Wet Dreams University Starlet of the Cum Dumpster Dream Master (FF MF MFF MFM ANAL BDSM BONDAGE SOLO)

“You know when you first see somebody and instantly know there’s a story” Clarissa said to Angie while peeking over the top of her Vibralink.  “Well I picked you didn’t I” Angie shot back being so engaged with the lastest edition of Cum Dumpster.  Teasing her back in the more physically way, “Oh yes I’m rubbing my.. my Ooo..”  The shutter took Clarissa a moment to let pass so her clit would be more open to some interporn talks.  “Yep, I’m sure she will be fine” Angie stated working on her own cunt to a full erotic picture.  “Fine you be like that I’m sure she will be just fine!”  Clarissa almost fell back down after the funny explosion that just came out of her mouth.
“Excuse me, excuse me butt I am a reporter from In the Bedroom with Jax” trying to chase down a smaller chested girl was rather difficult due to Clarissa’s triple S’s.  “I was wondering if I could get a interporn with you” Clarissa was not use to hitting on women.  Especially ones of sauce fine quality as.. “Think Clarissa think” in Clarissa’s mind there was only one thought and that was a very dark naughty nasty thought about how many ways she could get this woman to cum.  “Oh..myfuck it’s Xena!” Angie practically gave Clarissa a heart attack by sneaking up on her butt..  “Mmm, she has the best buns on this island that is for fucking sure” Clarissa was stuck with that hot thought as Xena turned to face Angie.  “These, these.. pics and photos just don’t do you justice” Angie was twirling her clit faster by the minute.  “Cum Dumpster number ninety one nice choice in reading butt (you could have knocked Clarissa down with a feather) I do believe that this (groping Clarissa’s triple S’s) reporter wants to do me and a interporn” her full lips just a cunt hair away from Clarissa’s ear.  Before the trembling, before the bucking of the hips Xena cupped Clarissa’s pussy with one hand.  “Yes we can have a interporn” her beautiful tongue dragging from the jaw line on Clarissa’s face right to her ear.  “And I think you might actually teach me something more” Xena whispered into Clarissa’s ear, right now a melting pot filled with the dirtiest little secrets.  “I think we should let her watch” Xena laid the first erotic kiss onto Clarissa’s ear lobe.  Sucking on that small piece of skin while turning Clarissa’s cunt into a foaming mess.  “I think you should just lie down” doing her little trip thing butt catching Clarissa at just the right minute.  “I hope you don’t mind butt..” sucking on Clarissa’s left nipple.  Touching Clarissa on her bum, “Now you may moan, I’m sorry didn’t catch your name my love?”  Xena was already nibbling her way to the best orgasm.  “Clari.. Clar.. Ooo fuckkk.. …” the unknowing of this orgasm.  It’s length, how many fucking bucks to expect or the cum.. “Oh the cum!  I’m gonna.. Ooo OooOoooOoooo OoooOoooOoooOooofucking ” Clarissa raggedly screamed as her stomach was tightened up.  “Two choices, let her fuck me brainless or getting me so fucking horny that I.. (her mind as strong as a ox butt her tender body) Ooo fuckkk..” Clarissa’s body convulsing against anything that has happened to it ever.  “Ohmifuck.. I’m cum..g Ooo OooOoooOoooo..” grating her clit on that beautiful tongue.  Clawing at the ground cuz right now the only thing that was down was her arms.  Clarissa constantly thrusting her hips up.  “Has my tongue licked all your interporn questions” Xena was teasing butt her tongue was going for seconds.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/nbv2bl/wet_dreams_university_starlet_of_the_cum_dumpster