Summoning Something From Beyond [Pt.1][longer multi-part story][rape][tentacles]

[A story written in collaboration with u/DPP_Rapebait]

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When Samantha had started learning magic, she’d taken to it rather quickly. Everything had made sense and power had flowed through her readily. But now… now there was a wall and she couldn’t climb over it on her own.

She’d found the imps by accident. A forbidden scroll in the unrestricted section. Calling and controlling them was easy and has been enough to make Samantha confident in her abilities once more. But power, true power, was beyond their ability to give. Thus the ritual.

The imps had snuck into the restricted section and found her the Tome of the Ceaseless Thirst. With their help, she was able to translate the sigils and had gone to the basement to cast the summoning spell. It was quiet there, and she would not be disturbed this late at night.

As the circle glows, she calls out: “I, Samantha Blackflame call out to you. I name you Mind Bender and ask for your aid. Come. Come. Come!” With each word, she pours more and more power into the spell, her concentration entirely on the runes before her.

The candle flames surge with magic, causing them to flicker and burn with greater intensity, but only managing to cast greater shadows that dance against the walls. Energy crackles and the smell of ozone fills the air as a shadowy form starts to take shape within the bounds of the summoning circle.

The imps dance excitedly as the summoning reaches the final stages. Once the mind flayer is fully drawn from its home dimension, all that’ll be left is to weave magical threads of control to her body, mind, and spirit before empowering them and binding them to the summoned being.

It’s the same process she’d used to enslave the imps. They’ve already managed to help so much – imagining what can be done with a more powerful being was too delicious an opportunity to pass up when it was offered.

As the dimensional tear rips open, the imp’s excitement level grows. They join the shadows dancing across the basement walls and bookcases, causing an an ancient tome to fall to the floor. The pages whip and flutter as a wind from the void rushes through the chamber and the flayer steps through the dark opening.

As his feet make contact with the stone floor, the rift snaps shut abruptly behind him. He is an intimidating form with an octopus-like head. Vaguely humanoid in appearance, he stands roughly six feet tall and has purplish flesh covered in slime like a frog. Tentacles surround a dark maw where his mouth should be and his eyes glow with an evil and inhuman energy.

“Silly human girl, you think you can cage the powerful Mind Bender?” His voice crosses the space without making a sound. “Even with my psionic powers limited by the summoning ring, I’m not without tricks…” Waving his hand in front of him, the pages of the book on the floor flip to one depicting tentacles and the arcane runes and sigils glow. The mind flayer chuckles as the image on the page stretches and grows, changing form and bulging outward. Unable to take more, the surface rips, exposing a nest of writhing tentacles made real. Covered in slime and oozing a thick ichor, they twitch and unwind, reaching outward and growing in size.

Samantha knows she can’t move. If she does, the ring will be broken and she’ll be at it’s mercy. Still, she can see out of the corner of her eye as the book is pulled closer to her by the tendrils. Each one coated in some foul black fluid. She don’t respond to his taunt, instead focusing on her work.

The threads glow in her eyes, but there are still so many left. The imps had required only a handful each, but this thing had dozens all writhing in her grasp as the tendrils in the book were doing even now. They slide from her grasp, and each one takes far more effort than she had expected.

She reassures herself that she will not be beaten though. She presses forward with a force of will to maintain the concentration and to tie the magical threads. She manages to bind three of them, but she’s already sweating from the effort required.

The flayer twitches his fingers, and the tentacles attached to the book writhe as if they are an extension of his hand. They flop and scrabble themselves across the floor until they are directly below her before stretching themselves upward and entangling her leg.

The mind flayer clenches his fist and tip of one of the tentacles splits open, exposing a needle like stinger – shiny and dripping a dark fluid. Rearing back, the tentacle snaps forward like a snake, plunging the barb into her leg before pumping and pulsing.

“Have you been unlucky enough to feel the aphrodisiac effects of a dark tentacle before?” The flayer asks, his question thrumming through her mind.

Samantha rallies her thoughts. She can’t lose focus now! There are still over a dozen threads to go, but she’s almost there. The slimy sensation on her leg is easy to ignore. In a few minutes, the summon will be under her control. She binds another thread. As long as she can complete it before the venom affects her…

“Dark tentacles, third layer demons, they come in swarms of hundreds. 5cl injection causes an intense sense of euphoria, double that causes extreme arousal. At 25cl the subject will enter an hours long state where their entire body becomes an erogenous zone. Every nerve will transmit pleasure.”

Samantha’s voice drones almost mechanically on as she pulls the threads, ignoring the fire in her stomach as she does. She doesn’t know how much she’s been injected with, but she knows she has only a little time left before she might feel the effects. Sweat pours down her face as she struggles to concentrate on finishing the binding spell.

“Knowledge is not wisdom and won’t protect you from kneeling before me, puny mortal”. With his second hand, the mind flayer extends his fingers and one of the tentacles stretches outward before wrapping itself around one of the imps. It’s dragged back to the base of the book before disappearing into the center of the writhing arms. In response, the mass of tentacles explodes in size.

The arms of the tentacles burst upward and wrap themselves around her body and entangle her wrists. Two of the arms wave lethargically in front of her face. One of them is vaguely phallus shaped and oozing ichor, the other split at the tip displaying yet another glinting stinger.

“I’ll let you choose this time, girl. Have you had enough of the injections? Prefer to be fucked instead? Beg for one of them or you’ll be getting both.” The voice of the mind flayer no longer echoing only in her mind, but vibrating through her entire body. She can *feel* him laughing.

Samantha’s mind is in a fog, the injection already coursing through her. It would be so easy to just let go and let this happen but she can’t. She’s so close that she can almost taste it. Or is it the black ichor that she can almost taste? Before, It smelled foul, like something gone bad. But now just the smell makes her wonder how it would feel to have that tendril in her mouth, feeding her as another pumps in and out of her….


“Fuck, you. Inject me with however much you want. I’ll enjoy using those tentacles to get me off when I’m done.” She grabs hold of a pair of strands and holds onto them long enough to lock them in. Only six more to go!

The psionic connection floods with rage and the mind flayer’s face tentacles twitch as he hisses. He’s not used to being trapped, even less used to a lowly human giving him trouble. Both hands make a sudden claw-like gesture and the ends of multiple tentacles split, revealing yet more stingers.

Bringing his hands together causes the arms to swell forward in unison, and she feels simultaneous stings on her neck, nipples, and clit. The pain is only momentary before they pulse and flood her with hot fluid that brings with it an agonizing sensitivity and pleasure that spreads from the injection sites.

“More of a reward than you deserve, mage. Let’s see if you can still resist as you get fucked like you deserve.” His fingers still clasped together, he brings his arms together and thrusts them upward. A number of tentacles twist and merge to create a large pulsing phallic mass below her. Samantha’s body is pulled inevitably downward toward it as it rises up to meet her.

“Remember that you choose this option in the small moments before you’re overwhelmed by pleasure. And don’t bother pretending. I can hear your thoughts, girl…”

As the last of his words are transmitted to her, she feels the slick warmth of the tentacles press against her holes for the first time.

Well…. fuck.

She’d hoped she’d seen the limits of his power, but it seems she was grossly misinformed about his strength. This was not a few steps above an imp. This thing was powerful.

Her nipples and clit are all insanely sensitive now, not to mention the injection that seemed to go right to her brain. She’s so close, needs just a bit more time!

She has only three threads to go, but feels like everything is slipping away from her. The tentacles rubbing her holes already has her on edge. She tries to keep her asshole shut, but she’s no match for their strength.


The wet sound of the tentacle violating her ass fills the room as does her moaning, but she can feel the connection working. She’s almost there. She can even drown out the sensation of the tentacle slapping her clit while she works.

But…. Why is the room so much darker now? “The binding circle!” She had forgotten to keep powering it! No no no no! Not while she’s this close to holding victory!

But victory was never there. How? How had her vision been so clouded? She looks to him. Her green eyes meeting his own orbs. She makes one last mental effort. It’s the last thing she’ll be able to do before he has his fun.


With that, all control she’d fought for was broken in an instant of intense pleasure as she cums. She howled in pure physical rapture, but it wouldn’t matter. This basement was sealed. No sound would get out and no help would get in. She’d caught the lion by the tail and now would see his nature.

[part 2: to be continued… for now]

[Take a stroll through my profile for more stories of kink and depravity]



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