[F] Very kinky mom here, dying to think about my husband getting pussy on the side after we haven’t had sex for 6 months

We’re your standard, yuppie married couple with two young children and a mortgage in the burbs, and while we both lead pretty boring and non-controversial lives, we definitely had a few years where we lived wildly and dangerously. I wouldn’t trade my current life for the world — I love my kids after all, and I love my husband — but I just can’t help but think about how my wild, hung, attractive husband has turned into Mr. Dad, and how Fred probably hasn’t completely gotten rid of his wild side, only hidden it from me. I mean, this guy used to party HARD (I did too, but man was it tough to keep up).

Case in point, the whole first half of our first year dating, Fred would always do coke when we’d go out, partying until late, drinking, being crazy. Sure I didn’t flee the scene (I actually did more than just not fleeing haha, but I don’t want to admit to it), but I wasn’t big into it as he was. He was a metal head, cheating on me numerous times, which I forgave, and was just a fucking punk with a big dig that could do no wrong. Then our relationship kinda took a turn and he seemed more serious about life, about us, about a family. But I know that side of him still exists.

But yeah, last week we finally got a chance to get out of the house and get some coffee, walk around town (observing social distancing!), wear masks, do some shopping. He had forgotten his ring at home because he was doing dishes and then one of our little ones spilled his food all over the floor, and I think in the commotion and then the mad dash to get out of the house, he just forgot. Totally understandable. But while I was chilling with the kids at a table, waiting for my husband to make his order, the cashier at the coffee shop was completely smitten and being all flirty with him. She even gave him her number! I literally couldn’t believe it, and neither could he, although I suspect that since he stays in shape, I bet he gets this all the freaking time.

So yeah, I’d love to role-play how my perfect husband and Mr. Dad is probably banging half of our suburban town.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/ngds6k/f_very_kinky_mom_here_dying_to_think_about_my


  1. So it turns you on to think that your husband is fucking other pussy? Do you want you pussy fucked also?

  2. If that turned you on, have you ever thought about opening your marriage yo becoming swingers or polyamory? That way everything is out in the open; and there is no cheating.

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