Rose of Two Thorn’s Scott 71-75 RVS & Dream Master (FF MM MF MFF MFM Anal Bondage Toys Solo)

Waking up to my babe cooking for me again has me spoiled.  I get my ass shorts that I got for Christmas and get to the kitchen. “Good morning sexy man, I do not want to take you home live here with me.” He smiles and kisses my lips “I have a job, a theater and my dog back at home but I do not want to go home either.” He has made waffles, fried eggs, and bacon. I make the coffee and we eat. I check the time on my stove and just then Miss Grant calls “Good morning Miss Grant” I put her on speaker. “Good morning Scott I checked your schedule, and you have no students today, so I told Dean Kane what happened to you over the weekend, take the day off but remember staff meeting at 9am tomorrow in the theater.”  I tell her thank you and see her tomorrow. I hold my mans hand and he holds mine back.
           Breakfast was great but its time to assault my boyfriend in the shower. “I believe you just got taken Detective Denton.  I have tactics too” he smiles up at me before twisting my body around and inserting two fingers into my ass.  I moan, he grips my nuts. I know my man is hard, but he is teasing me with the poke and grab. Then when I cannot take it anymore, he dives right in and takes my ass, I love his dick in there, I feel his explosion and we both hold each other under the water. I Shave all over and he dose as well. “What time dose your flight leave because we will have to cab it to the airport, I do need to see how the cart is coming along.” Robbie goes to his phone and sees the fog alert “I thought it was 10am but fog is happening so yeah they pushed it to 2pm.” I call the cart place, but they have not even looked at it because they are backed up, I consider taking Robbie to Every Girls Dream Mall, we can ride my bike.
           We get dressed and hop on my bike “It feels good to ride this again, but you did a great job that night, even with the wiggle you smartass.” He kisses my neck, with helmets on we take off.  I take Robbie to the Rock-hard Cock shop it is the sex toy shop in the mall. We each grab some message oils and sexy thongs.  I get to buy my man some silky boxers to leave at my place, he is so hot.  I like him in these.  After that we go to Lustful Chocolates “Finally I get some of these I still wish I could have made it for Valentines day” I tell him me too but we both had things to do. We break for lunch up at Pink Taco and Devon has lunch with us. “I hope you are feeling better babe you scared Barry and I.” I tell him “Yes I am all better I found out I am allergic to Morphine, so I know that, and I need to tell my brother Brian because he is my emergency contact.” Robbie looks hurt so I hold his hand “You are too my love I had to list the closest relative and that would be him.” Robbie smiles and Devon brings us our food I get the steak lick’em up nachos and Robbie has the Pink Cocks its really and empanada shaped like a dick.  I take a bit and its good, I will remember these for next time. After lunch we head back to my place and I give Robbie a drawer I smile as we do this because I love him and want this man here as much as possible. I get him settled and then get a Facetime from said nearest relative.
           “Hey squirt hold on I need to get away from the helicopter” I watch my brother salute some people then get off to a golf cart. “I had to go out to a ship and help with a crew disagreement, it happens on ships after a 2-week water assignment, but all is well. Mom told me what happened are you alright.” I tell him yes but that I am allergic to Morphine, so he needs to remember that too along with Robbie just in case I am incapacitated. “I promise little brother.  Is your boyfriend around” I turn the phone to Robbie and Brian says hold on again as he makes his way into his office “Ok I have some news for you our frogmen were doing a diving training exercise off the southern coast and they found an old truck on the bottom near the rocks.” I see Robbie go pale and he gets up to head outside. I ask Brian what is up “I think that is Robbie’s story to tell I need to go talk to you soon, love you.” I tell him I love him too and head out to the porch.
           “You want some Bourbon, you look like you need it,” He nods, and I go get him some, “That truck belongs to my parents they might still be inside, and I need answers, but I am not prepared for the results.” He downs the bourbon in one shot, I hold him against me.  He is crying softly so I do not push him I just hold on. He tells me one week before graduation his parents were supposed to meet some old friends to go fishing.  They took off and were never seen again and were declared dead after 7 years. If the truck is theirs, then this was no accident.  They were murdered or committed suicide.  He gets a message on his phone the flight is leaving at two, so I call the cab and we get his stuff together and wait, he is quiet on the ride there. We get him checked in and sit together I hold him some more.  “I wish I could help you” he thanks me and says this is why he became a detective.  “I always wondered what happened and now I can know.”
 He asks me “Still coming up for spring break in two weeks right” I double check my phone and tell him “Yes and I will book my flight tonight.  This April 20th, I hope the bike is ready for Brian.” He promises to check this week, but his flight is announced. We hug and kiss and kiss some more. I tell him to text me when he gets home and off, he goes.  I miss him already.
           I catch a cab back home and I see a note from him on my coffee table.  “I love you and I had a nice time this weekend minus you getting sick, please don’t push me about my parents its too painful, love Robbie.” He must have written this while I was in the bathroom.  I know I should not push but I love him and want to help, so I will be gentle about it. I check on flights and nothing yet, but I put an alert on. I grab my joint and beer, my little radio and listen to some In the Bedroom with Jax.
Robbie tells me his is home and I tell him I love you. I text Brian and tell him to please take care of Robbie for me I know some about his parents, but I am worried. Brian tells me he will keep me posted; I can always count on Commander Marten. I crawl in bed later and look over to where Robbie was his pillow still smells like him, so I sleep on that side tonight.
I push the alarm button and drag my ass to the shower I have the staff meeting this morning. I get my nice slacks and green sweater because it is a bit chilly today. I get out to the living room and Detective lane texts that Louie legs got popped for tax fraud and hiring a hit man for meathead so one part of the snake has been killed now to lob off the rest of it. His stuff is being auction off for tax rights but its all fancy stuff so he will let me know when its auction time. He wants me to call him later to set up the conceal and carry permit, I shall do that later.
I grab my bike helmet and once I get outside its drizzling, I go over to see if Vivian has left yet and she has not, so we carpool. “Thanks for the lift I do not like driving in the rain on my bike.” She tells me no problem and we get to the theater just in time for the staff meeting, Marie tells me Jane is fully recovered and has a show scheduled for after spring break at the art studio on campus. Just then Dean Kane comes up to welcome everyone and he tells us the government has excluded WDU so we are free to be ourselves as he takes off his coat and has the assless pants and crop top, he normally would wears. The rest of the staff is pumped up and he says “We are all free here now students included that includes you Scott” that little mother fucker. “I like keeping my junk for my man, but you do you Dean.” He looks at me again and says, “Some of us are more accepting than others” I look right at him and say, “Sexual harassment anyone, Miss Grant, Marie you all hear this right.” That shuts him up quick and other business is discussed.
Vivian and I get back to the office Marie tells me she will see me at lunch, I get my students and only two for the day. I get to my office and read their files, no big surprises they are both set to graduate so its end of term stuff. I check with Lane but he is out so I go talk with Miss Grant “I need to see if anyone is coming in tomorrow Lane wants to get me certified on the weapons, I see no need to bring it here but if I do, I will let you know.” She says she will check, and I hear my cell, so I go answer it. It is the cart place and my battery under the seat had corroded and that is why it was not holding a charge, its not fixable the cart is dead. I tell them I will call insurance and see if I can scrap it for profit. I hit the Gram and tell everyone my cart has died it was a good cart for about 15 years and it survived a cross ocean trip too.
I have my first student and his grades are all up to par, he is going to be a photographer for Amara Daily the sex website for the country, it has bondage, couples pics and sexy boudoir stuff too. He is all set and I congratulate him on his success. I go out to the bathroom and I pass by Dean Kane he gives me a dirty look, but I have no patience for him today. I take my leek and go see Miss grant again my student schedule for the week is not very much, but I might be needed on Thursday she has an appointment, so someone needs to run the office and I have the experience. “No problem that my phone thanks Miss Grant.” I answer the phone “This is Scott” I hear Joe’s voice “Oh thank God dad thinks you’re dead.” I ask him why dad would think this and its obvious I am alive. “I hear Mom in the background explaining the fact that my cart died not him. “Jesus you think a detail man would read the whole message, hold on Brian is on Facetime. “Oh, hey squirt you are alive why dose Dad think you were dead.” I tell Brian and Joe about the cart and Brian looks relived and Joe is fine as well. “Put Dad on please” I talk to dad and he is feeling better, and Mom comes on asking how I am feeling and if I will get a new car. I tell her yes there is an auction coming up, but I must scrap the cart first. I tell everyone I love them and get down to lunch.
I sit with Marie after Mel gets me a bowl of clam chowder, a roll, and some salad. I tell Marie about the car and she gives me a number for a scrap dealer down in Busty so I take the information and I will call later. We talk about how sick Jane got it was touch and go for a bit, I do not think anyone wants to drink at that club for a while, but we shall see. I get back and get my second student done and she needs to set up housing for the following year, but she has a place in mid so off to Miss Grant she goes. I finally get a hold of Lane and he says he can pick me up and take me to the auction house to see the goods. I shut my computer down and get my stuff together I tell Miss Grant that Lane is coming to get me so I will see her in the morning. I get in Lane’s car and off we go. “Yeah, I hope there is a car because my cart is now dead, I will scrap it and use that money to get something.” Lane tells me Louie had many rides I am sure you will see something you like. I get there and boy is it packed with stuff the things from the Meow Club and his personal stash. This Slither looks amazing its black and shiny with suicide doors or wings and they are called too. I also see a vibracycle, but I already have a bike. He has a Porsche from the states but that is a bit much for me and my stick driving is not great.
Lane drops me at home, and I call this scrap yard and they want to give 7500 Sextons for my cart I tell them I need to clear insurance, but I will keep them in mind. I call my babe, but he does not answer, so I text him and tell him: I am thinking about you, I slept on your pillow last night and whatever you are going through I am here, I love you. I make some hot dogs for dinner and put some fries in the oven. I open some chile and break out my cheese this is the last of it, so I start making a list. After I eat Robbie texts me back, he loves me too and missed me in bed last night when I get there, I have a drawer too with some hot pants and a few see through tops because that is what you wore Friday, and he could not take his eyes off me. I send him a dick pick and he sends me one back, dam I am so lucky to have that man.
“You had the full coverage and the extra coverage and rebate for electric vehicle so the cart can be written off for 10,000 Sextons, and your last payment will be credited to your account in two weeks. We hope you continue with Hump Insurance Mr. Thorn.” I shake her hand and break her heart with a picture of my boyfriend. I got my insurance payment and with the junk rate I can put in a bid for that slither, its going to look great in my garage and I will show off my man in there too. I give Lane a buzz and he says the auction is tomorrow at 5. I get to work and its Thursday so I am running the front office because Miss Grant will be gone for the day. I log in like she showed me, and I start answering phone I never knew how much these rang. I handle some student business and get the office kids their assignments. Dean Kane wants coffee, and I am tempted to piss in it, but I refrain, so I bring it and he dose not even say thanks.
I am usually at lunch so I text Marie that I am Miss Grant today so I will not be going to the cafeteria. She offers to bring me food, but I tell her I brought something today but thank you. I heat up my sandwich and get some coffee myself. I eat at the desk I only make a small mess but that was just on the leg of my pants. I get a text from Lane asking if I need a ride, I text him that I will be on the bike. I text my babe to see how he is, but I get no response, so back to the phones until 4pm. I log off and set her desk back in order, do not want to be on her bad side. Before I leave, I give Dean Kane his mail and again I am waved away, such a dick and not in a fun way either. I hop on the bike and head over to the auction house.

Meanwhile on Blonde Island
“A week before graduation from high school Mom and Dad were going fishing with friends it was only going to be for a weekend. Sunday came around and I ride my bike to the dock. The friends said Mom and Dad never showed so they went without them. I ride around town and look in all the places, Oren and Nancy help too. I waited 48 hours then Nancy filed the police report we all looked for them for the rest of the week, I had to graduate without my parents. I got married without them and divorced. After 7 years they were declared dead and if the truck is at the bottom of the south end that has to be really down there and why were they in that area.” Chief Denton listens empathetically and says, “If the Coast Guard has the hoist, you have my blessing son.” I shake his hand then King and I head over to see Brian. We get signed in and head to his office he is on the phone, but we make ourselves comfortable. “Dog off couch dude” I get King on the floor and he finishes his call. “Ok hello King stay off my furniture, but what did your chief say Robbie.” I tell him we have his blessing, and this will be my investigation “I am hoping this is an accident, but they should not have been there. The dock was in the other direction.”
Back in Amara
“Hey Lane, is this a silent of live auction” Lane tells me just a second and he is off to find out. “It’s a bid auction so the restaurant and club stuff will go first the rides will take bids that slither is going for 3,000 Sextons.” I got to the table and make the bid for 3,000 I have the cash on hand if that is what they want.” I but in the full bid I like the look of this thing its hot.” Lane shakes his head “I like my truck if I were 30 years younger but hey if you get it give me a ride.” I promise him I will, and the auction starts for the club stuff that goes fast and the vibracycle gets several bids. I find out I won the Slither its mine. I pay the cash and they offer to hold it till tomorrow morning so I can come get it. I take some pics and send them out to everyone. “My new ride I feel like a million bucks can’t wait to ride around with my boo.” I get a bunch of likes Devon says, “take me around I want to feel those vibrations.” Huna tells me sweet ride, Mom says it looks way to fast, Joe is jealous, Brian sends heart eye emojis and Marie is in love too. I get back home and eat some canned stew for dinner. Robbie texts me: Wow babe that car looks sweet with those winged doors and the interior looks like butter. King and I are looking forward to our ride.
The next morning Devon comes over because last night I texted him to drive me to the auction house, I will make it worth your while. He comes in and we kiss like two lovers who have not seen each other in forever. I take his cock in my hands and make him rock hard. He molests me and well we get into a very sexy sideways 69 because Devon in a bit taller than me. I drink that cock down my throat and I love every inch of it. He swallows my dick too and I give him my juice he did not cum very much he said he and Marcus had fun this morning, but I still like sucking him. He drives me to the auction house, and I pick up my new ride, I take him around the parking lot before I must get to insurance. My rates only went up by 25 Sextons but with the bike coverage I have a good rate still. I go back to Vivian and Jack “Check this out” I press the button and both doors open at once. They are both impressed, and I do get the drive carefully lecture from Vivian. I do promise but this thing is sweet as I rev the engine.
I take the car to work later, and I get all the looks. I show Marie after work because she needs a lift, so she is my first passenger. She thinks it is a bit loud, but it is a sweet car. I stop at the pot shop because its time for a refill, “Yeah that’s my new car my cart died so insurance gave me the pay off and the junk rate. I got this at auction.” The pot shop guys check out the inside and the dashboard it a big deal, its just a big computer and the dash is electronic too. I stop for a burger and fries on the way home, I have some sweet cup holders too for my Dr. Pecker so funny this place is often hilarious. I pull into the garage and park my new ride I do stare at it for a bit its much bigger than my cart, but it still fits. After I eat, I watch the local new Louie is getting a light sentence on tax fraud only, the meathead hit will not stick because no one has confessed, what bullshit he gets a cushy sentence and barely loses anything. Ha-ha I got your car you tax cheat.
I get up and get my stretches on I have not been jogging in over a month, but Devon and I missed our morning runs, we have both been busy and its been raining like a waterspout here. I jog down the road to the Lake. Devon is over by the pull up bar dam he is a fine piece of ass, the rest of him is fine too. “Hey babe nice to see you at least its cloudy today.” I tell him yes and we hit the lake path, as we turn down the next curve, we see Dean Kane I think to my self I could shove his jealous ass in the water. He passes us with not a word and that is great I hate his drama I mean Brian teases me about being a princess, but that man is. The two of us take a stretch break on the other side of the path and yes some make out.
After that we agree to meet up after he gets out of work because hell, we like sucking each other dicks, we are grown and know what we like. “I will see you tonight pretty boy and yeah I will be full for you so get ready to swallow me.” I grin at that though and we give each other’s cocks a grab before he heads one way and I get back home. I am tempted in the shower but if he is saving for me, I will save for him. After a shave of everywhere I get my dark jeans long sleeve WDU shirt and my boots. I am off to Busty to get certified for my carry permit. I hop in the slither and its sprinkling so now I need to find the wiper button or whatever it is. I find it and off I go, I get there, and Lane gives me a coffee because we are needing to wait for Chief Nolan.
“I have not been certified in a long time, but I don’t mind doing it again, if I can help great.” Lane tells me I will need to get the psych evaluation but that is a given. The chief shows up fashionably late by 20 minutes. “Scott, we have provided a weapon for you but if you pass the certification, we can issue you a standard Buttretta.” I take the written test and pass that in no time and now it is time to load. We are inside and the simulation is something I have never seen. Its all computerized and the weapon is plastic, and it counts how many you shoot. I get the practice and its not as easy as it looks. Time for the real thing and except for shooting at a dog that charged I passed. “Those dogs will get you, but you did great Scott congratulations.” The chief hands me my weapon, some bullets, and an ID. “Scott Thorn Corporal Consultant Silk Stocking PD.” He shakes my hand, and we take a quick photo. After I leave, I go to the range store and buy a gun safe to keep on my dresser. I feel safer knowing I have this so Lane and I get breakfast at the same diner I see Barry in, but we do not get his section today. I get the sausage and cheese scrambled eggs, with biscuits and gravy. Lane had some egg whites and wheat toast “Doc says my cholesterol is high, you are lucky my friend also younger.” We finish eating and Lane wants to celebrate sometime soon so we will investigate that.
I get back home and take the pics of my new badge, ID, and weapon so I can show off a bit. I get some likes and a little dig from my man “I outrank you corporal, Detective Denton.” I comment back “Yeah yeah you were officer Denton when we first meet.” He sends back a laughing emoji and a congrats. Mom says congrats from all of them Huna says salute me young man I was a sergeant with laughing emojis. I enjoy the rest of my day off because Miss Grant was back, and I had no students. I search the web for more ships in a bottle, but nothing comes up. I eat some soup for lunch before Devon comes over. I show off my gun and stuff before he grabs my ass, and we get naked.
I kiss my way down his chest and to that big chocolate stick. He take mine in his hands and makes me moan with sheer pleasure. We get into a 69 and mmm he has great sucking abilities and I love me some chocolate stick and sucking this beast is my pleasure. He drinks my juice and I drink him down, then he flips me on my stomach and chews my ass, and I moan again dam this man is good. I return the favor to him and we snuggle next to each other while grouping each other’s nuts. He must get home because he needs to rehearse for next weeks show at The Tata club down in Busty bay. “You and everyone else is invited so come on down but maybe hold your drinks at all times.” I kiss him and he takes off. I text everyone and Marie and Jane are busy but so far, it is me, Barry, and club Marcus. I text Robbie to see if he can be here, but he is busy right now he will call me in the morning. After a soak in the tub and a talk with Miss Grant on the porch I head to bed, I need to seriously grocery shop tomorrow and talk to my babe. I miss him and want him around more; I wish he lived here.
“Man, Lane this is a tasty steak, you cooked that very medium well and still juicy, cheers.” We clink beer bottles and dig in. We are both up at his cabin in Gigolo Bay, the school had the in-service day and as of next two weeks its spring break. Robbie is going to fly in here to the bay tomorrow and it is a blissful two weeks with my man and King. “Scott did you have the evaluation yet” Lane asks. I tell him no I set it up for the Wednesday after I get back. “I have not done one in years do I hope they think I’m sane enough for the job and don’t take my weapon and credentials back.” Lane assures me its just the same old standard background check and questions nothing that will get you.
After another beer and some Gin Rummy he and I get ready for bed I get my bags straightened out and clothes out for tomorrow. I get to sleep on the porch bed with an extra blanket but can still hear the hum of the machine. I check my messages and its my babe with his sexy cock: Looking forward to you sucking this down your throat and me getting into that sweet ass. I love you I will let you know in the morning how the fog is and what time I will land. I send him and I love you and I send an already made dick pic on my phone with a suck it down your throat and let me pound that tight ass. I dream of us in that hot spring again I do hope we can make that a thing because it was hot both ways, water and doing my man and him to me.
In the morning I check the weather and it looks like the fog is lifting, so I text my babe good morning, fog is lifting. He texts back that he should be landing at 10am so that gives Lane and I time to eat breakfast. I make scrambled eggs, turkey bacon (Yuck but I do not tell Lane) and some bagels.

Meanwhile on Blonde Island
“Is my dumb shit brother coming up today and yes I mean on a plane not the other way.” I laugh at Brian and say, “Yes he calls you that too and I will be flying in to Gigolo to pick him up, I leave in an hour the fog is lifting,” Brian and I discuss when the frogmen will be there and its looking like Tuesday “I am still not prepared but having him here will make it better, what is taking the frogmen so long.” Brian tells me there was a emergency repair on a Cutter so that took priority. I tell Brian I need to get King to Heathers so I will catch him later.

After dishes and one last check he drops me off at the dock and I see and hear my man coming in on his plane. I jump up and help him tie the plane to the dock and he helps me get my luggage in. He and lane chat for a bit before we untie and get in the cockpit. Before we sit down its make out time in the back area. I grope him and he grabs my ass too. “I have missed you Robbie it is going to be great spending two whole weeks with you.” He smiles at me and says, “Yes I have missed you and you’re all mine tonight King went to heathers and we will be boning like teenagers.” I smile at that thought and we make out more before we hear his plane number called. He puts the headphones on, and I put some on myself. We are third in line for takeoff, so I wave at Lane and off we go. In the air he points out an area with a supposed shipwreck with gold and treasures though no one has found it. “Who taught you to fly” I ask him. He tells me Oren he was a pilot in the Army, and he flew charter planes from Blonde to Amara for 30 years. “Robbie to Oren am I cleared for landing.” He comes on and says, “Take Perth 4 come in soft the water is choppy.” Robbie comes in soft and its smooth landing till we both get out, get my stuff off loaded and tie the Plane down here. We all chat and agree to have dinner at Oren and Nancy’s house this Thursday before the Fido Society meeting.
We get in his truck and I tell him “I want to kiss you” he looks at me and says, “Be cool babe to many people with big mouths over here.” I refrain and we head back to his house. After the offloading and the unpacking, I put that man against the mattress and ravage him. I nibble his neck and take his shirt off, I make my way down and he takes his pants off. I get stripped by my man and we both lay sideways so we can chew each other’s asses. I am rock hard, and I want him so bad, so I shove my cock in his mouth, then before I am tempted to cream, I put it inside his tight ass. “Dam babe you are so hard, do me you stud I love this.” I double spank him and drill his ass, my hands on his hips and the cum just shoots from me deep in him. He gives me his cock and mm mm its hard and thick he has a great dick. He pulls out of my throat and gets me on my side. I feel him push in and I moan out loud and proud “Do me babe show me you have missed me.” He pounds my ass like the sex god he is. I get my nuts played with and he rolls me over “Fuck my cock babe I like seeing this.” I show him how a proper gay boy fucks his man. I feel his explosion and we lay next to each other in sexual bliss. “You are not out yet are you Robbie” I ask him as he is laying on my chest. I can feel him tense up but then relax. “It’s not that I don’t want to show you off, this place is homophobic, and I do not want any of that.” He tells me about the jokes and the anti-gay attitude in the department. “I like visiting you on Amara because I am free there, but I have an established life here, so I still need to keep that hidden until I can change peoples minds.” I kiss his forehead and he gives me a kiss on my lips. We make out more before getting in the shower for some more sexy time and we help each other shave everywhere.
We order a pepperoni and half black olive pizza for dinner and crack open some beers. “On Tuesday, the frogmen will start pulling up the trunk from the ocean, please be there with me.” I hug him and tell him “yes but I thought it was done already.” He tells me they had an emergency fix on a cutter so that took priority according to Brian. Speaking of the dumb shit he comes in on my Facetime “Hey are you ignoring me I texted three times now.” I look at sure enough he did “Well Robbie and I were having sex want the details.” Robbie looks embarrassed but Brian says, “No spare me, so are you going to be able to have lunch Monday.” I look to Robbie and he says he has desk duty because Betty will be gone for the day. I tell him yes and he will text me the time “Love you squirt, later Robbie.” Robbie asks me “You don’t tell m him all the escapades do you” I laugh and say, “No I just like teasing him it’s fun.” The Robbie asks me why he calls me squirt. “Well, I was the shortest brother until the summer between sophomore and junior year. Then I grew 6 inches over the course of the summer, so its just a nickname I am only two inches taller than him.” We watch some old Murder she wrote episodes before we hit the bed. Snuggling next to my man is a dream come true and I want more of this, we need to live together on Amara so he can be free.
