Niceman Black and The Sabbat (Fantasy short story)

Niceman Black must save his wife from the throes of her sickness. To do that, he must go stray into a land that even the strongest and most devout of his village fear: The Forest. But when he ventures into those evil woods, he encounters debauched displays of depravity far beyond his Puritan ken — witches, village hypocrites, demigoddesses, and demons — all abound and entwined. Will he be able to last the night and obtain the cure for his wife, or will his mind succumb to the power of the red woman and her demonic lover?

Hey all! This is a story I’ve published recently on Literotica. Check it out, and give me a rating and some feedback if you’d like. If you really enjoy it, please give me a follow on Literotica and Twitter.

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Literotica: DuranScribbles

Twitter: @ DuranScribbles
