Doctor Fun [FM]

“Go to bathroom, slide your panties off, and slip them in your pocket. Finish your shift like that.”


You were on your break. You couldn’t help but read it again. You had been sent naughty messages before. Similar requests to this from your husband as well as the random men who have seen the pictures you posted online. It had been a while though. More surprising, it wasn’t your husbands name at the top of the chat thread.

“Go to bathroom, slide your panties off, and slip them in your pocket. Finish your shift like that.”


From one of the doctors at work. He hadn’t been working with you for very long. You had put his number into your phone from the work contact list as you do everyone at work. You had spoken with him several times during your shifts and a few times on breaks when yours had lined up with his. No contact outside of work and this was the one and only message on the text thread.

“Go to bathroom, slide your panties off, and slip them in your pocket. Finish your shift like that.”


You took a deep breath trying to slow down your heart rate. There was a war raging under your calm exterior. Your head was telling you this was crazy. He must have messaged you by mistake. Your pussy was telling you to do it. To be naughty and daring. You had certainly noticed him when he was around you. He must have been looking at you as well.

You bit your lip, stood up, and quickly made your way to the bathroom. You opened the door, slipped inside, and quickly locked the door behind you. Your hands were shaking slightly as you tucked your thumbs into your pants. Sliding them off your hips and down to the floor. You stepped out of them and bent over to take your panties out of the crumbled heap on the floor. As you stood up you couldn’t help but briefly admire how you looked in the mirror. Your womanly curves on display. You were getting more confident in how you looked. Your husband was constantly complimenting you. The naughty responses you had received online from your pics had helped you embrace yourself more than ever before. You smiled at the thought of what you were about to do.

You slipped back into your pants. You placed your panties in your pocket. However, before putting them completely in, you pulled your phone out and took a picture of the lacy fabric hanging half out. You sent the picture back to the doctor. Put your phone away and stuffed the rest of your panties into your pocket. A slight bulge in your pocket now was the only hint of your hidden naughtiness.


You smiled at yourself as you started to make your way back to your workstation. The fabric feeling different now across your bare skin. As you sat down the seem of your pants slid against you slightly. The sensation catching you off guard slightly. Forcing you to take a deep breath in to contain a small moan.


It was a busy day however, and soon you were back working hard. You had all but forgotten about all this excitement as you looked up and realized it was time for your afternoon break. As you headed to the breakroom you absent mindedly slipped your hand in your pocket and felt the lace from your panties. The surprise of it caught you off guard and made you blush slightly as you made your way to your seat. You pulled out your phone hoping for a response.

“Good girl. Leave them on my desk in my office.”

You remembered then that he wasn’t in the building that day. He was doing a conference in a place across town. You looked at your phone again. Your hands shaking with excitement now. You quickly finished your snack and made your way over to his office. Passing a few other people in the hallway. Exchanging quick hellos as you did. Them completely unaware of your racing heart.

When you got to the office you quickly went in and closed the door behind you. You could feel your body tingling as you made your way to his desk. You pulled your panties out and placed them on the pile of paperwork he had left in the middle of his desk. Clearly the first thing he would see when he opened the door. Your body was on fire at the thought. You pulled your phone out and took a picture of them. You sat down in his chair. You could smell him in it. You clicked send on the picture.

You sat there for a brief moment. Looking over your text thread. When suddenly your notification dinged. His response.

“Good Girl”

A wicked smile came across your face. As you sat in his chair you couldn’t help yourself. You slid a hand inside your pants. You spread yourself open with your index and ring fingers. Sliding your middle finger along your opening. Collecting your wetness as you made your way to your clit. The moment of contact sending a shudder through your body. You closed your eyes and enjoyed the sensations for a brief moment. Slowly rubbing your clit as the stretched fabric of your pants was slightly pushing into your asshole. It was all you could do to be quiet. With your other hand you grabbed your phone and snapped another picture.

As good as it all felt you didn’t want to lose yourself to the moment while at work. You reluctantly took your hand out of your pants. You went to the gallery on your phone. The picture was perfect. You had managed to get a small portion of your panties on his desk at the bottom of the it. The rest of the photo was of you unmistakably, in his chair. Your work clothes showing off your curves. Your hand clearly inside your pants being naughty. Your face partially shown. Rosy cheeks and look of pleasure upon it. You selected it and hit send in your thread. Your pussy was on absolute fire as you made your way back down the hallway to work.

The rest of the day was unfortunately to busy for you take notice of his reaction. You couldn’t help but watch the clock as you waited for your shift to end. Luckily, with you being as busy as you were the time flew by. When the time finally came you nearly skipped out of work as quickly as you could. Gathered your things and began to make your way home. As you opened the door to outside you looked at your phone:

“So naughty of you, I will remember this. For later.”


It was all he had sent back. You tingled at what he could be thinking. You made your way home. Unfortunately, just as at work your home life kept you busy as well. For the next few hours it was filled with cleaning, cooking, more cleaning and finally getting ready for bed. In all the chaos your mind had completely forgotten the fun of the day until you were lying in your bed and your phone pinged.

you opened your phone and there was no message. Just a picture of your doctor. In his office. His shirt off, your panties wrapped tightly around his one hand. His pants were partly off exposing his large, flaccid cock. Your mouth started watering at how good he looked. As you stared a second picture arrived this time he had his hand to his face. Clearly, smelling your panties. A look of lust upon his face. His cock now sticking out. Ready to be used.

You looked over at your husband. He was a heavy sleeper and already snoring. You debated about waking him up to for a ride. Before deciding you would enjoy this moment by yourself. You quietly slid your tank top and panties off. You then placed your hand over your pussy covering yourself and took a picture. Sending it to him. A moment later he responded with a picture of his hand at the base of his cock. Your panties now draped on top of it. You took another picture. This time on your side with your legs spread. Highlighting your Curves. A moment after you pressed send a notification for a video call comes across your screen. You take one more look over at your sleeping husband before pressing accept.

As the screen lights up he comes across it. He is now sitting in his office chair. The same one you had been playing with yourself in a few hours earlier. He had your panties in his hand and he was slowly stroking his cock with them.

“You were naughty today” He growled at you.

“I was” you responded with a smile.
