Confessions of a West Palm Slut – The Rising (Chapter 20)

Not surprisingly my schedule at work immediately changed to Thursday’s, Friday’s, and Sunday’s – the three days of the week Trent worked. Each of the days I was scheduled to close for reasons which remained unspoken. At the end of my shift I would wipe down the bar, clean, close and lock the register, and do a final walk through, always ending at the men’s room. Most nights Trent was already in there and if he wasn’t, I would sit in there and wait for him.

The routine was the same each night for over a month. He would lean back against the bathroom sink. I would kneel down, take off his shorts, and suck him to completion. Trent lasted longer as the days passed but it still never took me more than five minutes to receive his deposit. I would swallow his cum and leave without even a goodbye. Our unspoken secret. As little words as possible. If I was going to be the supposed blow job queen of West Palm, this was certainly a way to keep my skills in tact.

While the oral sex was in excess, I was lacking in intercourse. I had been able to visit Kevin once for a quickie and had convinced myself to sleep over Roger’s two nights for lack of any convenient options. Roger’s lack of apartment cleaning, weight control, and overall lack of effort in bed ensured I would not be revisiting. Our farewell fuck involved his sweaty, well over two hundred fifty pound body flopping around on top of me. His hairy man boobs hung down and swayed over my face like a woman’s. His grunts and breathing were heavy until he came inside me and rolled over, immediately falling asleep.

I was still without a regular. Jay had been reluctant to give me Marco’s telephone number so I called Debbie and arranged another Sofa Brunch. When I arrived, I was met with a surprise. Nearly all the stuff was gone and most of the remaining things were in boxes.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“I told Jay about Will. I’m moving home Monday,” Debbie said with a smile.

“Holy shit. How did Jay take it?”

“As expected. Anger, crying. Offered to forgive me and work through things but I told him my decision was made. I was leaving.”

“So how much did you tell him?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, does he know about Miami? Clint? Dawson?”

“No. I figured telling him about Will would be enough and I was right.”

“So where is he now?”

“He moved into a condo with Chris. It’s in this community but I don’t care. I’m gone in two days.”

“This is crazy,” I told Debbie. “This is really happening.”

“It really is,” Debbie said with a smile, while handing me a mimosa.

“Before you go, can you give me Marco’s telephone number?”

“Oh no, honey. Marco isn’t into you. Jay didn’t have the balls to tell you but I do.”

“But he seemed into me when I hung out with him.”

“Of course. You were sucking his dick,” Debbie laughed.

“So why wouldn’t he want that again? Why wouldn’t he want more?”

“You’d have to ask them. Maybe the thrill is over. Maybe they were horny that day. Or maybe they heard your reputation and wanted to experience it for themselves. I stopped trying to understand boys down here long ago. But from what Jay tells me I would guess it was the later.”

“Jay knows?” I asked embarrassedly.

“Of course. All those boys talk. Even if the guy doesn’t work in the service industry down here he’s likely partying or golfing with someone who does. So whether it is you or me or Courtney or Nicole or Meg – word gets around eventually about who is doing what with who.”

“So Courtney was telling the truth. I really am known as the blow job queen?”

“Yeah, and more playfully ‘Kellatio.’ I mean, it could be worse. You could be known for not giving them or not being good at them. But by staying within that large group of friends, you had to know a reputation was building.”

“I’m still not sure who is friends with each other and who isn’t!”

As we sat and drank mimosa after mimosa, we discussed various men who I had blown or had sex with. Some I had told her about. Some she knew about through other gossip channels. When we were done Debbie had scribbled the names into a link analysis chart. There were sixteen men. Sixteen dicks I had sucked who were somehow connected to each other and I hadn’t even told her about Trent yet. There could no longer be a mirage of coincidence. I had simply been naïve to their intentions; unaware of the inside information they possessed. Yet somehow, not one of them clued me in. Even the women who knew, like Courtney, didn’t tell me the whole story. It was like fisherman spreading the word about a great fishing hole, where there was one fish eager to take the bait over and over again.

I appreciated Debbie being honest with me. She was sexual herself and her openness with me had alleviated any anger I held for her for cheating on Jay. That was her life and I would not judge her for it. It was clear she was also not judging mine.

I finished my last mimosa and told Debbie I’d be back in two days to say goodbye. I gave her a hug and as we relinquished our grip on each other, I walked toward the door.

“Kelly,” Debbie called.


“That IS a lot of blow jobs,” she said with a smirk.

“Wait until I tell you about the ones outside of that group,” I said with a confident laugh as I walked out the door.
