Rose of Two Thorn’s Scott part 76-80 RVS & Dream Master (FF MM MF MFF MFM Anal Bondage Toys Solo)

I woke up earlier than Scott did, so I check the fog and sure enough we are socked in. My messages are all about the next puppet show at the theater I run the Gram account for that so I assure people it will go on as planned, Saturday at 12. I start the coffee (my man got me into this now I cannot get enough coffee). “Good morning sexy man guess who’s hard and wanting some deep throat from my stud.” I do not hit the start button, yet I take my man to the couch and suck him down my throat and I love every inch of Scott, the way he is moaning, now my dick is hard. I do swallow his load first before laying him down and straddling his chest. He drinks my cock like the pro he is and yes, it is a great morning. That is until I get a text.
Robbie its Brian. Frogmen are still out its looking like Wednesday. Scott sees the text over my shoulder and his neck kisses make me feel better. I hug him and kiss his neck back because we both love neck kisses. Scott helps with breakfast we make bacon, eggs, and biscuits. “Nice biscuits babe this recipe is amazing” Scott tells me he learned that from Marie “She has wonderful recipes, and she is a Jill of all trades.” I get my polo and khaki pants on because of desk duty today “Babe, I have to go. King will be with me but if possible, can you come get him later I will ride my bike you take the truck. Heather will drop him off.” Scott kisses me goodbye and we will meet up later.
“Hey Brian, what time is lunch? Robbie left me the truck and I have to go get King from the station later” I tell Brian on Facetime. He is reading something “earth to Commander Marten, hey Bian where are you.” That name snaps him out of it “Sorry squirt was reading something that I don’t like but anyway about 1230… I will see you then.” We hang up and I tackle the breakfast dishes, so he will not need to worry about them, and I see the back yard needs to be cleaned too. I guess if we are together, we should help each other out, he did to me when I was sick. I get myself dressed nicely in jeans, Hawaiian shirt, and slip-on shoes. I get my pass at the gate and head into the office “Commander Marten is in a meeting you can wait here sir” I sit in the waiting area for maybe 5 minutes then Brian comes out. “Hey brother come on back I have something to show you.” I follow him in, and we look at his full-scale map on the back wall. “here is where the frogmen found that truck so we will put the wench here and the frogmen will go down off the cliff.” I ask him how they came to find the truck and he tells me it was a training exercise and as they were diving, they saw it then saw two people in there. “I know he is not prepared but you here will make it better.”
We get to the cafeteria and people stand as he walks in “As you where” Brian says and we get our food choices he gets a Turkey wrap, pretzels, and a tea. I get the chicken strips, mashed potatoes, and carrots meal, with a tea as well. “You eat good here too brother. I like, your tea sometimes we have bottled and its not as good.” My brother is off in space again, so we finish eating before he talks again. “Brian what is on your mind you are lost in thought.” He tells me we can talk later but he is worried about Robbie “I would not be able to handle him so upset, and I have not seen a dead body since my friend died in high school.” I remember that but do not bring in up “I can help him keep his composure are you in charge of the wench” he tells me he will communicate with the frogmen and signal the wench. We say goodbye and see you Wednesday and I head out to the police station.
“Good afternoon Blonde island police department Detective Denton speaking” I wave at him and wait behind the counter. King sees me and comes running all happy and excited. I give him all the pets and chest scratches. “Hey Scott thanks for taking him back home he is sort of happy here but needs to get this energy out.” I tell him we will play fetch and go for a walk “See you later at home.” King and I walk along the beach and I stop for beer at the liquor store before heading back home, the lady was nice and said I could bring King in. After the dog and I get home, we do paly fetch and work on his commands before Robbie comes in. I kiss him hello and he gives me one back “I missed you and want to se you naked again” he smiles at that and says it can happen. I help him into his shorts and nothing else he gives me some silk boxers and yes its make out time. I play with my man trying to make him hard I want that dick inside me, all my tips and tricks work, he is sexing me up like the stud I know he is. My dick on the other hand is not working properly “I hate being old” Robbie kisses me and tells me “You are not old I will give myself to you later. Let us eat dinner, I got chicken.”
I hand Robbie a beer and tell him the lady let me come in with King “She was outside smoking, and I was going to tie him to the bike rack, but she put out her cig in the ash tray and said he could come in.” Robbie says yes, she has let me bring him in before she is nicer than her husband. We cook up the chicken and make tostadas for dinner. I tell him about lunch with Brian and how spaced out he was. “He is worried about you but if you say something I will deny” Robbie holds my hand “I have been preparing for this and I know this is going to be upsetting but at least I can officially bury them, not just have blank areas at the cemetery.” I hold his hand and we then finish dinner, and both do the dishes. He then grabs for my cock and just like that the blood rushes down there. I take my man up against the kitchen counter and I do not stop till I fill his sexy ass up with my juice. I kiss him and thank him for just being his sexy self. We get in bed later that night and I snuggle him to me; dam this is my man and I want the world to know it.
I wake up to the smell of breakfast some Johnny Cash song I recognize and puppy kisses. “Good morning King where’s daddy.” King barks happily and leads me to the kitchen “Good morning babe I am making hash with the leftover chicken from last night.” I tell him it looks amazing, so I start coffee and give my man a kiss on the cheek and an ass pinch. We eat the hash, eggs and toast then plan our day. “I need your help with some digging if you don’t mind, something is bugging me about Mom and dad.” I tell him I do not mind helping so we get in the shower for washing and groping. After dropping King off at Juanita’s Doghouse “This is cute did she just start this business” Robbie tells me “Yes she did and King loves it here he has a poodle friend named Stan” just like that King is in the gate and Robbie signs him in on an app, Junita waves from the yard so off we go.
We get to Heathers house which was really Robbie’s childhood home, and she lets us out to the shed. We get in there and Robbie has set up a card table and chairs to go through the old stuff from his parents. I look at a sign language book and try to sign suck my cock, but instead I spell out suck my dock and Robbie gets the giggles. He shows me how its really done then we get back to reading some old diaries from mom and dad. I read about Dad and his anger issues at someone named Bobby “Who is or was Bobby your dad has some beef with him” Robbie looks and says, “Its one part of the friends they were supposed to go fishing with Bobby is the guy Lynn is the lady.” We go through more books and put some into a box to take back home later.
We are in the car when my brother calls. “Hey man put me on speaker if Robbie is there.” I do and he tells us “The frogmen are coming home today they can be out there in the afternoon barring fog so let’s aim for 1pm.” Robbie says he will let Chief Denton know and he will see you there and yes Chief said you can move the wench into place today. Robbie looks relived yet still apprehensive. I put my hand on his thigh and I feel him relax more. We pull up to the bowling alley and Robbie tells me its rematch time on the bike game first. We get in and there we are two grown men trash talking each other on a video game, I did let him win this time. We get those bowling shoes and my man the Bill Allen (I only remember him because he is left-handed) of Blonde island gets a perfect game. “Do you bowl in your spare time.” He laughs and says, “No but it was the one thing dad and I bonded over.” I buy us lunch at the burger stand next door to the alley. We are planning dinner when his work calls “Yes Chief good afternoon, I did receive his message and the set up will be done today, yes sir as long as I can bring Scott, yes sir thank you.” Robbie tells me we must go but first we throw our trash away and get refills on the cokes.
We get to the site and we see the big truck with the Coast Guard symbols on it. We both exit the truck and Lieutenant Gibson introduces himself. “I will be operating the wench do you know where we are going and how far down.” Robbie walks to the cliff edge and looks down I can see him get woozy, so I go to him to steady him. “I know they are down there I do not know how far so maybe Commander Marten knows.” I get my phone out and Facetime him “Hey Commander we are at the site how far down is the truck.” We get closer to Lt. Gibson and he tells us “The frogmen were diving and checking the flashlight equipment and they said its about three hundred feet down, there are two bodies on board as well.” The lieutenant moves the truck closer, and we set the posts down and help mark the spot with cones so no one will bother that. “I will tell chief Denton to have some patrols swing by here tonight and in the morning.” Gibson asks me if the chief is related and I tell him no, just a coincidence. I can here Robbie on the phone “Yeah babe that sounds great we will see you tonight at the bar.”
“Is this a royal we and who are we having dinner with.” Robbie tells me “Jamie and Brandon he is her new boyfriend and the owner of the bar.” I hold it together, but I am not happy, and he can tell. “She wants to try and be friends, babe please do this for me.” I put my arm around his shoulder, and we head back to the truck and head to get King. We are back home and playing in the back yard and I am tempted by a joint, so I take a couple of puffs. “Hey babe its not going to be that bad, please do this for me, it’s a small town and she will be in my life somehow.” I kiss him and we get ready to go. Robbie grabs King “he can go we will be eating on the patio because that is dog friendly.” We do grab sweaters because it will be chilly tonight. The bar is called Brew House I guess its Norwegian which is what Brandon’s heritage is. We get the table, and the heater lamps are nice, so menus are passed around and Jamie starts talking (and she does not shut up I am surprised she takes breathes). Robbie has the stuffed cabbage and I get the bratwurst and roti. King even gets a dog friendly meal and I have the beer because Robbie drove.
Dinner is good and Brandon seems nice, Kings friend Stan walks by so they stop to bark hello. I talk to James, Stans owner and I can see Robbie and Jamie talking to each other. Brandon comes up and gives me a dessert to go because the fog is rolling in and everyone needs to get home, we both get the brownie. James and Stan get going I grab King in time to hear Jamie say, “See you there tomorrow I want to be there for you Robbie I remember how hard this was for you.” I am stunned but not surprised so Robbie says nothing as we drive home. I look out to the yard and man that fog comes in and its thick “Is it always this thick” I ask Robbie. He is inside and, on the phone, so King and I get in and I put the brownies in the fridge. I want to finish my joint, so I go out back and Robbie joins me. “So, she wants to be there how sweet” Robbie paces and when he does, he is mad. “Look man we were married we have known each other since childhood yes she wants to be there got a problem.” I just take my puff and he goes back inside. We read some more papers, but they are just tax returns and insurance information. We go to bed but there are no snuggles this chick will be our third wheel.
It was Wednesday and my man is wide awake pacing again and yelling at King. “Dude really he can tell you are emotional be nice to your dog.” He mumbles and walks the living room. I get dressed and get King on a leash and grab his toys “Comes on boy lets go swimming at the beach” Robbie looks at me and says, “Swimming I do not let him in the water he will drown.” I do give him you are seriously a dumbass look “King sit, give me paw” and I show Robbie the webbed paws of a Labrador Retriever. “These paws are made for swimming and they were and still are used for waterfowl hunting, I used to take Gus to the river and down to the dog beach on the weekends, it’s perfectly safe.” Robbie tells me “I hope you know dog CPR but fine go” I tell him its snout breathes” then King and I head to the beach.
I get the ball thrown in the water and tape him going for it, cannot believe all this time Robbie never let him in the water. “Good boy King go get it” as I lob that ball out to the bay because its shallower here then on the beach side. We fetch for a few more minutes than I can see King is panting so we go sit near the rocks I give him some water and a treat. I post his swim video to the Gram and its already got likes. King and I play fetch on the shore before we head on home. I towel dry him at the door, but he is already mostly dry anyway. We get back inside, and King is stuck to me like glue because he knows something is wrong with Robbie. I start breakfast and try to be understanding of his bad mood, but I am not in the mood for it myself. I slip King a small piece of bacon, then he and I eat.
We get dressed in nicer clothes and drop King off at Juanita’s, Robbie goes in the yard to see if he can pay her on the app. I stop and pet Stan, then he and King run off down the yard. “I could not pet him for a week you have a way with dogs Scott.” I thank her and tell her it is a gift maybe I was a dog in my last life. Robbie sets up the payment on the app and she tells him “We are all thinking about you today I was the new kid when that happened, but I feel for you.” Robbie hugs her and says thank you then we get going. He is still on edge and I do not want to push him but when we get there it seems like everyone and yes, my brother is here. Robbie sees Jamie and runs over to her so whatever I go say hello to Brian. “Good morning Commander Marten” in my best Robin Williams impersonation. That dose get some giggles from the soldiers and whom I assume are the frogmen. My brother is amused so I get introductions. “This wanna be comedian is my brother Scott, you know Lt. Gibson, the frogmen are Chief petty officer Ken Hammond and Seaman Blake Patrick. Then Brian turns around and yell “Denton get over here” none of us see the Chief and he comes strolling up “Sir I did not know you were here please forgive me” my brother having a moment I am all here for.” Brian shoots me side eye and I shut up. The Chief dose forgive him, and Robbie comes over Brian dose the introductions and the frogmen show us how they will repel down to the water.
Everyone is all set, I wave at Oren and Nancy, Robbie goes over to hug and talk to them. He speaks with the chief and then right back to Jamie. Brian watches the frogmen get down in the water and then does a radio check Frogmen Hammond, Frogmen Patrick radio check” they tell them they can hear and send more slack. He signals Gibson and down it goes. “Why are you not over by Robbie, oh never mind I see why.” I love my brother, but he is dense in the love department. The frogmen get more slack before announcing “We are here but this truck is stuck we need to move it a bit.” Robbie is pacing but I do nothing about it, let Jamie deal with him. The frogmen have the truck secure and its on the way up “Robbie get away from the edge the ropes could snap” Brain yells. I get him snapped out of it and we stand to the side, the frogmen are attached to the line and the truck is out of the water. Robbie loses his shit and I do not blame him. Truck is flat on the lot and I see what looks like a tragic accident. “What do you think corporal Thorn” Chief Denton asks me. I take a breath and tell him “See her and what looks like a gun shot wound, then him I think this was a murder suicide.” Robbie is yelled at the window near his dad, and I just know he sees this too “Why you bastard what the hell where you thinking” he starts singing it is probably a habit.
The medical examiner that is really the town doctor comes over and consoles him. “We need to open the doors dose anyone have tools” Robbie pulls out an old key set and I get the passenger door after donning gloves. “One two three pull, anything that falls out bag it.” The door opens and I yell “Found something its an old picture in a plastic case” Robbie comes over and bags it. I can tell it is a picture of him as a baby, dam this is hard. The bodies are taken to the morgue at the base and the truck is towed to the police yard across town. Robbie takes off and follows the truck just leaving me stranded. Oren and Nancy are nice enough to drop me off at his house and leave me their spare keys. I call Mom and Dad the old man is asking who I am again but at least I can hear his voice. Brian calls later and asks me to dinner so I say yes, I do text Robbie a couple of times but quick answers so at 5 I leave with Brian. “I talked to Mom and dad earlier, the old man is getting worse he thinks Joe is his only son now.” Brian tells me he had the same conversation, but we do not talk about that or what happened today, we eat hotdogs, drink beer for me and soda for him. I ask Robbie about King when he finally calls, and he says he has got him see you at home. I am not looking forward to tonight this is going to be harder than I thought it would be.
This is Commander Marten, yes I am on the way, come on squirt got to drop you and run.” He really does drop me I am surprised he hit the brakes. I walk up the hill and to Robbie’s house. I am in the bathroom when I hear him come in, “I still can’t believe this shit the day just keeps getting better, my Dad shot my mom, turned the gun on himself drove off a cliff and now she was pregnant, I really hate this part of my job.” I come out and say “Quite the pity party detective” he looks up and me I can tell from the bottle of Jack that he is wasted. “I thought you were with Brian having dinner.” I tell him Brian had an emergency and dropped me down at the corner. “Have you had anything to eat babe” he tells me he will drink his dinner. King starts to whine so I go over and pet him before making Robbie a turkey sandwich.
I stay in the backyard with King finishing my joint from last night when I hear a crashing noise. I tell King to stay in the kitchen and see him slamming pictures on the floor. I grab him and he falls apart on my shoulder. We sit down and I force him to finish the sandwich. King whines again so I go guide him over to the couch and grab a broom to clean up the broken glass “Hey why did you throw this one on the floor it’s us at dick peak” he says he was aiming for the one next to it because it is his dad and him at the bowling alley and that he is sorry. King snuggles him and Robbie cries some more. I have all the glass cleaned but I run the duster mop anyway (thank goodness for hardwood floors or whatever these are). Robbie looks woozy after a while, so I get him to the bathroom “Yeah that’s it Robbie pray to the porcelain god.” He finishes up and I help him run a toothbrush through his mouth and wash his face before he passes out in bed, I left him in his underwear for my pleasure, I want to take advantage, but I would rather hear my man moan.
I wake up to the sound of Cher coming from the kitchen and man does my head hurt, King gives me kisses and I snuggle him because I know I was a jerk last night. I make my way to the kitchen I am in my undies but I don’t care and Scott is like “I found someone to take way the heartache, to take away the loneliness I’ve been feeling since you’ve been gone” he turns around and sees me “I found someone” and I get a kiss on the lips he paused the song and tells me “You don’t take away the heartache or loneliness and you are not gone but I found someone.”
“I like Cher, but can we turn her down a notch my head hurts” he smiles and shows me the bottle I nearly polished off, now my stomach hurts. Scott turns it down and I see my picture frames all along the countertop. “I really did not mean to throw this one I love this picture of us” Scott hugs me from behind. “I have a feeling you are very hurt so I understand that we can find new frames, but where is the question, Scott says.” Robbie tells me “The drugstore carries picture frames we can go there later.” I finish breakfast and slip King another piece of bacon “Stop feeding him bacon he will want it from me. Scott says “It is a special treat and occasionally its fine. “
After breakfast Robbie and I shower, when we are done, we do our 69, and boy do we take advantage of each other. I suck his cock and drink his sweet juice. He returns the favor by swallowing me and my juice easily goes down his throat. I get cuddles when we are done “I love you Scott, I hope you know that” I snuggle him close and kiss his head. “I do know that, but it seems your life is here, and you don’t want the world to know about us and that hurts.” Robbie kisses me and I kiss him right back our tongues doing that sexy dance with each other. “I wish homophobia did not exist and people where more understanding” I tell him “Yes I know that feeling all too well.” Robbie gets a call from Oren “Hi Oren, yes I am fine but there have been new developments and it’s hard to talk about, thank you yes we will be there, ok seeing you Saturday then.” Robbie tells me Heather must work Friday so everyone has been moved to Saturday. He and I get King and walk down to the drug store and get some new frames, one 8×10 was not available but would be there next week. Robbie grabs some Tylenol, and we head to the house then grab Kings toys so we can show Robbie what a good boy he is in the water. “I saw his swimming video he is my first dog, and yes I know labs are great swimmers.” I tell him “Yeah I couldn’t tell did you parents hate dogs or something, sorry I was being sarcastic.” He dose frown but says “No they just liked cats better, so we had those, I used to play with Honey all the time, Oren and Nancy’s lab.”
Robbie makes a great throw and King dives out to get it “Good boy Mr. go get that ball.” We play like that for the rest of the day, and break for lunch at a taco truck that Robbie follows on the Gram. We get up to the spot they are at and Heather and her daughter Lila are there “Hey Robbie how are you holding up, Scott this is Lila my daughter.” I tell her it is nice to meet her, and King goes over to sit next to the kid. Robbie dose not answer Heather but we both go get the food. “Dude she asked you a question you should answer her” Robbie just keeps walking and since we are in public, I do not make a scene. “Shit where is King” I tell him over by Lila, and we get our tacos. We sit down together and eat our lunch; Lila tells us about helping at the next puppet show this Sunday. Robbie tells Heather he needs to talk alone so they go off to a tree to talk. Lila is a sweet girl, so we do some tricks with King while they speak looking like it is a fierce conversation. They come back over, and Heather tells Lila it is time to leave, and they will see us Saturday. I gather our trash and we see Brian by the taco truck, so we go chat with him. “Yeah, the bodies will be released from the morgue by Monday so you can bury them then, again I am sorry Robbie.” Robbie thanks him and reminds himself to swing by the cemetery on the way home. I hug my brother then we take off for the town cemetery.
Robbie points out where their stones are, and he stops into the office while I wait in the truck with King. After he comes out, he tells me “I will just have a private graveside service but if I know this town half of them will be here” but it won’t be till Tuesday so I hope the morgue can keep them.” I tell him I know a guy and can make that happen. He smiles at me and tells me what he and Heather were talking about “You see fucking around runs in the family Heather is my half-sister same dad different moms.” I am stunned, this soap opera is getting more intense. I hold on to his thigh and when we get home, the love we make takes our minds from everything, for now at least.
That was amazing babe I really needed you to take me and last night you did.” I smiled at Robbie for saying that and grabbed his dick with some force. “Yes, my babe I want this again in my ass so let’s get you going again.” We had round two right there on the bed I love the way my man dose me and when I make him moan it is even better. Then reality called and bit me in the ass “Hey Jamie what’s wrong, oh dam of course I’m on the way, hang in there.” Robbie jumps up and gets dressed “What happened did she break a nail.” Robbie stares at me but says nothing, he yells he will be back later and takes off.
           I get some coffee and play with King in the backyard, we get back in and I make eggs and toast for myself. I get on his computer and he has his emails open, and one is from a fertility clinic, hmm someone is not telling me something. I open my own window and check my emails, nothing special but I am reminded of finals coming up next month, those are a bitch, lots of students all anxious and stuff. I email Miss Grant and tell her I will be home next Saturday night I hope Robbie can fly into the Marina instead of Gigolo bay.  After I send that I check my gram and see any new posts, the Blonde island courier has an account and posted all about Robbie and his parents, lots of comments and some rude ones. I text him about it and he replies he saw it, not much to do about it now.
           I chat on text with Mom and show her some cute King pictures, she tells me he looks like Gus and I agree with her. I grab King and his toys and get down to the bay for some swimming, I go with him because its warm today. The pooch and I are chilling on the beach when Robbie shows up. “Crisis averted I hope” he stares ahead and then throws the ball for King. “I think so, she is not feeling well they are running tests, so we shall see, I guess Brandon was busy and could not take her so yes she called me.” I throw the ball too and then King sees Stan coming down the beach, so off he goes. “We have history Scott she will always be around I wish you could be cool with that.” I do not know what to say then Stan comes and sits on my lap “Ok Giant sized poodle hello to you too.” James and I tell Robbie he is the Standard Poodle, yes some are toy and one medium size, but he loved this boy. We all play for a while before the clouds roll in, so we all get on home. Robbie says he wants to take me to the movies tonight “I got some detective Grant films I’m showing the case of the missing heiress and What ever happened to Joe Williams.” I tell him those are great ones I watched the missing one in Hawaii with Brian.
           After sandwiches for lunch, I ask him about the fertility clinic he tells me “I did that about two years ago Jamie and I were trying and it was not successful, so I went to Assland the other island over there and did a test. I don’t have a lot of swimmers I believe this is what was wrong with Dad, but we all know how that turned out.” I do not push him, but he gets and idea and gets his phone out, “Oren can we barrow your keys, what Scott has them, oh yeah I did leave him stranded.” He looks at me and I pull the keys out of the drawer of his desk. “never mind, yes we will see you Saturday.” Robbie gets a treat for King and leaves a talk radio station on “I can’t stand this dude, but King likes it, so I leave it on.” We leave the kitchen light on and take off. When we get to the movies Robbie gets a hot dog, raisenetts and root beer. I get lager popcorn, root beer and snow caps. I look at Robbie and ask him “No popcorn man it’s the movies.” He tells me no he had to work with the stuff for years he lost the taste for it. We settle in and I tell him to move to the other side of me “otherwise we bump elbows” Robbie agrees, and the show starts. After is over he tells me where we are going with the keys. “Off to the hot springs I put stuff in the truck earlier while you were talking to Vivian.”
           We park off the road a bit and walk the five minutes up to the hot spring. We get our trunks on and get on into this amazing hot spring. “They want to open these up again, but this is the only one still working so I don’t see it happening soon.” Robbie tells me some more history before we are interrupted by thunder right near us, we get out and book it back to the truck, we make it home in time before it starts pouring and thundering.  King is antsy so Robbie gives him some doggie calm, and after a while he is asleep in his bed. Robbie and I have some makeup 69 session and mm mm my man tastes good, weather he has lots of swimmers or not he is still yummy.  I snuggle him close, and he falls asleep next to me.  I want to live with him. I just do not know if I can live with the woman in this relationship too, I hate this part so much.
