Last orders at the bar

The last orders bell rang out, and with it came one final surge of: two pints of fosters and a vodka lemonade please mate, oh, do you have a Chardonnay?

Feet throbbing and filled with the only too frequent hatred of people having fun the bar manager looked around the floor, counting drinks and people in an effort to work out a best-case scenario for closing time.

‘Boss, I, uh, sorry to be the one to tell you but a couple of the beers are pretty much out’.

Watching her best-case scenario rapidly become a worst-case scenario she walked around to the back of the bar to have a look.

Yep, three barrels need changing. Fuck.

At least the punters are starting to filter out, she thought to herself as another group of sixteen year old looking boys in suits and seemingly limitless credit cards filtered out into the night, howling at some hilarity or another.

‘Right, I need to head downstairs to swap out these barrels, are you alright to organise cleaning up here?’ she directed at M, her defacto right hand.

‘Yeah course’ he said with a shrug and a smile, ‘piece o’ piss!’

With an eyebrow raised she looked him in the face, a small smile toying across her lips, incredulous at his seemingly endless ability to be in good spirits.

‘Whatever, just don’t forget to polish the glasses, you know Meg hates that’

And with that she turned, heading for the office at the back where the basement stairs were hidden away, entirely unaware of M’s eyes watching her go.

The bar itself it was quite nice all things considered. Sure, it was full of twenty-three year old shitheads who thought they were the absolute business, and she spent far too much time chastising men who seemingly can’t spell N-O. But despite that everyone seemed to have a good time, and it would be disingenuous to say that she hadn’t some pretty fun times there, especially after hours.

Sadly the same couldn’t be said for the basement. How the fuck this is up to whatever health and safety code it’s meant to meet is beyond me she said to herself as she took the stairs down.

Fosters, Heineken and Carling. The three most disgusting beers on tap, and somehow the three barrels which most regularly need changing. And of course they’re on the top shelf, excellent, she thought.

She closed of the valves on the empties with an effortlessness that only comes with practice, disconnected the lines and tucked them away.

Squaring her hips she grasped the first barrel and heaved it off the shelf, letting it slam into the floor with a clang. The other two followed in short succession, and she rolled them one by one to the graveyard corner.

Lips pursed and hands on hips she looked over at the stack of fresh barrels. This bit was never as easy, and definitely not fun.

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath in through her nose and blew it out in a rush.

‘Want a hand with that?’

With a jolt she turned and raised a hand.

‘Could you not, for once, sneak up on me like that, and no, I do not want a bloody ‘hand with that’ she said, tossing her head from side to side with each word.

‘Why are you down here, how’s the cleaning going?’ she asked, turning back to the stack of barrels in front of her.

On tip-toes, she reached up to clasp the cold metal rim of the first barrel.

‘Yeah all done, last lot left couple of minutes ago’

‘Mhm’ she grunted, trying to shift the weight towards her.

‘Yeah Alice is- are you sure you don’t need help?’ M asked, only a slight tone of concern in his voice.

‘I said’ she got out through clenched teeth, the barrel starting to tip, ‘that I, am, fine!’

With one last tug the barrel tipped towards her, its weight landing suddenly in her arms. It knocked her backwards and she took a hasty step, and then another, teetering under the load.

Legs scrambling underneath her she took another desperate step back, fighting for balance, and hit something warm, and firm.

M’s arms reached around her, hugging around her waist to catch the barrel, taking the brunt of the weight.

‘You good?’ he asked in her ear, his voice low and very close.

She nodded, and let him take the barrel out of her hands, watching as he walked across the basement, slotting it with frustrating ease into its slot in the shelf.

With practiced fingers he attached the line and hit the valve, listening to the hiss as the pressure equalised.

‘Perfect’ he said, slapping his hands together in front of him. He turned to face face her, ready to grab the next one and froze.

‘What?’ he asked, eyes slightly closed, head poised as if ready to dodge.

‘I said, I got it’ she said, voice icy.

A slight chuckle escaped him, and he looked at her incredulous.

‘Yeah but, you clearly didn’t’ he said as he walked towards the barrels once again. ‘What was I meant to do, watch you get crushed trying to carry a barrel that weighs as much as you? ‘Cause THAT would go down well the bosses’

He was passing her at this point, and she grabbed him by the shoulder, forcing him to turn and face her, his dark brown eyes looking directly into hers, his face impossible to fully read in the gloom.

‘When I say I’ve got something, I’ve got it – alright?’

Mere centimetres separated them at this point, their breathing the loudest sound in the room, only occasionally interrupted by chatter and laughter from the crew upstairs.

He didn’t say anything, just looked down at her, that infuriating not-quite smile fixed on his dumb smug face.

‘I said, I-‘ she started, before finding herself being pushed back against the wall, his lips pressed firmly against hers, big hands holding her waist.

Without thinking she reached up, hungrily pulling his face down towards her. She felt her mouth open to him, and a warmth spread throughout her tummy as his tongue flirted with hers, lightly running over the insides of her lips.

She came to, a hand on the small of his back, pressing her body tight against his and jolted straight, pushing him back with two palms to the chest.

‘What the fuck was that!’ she said through a clenched jaw.

Both stood, panting.

‘I am your boss!’

They stared at each other, neither moving, neither speaking.

The warm sensation in her tummy hadn’t abated, and looking at him in the half light she felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise, and light shivers spread down her arms.

In a softer voice, and with a slight shake of her head she said ‘what the fuck’ and took a step towards him, laying one finger on his chest – ‘but this, this never happens again, okay?’

‘Oka-‘ and with that she launched herself at him. Throwing her arms up around his neck, stretching herself up onto the very tips of her toes to bring her mouth to his.

She felt his hands moving over her body, sliding down over her ribs, across her waist, coming to rest cupping her ass.

She heard a small moan escape her lips, pressed herself closer against him, feeling the hard outline of his cock against her stomach.

She bit his lip, feeling him knotting his fingers in the hair on the base of her skull. He pulled her head back, and she felt his lips on her neck, her jaw, his teeth closing around her ear lobe, pulling on them.

She pushed him away again.

‘We have 3 minutes, tops’ she said, reaching to pull his belt undone.

Watching as he unbuttoned and unzipped, she hitched up her skirt and looping her thumbs over the waistline of her panties.

Thank fuck I wore the skimpy little ones she thought as she shimmied them down over her bum, and stepped out of them.

Looking up, she took him in, cock jutting proudly out from his trousers, apparently glistening in the half-light.

‘Nice’ she smiled, turning to face the wall.

She looked over her shoulder, through her now messy hair.

‘Well, what are you waiting for?’ she asked, leaning forwards to lean on the wall, legs straight, ass out, skirt scrunched up around her hips.

He stepped forwards, hands enveloping her.

His lips on her shoulders, she felt him draw the tip of his dick up the length of her pussy, sliding over her clit and between her lips, making her shudder.

She felt herself push back as the tip of him slid into her, heard herself gasp as he buried himself in her in one clean motion.

His hands reached around her body as he moved in and out of her. One wrapped around her body, his hand firmly grasping her by the neck, tilting her head back so he could greedily nuzzle and bite her neck.

The other delved between her legs, his finger tips brushing over her soft downy hair to dip between her lips.

She felt him filling her, with long, hard deep strokes as he drew circles over her clit.

Their panting filled the room, and she could hear him groaning in the back of his throat.

Biting her lip she rocked her hips in time with him, meeting each of his thrusts with her own, relishing the feeling and sound of their bodies meeting.

Her legs started to tremble, and she felt her tummy beginning to tighten.

She turned her face to meet his, kissing him hard and deep, tongues moving over each other with no restrain.

Lips touching she begged him ‘cum for me, cum in me’ and felt him move harder, and faster, matching the speed of his finger toying with her clit.

With a guttural, stifled cry she felt him tense, and his cock pulsate inside her, pushing her over the edge. Her legs gave way and they collapsed against the wall, him supporting her weight.

Laughing they caught their breath, her feeling him soften inside her.

‘We should go’ she said, trusting her legs again, and he pushed away, causing her to draw in breath as he slid out of her.

She stood facing the wall for a moment longer, catching her breath and trying to fix her hair. She could hear him doing up his buckle, and without looking said ‘you go first, less suspicious’ and heard him walk towards the stairs.

She turned to face the room, looking for her underwear.

A whistle.

She looked over to the stairs where M was stood smiling half way up, panties hooked over his thumb.

‘That was fun’ he said, pushing them into his pocket and disappearing through the doorway.
