Mother’s Day

Everyone forgot Mother’s Day at my house. I’m a mother of four, and all four forgot. Even my husband didn’t remember.

I look at myself in the mirror, and fix my hair. I’m a redhead; my hair is long and goes past my shoulders. I stop and stare at my figure in the mirror, for a moment. *I stayed in shape after four kids, and my husband still takes me for granted.* I am 45 but I have stayed slim over the years. I have an average height for a woman. *I probably could leave and find another husband, but I couldn’t do that to my sons. Even though they’re all brats.* I grab my breasts and push them together. I imagine seducing a gentleman, a tall handsome man who then steals me away. I have a tight t-shirt on, and some sweatpants. No bra or panties.

I finish up with my hair, and sigh. *Looks like today will be nothing but depressing.*

The doorbell rings. I go to answer the door, because I know everyone else is too lazy to do it. I swing the door open. It’s Tom with his mother. He’s a friend of my son Adam.

‘Happy Mother’s Day!’ Tom says.

He hands me a rose.

‘Thank you,’ I said holding back tears.

‘He’s giving every mother a rose today,’ his mother said, beaming. ‘You’re the fourth one we’ve visited.‘

I take out my cellphone and hand it to his mother. ‘Can you take our picture? I want to remember this.’


Tom is my height and skinny. He has short brown hair and he’s clean shaven. Well, I’m not sure if he can grow a beard, so maybe he doesn’t shave. He’s a little dorky, but he’s still cute.

Tom and I pose. He puts his arm over my shoulder, we both smile. I run my hand up and down his back. I then run my hand down to his bum, giving it a little squeeze. His mom snaps the picture. Tom laughs a little, he seems embarrassed.

‘One more please,’ I ask.

‘Sure,’ his mother replies. She doesn’t seem to have noticed where my hand was.

Tom puts his arm on my shoulder again. I turn and kiss Tom on the cheek. My wet tongue is pushing against his skin, as his mother snaps the picture.

‘Umm… it’s time to go,’ his mother says. She looks angry. She hands me back my phone. ‘Time to go to the next house.’

‘You should stop by later,’ I say to Tom. I stroke his arm.

‘It’s time to go,’ his mother says, more sternly. She grabs Tom by the hand and pulls him towards her car. He smiles awkwardly.

‘Please come by later,’ I yell out, as they get into their car. They drive off.

*She must think I’m a freak. Tom must think I’m crazy, too.* I sniff the rose. The only present I’ll get today. *What’s wrong with me? I licked Tom’s face in front of his mother.* I go back to the bathroom, and sit on the toilet. I look at the photos. He was smiling as I kissed his cheek. Both photos came out well. I stare at his cute face, and I start rubbing my clit…

A few hours go buy. My husband is watching TV, drinking beer. I think all my sons are playing video games. I’m doing the dishes, while fantasizing about Tom.

The doorbell rings. I come and answer the door. I open it and I see Tom, alone. I see no car. He must have walked here.

‘Hey, Tom,’ I said, beaming.

‘Hello, Adam’s mom.’

‘Please, my name is Cindy.’

‘Umm, I never knew your name before.’

‘It’s OK.’ I smile and grab his hand. ‘You’re 18, right?’

‘Yes, I am, since January.’


Still holding his hand, I pull him into the house. I take him to the basement. I find Adam sitting on the couch playing on his phone. *Shit.* He looks up.

‘Hey… Tom…’ he says. He looks, uneasily, at us holding hands.

‘Adam, sweetie,’ I say, smiling. ‘I need you to go to your room.’

Adam gives a weird look. ‘Why are you two holding hands.’

I squeeze Tom’s hand hard, in case he was thinking of letting go. ‘Please, just go upstairs.’

‘I don’t want to.’

‘Go the fuck upstairs!’

Adam looks shocked. I’ve never sworn at him before. He stands up, slowly shuffles to the stairs, and goes up them. I push Tom onto the couch. I lie on top of him and start kissing his neck. I hear Adam close the basement door at the top of the stairs. I immediately kiss Tom’s mouth, I press my tongue into his.

I pull back and look into Tom’s eyes. ‘I love you, Tommy.’

He smiles, he seems a little overwhelmed. ‘Thank you Adam’s… thank you Cindy.’

‘Thank you for the rose.’ I kiss his lower lip and then press my forehead into his. ‘How come I’ve never noticed how cute you are before?’

‘You’re welcome… Umm… I didn’t think you would find me that cute,’ he responded, clearly struggling to find his words. ‘You’re really sexy… I mean you’re cute.’

I lean over and whisper into his ear: ‘Fuck me right here, right now.’

‘I’ve never done this before.’

‘Me neither,’ I said, giggling.

‘No, I mean I’ve never done this before… I’m a virgin.’

‘That’s OK, Tommy. I’ll take care of you.’

‘Aren’t you worried someone will come down?’

‘I don’t care. You’re all I care about right now.’ I lick his cheek a little. ‘I love you, Tommy. I’ll do anything for you.’

I unbuckle his jeans and pull them down, along with his underwear. His cock is hard and big. Or maybe his cock just looks big on his skinny body, it’s difficult to tell. I take off my sweatpants, I climb onto his cock, and start riding it. Tom let’s out a cute little moan. I grab the bottom of his shirt. He lifts his torso up a little to help me get it off. His ribs are visible. I glance down to his belly. *Oooh, he’s got abs.* I moan and thrust harder on his cock. *Hubby lost his abs years ago.*

I take off my shirt. His hands reach up and grab my breasts. ‘Wish me a happy Mother’s Day!’ I moaned out.

‘Happy Mother’s Day! Happy Mother’s Day, Adam’s mom! Cindy!’

I leaned down and pressed my breasts into his chest. I gave his lips a long kiss. His cock feels amazing inside me. The sweat between our chests allow my breasts to smoothly glide up and down his chest. I start to notice that I feel something warm inside my vagina.

‘Did you just cum inside me?’ I ask.


‘You must really love me if you’re trying to get me pregnant,’ I said, giggling heavily.

Tom just looks at me embarrassed.

I got off him, and I sucked his cock clean.

I got back onto the couch and cuddled up with him. *I don’t think anyone will come down for awhile, and if they do, we’ll hear them coming.*

‘Let’s have a long cuddle, and then do this again, Tommy.’

‘OK… Cindy,’ Tom said. His eyes are completely wide.

I lie on top of him on the couch, our sweaty naked bodies pressed into each other. I gave him a deep tongue kiss.

‘I love you, Tommy.’

‘I love you too, Cindy. Happy Mother’s Day.’



  1. Happy mother’s day!
    I hope u really had great time!
    Following u for more hot stories ;)

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