The Promise Ring, Part I: In the Beginning

When I was born my parents named me Christian because to them it was the most important thing I could be. And I’ve pretty much lived my life by Christian principles. For the most part it has been easy. Sure nonbelievers give me guff but I know they can be brought around if I remain kind and just share the Good News with them. Firm, but not pushy. I may not always convert, but I earn respect.

I will admit, abstinence is the part of remaining pious that is… a lot more difficulty. Especially since Grace. I began dating Grace my freshman year of high school. She is as devoted to her faith as I am, but she is absolutely beautiful and I frequently need to pray for forgiveness for the impure thoughts I have about her. But I have remained strong. I haven’t even committed the sin of self-pleasure, though the devil tempts me with it nightly. Sophomore year Grace and I exchanged promise rings, pledging premarital abstinence and fidelity to each other and our Creator. We planned to wed after we finished high school. If it was up to me we would have done it as soon as Grace turned 18 (which I did three months earlier) but her parents were quite insistent we wait. So it was another six months I would have to fight temptation because Grace and I could consummate within a blessed matrimonial union.

Going to a secular school wasn’t as terrible as I had been warned it would be. We are in a part of the United States where the majority have already been saved. Of course there are believers whose actions don’t line up with their beliefs but overall our faith hasn’t led to any social ostracism.

But then there was Mr. Thomas. He taught English Literature. He was in his 20s and was the young hip teacher who a lot of the girls (and I suppose the deviant boys) found handsome. He never disparaged Christianity in class but it is clear he doesn’t think much of it. There were rumors he was an actual Satanist. There were other rumors that he had engaged in immoral acts with students at school. From those rumors there were further rumors that he was… blessed in regards to a certain physical attribute. It would be indecent to go into more detail but then again I’m not really sure how to tell this story without describing a great deal of indecency.

I guess the whole ordeal began at a party Grace’s cousin threw. Her cousin Paul had started college at the nearby state school. She was concerned that he was straying from the path of righteousness, mostly because he had been dating a Catholic girl named Maria. (Paul’s father also had an issue with her being Puerto Rican, but Grace didn’t harbor that kind of prejudice in her heart. Her concerns were entirely spiritual.) As high school seniors we had never been to a college party before. A lot of the women were showing obscene amounts of skin (and the devil was whispering in my ear again!) and while I did not approve I was very glad Grace did not notice my… involuntary physical response.

For a papist dressed like a prostitute, Maria was friendly enough. She greeted us wearing short shorts and a bikini top. She hugged us both. She gave me a smirk… because she DID notice my involuntary physical response. She was kind enough (since modesty didn’t seem to be her thing) not to mention it. She really took a liking to Grace though.

“You are SO [effing] pretty!”

“Oh, thank you.”

“Girl I can tell you got a body too, why you covering it up with church clothes?”

“Oh, um, well modesty is a virtue.”

“Wow. I mean Paul said you were devout. He wasn’t kidding!”

“We don’t kid about God in our family.”

“Uh huh.” She thought for a second. God gave me the strength not to stare at her chest. “Hey, you guys should really meet Damian.”

Well then Maria introduced us to Damian. Damian Thomas. As in MR. Thomas. He was young so he wasn’t out of place at a college party but it was weird seeing him outside of school.

“Uh oh. Students at a party? Someone should call an authority figure.” He laughed.

“Mr. Thomas?”

“Grace, it’s a party. You can call me Damian.”

I was uncomfortable with his informality.

“So I knew you two were in the Bible club or whatever-“

“The Christian Student Union,” I corrected him.

“Right. But are you two like a thing?”

“Grace and I have dated since freshman year.”

“Wow. You know teachers always like to guess which students are f[ornicat]ing. Never would have guessed you two.”

“We’ve pledged ourselves to the Lord and are waiting for marriage.”

“You’re kidding.”

“We don’t ki-“

“You don’t kid about God, right I forgot.”

“I’m thirsty, is there anything nonalcoholic here?” I ask.

“Uh the punch, I think but double check before you get some.”

I go get punch for myself and Grace (rude of me not to offer Mr. Thomas but I’m ok with it). When I return the conversation has progressed.

“So you don’t actually worship Satan?” Grace asked.

“No I don’t even believe he exists. It’s more of a symbol. Satan grants Adam and Eve knowledge and offers a dehydrated Jesus water. He’s a symbol of rebellion against blind authority.”

“So why is it a church then?”

“To expose double standards. All religions are supposed to be equal under the law so you want to put the Ten Commandments up at the courthouse? Well, then we want a statue of the pagan god Baphomet and have just as much legal right to it.”

Grace nodded and looked like she was giving this ridiculous sacrilege more thought than it deserved. I set down my drink.

“Look Mr. Thomas…”


“Fine. But it doesn’t matter if you believe in the devil or not, your actions glorify him and give him power.”

“Look, Chris-“


“Fine. We mostly agree. I think all religions are false. You think all religions are false except one.”

Grace giggled. I didn’t like that one bit. I picked up my drink and took a sip. It tasted weird…

“Oh Chris, buddy…”

“It’s… Chris… -tian…” I felt funny.

“Right. That was MY drink and I don’t think you can handle what’s in that…”

The room swirled. How was he acting so normal if this is what he was on?

“Christian, sweetheart, don’t worry. I’ll look after you,” my sweet Grace assured me.

“We both will,” Mr. Thomas grinned. Then I blacked out.


I thought I woke up later but the room was dark and still felt swirling so it must have clearly been a dream. Plus what I saw was the kind of insane that could have ONLY been a dream. And I must apologize deeply to you for the actions of this dream go so far beyond the realm of decency that they should not be recounted but I need to unburden myself to describe this horrid vision that has vexed me so deeply the past couple weeks.

We were in a bedroom. Grace was seated between Maria and Mr. Thomas. She was only wearing her underwear and brassiere
, which made her the most covered person on the bed as Mr. Thomas and Maria were completely topless wearing only boxers and a thong, respectively.

“I don’t know Damian… if I believe and God isn’t real the worst thing is that I lived a good life. If I act like God isn’t real and he is, then I spend eternity in hell.”

“God forgives, doesn’t he?” Maria asked, sliding her fingers along Grace’s bare thigh. I had never seen so much of Grace and never seen so much of ANY woman as I was seeing of Maria.

“Besides,” Damian added. “Depriving yourself of pleasure is not living a good life. You want to taste everything life has to offer or else you’re not really living.” He unleashed his… manhood from his boxers. I only had my own to compare but it was easily double the length and much thicker. My mouth watered and the Devil whispered things in my ear so vile that even in a story this sordid I cannot bear to repeat. Grace was likewise bewitched, as she stared and bit her lip. She turned toward Mr. Thomas and Maria unfastened by sweet chaste Grace’s brassiere. Grace’s bosoms, at least I was dreaming them because this was obviously a dream, we’re perfect and inviting. Her nipples were at attention and her soft white skin beckoned to me, but I stayed laying on the floor immobile. Damian laid back on the bed sliding his boxers off. “So start living, Grace.”

Grace turned back to look at Maria (she didn’t spare a glance in my direction) when Maria blindsided her with a kiss. I fully expected Grace to recoil in horror from this deviant act but she reciprocated voraciously. I saw the two girls’ tongues interlocking and Grace even put her hands upon Maria’s breasts! Damian committed a few sinful strokes of self-pleasure as he watched. Maria withdrew from the kiss and smiled at Grace. She guided Grace onto all fours and pointed her face at Damian’s monstrously large engorged phallus. Then my sweet innocent virginal Grace opened her mouth and took him into it. At first she focused only on the furthest tip of his rigid member but then Maria pushed her head down. Poor Grace gagged and choked but did not withdraw. After some struggle she even swallowed it deeper.

Maria pulled down Grace’s underwear (her last vestige of concealment!) and then begin to lick Grace’s rear end and her fingers penetrated the thick patch of blonde hair between Grace’s legs to enter her virginal orifice. Grace moaned, though it was muffled as her mouth was very full. At this moment, though I had fully resisted the devil’s lure of self-pleasure, I convulsed and grunted as I emitted a wicked discharge from my nether regions. Grace and Damian paid me no mind. Maria’s tongue never left Grace but her eyes darted over to me and it seems like her eyes were smiling. You know how dreams are.

Damian grunted and pulled out of Grace’s mouth. She looked confused, almost hurt that he would stop things, but Maria guided her to get on her knees on the floor. Maria joined here there then opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. Grace did likewise. Maria pushed their faces together just as Damian released a discharge of his own all over Maria and Grace’s faces. A large amount of it got in their mouths and onto their protruding tongues. Damian kept pumping more onto them, it seemed as if he had a limitless supply! When he finally completed, Grace and Maria joined in another deviant act of homosexual kissing exchanging Damian’s seed between their mouths and licking it off each others’ faces before swallowing it all.


I awoke the next morning. I felt a stickiness in my boxers. I guess the dream of discharge took effect in the real world too. They did warn this could happen in health class. I left the empty bedroom. Paul was playing video games and smoking what I strongly suspect was marijuana. (I have been told the smell is unmistakable but having never smelled it before I have no frame of reference.) Maria was in the kitchenette making breakfast wearing a large tee shirt that left to the imagination whether she was wearing anything below the waist at all. Grace was fully dressed in the clothes she had arrived in. Her hair was messy but she had slept presumably on a couch so that made sense. I knew my best girl was a paragon of modesty. Those filthy dreams could have only come from the devil himself. She did seem uncharacteristically relaxed in her body language, but I suppose a good night’s rest would do that. I kissed her good morning. I guess she hadn’t brushed her teeth because her mouth had an unusual salty taste. She said we had stayed the night so I would not get in trouble for my accidental ingestion of narcotics. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Maria stretching her arms upward which lifted the tee shirt revealing that she in fact did not have anything on to cover her buttocks, which bore an exact resemblance to my unconscious imagining of it. After a refreshingly excellent breakfast we left Paul’s apartment.

On the drive home, Grace seemed distant so I asked what was on her mind. She reached over and squeezed my hand and said “Oh, I’m just feeling very blessed.”
