, I head to Lane’s, and I get Blonde Island on the line and chief Denton tells me what happened.

“Thank you, chief Denton I appreciate the information, and yes Brian will keep me posted.” I turn the dial back to Silk Stockings channel and feel very numb so Lane hands me a shot of bourbon. We drink and he shows me how he can listen to the EST squads, ISBG, and many other alphabet departments. “Thanks again Lane but I have a busy day tomorrow so I will head out, so when are we staking out.” He tells me do not worry about that right now, so I hit the road. I get back home to check my messages so no news, but that does not make me feel better. Before bed I do say some thoughts out loud “please let him be alright I know we had a fight and what I said was cruel, but I do not want him to be gone.”
I put my phone and the house phone next to me in bed, the morning comes and still no news. I want to call Brian but its early so he will call me later I am sure of that. I get on my bike and head to the station to see if I can use the radio there to call Blonde. I talk to chief Nolan he says yes and takes me to the radio room so I can have some privacy. “Blonde Island this is Silk Stockings do you read me.” I get some silence then I hear “This is Betty part time phycologist, mom, cook and dispatcher I read you. “I do laugh at that because its all true as Robbie told me after we first met. “This is Scott Thorn I was hoping for you had some information on Robbie’s condition.” She tells me “Sugar I heard he was stable but in critical condition, he suffered major head trauma and broke his shin bone along with other injuries.” I swallow and hear another voice “You are not family, or a spouse why are you asking” Betty gets back on and says, “Carter shove it. Scott is important to Robbie, and I can talk to him if I please.” I thank Betty for the information she says she will call me if anything happens “I know Brian, Nancy, Oren, Heather, Jamie are all taking shifts and King is well taken care of too.” My mind is more at ease so its off to work after thanking Chief Nolan again, I am a bit of a brat, so I go to Lanes desk and move things around before leaving him a ha-ha note.
After the rest of the alphabet is done, I meet with the last of my students. “Its been a pleasure working with you much success in your future EST work.” After they leave, I do hear from my big brother but not the one I want. ‘Hey joe, how are things” I think in my head keep it short I need to hear from Brian. He tells me “I heard from Brian what happened? I am sorry to hear about that is there any news.” I tell him what Betty told me and no news so far. We talk about Mom and dad for a bit before he must go. I get a text from Lane: Ha-ha so funny what are you doing for dinner I need to bounce ideas off you. I tell him nothing so he says he will bring food and will be to my place after 6. I tell Miss Grant good night and take off to Barry’s house first he has been out of town so I said I would get his mail for him, after that is done, I get back home and finally hear from Brian.
“Dude it’s about time I was worried. Talking to Joe was okay I wanted to hear from my other big brother.” He tells me to chill, and I take a deep breath. “There has been no progress he is still in a coma but stable, I wish I had some better news squirt.” I tell him thank you and ask if he is there so I can be on speaker. “No, I am back at base, but I will be there tomorrow afternoon so text me ok.” We chat for a bit more then Lane comes in I left the door cracked for him. “Hey Scott, was that Brian how is Robbie” I tell him “Stable but critical” I also repeat what Betty told me. He dishes up the food. He brought some dumplings, pork ribs and steamed veggies. We get the food eaten and get down to business “Kitty is willing to help but her motives are sketchy, she wants something but is not showing her cards.” I ask him what cards she has “If she has law trouble maybe the department can shave her record or something.” Lane ponders that and we come up with some offers that might appeal to her.
I sit outside tonight and think about Robbie my mind drifts back to the time he first came down here. I saw him on my old porch, and he helped me push the old cart into the garage. I closed the garage and kissed him deep and passionately. I was so in love with him. That night I made love to him, and he moaned and said my name, so I banged him harder. He wanted the spanks, so I gave it to him. I love pounding that ass his hole is tight and those buns are sexy I want him badly. I look down and my dick is hard just thinking about him, I picture him swallowing me down he dose that with ease, just then I see Marcus coming through the side yard. I get some loving that night and it is a sweet relief, my heart was not into it, but I did thank him for the blow job as well as the sex. He leaves so I get ready for bed thinking about Robbie and wanting him to be better.

Got Heathers number from Brian last night and its early, so I wait till I get to work then give her a call. Get her voice mail, so I leave her a message. She can call later we may need to phone tag but hopefully she will be there, and I can speak to Robbie. This is a workday because the staff needs to get the furniture put in storage so they can paint and get new floors. By the time, its two we all break for lunch, Vivian and I head to Busty Café to have lunch and we eat with Barry because he came in behind us, so we asked him to join. “How is Robbie, Scott “Barry asks. Sigh and tell them “Stable but critical and as far as I know, nothing new to report.” Tell everyone the cliff notes about Heather and no she has not called back. Get the turkey club on a croissant; Vivian has the shrimp salad and Barry has the cock shells (really, they are pasta shaped like cocks and stuffed with cheese).
After lunch Barry thanks me for getting the mail and says that he wants to get a card game together, Vivian says her, and Jack are interested. Tell him I may be out of town but keep me posted. When we get back the rest of the office is done so we go to the cafeteria to see if Marie needs help and that is when Heather calls. Vivian tells me go outside so I do. “Heather hello are you in his room.” She tells me she will be in a moment and so I hold on. Vivian waves to me and says we are done for the day see you tomorrow. Tell her see you then and Heather comes back on the line. “Checking his chart and he has positive brain activity so that is a great sign.” I breath deeply and ask if she has speaker so I can talk to him.
“Here you are Scott I need to step out for a bit, but I will be right back.” Hear her put the phone down and I tell him “Hey Robbie its Scott I know we had a few words and I made you choose and that was wrong. I never wanted us to break up, but I thought I was just going to be your side piece and I got jealous. I don’t want to lose you please come back to me.” Start to get teary when Heather comes back in the room “His heartbeat is up and that’s a great sign, oh Hi babe” I hear kissing “Ewe straight people” I hear my brother “So what squirt, straight people are a thing” I tease him and then hear “CODE BLUE Brian stand over there Robbie come on starting chest compressions.” Lose it and Brian is keeping me posted “Heather has chest compression, Dr Hall is on paddles, Jamie is running a tube he may need to be intubated.” Brian tells me “He’s back but had to be intubated they are talking life support squirt you may need to get out hear.” Thank Brian and Heather and they promise to keep me posted.
Get in my car and head for the pot shop I hope I can get some I am at my limit for the month. Sure, enough they will not “sell” me any. That just means he will give me some jays that he has left over from other batches. Thank him and four jays are better than nothing, but I do get some cookies from the edible basket, so I make a purchase anyway. After I get home and have a shower, I picture the last time Robbie was in here. Had his ass in my hands, kissing him like a mad man. Went down on him and after the shower was over, I took him on the loveseat. He is all around this house and I cannot get him out of my head. Sleep is very restless, but I have sexy dreams because at least I have a ton of good memories from him.
Lane wants a walking friend so I agreed to meet him at the school track so we can do laps. “Thanks for doing this with me I have lost 20 pounds now.” Tell him excellent job and we get four laps in so two miles. Give him the updates on Robbie, and he gives me some Kitty news. “She has some violations from a few months back, nothing major just did not pay her liquor license fees on time and let some underage girls in the club to work which is a no.” We discuss our options before I need to get inside and change, its dress rehearsal day so got to get the cap and gown on so we can walk across the stage. Announcing the middle of the alphabet because the students think I have sexy voice. Practice reading that and we thankfully go quickly so I can catch a ferry out to blonde for the night. Tomorrow is a free day its just the end of finals so the students will have there end of the year orgy, and I want to see my man.
Fourth motorcycle on the ferry and when I arrive, I head straight to the hospital. Brought my bikes cover because the weather said rain showers. Greet Heather and Brian, so I go in and sit next to him. Lila comes in with King and I give him some love too. We put him on the bed Robbie has tubes and wires and a big metal thing on his shin. Get very emotional when King starts to whimper, I pet him, and he feels better. Sit next to him for the night and tell him stories of us together hoping something will help. Can see his heartbeat rise a few times and when visiting is over Brian tells me I can crash with him. Fall asleep on his couch out of exhaustion and wake up in the morning to a phone call from Joe. “Dad has dementia and its progressing fast one of you may need to come see him.” Too dam stressed to deal with this so Brian talks to him and we make plans to see him soon. For now, I need to see Robbie before I take the last ferry home.

Sitting with Robbie and telling him the good stories has made my heart hurt, but it is time to go. “Love you please come back to us a lot of people are pulling for you.” King is whimpering so I take him out for a stroll and possible potty break. While we are outside Heather comes up to us “Hey Scott I see improvement in him so with more good signs he can come off life support.” She pets King after he is done going and she and I hug. Hand off king to Nancy and give him lots of scratches and love. “Graduation is tomorrow and after that I will be out here for however long it takes, may have to go do some volunteer police work but that is up in the air.” Nancy tells me she will see me tomorrow and let me into Robbie’s house.
After I get on the ferry Lane calls “Scott how is Robbie” I give him all the details and he updates me on Kitty. “Looks like we all have a date and when is this.” Lane tells me to drive straight to Busty do not go home first. This is looking like a long night, and I need to sleep for the ceremony. After we dock I hit the road to Busty and meet at that club Lane tells me about. After I park Lane walks up to me “This won’t take long but Kitty wants to ride with you pretty boy.” Sigh but tell him “Sure let’s do this” then she comes out of the club looking like the million dollars she is. Short little booty hugging shorts, tight t-shirt, and knee-high boots. “Wow kitty you look great, and you have a helmet, well safety first so where are we headed.” She tells me to follow her lead she will touch my arm to go left or right. Everyone else follows us and we end up on the western side of Busty near the marsh area.
We all park near a cliff that is hidden by trees, Lane and some other officers take the lead and watch from below. Kitty and I are up near the tree line. “You are a good rider Scott” and she is stroking my pants, and yes, I am hard. Do my best to hold back but she is making it difficult. “I am a gay man but dam you have me at full attention, going to do anything about it.” She unzips me and comes around to face me “Where are your braids Kitty” she tells me they were extensions and proceeds to go down on my throbbing cock. Ask her the spit or swallow question and she says, “I do neither tell me when” so as she is getting my dick all sloppy with her spit, I tell her “Now Kitty” and she pumps my dick with her hand like an expert. I am a happy gay boy and I lick my stuff off her hands. “Dam pretty boy you so fucking hot” she and I go in for a kiss but then we hear Lane “It’s a go come on Scott.” Zip up and Kitty comes with me I document whats happening on the beach, with the video camera. Its about a dozen woman and this time they look Hispanic or from up here they do. They are loaded into a van and driven by former detective Robb.
Lane gives the nod (the nod of do not say anything) and I head back to my bike with Kitty. I feel her arms around my waist and try to put these feelings of her out of my mind. She is making it difficult by pressing her tits up to my back and nuzzling into my neck. When we get back to her club she gives me a piece of paper, her numbers and a come by anytime note. Lane and I swap some notes before taking off, I finally get home and have a text from an unknown number. Say anything you faggot, and I will not hesitate to shoot you. Dam this shit again I call Lane and tell him what it said, “Keep it we will take care of that in the morning lock all doors and get your weapon out.” I do load my buttretta and keep it next to me, all doors and windows are secure. Dream all night about Kitty we almost kissed and in my dreams, we do, and I get to bone that gorgeous ass. Thoughts are interrupted my loud thunder and just as my alarm goes off, I see that the skies are dark. Well, the ceremony is not till three, so I hope the weather clears. Call Lane and he says come to the station.
Grab my nice clothes and put them in a bag, before putting my jeans, hoodie and boots on to get down there. Fire up the slither and pull into the parking lot 10 minutes later. “Know this is Robb he has harassed me before, whats his beef Lane.” He tells chief Nolan about Robbs history of jealousy and incompetence. “Scott, have you thought of changing numbers” he asks, and I tell him “My dad has dementia this is the number he knows I can’t change but I can block” so I do. Now hopefully he will not bug me again but now we know for whom to watch out. Before I leave, I look at the weather maps of Blonde Island on Lane’s computer looks like a tropical storm is heading that way. Call US Coast Guard on the radio “Commander Marten come in this is Silk Stockings do you read.” I get no response from my brother, but I do get the plane tower “Lt Glenn here everyone is batting down the hatches this storm looks like a dozy” I tell the LT I will try my brother on the phone and thank you.
I do leave him a message and I call Heather and Nancy as well looks like my visit will be delayed. Lane takes me to breakfast at the Marina Diner and we talk strategy. “At least Kitty gave us something useful and from that look on your face she got to you too.” I do admit she and I had some fun, but I spare him the details. I did not eat much yesterday, so I order the scrambled eggs, sausage with the biscuits and gravy. Lane wishes he could eat like that but goes with the oatmeal and fresh fruit. We part company and I call Vivian to see if graduation is still on, she tells me “Yes the storm should be gone by 4 we moved the ceremony so cross fingers all is well.” Know its early, but I text Kitty she tells me she will meet me by the Marina in 20 minutes. I did not know she lived up hear she tells me she has a condominium by the Marina. Just like that she walks up to me, and I follow her. We get to this great condominium; the living room is spacious, and her bedroom has one of those big round beds in it. “Do you want my ass pretty boy” I grab it and tell her yes and ask if I can blow my load in there. She and I finally kiss, and she tells me yes. She goes down on my cock and gets me nice and hard; I grab the lube from her table and bend her over. Plunge into her ass and pump it with all I have she is trying to touch herself, so I lay her on her side, but my hand ends up playing with her clit. She has a massive orgasm and I do as well. My fingers go into her pussy (my god what has she done to me). I pump her more; her orgasm sounds are so hot.
After we are done, we both get dressed in silence but before I put my shirt on, I grab her and suck on those tits. She dose not object and I grab that ass again and kiss her deeply. We make out for a while, but she says she needs to do stuff at the club, and I need to get to the school. Thank her and she tells me “I want you again Scott, you fuck me so good I am your new plaything.” Grab her ass again and tell her “I can do that again and again. Kitty your ass is perfection.” Leave first and get in my slither I look in my rearview and see her get into that stretch one again. Dam I am doing a chick and I do not feel weird at all. Know this will be on my mind all day but got to get to the ceremony its graduation day.

“Hillary Newton, Jason Noel, Victor Nomem.” Read off my part of the alphabet and then “Here is our wonderful front office staff and newly crowned favorite staff member Miss Vivian Grant.” She thanks me and says, “I will get through this quickly our skies are getting dark again.” After she is done Dean Kane produces his end of the year speech “Please move your tassels to the left, girls flash those tits and boys wave the junk congratulations you have officially graduated from Wet Dreams University.” The hugs and pictures are happening and the sex between students is all for everyone to see, but so ends my first full year at WDU.
“Scott dear are you coming to dinner? Jack is making spareribs in his smoker.” Vivian says with a smile. “Yes its 6 right I will be there just need to go see Lane for a bit.” We agree on six and it is out of the cap and gown and off to the police station. When I pull in it starts to pour and all I have is my hoodie, so I get inside, and I am soaked. “Here Scott lets dry you off and Lane where are the department umbrellas” Chief Nolan says. After I am dried off, we all watch my video footage and can clearly see Robb driving. Tell everyone no new threats on the phone, so the blocking worked. Questioned about Kitty and her interest in me “She thinks I’m a pretty boy and likes teasing me but nothing beyond that.” Everyone buys that for now and the meeting adjourns. Lane hands me the department umbrella “Do you need it back I can bring it in the morning” he tells me to keep it. “Scott be careful her claws are sharp.” Getting to the car is easier with the umbrella and I can use the umbrella section in the side console.
This car was not meant for big, flooded roads I nearly went under a few times, but I am in my garage. After lowering the windows, I peel off the hoodie and let that dry in the garage so I can go put on dry clothes. Take a quick shower and get new undies, pants, and a long-sleeved shirt on. Got my nice warm ugh boots the kind that keep you warm and get to their house. Can smell the spareribs, so I knock on the door and Barry answers. “Hey, Barry, I thought that was your car” we hug, and he tells me “Yeah Vivian invited me over and we are going to get a poker game going later.” The ribs are fantastic, and we all tell highlights from our day. “That ceremony was amazing, and it went quick before the lake in the sky opened up.” Get some laughs out of that then we clear the table and get the poker game going. Vivian is a shark, so we all lost some sextons to her. After Barry leaves, I head back to my house when I see someone on my porch, so my adrenaline is up.
The closer I get the more this person is in focus. “How did you know where I lived Kitty.” She smiles her sexiest smile and tells me “When you were in my bathroom the other day, I checked your wallet, and I am super horny for a good ass fucking. Know you want it I can see your dick rising.” She has a great point, so we get in the house, she is admiring my decor while stroking my cock. She heads to the hall and goes the wrong way “Over here sexy come with me to my loveseat.” Grab her ass and give it tiny spanks (she is not into hard spanks). It does not take long to strip her out of her halter outfit one untie from the neck, and it all falls off. Sucking her tits gets her off so that is where I start. Her grinding action gets me stiff, so I strip my clothes off and grab my warming lube. She swallows my dick with ease, and I get to play with the tits too. After lubing up I place her on my lap, and she fucks my pole like a pro. Touch her just like I did the other day her pussy is soft and wet she tells me “Bend me over Scott. Do me, I need you.” I do as she asks and over the arm of the loveseat she gets pounded, and I blow my load in her hot little ass. We kiss and I finger her to another orgasm before she gets a phone call. “Yeah, I am done come back over I will see you out from yeah small house not the big one.”
I do not let her go without sucking those tits again and grabbing the ass. “Want to do that again pretty boy what are you doing tomorrow night.” Tell her it is up in the air, but I will text her. She kisses me and rubs my nuts before turning around and grinding on my dick.” Mm Kitty you turn me on” as I nibble her neck and stroke her pussy. She gets her clothes on and I put my shorts on to walk her to the door. We kiss before she opens it, and her driver holds the door to that stretch slither open. Get a wave before she takes off, dam that chick has put a spell on me. Check in with Heather before going to bed. “His brain activity is picking up, but his lungs are still not good, he should be off life support soon just keep good thoughts.” I do say good thoughts aloud and before I drift off to sleep, I stroke my own cock, dam she really is doing a number on me, but I need that ass again.
