The Problem of Three Little Virgins Pt1. [Mf][Cons]

Saturday, 11:00am, precisely. The doorbell rang. James was puzzled, who would be visiting him at this time, Girl Scouts? He saw silhouettes in the stained glass panels of the door, but he couldn’t see who it was. He opened the door, saying “Hi-” he looked and it was his niece, Hope, with two of her friends.

“Hi Uncle James,” Hope said, cheerily, “We were going to a friend’s place, and thought you might be a little lonely as Aunt Cass is stuck in Birmingham for a few weeks. Thought we would cheer you up!”

Hope barged her way in and the other two followed her. “Uncle James, this is Peta and this is Alex, friends of mine.”

“Hi ladies,” he said, “This is a surprise, wasn’t expecting you.”

“Yeah, I know,” Hope said, “Just rang mom and left a message, telling her where we were. Thought it had been a while since I saw you, so here we are.”

James was going to be busy a little later, so wasn’t worried about them being here and for the next twenty odd minutes, they made small talk, with Peta and Alex getting to know Hope’s uncle. The conversation died a little and it was then that Hope asked her uncle, the big question.

“Uncle James, I- that is we- have a huge favor to ask.”

“Oh? What can I do to help?”

Hope faltered and Alex and Peta gave her looks of ‘go on- get it done’.

“We- erm, we are all virgins and-”

“No, not at all.”

“What? I haven’t finished.”

“Yes, you have,” he replied, a little testily, “You are all, what? Fifteen-” “Sixteen!” They chimed together. “Sixteen then. I’m not going to upset the family by giving you advice you can get elsewhere.”

“No, no,” said Alex, “We’d never talk!”

“Doesn’t matter, now I think you better-”

“I know about you and Mom!” Hope cried. “I know you’ve been fucking her!”

“What? No!”

“Yes, I do, I followed her here, does Aunt Cass join in too?” James shook his head, lost for words for a moment, “What about Dad, does he know? Or are you giving it to her because he is such a lousy fuck?”

“Hope, don’t talk like that!” James was shocked at her language, what she knew and was glad she didn’t know it all. Cass had turned her sister on to girl-girl sex, and now, Janet is here more for Cass than me, he thought sometimes.

“How else can I say it? Or does Cass come to our place- no she doesn’t Mom comes here but not the other way around. Dad doesn’t know and if he did, there would be a lot of trouble for everyone!”

“What? You’re blackmailing me?” Hope nodded. “You want me to fuck you and your friends?” Hope nodded again, this time with an enthusiastic nod from Peta but a little one from Alex. “Jeez, why not guys around your age, I’m sure there’s pl-”

“Not for us there isn’t. Look at us. If Alex had another twenty pounds they would look at her like she’s anorexic, Peta and me, we could be three people. We’ve been totally ignored in Middle School and now in High School, it’s no different. They don’t want to fuck us, and frankly, I don’t think we want them to.” Peta nodded and Alex nodded for more forcefully.

“No, still no, and you will hurt your mother no end if you talk to your father.”

They were prepared for this. “Look James, can I call you James?” Peta asked, “We have no hymens, we took them ourselves.” Alex pulled her wooden dildo from her bag. “We each got one of these, and I for one want to feel what it is like when attached to a body. More importantly, I want a man who knows what he is doing. If not you, then someone else, anyone else will do, and I can’t wait much longer.”

Hope followed that up with, “None of us can, and I would rather it be you than anyone else.” Hope reached in her bag and pulled out an envelope. “Then there is this. I don’t know how this would help you, or if it would help at all, but it might.”

The envelope contained a letter outlining the blackmail, with the dates when it was first considered, then developed and the date it was delivered. Hope had left out what the damaging material was, except to say that it was highly embarrassing for James and would hurt him and other people if it became public knowledge. James read it and looked up at them. “We’re serious.” “This will not absolve you completely, but is likely to get you off a prison sentence.” “We need you, no-one else and we would never hurt you.” They each said. Hope told him of overhearing a conversation between her Mom and Aunt Cass. Mom told her sister that her husband was a lousy fuck, how Cass invited her to come and fuck James. She also told him that she knew when Mom did the first time, doing exactly what they talked about and how many times Mom had come here to have sex.

He asked her how she knew this, but like a typical adult, he never thinks about their smartphone, nor how easy it is to track one. She didn’t enlighten him, but he knew she would be a lot more accurate in her counting. That many times? He thought. They were more active than he would have thought, but then Janet can be a horny slut. Peter had no idea about what he was missing out on and James hoped he will never learn either. The fact was, as a result of an indiscretion, he had three young girls wanting to have sex with him and it didn’t matter if they ranged from ultra skinny to seriously round. His dick was willing, was willing anytime with anyone, he knew, Cass and Janet kept him busy but he could always use another pussy. He gave in and to his surprise, they didn’t want to wait. They had worked out their periods, and Peta had just finished hers, so was going to be first.

Peta was going to his bed first and they would wait, they told him. The same with Alex and Hope over the next two weekends. James didn’t have any qualms about Hope, she was his wife’s neice, his by marriage. Besides, the thought of genuine fresh pussy, that was just too delicious to pass up. They had obviously thought it through and James knew that while nothing was going to mitigate any criminal action, he was safe anyway, the girls wouldn’t say anything. If they did, it would likely to be only to their friends, who would likely not believe them or might want to experience the same pleasures. James knew he wouldn’t mind, he was, after all, more involved with his dick than almost anything else.

Peta stood and asked to use the bathroom. James showed her where it was, then where the bedroom was. She closed the bathroom door as James went back to the lounge. “You both sure you want this?” He asked.

Hope smiled and nodded, vigorously, “Yes, very much!”

Alex gave a quick nod, but was not certain. “You just going to wait here while I fuck your friend? Then next week the same again?”

Hope nodded again, “We didn’t want anyone saying you had a young girl over here on her own. If we all come, openly, then people won’t think twice about it.” James couldn’t fault the logic, so they were here and he was going to do the deed.

He heard Peta move to the bedroom, then said, “Okay, I’m only doing this for saving your mother embarrassment.”

“Yes, Uncle James, we know,” Hope said with that look of ‘yeah, right!’ on her face. Perhaps she was brighter than she looks, he thought.

James turned and went to his bedroom, closed the door behind him and looked at Peta. Okay, she’s on the large size, but her tits are big and her pussy will be tight. She’s not unattractive, just large. “How do you want to do this?” He asked her.

“I don’t know,” she replied, in a somewhat timorous voice. James was surprised a little. She was pretty adamant out in the lounge, but here she was really uncertain.

“Okay,” he said, considerably more gently, “How about we pretend this is like a romantic date. I like to romance women. So I take it like I’ve seduced you into my bedroom and now I have to perform those mighty feats that give women something to remember on cold, lonely nights?”

Peta smiled at the outrageous commentary, nodded and relaxed a bit. He came to her, took her in his arms and kissed her. He knew he could be wham, bam thank you ma’m about it, but his conscience wouldn’t let him. He had to at least try to make it good for her, as he would for all three. Besides, Cass told Janet how good he was in bed, so their inexperience would demand he make it a time they would remember with a great deal of pleasure. He eased her towards the bed, then laid her down on it. The cuddled for a while, him kissing and caressing her.

He asked her what she knew, what she had heard, if she had watched any porn? She had heard it was unbelievable, but she didn’t know if she could believe other girls her age. She had watched porn, yes, but wasn’t sure how she could do many of the things the girls did in those movies.

James smiled and told her she could just lie there, spread her legs and be done with it, but that wasn’t going to be any fun for her at all. He caressed her body, running his hands over her ample ass, her soft tits. He undid her blouse and exposed the bra covered breasts. He unbuttoned her skirt, and eased it off her, then ran his hands over her legs, lightly touching her pussy as he went up one thigh and down the other. As he did each thing, he told her what he was going to do. He partly removed her bra, exposing one breast and began suckling on it.

Peta felt his lips on her nipple, his stubble pressing into her skin, his fingers playing with her panties. He suckled and then pushed his fingers under her panty line and cupped her now heated sex. He didn’t try to insert a finger into her, he cupped his hand, then pushing it up and down, along her vulva. Her clit responded to the gentle nature of his touch.

“Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a tongue on your clit?” James asked her.

“All the time,” Peta struggled to get out.

“Would you like me to do that?”

“Yes!” she whispered.

“Would you like to try and suck me?” James felt her hesitancy.

“I’ve never-”

“I know,” he said, interrupting her, “And that’s okay, but oral sex is about pleasuring your partner, so how much pleasure do you want to give him?”

“I-I can try,” she said, quietly.

“And that’s all you can do. But,” he emphasized the ‘but’, “No point in trying something if you have no idea how to relate to it or what it can do for your partner.” James sat up onto the bed and asked her to stand in front of him. Peta did and he removed her bra, then eased her panties down. He kissed her belly button and he squeezed the cheeks of her ass. She was naked, for the first time, in front of a man.

Peta felt her knees start to tremble, the butterflies in her stomach roared into hyperdrive, her blood pounded around her head as she realized the enormity of what she was about to do. James stood and hugged her, kissed her, “Now me, undress me.”

Peta fumbled with the button of his shirt and rolled it back, over his shoulders. She let it drop and stepped in to hug him. He was a little taller than her, her breasts just coming to the bottom of his rib cage. She reached up and pulled his face to her, kissing him, like he had when he kissed her. James gently backed her onto the bed. She fell back and that exposed her fully to his gaze.

James went back to suckling her ample breasts, fondling one while sucking the other’s nipple, then swapped. Peta didn’t mind it, but it wasn’t that comfortable for her. The bristle on his chin was digging into her, even though he was clean shaven. She felt hi leave her breast, his mouth moving south, down her body. There was a number of little bristle scrapes, which irritated Peta, but she couldn’t explain why. She felt his tongue wipe over her pubic hair, his breath causing a small sensation as her skin tightened at the unexpected sensations she was getting. Her legs were already parted and James slid off her, off the bed, lowering himself to his knees, a far more comfortable position for him to be munching on Peta’s clit.

He wiped his tongue over her already moistened vagina, lapping her labia, caressing her clit and prodding fuck hole. “You taste nice,” he said, to which Peta could only reply with a mumbled moan. She was loving the feeling of being licked, being masturbated with a tongue. She could feel the tension rising in her body. She was already buzzing when she came into the bedroom, and everything that happened since was sending her higher and higher into that thrill zone of an immanent orgasm. She had heard of orgasms, but even masturbating, she had never had one. She didn’t know how, her body wasn’t helping her find out.

Peta knew she was close, several times, when she masturbated after she had broken her hymen, but she had not yet crossed that threshold. Perhaps today, even if James had told her she may not cum, but that shouldn’t stop her from enjoying what she was doing. And she was, very much. Her body was tingling in places she didn’t know could tingle. James’ tongue was pleasuring her in a way she didn’t know was so good. She’d watched girls being licked in porn, but never knew they weren’t overdoing it by much.

He added a finger, his tongue lapping her clit and a finger delving into her pussy. It slid in easily, as Peta knew it would. She had deflowered herself months ago with a tool given her by Alex. She wanted to know what a dick inside her would be like, as did both Alex and Hope. Alex’s dad has a small amateur workshop, he makes wooden toys so Alex borrowed some tools and made this wooden dick. They took turns at taking it home and using it but after that, Peta really wanted to know what a live dick, attached to a body, would be like, they all did. Now she was about to find out.

It felt weird, having a tongue on her and a finger in her. A good weird, as her body was reacting to the pleasure James was giving her. His finger inside her scraped along the top of her vaginal canal and suddenly, something changed. There seemed to be a quick burst or a rise and then it subsided. She moaned and tensed a little, not knowing what to do. James repeated the action and she tensed a lot more in response to the feeling it gave her. He did it again and again and again, each time it became more intense for her. Peta moaned and shook, hard then seemed to go into a spasm where all her stomach and leg muscles grabbed, hard and shook her, creating for her the most intense and pleasurable feeling she ever had. All with her legs spread, under his mouth.

It took a few moments, but Peta got control of her breathing again and asked, “What was that?”

“Seemed like an orgasm to me,” James said, lifting his mouth off her pussy.

“Wow, you can do that with your tongue?”

“Yes, and fingers too, don’t forget.”

“I-I can do that to you too? With my mouth?”

“You could, but I suggest not. You may not like the results. Later perhaps, when you know more. But right now, have you ever touched a dick before?” Peta shook her head. “Okay, please, let me get into position.” James got onto the bed, lying facing Peta. He lifted his arm over her shoulder, kissing her. “Okay, reach down and take hold of it.” Peta did, grasping the heated tool. It wasn’t that hard, she thought, she expected it to be harder than this. “I’m not fully erect yet, so run your hand up and down, gently, not fast but make sure you make contact with the edge of the knob.” Peta ran her hand up his cock and over the knob, then down again. “Don’t grab too hard,” James said, “Keep it a smooth, more rapid action.” Peta did and felt it swell a little, “Oh yeah, that’s better, you’re getting it.”

It wasn’t long before her arm was getting tired, this is not an action she has performed before, she thought. James came t the rescue and said, “Ooohh that’s pretty good for a first time. But your arm has to be getting tired. Want to try to suck it?”

Peta thought for a moment and replied, “I don’t know what to do.” She did, actually, practicing on the wooden dildo Alex gave her, following along with the videos she had watched on her laptop. She had just not sucked a live dick before.

“Easy, but does take practice to get right,” James told her, “Get on your knees, between my legs, then you can hold my dick while sucking.” James shuffled around on the bed.

Peta did get on he knees, but knew this wasn’t going to be comfortable for her. She got into the position he suggested, took hold of his dick and bent her head down, opened her mouth and then closed it as the dick entered her.

“Mm no, Peta. Like nibbling on your clit, sucking a dick is an art form.” James then told her how he sucked her clit, and used that as a reference to talking her though her first suck. She did as he told her, leaving her lips closed and allow the dick to open her lips, keeping her teeth well away from the soft skin of his knob and shaft. She didn’t take too much in, she timed her movements to be as smooth as she could. She heard his pleasure at what she was doing, she thought she must be doing it right then.

The movement of her head, up and down, her lips wrapped around his dick, she didn’t mind it at all, she thought. She tasted something, a little salty, as her tongue kept contact with his knob. There wasn’t a torrent of moisture, but there was something. She really had no knowledge of wht was happening, the sex ed classes at her school were not really informative. She got more off the Internet than she did from school, but then, what she got on the ‘Net was just porn. She started to feel the strain on her neck and shoulders, her waist. Damn, she thought, I need to get fitter if I’m going to do a lot of fucking.

She had to stop, so she lifted her head off. “Ohhh,” she sighed, “That was getting really hard work.”

“Yes, it can,” James replied, “But if that was your first time, you were doing really well.”

“It was, and I really would like to go on with it, but can’t.”

“That’s okay,” James assured her, “That’s a good start for you. Just lie back and we’ll cuddle a little, then we’ll move on when you’re ready.”

“I’m ready now,” Peta said, “I want it.”

“What is it that you want?” James asked, a playful tone in his voice.

“I want your dick in me!” Peta declared, “And I want it now!”

“Your wish…” James let the thought go.

Peta rolled onto her back pulling James onto her. He kissed her and put a knee between her leg, then holding himself up put his other leg between her knees. “Keep your legs spread and I’ll find the right place to be,” he said, gently, “Then I’ll slide into you. It might be a little uncomfortable, but don’t fight it, just go with it.”

Peta felt his dick slide along her labia then catch on her vaginal opening. James pushed a little, opening her, her vaginal canal being invaded by a dick, thicker than the wooden dildo she had used earlier. She gasped at the feeling it gave her, the fullness she felt in her canal, it’s pushing along her love tunnel. James kept pushing until Peta felt his pubic bone rub against hers well padded bone, slightly squeezing her clit between them. She felt it slide backwards, then almost fall out of her, only to push is again. Over and over, her body was pierced with that hot meat and the feelings it generated in her swept out from her pussy to the rest of her.

Peta was able to separate herself, from the physical and sensual, to the cerebral and analytic. A part of her was monitoring what was going on, this couldn’t be right, she thought. There was joy at one level, there was the pure sensation of her sex being filled, but there was something not entirely right. There was something missing. It was fun, but she felt it wasn’t entirely what she wanted, it wasn’t going to be entirely satisfying. She liked his dick in her, but there was something growing that said that this wasn’t all she wanted. She couldn’t put her finger on it, she didn’t understand. Why was she thinking like this, why was she feeling like this. Fuck it, she thought, stay in the moment. Peta felt James’ action speeding up a little, his pounding of her pussy getting harder.

James gasped and groaned at the effort he was making, fucking her. She was being a very submissive fuck, but that would be because of her inexperience, she would learn. She hadn’t gotten the idea that she could respond yet, as he fucked her, something that takes time and practice. Still, she made up with it for giving him almost half way decent head, cumming when he was eating her, he loved that, and for being seriously fucking tight. Not so tight he couldn’t slip into her, but tight enough that he could feel his dick being fully wrapped by her fuck tunnel. He really loved that. James really hoped the other two would be like it too, especially Hope. Okay, niece by marriage, but so what, her mother and her sister were both fucking him and each other, so why shouldn’t she get into it as well.

The thought triggered James, he pushed harder into Peta groaning loudly as he pumped her pussy. “Cumming!” He cried, “NOW!” He screamed, as he felt his balls jump, pumping his cream into her. She didn’t want him to use a condom, so he didn’t. She told him her period was due in the next couple of days, so there was no issue. She hadn’t fucked before, so would be fresh and virginal, and he had only been fucking Cass and Janet so an STD was out of the question. He knew they only fucked him, each other and Janet fucked her husband, his brother-in-law, Peter. Pete was so straight laced he wouldn’t even look at porn, James knew.

Peta heard his cry and didn’t know what to expect, but all she felt was that the cock inside her got slippery all of a sudden. She realized this was his semen, she wasn’t worried about it, all it did was act like a lubricant and making her really wet inside. He kept pumping it in and out for a while, which did surprise her. She expected that when he shot he would go limp, or maybe it would take a while, she thought. She decided she really liked the feeling, the satisfaction of having a dick in her, him shooting off in her, had to be better than a dry condom, she thought, but what was it that her analytical part was telling her? Or not telling her?

Working it out might be a bit of a problem.


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