It’s the Spa story and I’m bored on a Friday night.

Repost on my new account. Starting a series. Part 2 will be coming Friday. I hope everyone enjoys.

As you opened the door to the spa the smell was the first thing that hit you. The relaxing oil that you couldn’t wait to have all over you was wafting through the air. The second thing you felt was the cool air. Giving you instant reprieve from the summer heat. Already you could feel your stress melting away and you hadn’t even spoken to the front desk attendant yet.

“Hello there! My name is Lois. Welcome to Total Wellness Spa. Do you have an appointment?” The attendant asked.

“I…. I don’t” you stammered out. “But I was hoping you could fit me in. I was hoping I could get a massage.”

“Let me see what we have for availability.”

As Lois began typing away you take a moment to look around. It was beautiful. Green and blue tones on the walls. Helping to setup the relaxing vibe that seemed to be coming from everywhere. The spa had just opened up last month and had been getting rave reviews. You finally had a day off and were hoping you could get in and enjoy yourself.

“You’re in luck!” Lois smiled. “We have two openings shortly. One in 15 minutes with Clark or in a half hour with Henry.”

“Thats great! I’ll take the one in 15 minutes.” You nearly giggled in glee at your luck.

“Perfect. Is this your first time here?” Lois asked.


A smile crept onto Lois’ face. “I’ll let Clark know. You’re going to like him. Please follow me. I’ll show you to our waiting area.” Lois came out from behind the desk and started walking down the hallway to her left. You followed close behind excitedly.

It was a short walk to the waiting area. A large circular room with a few chairs and long coffee table with magazines on it. Two other hallways leading away from the room one on the left and one on the right.

“Dressing rooms are on your right. You can go remove your clothes. There will be a robe for you to come out in. As well as a locker and key to keep your clothes during the session. Once you have changed you can come back here and wait until your time.” Lois said with a smile.

“Thank you.” You replied and walked down the right hallway.

As you entered the dressing room your excitement was starting to take over. It had been to long since you had a proper massage. If you were honest with yourself you enjoyed a good massage about as much as sex. Sometimes more.

You began to undress. Taking off your sundress and bra first. As you stood there you debated about whether to keep your panties on. After a moment you decided to remove them as well. It’s how you usually enjoyed your massages in the past. You grabbed the robe off the hanger on the door and slipped it on. The soft fabric was warm to the touch. It felt like a warm hug as you tied it around you. You quickly gathered up your clothes and put them in an open locker. Turning the lock and placing the key in the front pocket of your robe.

You opened the door and walked back to the waiting area. As you sat down you picked up a magazine off the table and quickly checked the clock. 10 minutes left.

A minute later a woman came from the left hallway. She wore the same robe as you. However, hers was barely tied in the front. Each step she took gave you a peak at her bare skin underneath. As your gaze made it to her face you noticed her satisfied smile. The kind of smile that you feel only someone completely happy with where they are at that moment could have. You also noticed her hair was a mess. “She must have had a scalp massage” you thought to yourself as you watched her. Oddly enough you sensed that the hair, the smile, and the barely done up robe matched her energy. Her disheveled look seemed to radiate joy.

“Have you been here before?” She glanced over at you and asked.

You sputtered out a quick “No. First time.” In reply.

“Who is taking care of you today?”

“I have Clark in just under 10 minutes.”

She bit her bottom lip quickly. “Mmmmmm. You’re going to love him.” With that she sauntered past you to the locker rooms.

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The last few minutes were dragging by as you sat their alone. Finally you heard footsteps coming down the hallway. They were followed by what you can only describe as the most physically intimidating man you have ever seen. Easily 6’3″ with long, flowing dark hair. His long, muscular arms holding a clipboard and pen. He was barrel chested and wearing a white shirt that purposely looked a size too small so that it could clearly outlined is chiseled abs. His white shorts almost looked like boxers they were so short. Showing off his powerful thighs. Your mind couldn’t help but wander at thought of how much ‘power’ they could generate. Not helping with your dirty thoughts was the clear and evident bulge protruding in front of you. Each step he took looked like it might let him escape. You could feel your mouth starting to water at the thought.

“Hi, I’m Clark! I’m guessing you’re my 1 o’clock?” He walked over reaching out for a handshake.

“Y….yes I am” you managed to squeak back at him as you stood up.

You reached out to shake his hand. His hand engulfed yours. You couldn’t help but notice the veins streaking up his muscular arm as you felt the strength and warmth radiating from his handshake.

“Follow me.” He said as he broke off the handshake and turned around.

“OK.” You gulped and followed him down the hallway.

You couldn’t help but watch his ass as he made his way down the hallway in front of you. Round, muscular and protruding from this hulk of a man in front of you. With each step it jiggled slightly. It was taking all the willpower you possessed to not reach out and touch it. Your mouth was no longer the only part of you that was wet with excitement from looking at him.

After far to short a walk for your liking he came to a door, opened it and stepped inside. You followed quickly behind. As you entered the room a citrus and flower smell filled your nostrils. The combination instantly relaxed you. The room was only lit by a few candles. Giving it some extra warmth compared to the rest of the building. There was a massage table in the middle of the room and a shelf with assorted oils and towels on the wall. Clark closed the door behind you.

“Please remove your robe and hang it on the door hook behind you. Then you can lie face down on the table.” Clark said over his shoulder as he faced away from you looking over his collection of oils on the shelf.

You were nervous at first to be disrobing in the same room as Clark but his back was turned and you knew you could quickly do what he asked. You undid the waist tie and let the robe fall open. Quickly taking it off and placing it on the hook. Then you walked over as confidently as possible to the table and lied face down. A moment later you felt Clark come over to the table and place a large towel over you from your hips to your calves.

‘Squirt, squirt’ you hear Clark put some oil on his hands. As you lay there you can feel his presence beside you. You ccould hear him rubbing his hands together above you. Warming the oild to his body temperature. A few drops fell on you. The warmth of the oil making your back tingle in anticipation.

“Mmmmmm” As his hands finally reached out to begin caressing your back you couldn’t help but let out a small moan. His two hands were so large they felt like the could nearly reach your entire back all at once. Leaving you feeling so small as he touched you.

He began on your lower back. Kneading his way up. His hands felt like magic as they worked. Each time he felt a knot he would rub and stretch it out until it disappeared. It felt like he was making all the stress in your life disappear with his firm hands.

As his magical hands began working your shoulders Clark said: “You sure carry a lot of stress in your shoulders. A beautiful woman like yourself shouldn’t have this many worries in her life.”

You blushed at his remark. Luckily he couldn’t see it as you laid face down. “Life’s busy. I’m just happy I get a few moments like this to enjoy.” You replied.

“Well I am happy that you had time to come and see me.” He said as his hands worked their way down your arm.

“Mmmmm. So am I.” You breathed in response.

Clark continued his work on your shoulders and arms. You nearly fell asleep on the table you were so at peace. As he finished up your back massage his hands kept going down to your legs. He began to fold the edges of the towel up. First from the bottom to the top. The edge of it now just barely under your bum. Then he folded from the top down to the bottom. Leaving the towel in a thin strip just below your bum.

You weren’t quite as relaxed as moment before. You were completely naked on the table besides this thin strip of towel. You only hoped that it was doing its job of hiding your slit from him. Although, the thought that it might not be couldn’t help but stir your inner desires.

‘Squirt, squirt’ you heard him getting more oil before he started. A few drops landed on your calves a moment before his hands were there. He worked on your calves and feet first. Circular, firm movements. It felt like he barely had to work to make your body feel so good.

As his hands worked their way up your legs you couldn’t help but think about how little was covering you. You realized, with how good his hands made you feel you truly didn’t care. You wanted them to touch and knead as much of your body as possible.

Clark massaged your quads for a few minutes. Pushing and squeezing your muscles until they felt like putty in his large, firm hands. As he worked further up the inside of your quads your felt him pause for just a moment. You wondered if he could feel the heat radiating from your slit. A part of you hoped so.

His hands then slid over the towel to your exposed bum. He began working the muscles from the outside. With some of his motions you felt it pull your cheeks apart. You doubted the towel was doing a good job of keeping you hidden. You could feel your wetness beginning to leak out of your slit at the thought of Clark getting a good look at all of you while he worked.

Your breathing was starting to get heavier as he massaged your ass. You could feel his strength through his hands. You couldn’t help yourself…….

“Ooooooooooo” the moan escaped your lips.

His hands paused and withdrew. “I can do more if you want.” He said in a soft yet firm tone.

You took your head out of the massage table hole and looked over at him. He stood there a foot away from the table. He was glistening with a bit of sweat from his work in the warm room for the past 45 minutes. You managed “Yes……….. please.”

You watched as he removed his shirt. Completely revealing his toned, muscular frame. His hair falling over his shoulders before he flung his shirt aside. He looked at you as he began to remove his shorts. You tried to keep eye contact but as his shorts fell below his knees you couldn’t help but glance at his hard cock as it sprung free. You couldn’t help but look at this adonis’ entire body on display for you. Every bit of him seemed sculpted perfectly. You were on fire as you watched him take a step towards you.

He walked over to your head. With each step his cock bobbed up and down. His balls looked full and swollen. Ready to be drained. He was close enough now that you could stick your tongue out and lick what looked like a bit of precum from his tip.

You felt his hand on your back working its way up to the back of your head. He grabbed a fistful of hair and lifted your head up. He then gently turned your head placing it back into the massage table hole. Clark kept his fistful of your hair as he placed his other hand on your lower back. Slowly he began to move it down to where you wanted it. His fingers were spread and you felt his middle finger slide between your cheeks.

As his finger slid across your asshole you couldn’t help but let out a whimper. He paused his progress for a moment. Then in one motion he quickly pulled on your hair lifting your head out of of the hole while his finger reached where you needed it so desperately.

“O fuck.” You moaned at his forcefulness.

After a few moments of this he let go of your head. Letting it fall back softly into place. With his other hand he began to rub it all over your ass. Feeling your curves that you were naturally gifted with.

“Are you having fun?” Clark in a quiet voice whispered to you.

“Best massage I’ve ever had.” You said back.

Clark then changed his tone to more of a growl “Do you want more?”

“Yesss.” You purred back.

With that you felt his hands leave your body. You looked over to see his perfect ass jiggling back over to his shelf. He had his back turned to you as he did something. You didn’t care what. You were just enjoying the outline of his cock. Bouncing between his legs. Perfectly framed from behind by his ass. He turned around and smiled at you staring at him. He grabbed the base of his cock and slowly began to stroke it.

“Your turn will come soon enough.” He said as you watched him touch himself. You smiled back and watched as he stroked his cock fast enough that his balls were swaying back and forth with his movement. You couldn’t help but wonder how that would feel to have his length buried inside you from behind while his balls slapped into your clit. Your slit was on fire as you watched him work.

‘KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK.’ Someone was at the door.

“Come in.” Said Clark.

You looked over your shoulder as another man came into the room. He was a little shorter and definitely a few years older than Clark. He quickly entered and shut the door behind him.

“This is Henry. He was free and I asked him to come assist me with you.” Clark smiled.

“Hello, beautiful. Seems I’m overdressed.” Said Henry.

With that you watched as he began to undress. He removed his shirt first. Revealing the widest chest and shoulders you have ever seen. His abs each outlined so perfectly all you wanted to do was go over there and kiss and feel each one. He had shorter black hair that framed his blue eyes and face perfectly. Then he tugged on his shorts and began to lower them to the ground. He watched you watching him as he did this. His cock was flaccid between his legs. Yet his thickness was already showing. You gulped at the thought of what that might turn into.

He smiled at your gaze. “Well it looks like we have more work to do with you. We better get started.”

With that they both moved towards you. They gently moved you back into position on your stomach. Your head in the hole. You could see Henry’s feet through the hole. More importantly you could see his cock swinging freely. You felt Henry place his hands on your shoulders. As he began to rub your shoulders and your back you could feel Clark behind you. His hands were inching up your legs. Slowly he was getting to the only place you really wanted to be touched.

Finally the edge of his fingers grazed your outer lips. “Mhhhmmmmm” a moan escaped your lips. You couldn’t help but make noise as these two men touched you. Clark was using his one hand to explore your pussy. Teasing your clit with a slight touch here and there.

Your moans were starting to get louder. As they did you were watching Henry’s cock grow underneath you. The louder you got the bigger and closer it came towards you. Thick, veiny and ready for use. It was so close you could smell him as they worked on you.

Without warning Clark changed from teasing your clit to focusing on it. The shift in pace and style had you so close to the edge. You couldn’t help but stick your tongue out. Tasting Henry’s cock dangling underneath you. His groan of joy in response sent you over the edge. You grabbed onto the table as your orgasm nearly shook you off. Both men continuing to touch you everywhere as the sparks flew through your body. As you tried to catch your breathe from your orgasm the two men walked over to the shelf.

“Turn over.” Clark commanded.

You mumbled “ok.” In response as you moved onto your back.

You watched as they got more lotion. Their muscular frames glistening with sweat in the candle light. As they turned towards you your eyes were glued to their cocks. Both were different. Both looked spectacular.

They walked back to the table with both of them taking a position on either side of you. As they rubbed their hands together warming the oil you couldn’t help but reach out with your hands and grab their cocks. They groaned in unison at the touch. As you began to stroke the length of their shafts they began to spread the oil all over your body.

As they reached your breasts you shuddered at the touch. Your nipples were standing on end waiting to be teased. In unison they circled your breasts with one hand. Slowly moving the circle in. Closer and closer before their fingers glided over your nipples. Pinching you slightly as they went. As another moan escaped your body you began to stroke them faster. Their groans now mixed in the air with yours.

As your pace quickened Clark leaned down and kissed you on your hip. Followed by another kiss a bit closer to your slit. At the same time Henry leaned over and kissed between your breasts. Their lips both parting so you could feel the wetness of their tongues against your skin.

A few kisses later and Clark had his tongue filling your slit. Parting your outer lips with long licks up and down your slit. Henry had your one nipple in his mouth. Biting and licking it. The other nipple he was rolling between his fingers. Pinching it to the point that it almost hurt before letting go and starting again. You could feel your orgasm building again. As you got closer and closer you stroked their cocks faster and faster. Doing everything you could to make them cum with you.

Clark’s tongue was now focused on your clit. Flicking it back and forth as fast as he could. He had his fingers inside your slit. Filling you as deep as he could reach. GIving you all you could handle down there. Henry was now flicking your nipple with his tongue as well. Mimicking what you felt from Clark on your clit.

You started to scream in ecstasy as the first wave of your orgasm hit you. These two men taking your body like you have never felt before. As your body convulsed for a second time their groans were getting louder as well. You stroked their cocks as fast your body could. They simultaneously pulled their mouths away and with loud grunts you felt their cocks begin to pulse in your hands. Both of them took hold of their cocks from you. Trying their best to aim their cum so that it covered you completely. You cupped their balls as they did. Feeling them empty onto you as you laid there. Your orgasm sweeping through your body as their orgasms covered you.

As you laid there catching your breathe you looked down to see yourself covered from your neck to your toes in their cum. Both men were panting beside you. Their cocks slowly softening after a job well done.

Both men reached out to your hands helping you sit up on the table. As you swung your legs off the table Henry turned around and grabbed your robe off the door. Clark walked around the table and took the robe from Henry. Opening it up for you. You stood up and slid it on. Clark then turned you around and closed your robe for you. As he began to tie it shut he said:

“Tell Lois at the front desk that Clark said to give you the special rate with Henry’s approval. Also, would be happy for you to come back soon and experience some of our other spa features.”

You just nodded that you understood as you stood their in bliss. Clark then walked over to the door and opened it. Motioning for you to leave. As you stumbled down the hallway you could feel that your hair was a mess. You didn’t care at all.

As you got to the waiting room there was one woman sitting there. She looked up at you with an almost shocked expression at your appearance.

“Have you been here before?” You asked her.

She sputtered out a quick “No. First time.” In reply.

“You’re going to love it.” And with that you sauntered past her to the locker rooms.
