[F/TF] Bunny’s mistake

Part 1/?

Her gaze cut across the room, piercing like a shot, It made the taller woman recoil in submission as she reflected on her words.
“Would you like to try again?” She prompted, sauntering toward her. Goosebumps pricked up bunny’s back as her mistress approached and her fingers reached the band of bunny’s skirt.

“I d-don’t know what you’re talking about” pet replied stuttering out her indignant words. Her thoughts buzzed as her mistress cupped the soft skin of her balls. Teasing them lazily with the tips of her fingers, it was all pet could do to keep her legs steady beneath her.

Without hesitation, her mistress’ hand shot beneath the curls of her short brown hair. Threading between the strands that lay on the back of bunny’s neck, the feeling almost makes her sigh before she is dragged to her knees by the demanding grip.
A soft gasp escapes her lips while her knees hit the floor, a warmth flooding up into her abdomen.
The hand of her mistress’ pulled her eyes up into her gaze.
She cupped bunny’s face in her fingertips. An admiration beneath her stare for such boldness. She taunted,
“One more time pet.”

A questioning dare resonating from her tone.

Bunny stuck her tongue out. Indignant.
A snap whipped through the air of the room as the blood welled beneath her cheeks. The sting of the slap resonates across her face. Rosy cheeks blooming in the warmth. As she looks up to react she’s swiftly pushed onto her back her knees locking awkwardly

Her stomach flutters.

Note** I’ve never written anything like this before so constructive criticism is welcome.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/ngi7b4/ftf_bunnys_mistake

1 comment

  1. Good so far, keep going. You should maybe use another pronoun for one of the characters just to separate them better.

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