Post Lock Down Problems [MF] [Cuck] [Light bondage]

Pete was glad lock downs were finally over, well, he hoped they were over. It was a serious problem, spending so much time in his apartment, alone, mentally, physically dragging. With no girlfriend when the lock down hit, all he could do was to pull his own dick. Watch porn, pull dick, work, more porn, more dick pulling, more work, an endless cycle leading to boredom and thoughts of suicide. Not really, he was just fucking bored when at last he was called by his boss and told all staff could return to work Monday. Freedom day!

Wow, back to the office! Monday was a breeze, everyone was happy, excited at being out of the confines of their homes, their apartments. Nobody complained about the commute, nobody whined about the traffic, it was just great to see everyone again.

Hunched over his laptop, Pete was reconciling accounts when he looked up and saw Lindy standing in front of him. Lindy had been Pete’s main collaborator for over a year now. They’ve worked relatively closely on the same accounts for the last six months, apart from the lock down. They also use the same gym, occasionally running into each other. Lindy couldn’t be called beautiful, she was quite plain actually and a few years older than Pete. Lindy was, however, in great shape. Where Pete felt like he was doing nothing but putting weight on, losing his fitness levels, even with the rooftop exercise routine he was doing almost every day, Lindy’s body was trim, taut, with a firm breast and shapely, tight ass.

“I was thinking of you during the lock down,” Lindy said.

“Oh, that’s nice,” Pete smiled, “Nice of you to think of me.”

“Yeah, stuck in your apartment, alone,” she said, “No gym, no girlfriend, must have been driving you nuts.”

“Yeah, afraid so,” Pete admitted, “Just real glad to be back in the office.” Pete paused and looked up at Lindy’s smile. “Now there’s something I never thought I would say,” he laughed.

“I know what you mean!” Lindy agreed, “Kids not in school, Larry driving me up the wall. I’m glad I got through it without murdering anyone!”

Their laughter echoed around the room leading to Pete confessing that jumping off the rooftop of his apartment block was getting to be an attractive proposition.

“Oh God! Don’t do that, I’d have had no-one to make me laugh!”

Pete pushed the OK button to print the precis spreadsheet, “Yeah, I didn’t want to disappoint anyone here.” He stood and went around his desk, Lindy stepped in front of him and then closer, she hugged him. “I’m really glad to see you, Pete,” she said, quietly, “I really have missed you.”

Pete was surprised, Lindy had never said anything like this to him before, never hugged him, he always thought of her as a bit distant, professional. He put his arms around her and said, “Yeah, missed you too.” Lindy wasn’t letting go so Pete didn’t either. He felt her breasts, soft and full, pressing into his chest, but he refrained from doing anything other than holding her, not taking a risk by grabbing her ass. She sighed, “Oh well, back to work,” as she let go, as Pete did, stepping back and again, she was the professional.

Over the next two weeks, he would look up and see Lindy looking at him, or she would be talking to him and then lose her train of thought. They ran into each other at the gym more times in those two weeks than they had in the six months before lock down. Pete took a closer look at Lindy in her tight gym leggings. He really did reassess her attributes. Okay face, not wildly pretty, but the rest of her, absolutely first class. She was smart and competent, willing to go that extra mile for a client too.

Saturday afternoon, at the gym. Pete was working up a real sweat, the treadmill, walk, jog, run for thirty minutes. The stationary bicycle, coast and race for fifteen minutes. Weights, squats, dead lift, power lift, curls, nothing heavy, but repeatable in two sets of ten, the squats almost getting him after the ride. He felt something alongside him and turned to look, Lindy.

“Wow, you’re really going like a trooper there, Pete. Don’t let me stop you.”

“Nah, it’s not as impressive as it looks,” he smiled.

“Depends on the angle you’re looking at, really,” she laughed.

“‘Looking from’, I think it is.”

“Not from where I’m standing.” She laughed, and Pete was taken by her smile, her generous mouth, her bright eyes. She was almost pretty when she smiles, he thought, then berated himself for his unkindness. “Actually, I’m glad I ran into you,” Lindy went on, “There’s an issue with the Marchess account, I found it this morning and I want to go over it with you.” She had dropped her voice.

Pete didn’t normally do any work over the weekend, but tax time was rapidly approaching, so had a lot of work at home waiting for him. “I’ve got that account. How did you get it?” Pete was mystified, and a little alarmed. What did this mean, Lindy taking an account from him?

“Danny gave it to me last night, he dropped it in to my place,” Lindy said and watched Pete’s eyes open, “Oh no, no, Danny knows you’re snowed under with that idiot Backer’s account at the moment and will likely be for the next week. Marchess himself is now under investigation for insider trading. The Feds are going to be knocking on our door Monday, or Tuesday at the latest Danny thinks. He wants them ordered so all he has to do is hand the copies over. We’re co-operating with the Feds, but he’s worried about something.”

“Oh, what’s that?”

“His own ass. There’s a couple of discrepancies in the payments, I can’t sort them, so could you come over to my place and go through it with me?”

“Your place?” Pete stumbled.

“Yeah, is that okay?”

Pete was not really surprised, a quick think about it, she wouldn’t want to put herself into what could become an embarrassing or compromising position by coming to his apartment alone. If she is there with her kids and Larry, she would be well protected. Pete replied, “Yeah, give me the address and I’ll come over.”

Lindy looked at the clock and said, “Well three-thirty now, so how about six and we can have an early, light dinner. Hope you don’t mind home made Mexican.”

That did surprise Pete, he laughed “Sure, if you like, and I would love a home cooked meal, anything to avoid my cooking.”

Lindy chuckled and reached for her cell, “I’m sending you the address. See you then.” Saying ‘bye, Pete finished his routine then went home, showered and prepared for an evening working, starting to seriously worry about what the documents would reveal. He turned his laptop on and navigated to CNN, there it was, revealed, Marchess was under investigation for insider trading. Seems the Reddit coup on Gamestop had some unexpected fallout.

When Pete got there, the place was quiet, lit, but quiet. He rang the door bell and the door was quickly opened by Lindy. “Come in, come in,” she said, “Hope you don’t mind, but we’re alone. Larry has taken the kids camping, overnight. I didn’t want them disturbing us and this might take a while.”

One surprise after another, camping, this time of year? Pete thought, then saw what she was wearing, not much at all. He saw more skin than he has ever at work, or in the gym. Turning away from him, Lindy asked, “A wine before food?” Pete agreed looking at her walking away, nice ass, really nice ass, wrapped in skin-tight gym leggings. Pete had to remove his jacket, it was really warm in the house even in this transition from winter heading to spring, no wonder she wasn’t wearing much.

While pouring the wine, Lindy explained the problem in greater detail and it seemed to Pete that this would have been well within her capabilities. She handed a glass of white to Pete, bending forward slightly, giving him a clear view of a deeper cleavage than he had expected. Then he realized, no bra. Lindy remained unselfconscious of this simple act, but Pete felt more than a slight jump in his pulse.

They sat at the table and discussed the possible impact of the discrepancies while eating. Pete was really glad he decided to come, the nachos was excellent and her fajitas were all home made. Another glass of wine and after helping Lindy clean the table, they got into the spreadsheets and accounts. Lindy opened her laptop, loaded the programs and opened the documentation she had. She motioned for Pete to come and slide his seat next to hers so he could get a good view of the screen. After an hour or so, they had gone over everything that was ringing alarm bells for her.

“Without the original documentation, this is going to be impossible to trace,” Pete concluded.

“Well, if the Feds want that, they’re going to have to be quick I would think. There’s going to be a few fires burning tonight.”

“Some of these payments are to a Cayman Island Bank, so good luck tracing that.” Pete looked at the time and saw that it was only just on eight o’clock. “I would think all we can do is to hand over what they have a warrant for and ride out any flash over.”

Lindy agreed, and told him that is what she was thinking but needed him to confirm it. Suddenly, Pete became very aware of the nearness of her, her soft perfume, the flashes of breast he had gotten as Lindy had moved to point out different things on the screen. He sat very still for a moment when Lindy turned slightly, opening her low cut top and then caught his eyes looking down. Before he had a chance to say anything, Lindy leaned into him and kissed him.

Pete jumped back, startled. Lindy pulled back, “Oh, I’m sorry,” she said, “I don’t know what came over me.”

“Lindy,” Pete started, his voice a little husky with the rush of hormones that swept through him, “I-” He didn’t get to finish that sentence as Lindy leaned over and kissed him, again. This time Pete didn’t move.

When they broke apart, Lindy said, “But I know what I want to cum in me, Pete.” She reached over and took his hand pulling it to her breast. “Please, Pete, take me to bed.”

Pete’s dick started thinking for him, he took her hand and told her to lead on, she did almost dragging him to the bedroom. They were on the bed, seriously making out, her few clothes flying off and his pants around his ankles as she removed his shirt. She ran her hand over his chest, her nails scraping on the pecs, giving Pete a sensual charge. Pete felt her naked body against his, his now engorged cock trapped between them, looking for her sex. Pete kicked his shoes off and heard his pants fall off the bed.

Lindy moved and with his dick in her hand, gently tugging it, “Ooohh, big and hard,” she cooed as she rubbed it. “That’s going to feel nice inside me, I bet.” Lindy worked her way down his body, kissing and lapping at different parts of his torso until she came to his cock. She held it up with her hand and Pete felt her lips on the glans, her tongue wiping over the eye then down one side and back up, only to wipe down the other side and back up again.

Pete felt her lips being pushed open as she lowered her mouth onto him, her tongue taking a role lapping at his knob as it passed though her lips into her throat. Her nose pushed into the crease of the join between thigh and groin, his cock buried deep in her. Pete had never had a sucking like this before, he thought, she is fucking brilliant. He let her keep it up for a few minutes and then grabbed her thigh pulling upward, “Come and get on my face, fuck my tongue!” he said.

Without missing a beat, Lindy repositioned herself, lowering her pussy onto Pete’s mouth. Pete saw her labia were swollen and pushed out with a clit that was large and just begging to be lapped. He had put his arms over his head and was able to wrap them to the back of her knees, his hands free to slap and pinch her ass, or pull it down onto his face. Pete ran his tongue from her clit to her vaginal canal, and back again, his bottom lip following his tongue caressing her swollen clit. He lapped her as she was sucking his cock trying to give her as good as he was getting.

Lindy’s oohs and aaaahhhs were music to his ears, but he knew if she kept this up, he wasn’t going to last much longer. He deliberately rolled her over, pushing her off him but then grabbed her as she was in danger of falling off the bed. “Oh! Why did you stop, that was really nice.”

“Yeah, a little too nice for me,” Pete said, “I wasn’t going to last much longer.”

“Oh, of course, too long alone in lock down, then?” Lindy smiled.

“Oh yeah.” Lindy came up the bed and kissed him, deeply.

“Then you’re going to have to finish what you started,” she demanded. Lindy pushed him back down and straddled his face. Pete held her hips and attacked her pussy with his tongue, giving her some serious pleasure. Pete nodded his head, using his lips and tongue to swipe over her pussy, especially her clit as he savored the taste of her juices now flowing into his mouth. He loved doing this to women, licking them, giving them pleasure, making them cum on his mouth.

Lindy kept the motion up and began calling out as she pumped her pussy on his tongue then moaned loudly she her movement stopped, “YES! YES! YES!,” she cried as she got the very edge of cumming. Pete pushed her hips upward and taking a deep breath, pursed his lips and blew over her heated cunt. “OH! FUCK!” Lindy cried, “Lost it!” Pete pulled her back down onto his face and started lapping again, using the same motion he was using before. He heard a call, “Oh you fucking asshole! You’re edging me! Oh fuck! DO IT AGAIN!” Pete was only too willing to oblige. Twice more he got her to the edge of cumming and used the same trick to bring her off the boil. Lindy’s panting was serious now.

Pete felt this was getting close to her limit, so he pushed his tongue into her again, lapped her clit hard and this time as she got closer and closer to cumming, he didn’t stop. He also knew this was about his limit too. His tongue, mouth and jaw were getting a little tired. He loved being under her pussy, drinking her juices, but he had to stop soon. He pushed his tongue into her again and again, his lips and tongue wiping over her clit and she again started pumping his mouth. Her actions became more and more ragged and then she cried out as he body grabbed his head her cries loud and strong as she finally came over his face.

Lindy felt spasm after spasm of pleasure as she came, running through her body, wiping her out. Behind that really nerdish face lay a real talent with a tongue she learned as she collapsed in a heap on top of him. Lindy felt his hands pushing her up a bit, just so he could breath, she expected. She held onto the bed head giving him some breathing space. She let herself fall onto her side then she slithered around to hold him, pushing her tits onto his arm. He rolled over a little, facing her and kissed her, a hand caressing a breast.

“You taste very nice,” he said, kissing her again, then on her neck. He pushed her back a little and took a nipple into his mouth, suckling her. “Ooohh fuck, you know you’re pushing all the right buttons there, you very naughty boy.” Lindy moaned.

She moved away from him and reached over the side of the bed. He heard her fumbling, the sound of a drawer being pulled open, then another sound of a drawer being shut. “I have just the thing for a bad boy too.” She rolled back to face him and pushed his shoulder, rolling him onto his back again. Lindy straddled him and lifted what she had in her hand, “You want to edge me, well I can do that to you, but you can’t move.” She gave her hand a wriggle, the belts flapping around with an eyebrow raised.

“Oh! This is a new game is it?”

“For you yes, but I love it when I get to edge a dick.” She didn’t mention the name of the person who’s dick she had been edging. “Works even better if you can’t wriggle out of it.”

“Oh, no whips or chains or anything like that is there?”

Lindy laughed, “No, but if you want one I’m sure there is something around here that can be modified for it. I got a skipping rope if you want one.”

“No, just never been restrained before.”

“Okay, how about you strap me up then work some magic on me. Then we can swap.”

“But?” Pete asked.

“Yes, ‘but’ you can’t cum in me, you can’t cum until I make you cum and that has to be inside me.”

“No condom?”

“Well, no, much more fun without one. I know you’re DDF, and so am I. I really want this time to be special. Never know if it could ever happen again. And I know you’re DDF, I audit the Company health insurance scheme, remember.” Pete knew she did and was always aware of the health of employees.

He reached up and took the belts off her and swapped places. He lay her face up, spread-eagled, strapping her wrists to the bed head and her ankles to the footer. “There’s a feather boa, a couple of vibrators and some oil in the drawer to the left, if you want some toys.”

Pete reached over and pulled the drawer open, I’ll say there was some toys in there, he thought. Half of them had no place in Pete’s scheme of recognition of items, he wouldn’t know what to do with them. He pulled out one that looked like a butt plug, found some lube, then a womanizer, a cock ring, what he thought might have been a cock ring but he wasn’t sure.

He help up the butt plug and Lindy smiled, “Oooh, yes, that is a vib too, put that in my ass and your dick inside me and you’re going to heaven, believe me. Just don’t leave it there too long.” Pete did just that after he had poked her with the butt plug, inserting it up her ass, vibrating away, with the womanizer on her clit, his fingers in her pussy, she was soon dripping with another cum. He dropped the womanizer and put his cock inside her. Pete didn’t last long at all, she was right, he had to pull out and cool off very quickly.

“Fuck me!” He said, “You’re right, that was unbelievable.” Pete leaned over and kissed her belly, then blew a huge raspberry, the farting sound echoing around the room. Lindy laughed at the crassness of it all, but loving the rapid slapping of her skin on Pete’s cheeks. Pete put a hand on her pubis, her legs spread widely. Using his first two fingers in a scissor movement, he trapped the clit hood and pushed it upward. Lindy’s clit was already swollen but that didn’t stop Pete. He licked the fingers of his other hand and wiped them over her dripping cunt, then strummed her clit like a guitar.

At the first touch, there was little reaction from Lindy, but as the second, third and forth finger caressed her clit, she was seriously squirming. Pete flicked her clit, again and again and each time it took Lindy to a new sensual high. She couldn’t hold out for much longer and was soon engulfed with a wave of pleasure sweeping over her. Her muscles snapped against the restraining straps, her ass bounced off the bed as she cried her orgasm. Music to Pete’s ears. He inserted a finger into Lindy’s vaginal canal and lay his palm over her clit. Gently squeezing it, it wasn’t long before Lindy’s breathing returned to normal, her clit reduced in size so potential for the pain of an over excited clit was reduced considerably.

Pete let her calm down a bit, just holding her, kissing her, lapping ad different parts of her body, sucking on a nipple, then the other. Picking up the womanizer he started on her again, her cries of delight and moans of excitement echoing around the room. Again he licked her pussy, sharing clit time between his tongue, her lips and the womanizer. She screamed another orgasm, her muscle snap lifting her almost entirely off the bed, a cum blush lighting her upper torso up like a stop light.

He went to start her up again when she cried “Please, no more!” Lindy gasped and cried, “Enough, enough! I want your dick, deep in me!”

Pete then realized that they hadn’t created a safe word, how fucking stupid was that, he thought, maybe Lindy wasn’t as up with this as she should be. He turned the womanizer off and then the butt plug vib off. Lindy lay there, gasping for air, her cunt swollen, her torso returning to its normal color. Pete looked at Lindy, her tits were laying either side of her chest, an almost flat line from nipple to nipple. All natural there, he thought. He took a tit in his mouth and tongued the nipple, then did the same to the other. He put an index finger into her cunt and lay the palm of his hand on her clit, gently pressing it down, relieving the swollen glans.

She kissed him and asked him to remove the straps. He did and she wrapped herself around him and told his that was the most amazing experience she had ever had with the straps. “It’s time for a break though,” she said, “When I get some energy, I’m going to get some water.” They held each other for a few minutes and Lindy struggled to get off the bed, then stumbled out the door. A minute or so later she returned with two large glasses, full of water. Pete took it, and after a few sip, started to feel better, but he had no idea why. Putting the glasses aside, Lindy took the straps and said, “Your turn!” with an evil grin.

Pete lay down and spread eagled himself as she strapped him to the bed. He never thought that he would ever have done this, understanding that he really was, totally, vulnerable to someone else. Picking up the womanizer, Lindy casually wiped it over his now detumesced dick, watching it grow quickly. Lindy used the vibrator to gently caress Pete’s balls and slid it down to place firmly at the bottom of his ball sack. In seconds, Pete’s dick was at full attention, as Lindy stroked it. Again, she took it into her mouth and gave Pete the best oral sex he had ever had. Between the vibrator and the sucking, Pete wasn’t going to last long, he told Lindy this and she said, “Oh, no, we can’t have that.” She quickly got off the bed and dashed out the door. In moments she was back with a dish of ice cubes. “This will bring you off the boil,” she said, “But you’re going to have to tell me when you’re getting close.”

Pete was getting a bit concerned now. “I’m going to edge you for the next thirty minutes, then I’m going to fuck you and you’re going to cum inside me, fill me with your juice. You’ll never forget this night, I’m telling you!” Lindy laughed. She started again, got him hard, then when he was getting close, she’d stop, grab an ice cube and wipe it over his balls. Fuck that was a shock! Then as his erection died, she would start sucking him again. Fuck this was fucking great! Getting close! Fuck, that was fucking cold! Pete was amazed that Lindy could keep sucking like she was, okay, there were short breaks in between but his dick felt the striations in Lindy’s throat! He was getting right in there.

Over and over, the warmth of a mouth, the soft then hard throat then out again, back in again, and again, getting close and the inevitable ice cube. Pete was in heaven but then he began demanding relief, he wants to cum so badly. Lindy lifts off him and straddles him, lowering herself down onto his cock. “You wanted it, fuck me! Fuck me and shoot your load in me.” Lindy rode him cowgirl, grinding her clit on his pelvis, rubbing it on the mass of hair covering his pubis.

Pete felt the rising tension and he knew this was it, he was going to shoot! “Cumming! NOW” he cried as his cock contracted and his balls shot their load up and into Lindy. He felt her all go very slippery as the fluid reduced friction to the point where it didn’t exist. Lindy cried and thrust her pelvis onto Pete hard as she could, “Give it to me! Give me all of it!” she cried. He shot a second load, then a third as the sensation of his release swept over his body. He felt his legs and arms, his fingers and toes all tingle with the sense of his dick’s release.

“Oh Pete,” Lindy cried, “PETE!” And Lindy shuddered, drawing Pete’s cock into herself as she cum again. Not a big cum, a little cum, but either she was a good actor or she had cum again, Pete thought. He preferred the latter. Lindy leaned down and kissed him.

Just then, the bedroom door burst open, Pete tried to jump but was held down by the straps that Lindy had not removed.


The look on Lindy’s face as she leapt off him was something Pete couldn’t read, anger maybe? “YES! ANOTHER DICK! AND IT WAS DELICIOUS!”



“JEALOUS! I’LL SHOW YOU JEALOUS!” Pete was terrified, he was sure Larry was about to pull out a gun and shoot them both. The husband stepped over to the bed where he pushed Lindy onto her back and holding her legs up and apart, buried his face into her cum filled pussy. Pete heard Lindy squeal a little but she wasn’t fighting back. WHAT THE FUCK? Lindy moaned and squealed delight as Larry sucked her pussy, drawing the cum out of her.


Lindy’s husband looked up his face now glistening with a mixture of her juices and Pete’s semen.


Try as he might, Pete couldn’t release himself as he felt his now completely soft cock being wrapped up by Larry’s mouth. The warmth of a mouth, a tongue slapping his cock, a head pumping up and down his tool made him hard again. Pete was astounded he could get it up but under these circumstances, he was totally fucked! An irate husband sucking his cock between screams at his cheating wife – UN-FUCKING-BELIEVEABLE! Pete had no idea what just happened but he knew he was getting the best ever head job, even Lindy’s skill wasn’t as good as this guy, her fucking husband?

Lindy moved and positioned herself so she could push a nipple into Pete’s mouth and Pete noticed her hand was rubbing her clit while looking at her husband with Pete’s dick in his mouth.

“Yeah! Go! Little fag boy, suck that dick!” Lindy called, a lot quieter than it had been up to now. Pete could feel the blood rushing up his dick as it got harder. “Fuck his face, Pete! Fuck him hard!” Pete pushed his cock into Larry’s mouth and then down his throat. FUCK! Larry was as good a cock sucker as Lindy! WTF is going on here?

Pete was hard again, feeling the real arousal caused by Larry’s mouth as Larry pumped Pete’s cock,

“FAGGOT BOY LIKES SUCKING DICK!” Lindy yelled at her husband.

Larry lifted off Pete’s cock and while Pete was really liking being sucked by Larry, something he would never have even contemplated before, his cock was out of steam without the mouth. It shrunk back down as Larry yelled, “FAGGOT BOY! I’LL SHOW YOU!” Larry had his sweat pants off and his raging horn out in moments as he threw Lindy onto the bed alongside Pete, one leg over Pete’s splayed leg, her head resting on Pete’s shoulder, her hair in Pete’s face.

Larry climbed on top of Lindy and entered her, Pete could feel their movements as Larry fucked Lindy, hard and fast. “I’LL TEACH YOU, YOU SLUT!”

“WELL FUCK ME IF YOU’RE GONNA FAGGOT BOY!” Lindy yelled back at Larry. “FUCK ME GOOD!”

Terrified, Pete could do nothing! He was tied to the bed, his body open to whatever Larry wanted to do with him! Fear rose in him, to the point where he could feel his bowel threaten to empty itself all over the bed. Lindy’s head repeatedly bumped into Pete’s jaw as Larry furiously fucked his wife. To Pete it seemed like ages as he lay there, listen to this copulating couple screaming insults at each other.


“SLUT! SLUT! BITCH! FUCKING WHORE SLUT!” Larry screamed over and over as he pounded into Lindy.

Larry growled and he seemed to splutter, the let out a howl of pure lust as he shot his semen into Lindy. “YES!” Lindy cried, Pete thinking she was actually having an orgasm! “YES! YES! YES!” She too let out another loud cry as she actually did have an orgasm. Pete saw her tits light up with such a red flush, spread to her throat, he thought. She was being pounded and she came? WTF was happening here?

Larry howled as he shot another load into Lindy screaming “ON MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY! YOU SLUT!”


“I FUCKING LOVED IT SLUT!” Larry screamed as he bent over and kissed Lindy, hard, on the mouth. “And I love you so much!” Larry said in a normal voice, “Thank you for such a wonderful gift my darling!” He kissed her again as she wrapped herself around him, pulling him on top of her.

“Anything for you my love.” Lindy said back, “Anything at all.”


Larry looked over to Pete and said, “Oh sorry,” he said, “Not yet, I gotta blow you first.”


“Yes Pete, you’re my real gift, if you want to cum again, of course,” Larry said. He lifted himself off Lindy and she rolled herself over, kissing Pete on the cheek, her hand straying down to his dick.

“What the fuck is happening?” Pete was seriously puzzled now.

“This is my fault,” Lindy said, “I hope you’ll forgive me.” She paused and looked up at Larry, then at Pete. “Larry wanted something different for his birthday, so I set this up.”

“She has been wanting to fuck you for ages and this seemed like a good time,” Larry said.

“What? What?” Pete asked, “You’ve been wanting to fuck me?”

“Sure, why not? You’re a good looking guy, Pete, with the benefit of a nice dick too.” Larry said, “Tasty as well, just like Lindy thought you would be.”

“Someone want to tell what the fuck is going on?” Pete demanded.

“Okay, I have been dreaming of something like this for a while. The cuckolded husband getting revenge on his wife and her lover. Lindy made it happen and you played your part so well.”

“Getting you here, into bed wasn’t that easy Pete,” Lindy said, “But after the lock down, you were pretty much in need of someone to have sex with. I’m sorry and you’re going to have to forgive me, but Larry and I’ve been planning this for a while. You’re so beautiful and such a lovely person, I didn’t know until this morning we could pull it off.”

“This morning?”

“At the gym, circumstances were just right. Danny gave me a perfect excuse to invite you over, and as long as I “accidentally” ran into you at the gym, it wouldn’t raise your suspicion. As soon as I left you, I rang Larry and told him you were coming over tonight he had the boys off with their grandparents for the night and was setting cameras up when I got home.”


“Oh, I know it’s a bit of a shock, but my fantasy was to be fucked by Larry and you in the same bed, so we combined the two.” Lindy leaned over and kissed Pete, “I really do hope you’ll forgive me for not telling you about this before, but I wasn’t sure you’d want to fuck me with Larry watching.”


“Oh yeah, I’ve recorded the whole thing. You know you’re quite a stud when you get going, Pete,” Larry said, “I like sucking your dick, very tasty covered with your juices as it was. I’d like to do it again too, if you don’t mind.”

“Wait! Wait-wait!” Pete stuttered as his mental gears caught up. “you’re saying this was all a set up.”

“Yes,” Lindy said with that patient ‘keep up’ look mothers get.

“You wanted this to happen?”

“Yes,” both Lindy and Larry said.

“Fucking hell!” Pete cried, “Now you’re asking me for forgiveness for scaring the shit out of me, abusing me, orally raping me!”

Lindy and Larry looked at each other, a worried glance perhaps passed between them, “Well, it wasn’t entirely without your consent,” Larry said.


“We know, Pete, and we’re willing to do anything to make it up to you.” Lindy said, putting her hand on his dick, holding it, gently beginning to caress it.


“Yes dear, anything,” Lindy said, “You can even fuck us both up the ass if you want.”

“What about Marcy, in Records, would you fuck her too?” Pete asked Lindy.

“Oh yes may I? If you wanted me to, if she wants to,” Lindy said, “You’ll have to stay for breakfast to talk about it in the morning. Right now, I want more of your dick.”

Pete understood now, he was really on a good thing here, “Okay, but undo these straps. Then Larry has to finish blowing me.” Pete sighed as the straps were opened by Larry, Lindy seriously rubbing Pete’s dick, preparing it for Larry.

The problem beginning in lock down, Pete thought, the lack of companionship, was now no longer a problem. Looking at Lindy, in the face, without getting all creepy Monday morning, that was a whole other problem.
