You shower at 9am. You do not put on deodorant. You do not put on perfume. This you agreed to.

You go to work. For lunch, you eat a very garlicky pasta. You stop at the gym and run for 40 minutes on the treadmill. You do not shower.

At home, you change your clothes, but keep the same panties on. You do not brush your teeth. This was agreed upon.

At 7pm, you drive to the hotel. When you arrive, you text her that you are here, and that you are ready. She replies with the room number.

The doorman greets you as “Ma’am” and you smile as you pass. You take the stairs, follow the numbers on the fourth floor, knock on room 422.

She opens the door, and you enter. She’s stripped the bed, but for the white fitted sheet and one pillow. All of the lights are on.

She shows you an envelope, places it on the dresser, and positions you standing under the brightest overhead light. Neither of you speak, as was agreed.

She stands facing you, moves her hands to your ears and gently removes the facemask, placing it on the corner of the bed. She steps to your right side, puts her nose to your right ear, and slowly inhales. She repeats the same on your left.

She circles you, you feel her nose on your neck, and when she faces you again, she softly opens your mouth. You breathe shallow breaths, and she keeps her nose at your lips. Her eyes are closed.

Minutes pass before she steps back. She unbuttons your shirt, removes it and places it next to the face mask. She removes your bra, and places it on the shirt.

She puts her nose under your left armpit, inhales with a long slow draw. You feel her exhale along your rib cage as she moves to your right armpit.

She finds the zipper for your skirt, removes it, and places it on top of your bra and shirt beside the facemask on the corner of the bed.

She kneels, removes your shoes and your socks, inhaling deeply with each item at her nose, then places the socks inside your shoes, and the shoes on the floor at the end of the bed.

She pulls down your panties, slips them off your legs, but does not place them with the rest of your clothes. She presses them to her face and breathes in open-mouthed, then drops them inside a Ziplock bag which she places on the dresser.

You are naked now.

You can taste your own breath.

You can smell your own underarms.

She guides you to the bed, and motions for you to lay down. She puts her nose to your belly button, breathes in. She smells the palms of your hands, and your wrists, and your elbows. She puts her face to each side of your inner thighs. She smells your hips, and your knees. She moves back up, smelling the side of your stomach, your pubic hair, then your chest, and under your chin.

She sniffs your nipples. She lifts each tit and smells under your breasts. She smells the sides of your breasts. She smells between your breasts.

She kneels at the side of the bed, tugs at your legs. She wants you to sit up with your legs off the side. You do, and she opens your legs. Leaning forward, she brings her whole face to your pussy and closes your legs around her head. She breathes deep, savoring breaths in. Minutes pass.

She puts a hand on your hip, and tugs slightly. She wants you to turn around, and you let her guide you into the position she wants.

You are face down on the edge of the bed. Your legs hang off the side. It tickles when she puts her nose to your ass. She moves your legs apart and spreads your cheeks, and she inhales as she moves up and down your crack.

She has you lay face down on the bed now. She starts between your shoulder blades, inhales all the way down to your tailbone. She sniffs behind your knees, she sniffs both sides of your ankles. You feel her inhale and exhale at the soles of your feet, and your legs twitch involuntarily.

She sits you up again, and she stands above you, using both of her hands to bundle your hair up to her face.

She puts a hand on each of your shoulders as if to say “stay,” and then steps back, pulls the recliner chair forward, strips naked and sits facing you.

She masturbates. Sometimes her eyes are on your body, and sometimes her eyes are closed. When she cums, she slumps deep into the chair.

When she recovers, she smiles and she says, “Thank you.”

In your car, you count the money in the envelope: one thousand dollars.

You arrive home just after 10pm. You do not shower, but you do brush your teeth.

