Oasis – Chapter 1 – “Just kiss me” [FF][Cheating][Seduction][Oral][Squirting][Rimming]

*20 minute read according to Grammarly*

“You almost ready?” a playfully impatient voice says over the phone.

“Mhm!” I say, loading one of the last few boxes into our hatchback, “Damian! You ready?!” I call up to our apartment, hoping nobody else would mind.

I hear a faint “Yeah, I’m coming” back, so at least that’s settled.

I grumble, lifting the last, but certainly not lightest, box into the trunk. You can never be too prepared; that’s something my parents taught me. I cast a worried glance up at our window as I close the doors. Damian had been turned down for an internship for a local tech company earlier that day. Even though he was a geek, he still managed a 5’11 muscular body with quite a bit beneath the belt. Anyways, I hope he can at least relax a little on our monthly camping trip.

“You still there?” Celeste asks, breaking my train of thought.

“Oh yeah, sorry, just worried about Damian,” I reply

“Yeaaaaah… Oh! By the way, my ‘friend’ canceled, so it’s just gonna be me this time around!” A ‘friend’ to Celeste, or Cece as we call her, is just some girl she brings to have someone to fuck with on a Sunday night… not that that’s not what Damian and I usually do.

“What?! Couldn’t you have told me that earlier? That’s like… a whole box worth less of stuff!” I say, climbing in and starting up the car.

“I didn’t know until a few hours ago!” she says like it’s a valid argument.

“EXACTLY! A FEW HOURS AGO!” I say, mostly playing but with a slight edge of honest frustration.

“Oh shush.”

I see the front doors to our building open, and Damian emerges with one last bag, “Alrighty, we’re on our way, be there in five.”

“Final-” Cece begins to respond before I hang up just as Damian gets into the car.

We pick her up, say our hellos, turn on some tunes, and begin driving out toward nothing. Unfortunately, we left just a tad bit later than we were planning to. We would have to stop short of our destination, but that’s fine. One benefit of being in the southwest is even if you don’t get all the way to your campsite, you’re still at a nice place to camp.

Luckily we got our tents and fire pit set up before the sun fully descended. Drinks, smores, a few joints, a long conversation, and a few uncomfortably suggestive comments by Cece later, and time had blown by. Damian, who had been the primary source and recipient of both alcohol and weed, went ahead and called it. He headed off to our tent, leaving just Cece and me alone in the cold desert night.

We are together under a blanket, lying down on a relatively big air mattress adjacent to the fire, looking up at the countless stars above. A slightly awkward silence fell between us as it sometimes does in otherwise romantic situations. Cece is a 5’6, short-haired, brown-eyed, bisexual (though I’ve never seen her with a guy), athletic vixen with large C-cup breasts, and a regular ass. I, on the other hand, am a 5’1, small B-cups, large ass (for my size), long-haired, blue-green-eyed, slim, petite kitten of woman.

We laid there for a long time, just staring into the shimmering sea of space, listening to the crackling of the fire. Cece had been silent for long stretches, and I’d just consider her asleep before a notification or the desire for another beer would stir her. We were in the middle of one of those stretches now, the night stretching and time seeming to pass slower and slower; even I was having trouble staying awake. But, of course, I feel her begin to shift. She gets up and puts a log or few onto the fire. I’m pretending to be asleep, thinking, hoping even, that she would head on to the bed so I could. I listen as her footsteps grow fainter, then can faintly make out the sound of her relieving herself. After a minute or so (we had a lot to drink), I hear her return. I listen as she stops again and, after a minute, the drone of our white noise machine stirs the night. We bring it in case either couple (or solo) wants privacy. I hear her walk back to our makeshift bed, slipping under the covers and making her way to me – close to me.

Her leg brushes against mine, sending a tingling sensation throughout my body; I can’t help but shiver.

“Hey,” she whispers, “I know your awake, I… I want to talk.”

I think about saying nothing but a reluctant “Yeah, what’s up?” escapes my lips. Rolling onto my side to look at her, I can barely make out her silhouette, the fire licking her face giving me glimpses of her features. She looks inhumanly perfect, as the shadow of an angel. I can feel my heart skip a beat as she meets my gaze.

“I don’t want things to be awkward… between us,” She says softly,

“What? They’re not,” I lie.

“No, no, they are. Look, do you… remember the first time we met? At that party, at fuckin who’s? Mike’s?” She asks with a playful tone wrapping the uncomfortableness between us.

“Mhm, I remember,”

“And… and you were wearing that… that cute little outfit that hugged all the right places, and I just couldn’t help but walk over to you,” She looks away, the heat of the fire threatening to move to my cheeks.

“Celeste, you don’t have to…”

“No, no, I do…” she says softly. A tense silence fell once again between us; I can tell she is searching for the right words to say. “When you laughed, my god you… you laughed at a joke I made, and it was such a warm, pure, innocently beautiful noise, and I just, I wanted you to be happy and I wanted to be around you,”

“T-thanks,” I try to say, but it gets caught in my throat, so all that I do is give an awkward squeak. My cheeks burn, my heart rate beginning to increase as she meets my gaze, threatening to turn the world upside down.

“As I’ve gotten to know you, I just… I just want you to be happy but, I… I can’t do this any longer. I can’t fuck with girl after girl trying to fill the hole that your laugh left in my heart anymore, unless… unless I know…” she trails off, taking her hand in mine, squeezing it gently.

“Celeste…” I whisper, trying somehow to keep the inevitable from happening.

“I’ve… always had a… a crush on you, you know? At first, at first, it was just sexual. Like, you really are quite a fucking catch, but then… but it’s grown, Lily. It’s grown and god damn it I like you. I like you a lot, I like you more than I have liked anybody before – fuck, Lily, I love you…” She says, her passion spilling from her voice like a fountain of youth, and I the bottle catching it.

“Oh god, Cece… you… you don’t mean that! It’s just the weed, or, or the booze, or the tiredness talking!” I say, looking away, my cheeks now ablaze, my heart pounding in my chest, sweat on my palms in the freezing night.

“You and I both know that’s not true, I… I know I have feelings for you, strong feelings, I just… I just need… to know… if you have them back,” she whispers.

“I’m… I’m just not into girls Celeste, your a great, great, wonderful friend, but… I’m just… not, I’m sorry,” I say quietly, though the growing wet spot on my panties may tell a different answer. Another silence falls between us. I could feel her soul searching for a way forward, for a key to our relationship. She reaches out, brushing a few stray strands of hair behind my ear with her long, soft fingers. Her touch spurring feelings inside of me, feelings that I haven’t felt in a long time. I don’t know what to do; I feel like my cheeks could light a candle from a mile away. I’m honestly scared that my heart is going to crack my ribs. The action was so smooth and romantic I was ready for stage lights to turn on and for a director to call cut. I put my hand on top of hers, my mind trying to pull it off my cheek, trying to resist, trying to stay faithful to Damian, but my body, my body is helpless. It won’t do it. I look up at her with large eyes, catching a glimpse of hers like portals into heaven. “I-I’m straight..” I murmur, weaker this time.

“I know,” she says softly, reassuring, like a mother comforting a child in denial, like someone who knows the truth. She moves closer, not a whole lot closer, but closer. I catch just the faintest whiff of mint off her breath as she runs her thumb across my bottom lip. I realize my lips are parted; only now do I realize how much I want her to kiss me, no, how much I want to kiss her. The realization kicks my body into overdrive, the immense drowsiness nowhere to be found, my heart jumping out of my throat into the crackling fire. I catch a glimpse of her lips curled into a beautifully sly smile – she’s got lipstick on.

“I’m straight, Celeste,” I whisper, my body igniting into a cold fire;

“Mhm, yes Lily, you are,” she says, moving closer.

“I’m straight…” softer.

She moves closer, her face comes closer, her eyes come closer, her lips, her beautiful lush angelic lips, come closer.

“I’m straight…” softer


I-I’m straight” softer


“I’m strai-”

Our lips meet ever so gently, fitting together like a match made in heaven. Oh god, the softness, the slightly sweet taste of her saliva, her hand caressing my cheek, it’s overwhelming. I close my eyes, savoring every millisecond, every sensation as the world stills around us. Her leg moves over my body, followed by the rest of her. Soon she’s sitting over me, our long embrace finally broken as she pulls away. A triumphant smile on her face illuminated by the flames of lust making her look like a devil who just got another girl to sign his book.

“Straight?” she asks with a giggle.

The fear and resistance and uncomfortable awkwardness that had fueled the fire in my body are replaced with two new emotions. Two emotions so true and pure they hijack my brain within milliseconds, two emotions so strong I knew I had lost the war; love and lust.

“Just kiss me,” I whisper, so barely audible even I don’t know if I had said it.


“Just kiss me.” I say

That was all the encouragement she needed.

She presses her lips against mine hard, my arms wrapping around her, embracing her, pulling her into me. It doesn’t take long until our tongues are dancing between our locked lips, her hands moving from my waist up to my breasts, cupping them, groping them. My fingers press into her back, moaning into her mouth as she rubs my stiff nipples through the fabric of my shirt. I cup her cheek with one hand, her flawless skin as soft as the air around us.

Her hands roam back down my midriff, pulling my oversized shirt up until she can slide her hands beneath it. I whimper, shivering as her somehow cold hands touch my skin. It feels incredible, her long fingers finding my tits again, massaging them with a whole new level of intimacy. I bring my legs up, allowing myself to melt beneath her touch as she circles my nipples. I moan, loud, louder than I’ve naturally moaned in a while from just my nipples being played with. She breaks our rhythmic kissing, pulling away and looking me in the eyes as a bead of saliva drips from the corner of her mouth.

“You’re so adorable!” she giggles, lightly pinching my nipples.

“D-don’t stop,” I whine, my body begging for her, for her touch, for her lips.

She gives me one last smile in the darkness before her face disappears, her lips gently kissing my neck as she fully exposes my breasts to the cold night air.

“Ooooh fuuuck,” I moan, squirming as she gives a light nibble reminding me to keep quiet, sending a sharp wave of pleasureful pain throughout my body.

She holds onto my breasts firmly as her kisses get closer and closer to my chest, her body shifting backward to keep up with her intentions. She starts slowing down as she gets to softer areas, her mouth slowly making its way down my left breast.

“Fuck” I murmur as she flicks her tongue across my nipple. My head rolls back with a moan, my back arching as a wave of pleasure washes over my lust drunken body.

She grabs my left wrist, pinning my arm against the bed as she sucks hard at my nipple. I pull her closer with the other hand still firmly grasping the back of her head, moaning at her work. I wrap my legs around her, pulling her body into me. She giggles as my back descends, my head spinning. I look down my chest meeting her eyes as she kisses her way to my right tit, her hand releasing me to attend to the recently licked nipple. She giggles, giving my nipple a little bite; I can’t help but squeak as she does.

I gasp for air as wave after wave of beautiful, angelic pleasure washes over me, drowning out the world around us. Everything fades away except for Cece and me. I release my legs, allowing her to move her leg forward between my thighs up against my feminity. She begins applying more pressure mixing a throbbing pain into the pleasure.

“Fuck,” I say, shuddering, my head dropping again.

She starts making her way down, her tongue exploring the gentle curves of my waist. Her body shifts further away again, one of her hands abandoning my breast to toy with the waistline of my leggings. She purrs as she begins to pull them away, sending a new wave of lust throughout my body, moaning as her nails dig against my skin. She pulls away to get a better view as she slips my leggings off.

“Your even more beautiful like this,” she purrs, sending chills up my spine.

I grab my breasts, letting out a softer moan and shivering as she moves her fingertips ever so lightly up my inner thighs. She curls them around the thin waist of my panties, cooing as she begins to peel them away. I can feel how wet I am, how strands of my nectar are holding onto them.

“My god you’re wet,” she purrs, sliding my panties off and climbing back on top of me, “Here, this ought to keep you quiet…” she says, slipping my panties into my mouth. I can taste my sweet saltiness through the fabric, giving a gentle purr of approval as she kisses my cheek. She looks into my helpless eyes like a predator who has found prey on the brink of death before returning down between my legs.

Her hands wrap around my upper things, pushing my legs apart as she moves closer. I can’t stop myself from quivering as I feel her warm breath against my dripping wet feminity.

I moan loudly, my hands gripping my breasts hard as I try to find some way to express the joy and pleasure I feel when she presses her tongue against my clit. A tingling warmth overcomes my body as I shudder, my eyes watering, an orgasm already on the brink of throwing my body into chaos.

“FUCK!” I scream into my gag as she begins to lick at my pussy with the expertise of a goddess. The sounds of her tongue lapping up my nectar somehow cuts through the night like a knife headed straight for my heart. She can tell I’m close, quickly releasing one of my thighs to stroke the opening of my core. “I’M GONNA CUM!!!” I try to warn as she pushes two fingers knuckle deep inside of me, throwing me into the abyss.

My orgasmic cries fade as I lose my voice, my eyes rolling back into my head, my back raising high into the air. Every muscle of my body is tense, I grip the air mattress so hard I’m afraid it’s going to pop as wave after wave of pleasure keeps my pussy spasming around her fingers and my toes curling into themselves. She doesn’t miss a beat, continuing to work my clit at full speed, making me feel so good it almost hurts.

I crash hard, my body falling, squirming and floundering like a fish out of the water as my body does a 180, relaxing, no, melting into sheets beneath me.

I slip my panties out of my mouth, my chin coated in saliva, “Jeeesus fuck Cece,” I whimper, gasping, trying to regain control of myself. Celeste peeks up from my crotch, now retired from her services.

“Hot damn girl, I wish you could see how wet you are,” she laughs, continuing to softly stroke my pussy

“I wish I could too,” I joke, smiling wide. I know Cece probably can’t see me in the dark (turns out if you don’t keep a fire going, it goes out) but, I feel like I’m glowing; like I could jump up to the sky and become one of the stars with Celeste by my side.

“Mmm,” she coos, climbing on top of me again, “still straight?” She asks, giggling.

“Oh hush,” I say, giving her a giggle of my own before her nectar coated lips meet mine. Neither of us wants to break away from the embrace, kissing just like we did when the night, well morning, was young.

She groans, reluctantly peeling herself away, “I’ve got a question,”

“Shoot,” I say, worried that it will have to do with my relationship – something I defiantly don’t want to think about right now.

“Would you… like… to… return… the favor,” she coos between soft kisses, gradually getting giddier, and neither of us can help but laugh as she finishes.

“I’d love to,” I say, beginning to get up.

“No no,” she purrs gently, pushing me back down with a smile, “You just stay there,”

My lips curl into a wild grin, excitement and anticipation flooding my body as she stands up, “Yes ma’am,” I respond, laughing.

“Oh lord kitten, you know that gets me going,” she laughs, kitten getting me going in my own right.

I watch as she slips off her top, her two beautiful large breasts being silently released into the wilderness. I can just make out the outline of her nipples in the starlight. If the moon was anything more than new, I would be able to see more than her outline as she unzips her jeans, laughing as she wiggles her ass in a faux stripper fashion. She slips out of her shorts and panties, leaving them both in a pile with mine. She moves up to my head, standing so tall above me it looks like she’s spilling out of heaven.

“Open wide!” she laughs, turning her back toward me and slowly squatting down.

I gasp; my god is her pussy, so neatly tucked between her thighs, the most glorious sight. Heaven was headed toward earth as she got closer and closer to my lips for the second time of the night, but I wasn’t waiting this time.

With my hands exploring the smooth curves of her waist, I lift my head up, tenderly kissing around her clit; even her skin down here is as soft as her face. I flick my tongue across her hood, giving her just a taste of what’s to come.

“Oh fuck,” she moans, not expecting me to be on the attack, her legs trembling.

I giggle, continuing to tease her as my arms move under her legs and my hands grab her inner thighs. Ever so carefully I pull her legs apart, her pussy revealing itself to me in its entirety. Even in the darkness, I can make out the glorious, subtle folds of her small labia. She’s wet, hopefully as wet I was, a bead of her grool threatening to fall onto my tongue.

I gently kiss down her inner thigh, my tongue tracing her labia, tasting the saltiness of her nectar faintly on her skin. It’s so hard to resist letting my tongue slip inside her pussy, its scent of a lavender product so incredibly enticing. But I push myself onward, making my way to her perineum. I let my hands explore her, let my fingers retrace my tongue’s path, letting my fingertips be my eyes as I explore all her subtle curves. I find my way to her little clit, circling it, teasing it once again as I carefully avoid direct contact. I hear Cece gasp, her body tensing, anticipating to be drowned in pleasure with each circle I make. But as much as I want to treat her the way she treated me, I hold fast, revering in all the adorable sounds she’s making above me.

“Fuck Lily,” she whines, “just kiss me.”

Neither of us can help resist giggling at that callback, and just like Celeste, it’s all the encouragement I needed.

My finger finally makes contact with the warm wetness of her clit. I can feel her body shift, overcome with a wave of pleasure as I begin applying pleasure. I begin slowly moving in a circle against her clit, just as she had done with me. She gives me a moan of approval, squealing as I strengthen my hold on her thigh, my fingers just digging into her soft skin to hold her in place. A devilish smile creeps onto my face.

It’s time.

Cece gives a surprised yelp as I press my tongue against her backdoor, giving it a slow lick. “F-f-fuck Lily…” she whines; I give her clit a gentle pinch to remind her to stay quiet, a second yelp escaping her lips. I continue my work diligently, my finger moving faster and harder against her clit, occasionally stroking the length of her delicate pussy. I’m busy tracing circles with my tongue against her tensing asshole as she fights to keep it relaxed.

“H-holy f-f-fucking hell,” she moans as I switch it up with some tender, more deliberate strokes and licks. I moan right along with her, not that she can hear it. One of her hands leaves the ground; she’s either covering her mouth or groping her tits; I can’t tell, but it’s time to kick things up a notch.

I release her thigh, moving my hand over to stroke her opening to heaven, and my god she’s wet. I smile, her grool coating my fingers as I slip one gently inside of her damp tightness. She quivers above me, slowly grinding against my mouth, a muffled cry of pleasure escaping into the air. I begin to slip my finger further inside, tenderly fucking her. There’s so much sweet nectar coating her sex that even if we had lube, it would be unnecessary. I slide another finger inside, pushing deep into her core, pressing against her g-spot. She moans loudly, like a wolf howling into the night. Half expected a chorus of moaning girls to join in I grin, rubbing her harder, faster.

“Oh fuck!” She calls, losing her balance and falling back on top of me. Pain shocks my body, wind escaping me as she near crushes me, most certainly leaving soon to be bruising, but I have a job to do. “O-oh my god, I-I’m s-sorry,” she calls up to me between moans.

I don’t give her time to move, quickly wrapping my legs around her waist like a boa, pulling her into me, eager to push her over the edge. Her head rolls back, her hands gripping her tits, her moans growing louder as I press harder against her most sensitive spots.

“FUCK!” she yells, her body already quivering as my tongue slides inside the warmth of her ass. It tastes weirdly sweet, warm, and weirdly sweet. But nothing will stop me now.

My muscles ache, but with one final boost of energy, I find the power to keep my tempo. “FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!” she screams, her body shaking, her back rising, fighting hard against my legs, but I keep her in place.

She begins to squirt as she hits her climax, showering my face in her cum as her muscles spasm with orgasmic pleasure. Her shrill calls of pure bliss would call for an exorcism in any other circumstance. But I’m no priest, and to me, they sound like a chorus of angels. Praying to god that Damian doesn’t wake up, I keep pushing her higher and higher.

With one final whimper, she falls silent as she makes it over her peak and begins to hurtle back towards earth. I slip my tongue and fingers out of her. I grab her thigh hard again with one hand, pressing my palm against her feminity with the other. I moan, pushing the width of my tongue against her ass as it begins to relax. I can tell I’ve managed to spin her world around as much as she did for me; it brings a smile to my nectar-drenched face.

“Hoooooly FUCK Lily,” she groans, laying on top of me breathless, trying to find her breath to find the word’s to describe what she just felt. But I know the feeling, I felt it earlier. “Wherein the hell did you learn to do that?” she asks, still slightly out of breath.

“I took a class earlier tonight,” I say, giggling, slowly releasing her from my tender grasp.

“Did I squirt on you?” she asks with what I would even dare call embarrassment as she begins to turn around, her face coming closer.

“Mhm, you sure did, Cece,” I answer as she climbs back on top of me, her eyes meeting mine, a rosy blush in her cheeks.

“Oh god, oh god look at you! I’m so, so, so sorry Lily, I-I-I guess I just got carried away and I-I-” she says, trying to wipe me clean.

“Hey, hey, hey,” I say, trying to calm her down, her body finally resting. We stare silently into each other’s eyes, her’s shining with a post-orgasmic radiance that I can only describe as divine. I’m dumbfounded, childlike innocence gleaming through her post-orgasmic glow. I fall for her again, my mind feeling helplessly attracted to her. If I had any energy left, I would have gone for another round, the fire behind my cheeks relight with a lust for my best friend. Finally, the word’s I’m searching for come to me, “just kiss me.”

We laugh, embracing each other as we had done countless times throughout the night. Our nectar-covered mouths locking, our tongues saying one last goodbye as I gently pull away. I realize that I can actually see her. I can see her short dusty red hair, the redness of her lipstick, the blood from where she bit down on her lip in an attempt to quiet herself, the perfectly smooth skin, the brownness of her eyes. She must realize, too, because the color drains from her face and a wave of fear and urgency takes control of us. It’s morning.

We scramble to clean up after ourselves, haphazardly pulling panties up and throwing shirts on, bunching up blankets soaked through with the byproducts of our sex. I grab a paper towel, wiping my face clean, searching for a few chairs. I set them up towards the sun, just as it’s starting to peek over the horizon. We quickly take our seats, finally able to revel in the night’s events, neither of us taking our eyes off each other.

“We’re like lovestruck teenagers,” Celeste comments, sending both of us into a giddy fit of laughter.

Once everything is all said and done, we can finally take some time to relax, talking jokingly about the weather as we await Damian’s awakening. We don’t have to wait very long, only a short time later, and I hear the sound of our tent unzipping.

“What, you girl’s up all night?” He asks groggily, making his way toward us.

“Mhm!” Celeste chimes, “All night long!”

“The hell were y’all up to?” He asks

“Oh, you know, girl stuff,” I say, trying so incredibly hard not to blush. I get up, greeting him with a light kiss, hoping that there weren’t any faint scents on my breath – or on me for that matter.

“Alright, sure… well, since we’re all up, do y’all want to go ahead and hit the road? I’ve got to make it back before lunch,” he asks, searching around for some food.

“Yeah, sure!” I say, handing one of our blankets to Cece, “Alrighty, let’s pack up!”

I was quiet most of the way back, thoughts running through my mind at a million miles per hour. ‘Did that really happen?’ ‘What do I do?’ ‘I want to do it again.’ ‘I can’t do it again.’ ‘But I want to.’ ‘No, I’m straight.’ ‘Don’t kid yourself, I want her.’. Celeste fell asleep in the backseat wrapped up in the blanket we had made love on, wet spots still faintly visible.

One phrase keeps coming back and back to my mind. ‘Just kiss me.’ “That’s right, I want it, I like it, just do it,” I tell myself as my sleepless night catches up to me. My eyelids grow heavier and heavier, my mind unable to break itself from the night’s events, reliving every moment. My face grows flush, and I can’t help but squirm in my seat. ‘Just kiss me,’ I hear as I drift off into sleep, a satisfied, lovestruck smile on my face, ‘just kiss me.’


*Howdy!! This is chapter one of Oasis, the first part of a three-part series I’ve just started writing! Any and all feedback is greatly, greatly appreciated either through comment, vote, chat, or PM!! This is the first longer story I’m attempting to write! Anyways, if you enjoyed the read maybe keep an eye out for chapter 2!!! Thanks so much for reading! Hope I could make your day better!!*



Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/n4gawt/oasis_chapter_1_just_kiss_me


  1. I loved, loved, loved this. You need to write more. It was both sweet and sensual. You definitely are talented.

  2. Amazing story! Your very descriptive writing makes your stories very enjoyable.

  3. Holy fuck is all i can say it was amazing I loved how descriptive it is that makes it easier to imagine it 10/10

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