The Babysitter (FM) Part 1 – LINK TO MORE IN BIO – Emma discovers that her neighbour watches babysitter porn and has saved numerous photos of her in her bikini. What will she do?

Emma coughed as the door opened, unleashing a wave of aftershave into her nostrils and throat.

‘Too much?’ Darren said.

‘Little bit,’ Emma smiled, composing herself. She looked up at Darren who was clearly keen to make an impression. He was wearing a freshly ironed pink shirt with smart black jeans and a pair of shoes that Emma was quite sure had only just been taken out of the box. Next to him, Emma felt quite a mess, having come from next door with a hoody and shorts combination.

‘Who’s the lucky lady?’ Emma asked.

Darren took out his phone and brought up a picture of dating profile of someone called “Harriet, 24”.

‘Isn’t she like half your age?’

Darren laughed, shaking his head and putting his phone away. ‘I’m only 40, I’m not dead yet. And besides, a lot of girls like older men, you know.’

‘More older men like young girls,’ Emma smiled, walking past Darren into his house. ‘You don’t want to be late.’

‘The kids are already in bed, help yourself to whatever you like. Thank you.’

‘And if you bring your date home should I just sneak out the back?’

Darren closed the door and left. Emma bit her lip. Lucky Harriet, she thought.

A couple of hours went by before Emma found herself browsing through Netflix, once again looking for something new to watch that she wouldn’t get bored of. The growling from her stomach was a welcome distraction.

She checked the fridge for snacks and yet nothing could pique her interest. Then, she had a better idea. She started to search the cupboards, checking for alcohol. She was doing Darren a favour and he had said to help herself to anything she wanted. It seemed only right. And yet somehow, there was a distinct lack of lager or spirits anywhere in the kitchen.

Emma remembered Darren had a study in which he worked. That would be the next best bet for alcohol. If it was in there it would at least be out of the way from his kids and on hand if he ever needed a pick me up at work. She made her way up the stairs, wincing at every creak her feet made on the steps and waiting before taking another, desperate to not wake the children.

She made it to the study. Darren’s laptop was still on, his screensaver of family photographs providing the only light to the room before Emma found the switch for the lamp. And with finding the switch came finding the alcohol. On the top shelf of the bookcase behind Darren’s desk. Whiskey, vodka, rum. She had quite the selection if she could reach it.

Standing straight, Emma was a little over five foot two. There was going to have to be some climbing involved if she was going to get what she wanted. She used the chair to lift herself up onto the desk and knelt beside Darren’s laptop. Still out of reach. She uncurled one of her legs and put her foot flat down on the desk, pushing herself up until… she grabbed the vodka. The desk wobbled. It creaked itself. Emma jumped off before she broke it. She knocked the mouse, waking up the laptop. The laptop revealed a picture that Emma recognised.

Emma sat in the chair and stared at the laptop. Looking back at her was a holiday photo. A photo of Emma. In her bikini. From Greece last year. She closed the window on the laptop to find that it wasn’t just her Instagram Darren had been looking at. Emma had her own folder. 28 files. She opened each one, flicking through them, more bikini photos joined by photos of her dressed up for nights out at university. She found herself smirking, a sense of satisfaction knowing that the man she had crushed on since she was a teenager had presumably spent nights in his study touching himself to her photos. She was sitting in the exact same seat where he had fantasised about fucking her. Emma took a sip of vodka and closed her file down but she was keen to know more.

Looking at Darren’s bookmarked pages gave Emma even more enjoyment. Page after page of pornographic websites. One tab still open at the top. Emma clicked onto it. She couldn’t help but grin when she saw this most recent video that had been playing:

Busty Blonde Babysitter Caught & Fucked.

That confirmed it. Darren definitely wanted Emma.

Emma clicked play. The video resumed with the young blonde babysitter having her mouth filled by the older man. Emma set the vodka aside and relaxed into the chair. She put her foot up the desk, opening up her legs as she watched the video play. Darren had pleasured himself in that chair thinking of Emma. Now she would return the favour.

Her hand slid into her shorts, the waistband pressing against her wrist, and she teased herself with her fingers. She rubbed her clit to the sound of the babysitter in the video moaning as she lay back on the bed with a cock inside of her. Emma couldn’t take her eyes off the video – she could understand why Darren would like it. She bit her lip hard to stop too many sounds from escaping her own mouth. She lost herself in the pleasure of it all.

So much so that she didn’t hear the front door open. She didn’t hear the creaking of the stairs. She didn’t hear the door to the study being opened behind her.

She didn’t realise Darren was home until she felt his hand on her shoulder.
