Swallowed by the Goo Serpent [M/F, snake x man, soft vore, oral, vaginal, dubcon, erotica] (AmethystMare)

When a man finds that one of his creations, a seductive slime-naga, has come to life, he only has lust in his heart as she opens her maw wider than ever to devour him, softly and sweetly, whole…

As always, I am open for commissions starting at 30 GBP per 1,000 words – please e-mail arianmabe[at]gmail.com for more information or see my profile!

Dylan didn’t know that the serpent was there, waiting for him, a young man who should have been more cautious. But how could he have possibly known that he needed to apply any measure of wariness when the goo-serpent lay in wait so softly and readily? His shoulders rounded with the tension and stress of the day and he wanted nothing more than to plop himself down at his computer for a couple of hours and play whatever game was his newest obsession, if until his stomach growled with hunger again. Until then, however, he only wanted to rest, to relax, to feel a little more human again before the close of the day.

It was not to be – or, at least, not in the way that Dylan envisioned it.

Juniper hunkered down under his bed, the gap there perfectly sized for her. The tan serpent would not have fit under normal circumstances, but her brown-patterned hide slopped and slurped with goo, allowing her to be even more flexible than a normal snake and just as sneaky. The tip of her tail flicked back and forth as she watched his brown shoes enter the bedroom, pausing briefly to close the door, her heart rate increasing with every passing second.

She watched him avidly, tongue flickering out in a dark slop of goo to scent the air, eyes gleaming in the darkness. Yes, oh, yes, she liked it much better when her prey did not know she was there, lying in wait, stalking them. She’d known that it was Dylan that she was coming for, for there could be no one else there more deserving of such kinkily lustful attention. Her stomach growled minutely, feeling the vibration of it rather than hearing the sound, and she licked her lips, biding her time.

The squeak of his computer chair as his weight settled into it picked at her attention and the serpent tensed, coils pressing back against the wall at the far side of the bed. And yet she still had to wait just a moment longer, biding her time, awaiting that opportune moment in which to strike. Her goo spread out beneath her, but she had to restrain it, to have some manner of restraint. The one thing that Juniper could not control, however, was the rampant flickering of her tongue darting back and forth, tasting his scent on the air.

In the moment before the strike, she was the predator and he was the prey.

Dylan sighed, leaning back in his chair, hands behind his head.

Exactly the way it was supposed to be.

She lunged silently, though his cry pressed on, bouncing off the walls before she could wrap herself around him enough to restrict his breathing. Dylan’s hands flailed, striving to push her off, fear clawing at his heart, gasping for breath that he was no longer even able to take for himself. He tried to scream but something crushed his chest at that very moment – not enough to hurt but enough that all manner of air was forced from his lungs. Instead of a scream, all that burst from his lips was a breathless gasp, the rush of air leaving him a hiss of sound all in itself.

But it was not enough, it could never be enough, reeling in horror as a creature that he had only ever seen in artwork, occasionally written, reared before him. Her eyes locked onto him in a greedy gleam of pale blue, so intoxicating and icy that, as much as he struggled, it was beyond Dylan’s control to rip himself away, even then. Unable to even get a grip on her, his thrashing seemed to do nothing at all, dimly aware that his chair had tipped over in the course of the exceptionally brief struggle, the head of Juniper looming ominously over him.

She chuckled throatily, the blue underside of her hide seeming to ripple a little more than the rest of her with her barely concealed mirth.

“Hello there, creator,” she rumbled, jaws agape to show her fangs, though they were not venomous in her case. “I think our meeting here is especially fated!”

Juniper did not expect an answer from the human, though she did admire the breathless squeak he gave as her long, slick coils wound around and around him. She scooped him up and tightened her grip on him, leaving a slickly erotic trail in her wake, his hands pushing over her goo-like body, though it was not all wet and dripping but with a firmer substance an inch or so from the surface of her hide. Dylan pounded a fist weakly on her side but even that came without an air of conviction. If she’d been less classy than she was, Juniper would have laughed at him. Was that really all the fight he was going to put up? How adorable….

Dylan whimpered, though there was something more lurking behind his fear, sick dread creeping through. What could he do against her? She was huge, bigger than he was, making him feel so very small and weak even then. His hands slid over her goo, unable to find any manner of purchase, and his lips parted without any sound at all, glasses sliding down his nose.

Trapped… Trapped and at the mercy of the very character that he had created.

“How…” He struggled for breath, Juniper lightly loosening her coils enough only to allow him to speak. “How…are you here? Juniper…”

“Oh, I don’t think we need to worry one bit about that, do we?”

Her words rolled over him like the goo slipping from her coils, self-replenishing even as it spent itself in a slick drool and fall. Her control slipped around him as if it was something naturally present, though even he had never quite imagined her like that, only seeing the predator looming, the human, her prey.

“Yes… I know you like that.”

He shuddered, not even able to look at her. Was he frozen from fear or something else? That was a question that even Dylan was not all that sure that he wanted to know the answer to.

“I… Uh…”

Juniper chuckled throatily, the tip of her tail wiggling back and forth. She could afford such a flirty nuance when her control was so secure, the human so wrapped up in her coils that only his head and one of his arms stuck out. He truly was adorable, yet there was no reason for him to view her in the same light. That wasn’t in the nature of their relationship, not even in how Dylan had created it, envisioning something that had developed, quite literally, a life all of its own.

“You adore this…the lack of power.”

Her coils slithered around him as he whimpered, losing sight of where his body ended and hers began. Yet it was never for Dylan to know, to be at all in control.

“You want this, do you not?”

Juniper smirked but the smirk kept widening and widening, her lips so close to his face as her maw opened wider and wider. Her fangs glistened with both drool and goo, goo dripping from the top jaw to the bottom as her tongue fluttered between with pulses of scenting the air. Scents could become tastes, in a way, for her, and the snake relished in the little quiver he gave against her, something a little harder pressing up to her hide in raw desire.

But she let him imagine falling into her maw, the dark pit at the back of her throat, how widely she’d parted her colossal jaws for him, though she had not even unhinged her jaw yet. That was another little trick that she held up her figurative sleeve, as a serpent, hissing softly, weaving back and forth, as if she was the snake charmer and he the snake. The drip, drip, drip of goo was oddly hypnotic, even to her, and she was the one that had to listen to it all the time, night and day.

Dylan moaned, not even trying to hide it anymore. Wasn’t it better just to give in, even if she was his creation, in a way? Juniper had become her own creature, even if he had never imagined that happening, her maw so wide and so deep that he felt as if he could tip forward and find himself swallowed up by it. If only he slipped into her mouth, disappearing down her long throat into the swelling pit of her belly, everything would be okay, all in her control, in her coils.

“This is what you love, to be devoured, to be controlled. This is your fate, creator… Creator Dylan.”

He licked his lips and she closed her mouth, licking them in turn, mimicking his motions as he was drawn in even closer to her. But he was there for the serpent to take her pleasure with, coils shifting and wriggling around him as she worked his clothes free from his body, stripping him nearly. It was all done in such a way that Dylan was hardly aware of what was happening to him, though the coolness of her goo sliding slickly over his cock was a sensation that he shuddered from, eyes wide and strained even as he closed her coils around his chest again.

“Shush now. You don’t need to talk.”

To say that she was mean was too far as she turned him about, letting the human lose his sense of what was up and what was down. No, all that mattered to him, all that was left to him, was Juniper. And Dylan could not think of a single other thing as her slippery tongue wound around his cock, dragging up the hardening length and betraying the secrets that his lips had never wanted to admit to out loud.

For he craved her in a way that no other person that he knew could ever have said, the dominance of a predator, a serpent, taking him down her throat. Just prey, only prey – for her, he didn’t need to be anything more than that. There was a beauty in the submission of it too, even if he did not truly claim to understand his taboo desires, shaft aching and throbbing, her lips closing more softly than he deserved around him.

“Ah… Ohhh…”

“Quiet, Dylan.”

Her words were gentle but her body firm, accepting nothing but his absolute submission. It was easy, in a way, when a human was so much smaller than her, a nice snack for her maw, though it would be fun to unhinge her jaw and show him the dominate expanse of it, when the time came, all the same. Juniper shivered with glee, sucking on his shaft, letting her maw close around him, goo dripping and swirling around his shaft even as she plunged it, entirely of her own volition, into her muzzle.

Lust. It was raw and it was carnal and there was nothing in the whole wide world that could ever be considered as pure as it was, entirely in the form that it was supposed to be. His shaft throbbed into her maw as she slurped around him, using her tongue and her goo to her advantage, though she had so very much there that could work to her advantage still. That Juniper was in control went without question, but she allowed it to tremble into the limelight, all the same, her tail curling around him, covering his face.

All Dylan knew was sensation, the sweet aroma of her goo, how it was almost fruity, but with a hint of musk beneath, something that he could not quite put his finger on. He had not spent all that much time with snakes in his life but anything that came of her was derived entirely of his own imagination, something that his mind had cooked up when he could not explain the reasoning why. His head turned and turned inwardly, that tongue scooping up against his crotch, the light fuzz of hair there, as dark as the hair on his head was.

She rumbled and vibrated lightly around him and, breathlessly, he could not help but moan out loud. Oh, that felt good, too good, slipping down more and more, her tongue tingling and slapping up between his nuts. The slippery appendage tickled between them, pushing into the space where his testicles separated within his sack, though her goo helped lubricate everything, slipping along the way.

The goo… Her goo… There was so much of it, all around him, slick and clinging, slopping onto his skin. He could not see even as it trickled and oozed over his face, not staining him but slurped back up by the serpent’s body. Dylan didn’t know how that was possible – to be honest, he’d never considered it before – but he still wanted to know more of her, his shaft pulsing inside her maw, throbbing over her tongue.

Did she know how close he was to climaxing already? His hands splayed flat on part of her tail, though he could not tell just where they were. All he knew was that her goo was slick with a wet sort of feel about it, even if most of it was not truly wet. His heart pounded, chest aching with the strain of it beating a tune against the inside of his ribs that only it understood. Yet his body was no longer his, but something so very sweetly surrendered to the goo-serpent, her passion trembling around him even as her maw slurped back off his shaft.

“Mmm… You are delicious, human, but I know ways that you can be even more delectable.”

His stomach turned over in the best of ways and yet Dylan did not truly fear for his life, not even in that moment. All he had to do was what Juniper wanted him to, and then everything would be okay. That was what he believed and his heart leaned into it fully, embracing the truth that was not so, accepting his fate. Her head reared before his, giving him the perfect view of her slightly parted lips all over again, the gleam o her goo-fangs just a hint behind. They were three, even if she did not put them on show all that often, tongue flickering out wetly.

She controlled him in every way and that included using his shaft to penetrate her cloaca too, finding her vent within and plunging deep. Juniper rumbled a serpentine growl as she used the human’s smaller body as a living sex toy, though his shaft fit her perfectly, even if her body was designed for a snake’s hemipenis. That did not matter, could not matter, her eyes rolling, a long, languid hiss bursting from her lips.

“Ohhh, yesss…”

She hissed, weaving her head back and forth, desire coursing through, hissing more and more as her excitement grew. She’d coiled so tightly around the little human, forgetting his weakness in comparison to her, that he couldn’t breathe, let alone make a sound, adjusting her grip so that she would not lose her use of him too quickly. For she did enjoy his company in a way, even if there was an obvious power differential between them. As Juniper worked his body, forcing him to plunge into her over and over again, she let out a long, roiling hiss of her own, unable to stop herself from clenching and squeezing down around him in more ways than one.

“You ssshall cum in me, human,” Juniper said, licking her lips greedily, her tail flexing and pulling as she forced him to pump within her. “Alwaysss… And this is jussst the beginning.”

She didn’t always have to drop into hissing certain parts of her speech, but it was her excitement that rendered her more apt to hiss. It didn’t matter, however, for he got her meaning from the shift and flex of her body, whimpering and moaning softly, barely able to make a noise. Dylan tried to cling to her, his body so small, so weak, so fragile… Yet there was nowhere else that the human could have said that he wanted to be with her coils keeping him so safe and secure, lust holding him there with his length aching and throbbing.

It was erotic, exotically so, and Dylan could never have denied that. He was so close to her, so tiny against her body… It was all as it was meant to be, the serpent opening her maw all over again, taunting and teasing him with the dark depths of her insides. It was shameful to admit, in a way, but there was nothing more that he wanted than to disappear down her throat, head first or foot first… What did Dylan care about that? Simply to feel her warmth closing and flexing around him, a part of her as she had been part of him, their bodies becoming one as his mind swirled, seeing the depths of her maw, fangs dripping faintly.

“Oh… Oh, Juniper…”

His head drifted, sensations overwhelming, her sex so tight around him that he could barely root himself in reality. But none of it felt real, not a single bit, not her looming maw, dripping with goo, the fangs taunting him too in their mere presence. She was huge and easily dominant, taking him as she willed. Maybe one could have thought, before, that the act of penetration meant that one was in charge, but Juniper was stark evidence that that most certainly was not the case, Dylan thinking that he was somewhere “on top” of her while the serpent was in control.

She wasn’t about to give up the use of her new toy yet either as his balls slickened with her goo, the serpent leaving her mark on him even as she teasingly prepared him for more. Her flexible body wrapped around him deliciously and she took in every nuance of his shape, even the angular parts, his hips rising, pushing into her, trying, even in that moment, to give her more pleasure.

“Yesss, now you’re getting it, Dylan. Harder.”

Of course, it was Juniper that controlled that, forcing him to thrust and thrust, his cock so hard that it was unbearable. He groaned out loud, lips opening and closing, but Dylan could not even be sure that he made any sound at all, so lost in the moment that he could not find it in himself to care. But what he was aware of as the reality that he had known was stripped from him, his orgasming blossoming forth in a more beautiful way than he could ever say he’d experienced before.

It was wrong and it was right, but nothing could be less glorious in the wrap of her coils, twisting and pulling around him, her body so divine that Dylan would have been hard-pressed to explain to himself just why he had not died and gone to heaven as he spurted into her. His shaft throbbed, feeling too sensitive – yet she did not allow him to rest, her muscles contracting around him, demanding everything that she wanted to take from him.

“Yesss… Fill me…”

Juniper’s tongue fluttered out against his cheek and he panted heavily, desperately looking straight down her throat as her head loomed, showing off the depths within, craving it all. Oh, to be in there, warm and in the safe wrap of darkness… That was all he wanted, even as he thrust and juddered against her, giving her everything she wanted, his only thought that of pleasing her.

The serpent trembled as she took his cum from him, though that was not all she wanted: merely an appetiser. Yet such passions had to be tenderly taken to be truly satisfying and she was hardly done with him yet as she milked every drop from him, right up to the point that the human whimpered with over-sensitivity, pushing against her, bodily instinct coming over even his desire to please her.

Still, her body took what it needed from him too, the serpent hissing and shuddering, head falling back a little, lost in a moment where even she could not have said that she was completely in control of her own body. No, that was not what a climax was all about, not even for her, hide rippling and trembling around him, tugging him in even more deeply into her. She needed him just like he needed her, but her passion was such that she could lustfully and a little greedily take even that part of it for herself.

Through a haze of ecstasy, Dylan was aware of her passage massaging and pulsing around his cock more strongly than before, though it would have been a lie to say that he understood quite what was happening to him. It was too much, far too much, for a human mind to comprehend, his capture by the goo-serpent taking him away to another world and reality where past whims no longer mattered one bit. Dreams and ambitions and even his thoughts fell by the wayside. All that mattered was her, his submission to her, obeying her…even though she had never forced him to do so.

Capturing and kidnapping him, in a way? Oh, that was by the by… It was hard to think of anything she did as at all bad with such lust pouring through him, snatched up with every breath of his.

“Oh… Please…”

“I’ll grant your wissshhh, Dylan.”

No further words were needed as she used her coils to push him higher, dangling him above her head as if he was some kind of fruit hanging from a tree. Head first, Dylan trembled and moaned as he descended into her maw, her tongue taking its time in sweeping around his face, coating him, very lightly, in a thin layer of her goo. It would slicken him, he was sure, and yet he’d only just cum and his cock was still hard, something that didn’t make any sense at all. With her coils pushing him up in such a way, he still stayed inside her cloaca while she tasted him, dripping pre-cum, the milky fluid that she had craved taking from him so much at the height of passion.

Yet with Juniper, the serpent goddess of his creation, devouring him, nothing would ever make sense ever again.

She took her sweet time in devouring him, letting him feel every nuance of her mouth as she slowly lowered him down and down and down. His head pressed over her tongue as it slapped up against his bare chest, enough wetter goo produced to slicken him down as he gasped and grunted. Dylan’s need for air would not be something that he had to think of, however, for very much longer, Juniper taking care of him in the most intimate way possible. His moans fell on deaf ears as she showed off, finally, the full expanse of her maw by unhinging her jaw, taking his head into her throat and pulsing lightly around him.

Juniper did not want to swallow too quickly, savouring him, the taste of the human in her mouth while he eased down a little more, head pushing into her throat completely. Oh, he was a delight, a truly delectable morsel to be enjoyed, and her lust was higher still as the coils of her body pushed up against him. To find him still hard was an even more passionate nuance of eroticism still, his arousal something that could not be denied. Yet she wanted to admire it even more as she pulsed her coils against his rampantly hard length, teasing him without words, mocking him for wanting to be eaten by her so much.

For what begun that day would continue as he slid slowly, so very slowly, down her throat, his head disappearing along with his neck and shoulders. The slickness of her throat massaged him on the way down and it was tempting to let gravity do the work for her, though Juniper had to exercise patience. It was not often that she got such a delicious partner to play with and, being who he was, Dylan was one that she would very much want to remember until they met again.

All he knew was darkness, the warmth of her body rising around him, though he had, for some reason, expected it to be cooler than it was, her maw closed over his midsection, sliding down, the weight of him pulling his body lower and lower, as if even he had no hope of controlling his slide down. She trembled around him, perhaps with some sense of urgency, and Dylan whimpered in the darkness of her throat, his hips coming up to her lips.

There was nothing to save his fate as she tipped her head just a little, guiding his hips lower, shaft pushing by the corner of her lips and deeper still, more and more so. He moaned, trying to get his hands down to his shaft, but the pulsing muscle of her throat, guiding him down as she swallowed, made it so that they were useless, wriggling and twitching, the soft, all-encompassing darkness of her digestive system pulling him down.

Until she released him complete by the ankles and he gasped, falling head-first, his feet sliding down Juniper’s throat, no hope left for him. He could not have controlled his mad descent if he’d had any wish to, crying out as his cock throbbed, massaged by her inner muscles, head pressing up to something tight that still opened up around him.

Her stomach. It had to be, a part of her digestive system that was hot and warm with a sense of his skin being slick with goo all over. With the wetness of her goo being held back on the outside of her body, that was very much not the case inside, the shift of her massaging him as he thought she might have been settling down on the carpet of his bedroom. Dylan moaned, a tiny shiver rippling through him. Could he even consider it his bedroom anymore, now that he had been devoured by Juniper?

He owed the serpent nothing and everything at the same time. Yet he felt more settled than he ever had been in the warmth of her gut, her muscles pulsing around him, contracting, massaging him all over. There was no true threat to him there, not in Juniper’s belly, imagining just how fat the snake was with the bulge of him in there. Or maybe he was just that small and helpless to her that he barely made any kind of bulge in her body at all, considering how much smaller than her he was.

He could not know and would not know. For he would never, not even the once, be able to see how he looked when the goo-serpent gulped him down to fill her belly. He grunted and humped, working his body the little he could in the bondage of her belly, trapped there and loving every second of it, despite the chill tingling down his spine. If it was risky who the hell cared in a moment like that, his hard cock grinding into her insides, pushing against her like a man possessed, all for his pleasure.

She might have felt it from the outside, he thought, but maybe she would think he was fighting her, fighting her dominance. He could not do anything about that, lost in lust, grinding and humping, moaning out loud, more and more breath stolen from him. There was no air in there for him to breathe, after all, and his time was limited, the strain on his chest tighter and tighter in such a way that could not be escaped. But did he even want to escape it? His fate was there, ripe for the taking in the belly of a serpent that he had always been destined to meet.

Dylan couldn’t help himself, thrusting madly as he spent himself for a second time, head spinning, though not from pleasure that time. Only, it was that pleasure that was heightened from the lack of air, his vision greying out, head throbbing, heat searing across his skin. Too hot, burning up, he shot a strong load of cum when it should only have been a few weak dribbles after getting off such a short time ago. He could not tell how much he spurted, however, his vision failing, fading, drifting from reality. For not even Dylan could hold on for that long, his head turning back and forth, body twisted and rolled over as her muscles clenched and flexed, shifting his body to suit her will.

To Juniper, he was a passing fancy, though one that would come back around again and again, even as he settled deeper into her stomach. A very entertaining fancy, especially right then and there, and a good, heavy warmth in her stomach, but nothing more than that until their relationship developed more. That would come. Such would always be the play and the dance between predator and prey.

Stretching out, Juniper murmured softly to herself, enjoying the full sensation, the human inside her finally still and quiet. My, oh, my, he was a lively one! Livelier than she had thought he would be, though she looked forward to meeting, and of course devouring him, again, their relationship only just beginning.

For the time being, all she had to do was relax and allow her body to work away at him, not quite digesting but making use of him so that she could see him again. There would be no fatality, of course, for the human contained within, but she was not so sure just how long she could last when he appeared from the depths of her belly again.

Juniper rumbled softly, tongue flickering out in a self-satisfied hiss, eyes closed.

She’d better get a good sleep until then.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/nbcyzx/swallowed_by_the_goo_serpent_mf_snake_x_man_soft