A Sorcerer’s new pet – Chapter 1 – Rescued – [MF+] [NC] [Humil] [Magic] [Fantasy]

“Why are you doing this to me!?”.

I stop tracing the runes on the floor of the dim, stone chamber we find ourselves in. The warm glow of magically lit crystals a stark contrast to the ice-cold fury radiating from Alissa’s deep blue eyes.

“You won’t get away with this you disgusting freak!” The young mage screams at the top of her lungs. “I have friends, sorcerers much stronger than you, that will fucking kill you as soon as they realize I’m gone”.

I watch in pleasant admiration, as the tears flowing down her face offer me a glimpse of the sweet fear hiding under the violent front she is trying to display.

In her defense, it’s quite hard to be intimidating when both your arms and legs are restrained. Especially when you are naked, and in a position that makes you look more like an angry starfish rather than a fearsome imperial mage.

“You are pathetic! I’ve seen plenty of misogynistic assholes like you: rogue sorcerers who don’t follow the Imperial Code since they allowed women to join. Your friends are all rotting in the Crimson Dungeons now, and you will join them soon enough”. With hair as white as snow, blue eyes and noble features like these, she could have gotten lucky and married into one of the Families, I muse.

“You think all this is because I hate women?” I ask while checking the runes one last time. Her insinuation amuses me to no end, as vivid memories race between themselves competing for my attention. I cast them aside.

“My own teacher was a woman, as are many of the best sorcerers the Empire has to offer. If you ask me, they should have allowed women to study the Arts centuries ago”.

My words give the young girl pause, and for a few seconds she stops straining against her restraints. I had to adjust the spell a little since she is slightly taller than average. Toned, firm, and with well-proportioned breasts, she’s not quite my ideal type, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

“I-if that’s not the reason then why the fuck did you kidnap me Dyne? My family is not rich so why go through all the trouble?” Anger, fear, and curiosity dance a beautiful dance through her expressions.

“It’s simple, really” I reply, resuming my work on the spell formation. “My faithful pet died and I need a new one”.

A twinge of sorrow makes itself known, as I ignore the loud cursing directed at me. Lily really was perfect, even broken as she was.

I was deeply touched by the way she sacrificed herself to guarantee my escape, against her own father no less.

“Look at me you piece of shit!”.

To think she also used to scream at me like this, when I first rescued her.

“I said look at me!”.

Well, that’s enough nostalgia, where were we… ah! It’s ready!

“What the fuck are you doAAAAAHHHHHH!!!”

A torrent of dark, crimson energy is rushing through the formation I have been painstakingly crafting for the past three or so hours. Even before Alissa woke up and started demanding an explanation for her predicament I was working tirelessly, all for the sake of this moment.

I take a moment to admire the fruits of my handiwork, while my new pet convulses in pain. Blood magic is cruel like that. This bnding spell I have obtained years ago in the lawless north, where all sorts of human experimentation is performed daily by the various covens and conclaves. The base spell is a Dominate Monster spell but optimized to work on people through some clever work, performed by some ruthless professionals. The only downside is that it requires powerful blood as the main component, and that is usually very hard to find.

My sweet Lily, ever so eager to assist me. Even in death, you did not let me down.

Lily’s blood, howling with jealousy, arises from the runes on the floor, that are now emitting a dark violet light. Alissa’s screams have been replaced by soft whimperings.

“Why, please… I haven’t done anything to you”

I can hear Lily’s hatred for the girl pervading the entire room.

***She’s not enough Master, she is weak. Please bring me back so I may keep on serving you.***

Blood chains now bind the mage around her arms, legs and torso. I gently push my mind against Lily’s Remnant, who recoils immediately at my touch.

***This worthless fuckpet is sorry Master, I will do as instructed.***

“I won’t tell anyone, I promise!” The screams become more frantic now that the ritual is in full swing. I watch, ignoring Alissa’s pleas. So much work to do.

***So weak, and ugly and pathetic!*** Tendrils of blood now inch closer to her eyes, nipples, and pussy.

“Wha- wh- who are you??” Alissa’s eyes scan the room searching for the source of Lily’s voice she can now hear faintly coming from the red tendrils.

***I am your new mistress you disgusting bitch. And I will make sure you learn to treat Master with the absolute respect he deserves.***

“No! Get this shit off me!”

Finally, the cursed blood seeps into the girl’s exposed body, completing the ritual. I can feel the leash on her soul begin to visciously tighten, courtesy of my beloved Lily. She used to have one just like that, bearing on her most inner thoughts and feelings constantly, during the five years we spent together. I am sure she’s excited to be on the other side for once.

I gently release the spell restraining Alissa, so that I can lower her to the cold, stone floor. The air is thick with the smell of iron and ashes, and the silence is interrupted only by the trembling breaths of the mage sitting on the floor.

“What have you done to me!? tell me!”

“I bound you to me, so that I may start your training.” I finish inspecting the spell, and send a mental image of satisfaction to Lily’s Remnant. She almost melts with pleasure at my approval.

“You fucked up letting me go like that”.

Motes of red, blistering light arise out of thin air, spreading across the whole room before gathering around Alissa’s right hand. A bright, incandescent Fireball spell winks out of existence mere instants before being released upon me.

***How dare you raise a hand against Master. Writhe like the worm you are.***

“Hnnnngg.. Ohhh ahhhhh”. Waves of intense pain course through the freshly bonded girl, untill her body follows the movements that Lily is implanting in her mind. As soon as she complies though, the pain gives way to absolute bliss, with Lily expertly caressing all of her pleasure centers. A blabbering mess, the proud Imperial mage is now writhing at my feet wracked by orgasm after orgasm.

“Hnnnng. Ahhh.” I grab a wooden chair and sit down, enjoying the spectacle before raising a hand.

“That’s enough. Do not make her come anymore, she will have to earn it going forward.” With a jolt of mental subservience, Lily releases Alissa from her blissful torment. Lying in a pool of her own juices, the tall girl strikes a very alluring image under the room’s lights, which have now turned back to their comfortable warm glow.

“P-please, no, come back! Wh- what was that, it felt so good. I hate it!” Alissa’s hands claw at her own skin, as her arms cross in an attempt to cover her breasts and crotch from my gaze.

“I E-Everything is so numb” She mutters.

***This is but a fraction of the joy of serving your Master; your old life will mean less than dirt when I’m done with you.***

“Shut up! Get out of my head!” Clutching her temples Alissa screams at her surroundings while stoking the flames of her magic. Wild fluctuations fill the room, as she tries to manipulate raw magical energy to cleanse herself from Lily’s Remnant.

Of course, none of this will help. Lily is just too strong for the newly minted mage, and if she were strong enough she wouldn’t have lowered her guard around me in the first place. Spiking her drink was so easy that I spent half an hour checking just to make sure I wasn’t being lured into a trap. Turns out freshly graduate mages really do have more pride than brains nowadays.

I decide to interrupt the girl’s useless thrashing with a simple command.


Crushed by the pressure of my Command spell, the girl falls to her knees just as she was about to stand. Her brow is matted with sweat, as she musters every ounce of willpower to fight my authority over her body. Usually, this spell is simple to fend off, nothing more than a simple distraction to employ during combat. With the Binding spell engraved on her soul however, her resistance feels like that of a small puppy trying to stop me from petting it.

I give her soul a light caress and can see her shivering in pleasure, before gritting her teeth and resuming her efforts.

“I will now give you a new name, one that reflects your new position.”

Glowing runes dance around my finger as I search for the perfect name. A dear friend that lives in the scorching and beautiful Adhara once gave me a whole lesson, about how choosing the correct name is of paramount importance when bonding a creature. A true expert in Onomancy, he was adamant about the fact that, at the very least, the name you choose should have a strong association to the traits you want to promote with the pact that is being sealed.

“Fuck yo.. Ahhhh” I can feel the girl stop fighting against me, as soon as Lily delivers some discipline. I hate being interrupted, and I made sure my previous pet took that lesson to heart.

***Grovel, whore.***

Lily forces her successor in a position of utter subservience. With her forehead on the ground and her buttocks raised, she waits for me to speak in silence. I can feel Lily’s tight hold on the spiritual leash and I know that Alyssa will not be able to move a single muscle without her approval.

Having finally decided on a name, a single rune travels in the air from my hand to her head, disappearing inside it. After a few seconds, a crimson brand appears on her soul, visible only to Lily and me.

“In honor of your predecessor’s sacrifice, your name will be Ivy.”

A slight tremble passes through Ivy’s soul as I utter the name aloud for the first time.

“It might not be the prettiest of flowers, but the name symbolizes faithfulness above all, as Lily proved to me beyond any doubt.”

I can feel Lily’s Remnant shudder in ecstasy at my words. She releases the hold on the girl, who takes a huge gulp of air and starts coughing. She was being denied even the luxury of breathing; an effective way to get someone to pay attention.

“Strive to reach the same heights, and I promise you will not regret it. Keep on being mediocre, and I will show you the true meaning of wishing you were never born. Did I make myself clear?”

“How can you think for even a second that I will accept this?! I am a fucking Mage, not some broken peasant you can bully into calling you her Master!”. Still in her groveling position, Ivy screams as loud as she can. Every single emotion she feels is brightly reflected in my mind when it flashes through her soul.

“I don’t expect you to accept this situation immediately. If you were able to readily adapt to circumstances you wouldn’t have been so easy to kidnap. Luckily I don’t require my pets to be particularly intelligent, so be grateful that I rescued you from a life of failure due to your lack of talent.” I crouch near the naked girl and I pet her on the head, between her ears. Waves of pleasure gush forth from the brand on her soul, bringing her close to orgasm but stopping just short.

“Hnngg.. Get off me! Stop this!” Ivy squirms under my touch, and I know she is getting wetter and wetter just by looking at her face.

“Well, I’ll leave you in Lily’s hands. Make sure you listen to your senior.” I say, removing my hand from Ivy’s head. An almost imperceptible groan of frustration leaves her lips before she catches herself. She is quite stubborn, good.

“Rot in the Hells, you son of a bi-aAAHA” I leave the damp, cold room making sure to close the door behind me. It’s not as if she can escape now that she’s branded, but it’s important to cultivate a sliver of hope to be crushed later on.

***Master, this fuckpet begs permission to ask a question.***


***Thank you Master. This fuckpet was wondering if what you said was really true? Did this lowly cunt really prove herself to Master?***

In annoyance, I blast Lily’s Remnant with a flash of scorching agony. I can feel her screaming in pain through her soul bond.

“How dare you talk like you are my precious Lily? Nothing more than a filthy Remnant, and you dare think about taking her place?” Cold fury runs through my veins like blackened ice for a few seconds, before receding slowly. Lily’s Remnant is on the verge of blinking out of existence, but I forcefully bring it back.

***This cunt is terribly sorry, Master! This lowly cumslut begs for your forgiveness, please don’t send this fuckpet to the Hells.***

“Let this serve as a warning. If Ivy is my new pet, you count less than the dirt under her feet and you will be judged solely by how her training is coming along. Do not think for a moment that I would hesitate to replace you with someone else’s Remnant. Or do you want me to send you back to Daisy to explain to her how disappointed I am in you?”.

I pour myself a drink and sit on the comfortable couch in my living room, waiting for Lily’s response. I can feel her scrambling for the right words, terrified by the prospect of being sent back to her Mistress, right after having escaped her terrifying grasp.

***This filthy worm has learned her lesson and will now go and train Master’s new pet with every ounce of her being.***

With a nod, I dismiss Lily and get back to my drink. The strong, arctic taste and minty aroma of Icespirit satisfy the expectations set by its icy color. I can feel my magical energy replenishing after the taxing bonding ritual. Despite its difficulty though, it was far easier to perform than last time, which means I’ve improved considerably during the last five years.

Judging this a worthy cause for celebration I pour myself another glass and open the Onomancy book I’m currently reviewing. Muffled screams of pleasure and pain reach my ears as I turn the old, dusty pages and take another sip of the ice-cold drink. I wonder if Lily will turn out to be a better trainer than Daisy, or if she will disappoint me and leave me to take care of Ivy all by myself.

Keeping a pet is quite a hassle, but I always end up rescuing a new one. Turns out I’m a bit of a softie after all.

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[Chapter 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/oh6eoq/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_2_trained_ff_nc_humil/)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/ogvqw1/a_sorcerers_new_pet_chapter_1_rescued_mf_nc_humil

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