A quick little fluff fic about a simple punishment and aftercare.
He had done it this time.
He was stressed out about his studies after spending hours on grad school work. It felt like that was all he ever did lately. He knew it would be healthy to take a break, but he couldn’t seem to bring himself to do that. There is always something else that needed to be done. Unfortunately, this was beginning to have a distinct effect on his mood.
When she came in from and asked him about his day, he knew he shouldn’t have snapped at her. He had been so focused he failed to hide his annoyance at being interrupted. His frustration was understandable, but there was still a way he was expected to speak to his Domme. The rules always applied. She hadn’t gotten upset, she rarely even raised her voice at him. Instead she matter-of-factly stated that he was to meet her in the bedroom in five minutes to face consequences.
He spent those five minutes kicking himself for his shortness with her and contemplating if there was some way to talk her out of the inevitable. But he knew this would likely be futile as this was his third strike. She had previously warned her that he would be punished if he forgot to mind his tone with her. He tried to steel himself as he stood outside the bedroom door preparing to go in. He knocked timidly and awaited the command to enter.
She wasted little time. She was seated on the edge of the bed with an array of mean-looking implements laid out next to her. She gestured for him to come stand to her right. With a calm but firm gesture she brought him over her knee and held him in place. She casually pulled down his shorts, revealing the soft printed boxers she had bought him. His muscular behind tensed in anticipation as she lightly tapped the wooden spoon on it. She smiled at his nervousness. She enjoyed striking when it was least expected. He never knew which of the preliminary taps would turn into a full strike.
Finally she brought the spoon down with some force, and with a calm, steady rhythm she spanked him thoroughly, unmoved by his feeble attempts to wriggle free. He tried to whimper out an apology but it was too little, too late. He should have known he’d never get away with disrespecting her like that. Not again. He winced with every strike to his bottom, knowing full well he deserved it. He stayed silent as she paused to remove his underwear before continuing the punishment, this time with her thick, leather paddle. Tears burned his eyes as he fought to keep a brave front while the unforgiving leather cracked over his backside and turned his once pink cheeks a deepening shade of red. The fight tuned out to be useless as the hot tears fell anyway. She smiled as she continued the punishment; contrition would come along any minute now. After a little while longer, she paused and spoke: “Have you learned your lesson?”
“Yes ma’am,” he sniffed, barely above a whisper. Unsatisfied, she brought the paddle down with another crack. “Louder!” she commanded, the firm edge in her voice letting him know quickly that he’d better comply. “Yes ma’am! I learned my lesson. I’m sorry for disrespecting you. It won’t happen again.” He seemed genuinely sorry now. All his former boldness has melted away and he was timid as he followed her command to stand the corner, his reddened backside still exposed. After a few minutes, she allowed him to pull up his underwear and lay across her lap again, this time for aftercare. She gently rubbed his bottom and permitted him to rub at his puffy eyes. “That’s better,” she said gently, “I know you’ve been stressed about graduate studies lately, but that’s no excuse for your behavior. Still, for your own good I’m ordering you to take a break. No more homework for the rest of the evening, Is that clear?”
“Yes ma’am,” he sniffed. She let him get up and sit next to her on the bed.
“You’ve been working so hard lately and I’m proud of you,” she smiled, putting an arm around him, “but you need to make sure to take time to relax. I don’t like seeing you stressed, especially when it stops you from being the sweet boy I know you are.”
He sighed. How did she know him so well? It’s true he had been stressed and not acting himself. Somehow she always knew exactly what he needed, be it a firm hand or a soft voice. He knew her discipline came from a place of love and was incredibly grateful for it, even if he didn’t love being put over her knee in the moment.
“Thanks,” he said meekly as she rubbed his back.
“Anytime. Now go clean yourself up and come down for dinner.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/o0ro0a/yes_maam_fm_fdom_soft_fdom_spanking_bratty_sub