Wet Dreams University 148 Booking Dream Master (FF MF MFF MFM Anal BDSM Bondage Solo)

The echo of a three foot dildo club as it bounced off the bars of yet a unseen cell.  The unseen whistle getting closer, “Their cuming for you bitch, hehe.  Yes yes their cuming for You” the ruffian Travis yelled out.  The sudden thump of a dildo club against Travis’s bars startled both Travis and Clarissa.  “Quiet you scum!  I have cum for the questioned and that would be you” Officer Kelley said, turning the wanker key in the lock.  The sound of the tumbler’s slamming open hit Clarissa’s soul.  “Missy let’s go” Officer Kelley said.  Holding the cell door open with one hand the other waving her forward.  “Woo hoo, their going to getcha good, little bitch!”  Travis taunted her butt there was another guard waiting for him to spout off.  “Hey what are yOoooou..” Travis howled as the guard was using his dildo club.. well. 
“Stop.  Turn to the counter.  Place you hands behind your back” as Officer Kelley slapped the cuff’s on her wrist.  “Once you get your perp shot, you will be fucked in every hole just to be sure you are not caring anything.  Then see the judge for bail.  Stand here, place your feet on the marks” Officer Kelley said.  Spreading her legs as her cuff’s where locked on the unforgiving steel.  The pussy spank that came took Clarissa by surprise, “Hey Neal we have a wet one.”  Before Clarissa could say anything the Bunny Humper started to pump her pussy.  “Your not going to leav.. Mmm (the blinding flash of the camera went off) Ooo fuckkk” Clarissa was caught in mid orgasm.  Officer Kelley was well built, tall with a crop top haircut.. he had the average sized cock.  Officer Neal on the other hand was short in stature butt large in cock.  “You know what cutie today is your lucky day” Officer Neal said.  “Oh yeh, you are going to be doing both of us” the thud of Officer Kelley cock against her ass cheek.  Clarissa pussy started to drip.  Uncuffing her was not something that they usually did butt seeing as how there was two of them.  Spinning her around as Officer Kelley hoisted Clarissa onto his cock, “Oh fuck she is tight” slamming his cock balls deep in her well lubed cunt.  Taking her from the hoisted position to the one legged position, “Don’t worry I got you” the Officer exclaimed butt Clarissa reached forward.  “Are you going to suck me” Officer Neal implied toying with her hair.  “Open wide” gripping his own cock.  “Ooo.. she.. she is trying to deep throat..” Officer Neal shivered as Clarissa was trying to deep throat him.  “Don’t pop Neal” Officer Kelley laughed.  “Hey my woman is punishing me for something I did not do so yeh fuck you if I.. … Ooo fuck” throwing his head back as Clarissa’s gargling triggered his last plunge into her mouth.  “Do not forget Missy you still have on..e Oh my fuck” fingering he would get her off guard by the change in holes.  “Son of a bitch, she is tight..” choosing to concentrate on not exploding instead of running his mouth.  “Don’t pop Kelley” Officer Neal laughed as he returned to his position behind the camera.  “Fuck you man this missy is one tight piece of ass” dropping Clarissa’s leg and gripping her hips.  “I’m tell you (the ripple of her ass caught it self as his next thrust was picking up speed) she is tight.. so fucking ti..” holding Clarissa tight against his pelvis as his cock exploded deep in her ass.  “Fuck girl you’ve checked out, the judge will be down here in a hour or so.  The good news you don’t have to go back to the drunk tank.  The bad news you still have to share a cell with A’drea.  Ha, we all know her to well butt for some reason she always gets out” Officer Kelley stated while he escorted Clarissa to the general pop cell.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/nhhep4/wet_dreams_university_148_booking_dream_master_ff