My Mom a Porn Star? Not a Problem! [MFF] [inc]

I was still in Elementary School when dad walked out on us. It was actually a relief, but I just didn’t know it at the time. He was a dead beat, a real asshole, violent, likely an addict, often drunk blaming mom and my sister and I for the failings in his life. I thought, really, I did, that this was just a normal way to live. By the time I finished junior high, mom had another boyfriend who lived with us and life improved.

Ian was a decent guy, he loved mom I’m sure; he never treated us kids with anything less than kindness. He didn’t always get it right, but in the main, we never went without and he would want to spend time with us. He and mom were not going to get married, apparently mom refused to. In my sophomore year of high school, he was diagnosed with a malignant tumor on his brain, so he absolutely insisted on marrying. I didn’t know then how much he really did care for us, at least, not until after he passed away, barely a few weeks into my senior year.

Ian owned some property, had a small investment portfolio, a major insurance policy, a well paying job with a large superannuation benefit. All of it went to mom, with provisions for me and my sister that would pay our college fees, if we decided to go. He gave us so much, asking so little in return. What I also didn’t know was that Ian’s family were assholes who would have seized Ian’s entire estate if they could have. Mom would have been left with nothing. I decided I didn’t want to leave mom to go to college, I would stay home and study. We may not have a Harvard in our backyard, but my hometown boasted a well thought of, if smaller, college.

Anyway, that’s all background, I got to go to college with a few of the kids I was in high school with and one I wished I wasn’t. Larry Perkins is the kind of kid who is, by right of birth, a complete asshole. He is entitled, self-centered, in short, a miserable shithead who enjoys taunting others. He had tried it with me early in high school but essentially I told him to go fuck himself. In our freshman year at college, one of our high school friends had a free house, his family was going away so he had the place to himself for two nights, beginning the Friday. Party time.

When I got there the party was in full swing, plenty of beer, plenty of teenage bullshit, some fucking nitwits, you know, the usual eighteen-nineteen year old shit. Perkins was there, and as soon as he saw me, his face lit up. “Here he is, the star of the show!” he called. A few of the guys looked around at me and I thought, what the fuck is he on about?

“You’re not gonna believe this,” Perkins called, “But we have here the son of a porn star!”

I shook my head, gave him the look of stop trying to pull my chain, asshole. “No, don’t believe me?” Perkins asked, “Come on, come and have a look at the latest thing on a computer! Mommy porn!”

“Ahh fuck off Perkins, you sick fuck!” I called back.

“No! Seriously, I couldn’t believe it also, but someone showed me this and said it looked like your mom!”

“Keep that up and you’re going to be watching stars.”

He smiled, “Come on, Martin,” he dared, “Want to see some real porn?”

“I don’t need porn.”

“Daisy Oates, her stage name was. Don’t know what her real name is but she was a porn star twenty years ago. Here, have a look at the screen!”

I did and this girl on the screen was actually a younger version of my mom. “See, she does look like your mom, doesn’t she Martin?”

“Ahh fuck you! No, nothing like her, except in your perverted mind.”

One of my friends, Dylan, looked up and said, “Nah, not saying it is your mom, but you have to admit, she looks a lot like her, Ryan.”

“Yeah, and you look a lot like the Weasley kid from Harry Potter, Dylan.” Something we always joked about when we were kids watching the movies as Dylan had flaming red hair. He got it, not discussing it. I had to watch the porn movie, not because it was porn, but because I was looking at the girl.

Perkins was going to start up again and I stepped towards him, “Nah,” I said, “Hair is different, eyes are not the same,” I said giving a cool appraisal, “And, she’s got tattoos, one on her leg, one on her ass, one on her shoulder blade. Even a blind prick like you Perkins can see my mom doesn’t have a tattoo on her leg.”

Perkins said nothing, knowing the joke was over, “Well it really did look like her.”

“I know, my mom is beautiful, and I bet you’ve rubbed one out on many occasions over her. I know you don’t have to worry, your mom’s quite safe from that sort of shit,” I said with a completely straight face, “This slut on the screen she’s good looking too, give you something to go to sleep with at night does she?”

The video changed and a lesbian scene appeared, so Perkins backed right off then. Dylan looked at me and I could see the regret on his face, “Sorry, man, should’a known better.”

“Nah, don’t worry about it, she does look a lot like mom, though,” I replied, really quietly, “I wonder who she really is?” I nodded at the screen.

I didn’t stay long at the party, saying I had to work early in the morning, and I left. Although I made those noises, denied it, even pointed out the differences. That someone had been playing this video shook me up a bit. I remember mom had a tattoo on her leg, but had it removed after dad left us. I don’t recall the design, but it was on the same leg, if I recalled properly. I’ve never seen mom’s ass, so don’t know if there’s a tattoo there but the one on her shoulder blade, a cat, that was the same. My mom, a porn star? What the fuck?

I was seriously shaken by the time I got home, the questions, the anxiety around unanswered question, the inherent threat of a possible confrontation. Do I say anything? Do I not? What happens if I do? Fuck! What a problem!

I got home, mom was still up, watching cable, some movie, I wasn’t paying too much attention, I mumbled ‘goodnight’ and went off to bed. I really didn’t want to even talk to her. The Saturday, I avoided her, not saying much, went out, stayed out, didn’t come home until late. Grabbed a bite, went to my room, got into my pjs and went online. I looked for Daisy Oates. No idea why, but I did. Although there was a lot of mention of her, a former porn star, IMDB, even a small Wikipedia page, but there wasn’t too many of her videos available. I found a couple and downloaded them. I watched them and, I couldn’t help myself! Don’t judge! Daisy was fucking a guy, the same video that was playing last night. In the second vid, she was fucking a woman, then a guy in a threesome. The resemblance was un-fucking-believable! I knew it was mom!

I was so horny, I couldn’t help it, this was my mom, sexy as all fuck in real life, a porn star! My dick was aching! I had to rub one out! I did and just managed to finish cleaning it up and put my dick away when a tap-tap-tap came on my door. Fuck! It had to be mom. I had one of the videos playing on my computer, so hastily shut it, then said, “Yeah?” Mom opened the door and came in.

“I’m not sure what’s going on Ryan, but you know you can always talk to me,” Mom said.

“I know Mom,” I replied, “But nothing’s going on.”

She gave me that ‘Don’t bullshit me’ look then her eyes widened, I don’t know what at, but she took a sharp breath, like something had startled her, I looked at her and she backed out of the door, closing it behind her. I turned back to my computer and saw on the screen “Daisy Oates” in big, bold letters. Fuck! She saw it! She said nothing, but she knows I have a name I’m pretty sure I was never supposed to know.

I left it a while, sweating in my room, then I thought, what the hell, just carry on as normal. I opened my door, saw there was no light under mom’s door, I went downstairs to the now dark kitchen to get a drink. I snapped the light switch on and jumped out of my skin!

“Mom!” I cried, “You frightened me! What are you doing, sitting in the dark?”

She didn’t look at me, just kept staring into nothing. “Thinking,” she paused, “Your sister is not coming home tonight. I want to talk to you.” Fucking weird. Dom’s not coming home is not an entirely new event, been happening for a few months now. Her real name is Diane but the nick of Dom has stuck since I couldn’t say Diane as a baby, I called her Dom. She is only fourteen months younger than me, has just turned eighteen and is in her senior year at high school. I poured a drink, asked if mom wanted one, she shook her head and went and sat at the table, opposite mom.

“Okay,” Mom said, “Ryan, tell me why you’ve been avoiding me.”

“I haven’t, Mom.”

“You haven’t said more than three words to me since you got home last night.” I shook my head denying everything. “So tell me about what was on your screen when I came in.”

Shit! She did see. “What are you talking about, Mom?”

“You know, do you want me to get serious on your ass?”

I hesitated. “I was doing a search for a paper-”

“Bullshit!” Mom never speaks like this!

“I ran across the name!”

“After you had nutted, then?” My eyes popped. “After watching porn?”

“Mom!” I cried, “What’s this all about?”

“Daisy Oates!” She knew! “Tell me how you found that name.” I was done, Mom always knew when I was lying, so no point. I told her everything that happened at the party. Mom nodded, then said, “I loved Daisy.”

Dom gasped. Mom loved a porn star? What? How?

“What are you saying Mom? You’re telling me y-.”

“Daisy lost her virginity to her father on her thirteenth birthday,” Mom said, “Her father fucked her at least once a week until he OD’d, just before she turned seventeen. Her father sold her ‘virginity’ to several guys for the first year after he fucked her. Well, her dad told ’em that and she didn’t say anything to disabuse them of the idea.”

“You knew her?” Of course she did, mom nodded, but if mom was going to stick to the third person, so would I, “Her father sold her, you mean?” I asked.

Mom nodded, “Amazing what a bit of alum does to skin.” I had no idea what she meant but I’m sure I will get it soon. “After he and Daisy had fucked a few times, her father made her sleep in his bed, with her mother, he videotaped it. Her first porn, at just thirteen, lesbian porn, incest. Daisy didn’t mind a bit, she thought it was all exciting.”

Fuck me! This was unexpected.

“When Robbie, her brother, turned thirteen, Daisy asked her dad if she could take his virginity. Mom and dad both agreed as long as they watched and video taped the whole scene. Robbie had to agree too they told her, and he did, he couldn’t agree quickly enough. It’s hard for a boy that age not to agree to sex, especially when his naked sister is promising to suck and really fuck him while lying on top of him and dry humping him.”

“Jeez Mom, that’s awful!” I said.

“That’s just it, it wasn’t. At no time was it awful. Daisy loved it! She loved the sex, she loved the feelings it gave her, she loved the fullness of a cock inside her, a tongue on her clit. She loved having sex with her parents, her brother, any time, alone or as a family fuck-fest. She loved the power it gave her to make another person feel that way.” Mom declared, “She didn’t know at first this wasn’t normal family behavior, but she really didn’t care when she did find out. For Daisy, her parents weren’t abusive, they were loving, giving- flawed, yes, but not abusive.”

“Her dad always gave her a choice, even that first time. He didn’t rape her, he wasn’t violent, she never felt manipulated, though she probably was. Both her parents joined her in the shower, not all the time, not always together. One day, her father got an erection, telling her she was doing that because she was so beautiful. Daisy wanted to explore it, she knew a little about sex then, she was twelve, they set her birthday as the day they would have sex, together, for the first time.”

“Her dad always warned her about drugs, even if he and her mom were users. He never wanted her or Robbie to become users, he told them it would destroy them all. Just before Daisy turned seventeen, her mom and dad overdosed, when she got home from school, they were already gone, She had no idea what to do. All the videos her mom and dad shot were found, and people were suitably horrified. They were supposed to have been destroyed by the cops and welfare agency, but for some reason, she always doubted it. Daisy and Robbie were deliberately kept apart when sent into welfare. Daisy dropped out of high school and skipped just before she turned eighteen, only kept in touch with Robbie through their existing email accounts that no-one else knew about. They only saw each other a couple of times after Robbie turned eighteen and got out of welfare.”

I was stunned, I was thinking, maybe they’re not the same person.

“She ran away to LA, tried a job but hated it. Got a job in a titty bar, then got offers for nude work which turned into porn work. She was eighteen then so it didn’t matter to her.”

“It was there she learned that she was actually carrying on a family tradition. Her parents had also made porn in the late seventies, just as video started to grow. Daisy did it in the late nineties, twenty years later, just as DVD and internet porn was growing.” Mom paused, took a breath. “After a couple of years, Daisy wanted more of the money she made fucking in front of the camera, but her manager, or agent, if you like, refused. There was a bitter argument, she took off, got out of porn. The last confirmed sighting of her was in Scranton, Ohio, when she mailed a parcel to her brother.”

“She disappeared?” Mom nodded.

“She actually got some dye, cut her hair and changed her name. I loved Daisy, I loved she was free to do what she did, without guilt, without fear,” Mom said, “I loved being Daisy.”

“So you are Daisy?”

“I was, yeah.” Mom looked at me in the eye. “Your father knew. It ate him up in the end because I just refused to make any more porn. Ian never knew, I never told him, but he loved me for who I was and I didn’t want to take that away from him.” She told me about how Ian loved her and that she could never return that love. He knew, she was being honest with him with everything except Daisy, but she didn’t think that would have mattered to Ian. She liked him, a lot, and only agreed to marry him after he was diagnosed with the tumor, not out of pity or greed, he just wanted to make sure his family couldn’t get his estate. He had already changed his will, before the first time he asked her to marry him. He insisted that if they were married, and that coupled with the will, she and us, would be sure to inherit. They might protest, but they didn’t bother after he made it clear they would lose.

After Ian, she was thinking about going back to it, but there wasn’t the need financially, she didn’t want to upset or hurt Dom or me either and she thought there would always be another guy. Seems not many guys are willing to take on two teenagers, Ian was an exception, a really decent guy.

“Would you have made more porn?” I asked.

“Yeah,” she answered, so matter-of-fact, “I would. I love the sex, always have. It would not just be in front of the camera either, but writing, directing and producing as well. The only thing I’ve had inside me for the last eighteen months has been a couple of vibrators.”

“Euww, mom,” I squirmed, “More than I needed to know.”

“If you’re going to watch videos of me fucking, men or women, then you need to understand who Daisy was, who she is.” Mom stood and held her hand out, “I’ve got something to show you.”

She led me to her room and opened a cabinet. “Ian never found these, he never looked.” She pulled the bottom drawer out and handed it to me, “Put it on the bed,” she said, “I put them here, just to make sure he wouldn’t, I couldn’t destroy them.” She reached in and pulled out a thin satchel. I heard the clink of plastic. She motioned me to put the drawer back. “DVDs were introduced a few weeks before I made my first professional porn video. It was shot on tape, then converted initially, but it wasn’t long before they were being shot on digital camera. So here they are. Every scene I ever shot, even a few disks that have raw footage on them, unedited.”

I was struck dumb, I had nothing to say. “If you want to watch one, then here they are.” Mom was giving me her collection of videos of her as a porn star. Unbelievable!

“There is however, a price.” I just looked at her. “You want to play with yourself over a video, then you’re going to have to fuck me.” This was one shock after another now!

“Fuck you? You mean, have sex, with you?”

“Yes, I do. I’m going to carry on another family tradition now. I know you masturbated, just before I knocked on your door.” Again, she had that mom voodoo thing, I knew I couldn’t deny it so I said nothing. “The smell of fresh semen was screaming at me,” she said. I sighed, wondering where this was going. “So, in the best family tradition, you’re just going to have to fuck me.”

“MOM!” I was entering an unreal state of shock now.

“Well, I fucked my father, I fucked my mother, I fucked my brother, so now I want to fuck my son. Is there anything wrong with that?” She was between me and the door and she seem to shrug, her robe dropped to the floor. She was naked, stark naked under it! There was no embarrassment, no hint of anything outside of a normal man-woman sexual encounter.

There are, many women who just don’t look good at any time, all the Kardashians I would say, unless you like that sort of flashy overhyped, silicon based life form look. I suspect, many women look great with clothes on but will not look so good without clothes. There are many women who look pretty when dressed, but undressed, they are gorgeous, Janice Griffiths is one like that I think. Then there are some like Bobbi Starr and Athena Palomino who are beautiful in either state. I know, makeup and camera work does a lot of that and I say porn stars here because they are the ones we are most familiar with. There are many more, I bet, but compared to my mom, they are all plain. Dressed or undressed, mom is a spectacular beauty and my balls felt it.

She stepped towards me and I was frozen in place, hypnotized by her body and movement. Her tits jiggled slightly as she moved, the small triangle of light hair over her pussy swayed like sheets in the wind as she stepped to me. She looked me in the eye, reached down and ran her hand over my dick. There was no hiding what it was doing. I felt a hand slide into the opening of my pjs, caressing my cock.

“Oh my!” Mom sighed gently, “Nice size.” She leaned in and kissed me. Not a peck, but a full lip lock, one hand on my dick, one hand at the back of my head, her mouth on mine. She broke the kiss and pulled my cock out of its inadequate hiding place, stroking it. She moved back a little and fell to her knees. “Oh yes, nice cock indeed,” I heard.

I felt her lips on the end of it, then slide down as it entered her mouth. Mom’s lips and tongue assaulted my cock in a way it had never been sucked before. She was fucking brilliant! She took it all! Every bit of it as I felt her nose pressing into my pubic hair. The knob of my cock was rubbed by the inside of her cheeks and lips, her tongue sliding in unison with her lips along the shaft. She wrapped her lips over her teeth as she sucked in, taking it as deep as she could and didn’t gag, didn’t even seem like she was going to gag. Fuck! She really knows how to suck a dick! I couldn’t speak, I could make a noise, but I couldn’t say a word. The pleasure of having my dick sucked was so great, so intense, I couldn’t think anymore.

Mom, no- Daisy lifted off me and whispered, “Nice cock, tastes nice too but can you lick pussy as well as your grandmother?”

I had no idea, I couldn’t say anything, as Daisy stood in front of me again and urged me to the bed. She lay back, opening her legs for me to bury my head between. I did, kneeling on the floor, my face in between her thighs, smelling the aroma of a woman in heat. My mouth took control and I lapped at her labia, wiping over them to work my way up to her clit. I suckled it, using my tongue to wipe over it, listening for the moans of pleasure she must have felt as I stimulated her. I heard Daisy whimper, her ‘ooohs’ and ‘aaahhs’ the noises I needed to hear right then. I put a finger into her as my mouth wiped over her clit, she gasped as it entered her, then followed by another. She was fucking tight, that’s for sure.

Daisy responded to my tongue and fingers, pushing her hips to meet my fingers, she moaned, loudly, gasping strongly and fell back onto the bed. I was surprised, I wasn’t sure what just happened. Did she cum?

I found my voice, “Daisy!” I called, “You okay?”

“Daisy! Who the fuck is Daisy?” I heard. I jumped up and Mom raised off the bed. It was Dom! What was she doing home? “How long has this been going on?” She asked. I was stunned, facing Dom with my still hard dick pointing right at her. She blinked, looked down and her mouth opened, in surprise.

Mom sat up, calmly saying “Oh, hello dear, didn’t hear you come in.”

“No obviously! What the fuck are you doing?”

I had again lost my voice. “Well, I was having sex darling. You’re welcome to join us, if you like!”

“MOM!” Dom cried. “YOU’RE FUCKING RYAN?”

“First time dear, yes, but we hadn’t got that far yet.” Mom was cool.

“But he’s your son! How can you fuck your own son? How fucking perverted is that?”

Mom got up, off the bed and walked past me, towards, Dom, holding her hand out. “I’ve just told Ryan the truth about me. Got a bit carried away, that’s all.” Mom was seriously calm, soothing. “Besides, I know how you’ve looked at Ryan, ever since you were twelve, a bit of honesty here would be nice.”

“Truth? what fucking truth? You’re both perverts?” Dom was quiet. Wait! What? The way she was looking at me? What the fuck does that mean?

“Come and sit down, dear,” Mom said, taking Dom’s hand, easing her into the room “It’ll be easier to hear.” Mom maneuvered a thoroughly shaken Dom onto the bed and, still nude, she held Dom’s hand while telling her the same story she told me. There were questions from Dom, more from her than me. There were fuller descriptions, more of the story. Her mom video taping Daisy’s father and brother doing a DP with her, her learning how to use a video camera to shoot porn, her brother fucking her mother, giving his father a blow job, doing a DV with his father inside Daisy’s mom. You could see Dom was reacting the same way mom was, she was getting horny too.

Mom explained how she got so aroused at telling her story, at last, she couldn’t hold back, she had to have sex and the only person available was me. Then mom did something else, she kissed Dom, just like she kissed me. A gentle kiss, a lover’s kiss. “Ryan’s cock is nice to suck, his tongue is no miracle worker but he did make me cum.” I did? “Why don’t you do what you’ve wanted to do with Ryan for years. Get undressed and join us. It’s okay if you want to have sex with him.” Mom was soft and soothing to Dom, “I know how it is, and it’s okay, I want to too.”

“I-I-I-I-,” Dom stumbled. Mom motioned for me to come closer, sit alongside Dom, then she kissed Dom again.

“It’ll be fun, dear,” mom observed. Mom motioned me closer, I did, then she eased Dom’s face towards me, making a kissing motion with her lips. I leaned in and kissed Dom, purely at mom’s direction. Dom started kissing me back. I saw, out the corner of my eye, mom’s hand on Dom’s breast, gently kneading it. I saw mom’s hand drop between Dom’s knees, easing its way between her thighs, stroking the insides of Dom’s legs. I kissed Dom again, pushing her onto her back as she wrapped her arms around me, pulling me onto her.

I just knew that Mom was stroking Dom’s pussy as I was kissing Dom’s lips. I heard Dom murmur her pleasure, “Oh Ryan, fuck me!” In moments, we were all naked, on mom’s bed. I had my face buried between Dom’s thighs as mom sucked my dick again. I tried hard to ignore what mom was doing and concentrate on licking Dom’s pussy.

This is the first time I have ever been in a threesome and for one to be my sister and the other my mother, fuck me!

I felt mom’s lips lift off me and a nudge on my shoulder, “Put your dick in her mouth,” mom said, “I’ll take care of this end!”

“MOM!” Dom cried, as I lifted off her and moved quickly to put my dick in her mouth, “I’ve NEVER had-”

“Just suck on Ryan’s dick and let me do the rest. I’ll make you cum real easily. You’ll love it!”

I pushed my dick into Dom’s face and she looked at me, as if to say ‘Fuck Off!’ but I never gave her the chance. I pumped my cock into her, then held her head while I fucked her face. I just hoped she didn’t bite! It wasn’t long before Dom got right into the swing of it, I let her head go and she just kept sucking. While she was nowhere near as good as mom, it was still nice. Suddenly, Dom moaned loudly, around my dick and turned her head away. I just knew mom had made her cum and I thought it was a lot faster than I would have. I gotta learn how to do that!

Mom lifted off Dom and crawled up to Dom’s head where she kissed Dom, then kissed my dick. When she broke off, she said, “You’re both very tasty.” She paused then went on, “First, Dom, I’m going to give Ryan a head job, a proper head job, he’s going to cum in my mouth. I want you to watch what I am doing, learn from it. Then I’m going to tell Ryan how to lap your pussy, properly and make you cum. There will be a test afterward, several of them in which you are both going to use your new skills on me. Later, I would think you would practice on each other.”

Dom and I chorussed, “Yes, mom/Daisy.” We were never going to argue with mom again.

Daisy sucked my dick and made me cum in her mouth. It really didn’t take long at all. She couldn’t have been trying too hard earlier. She took all my juice in her mouth, then kissed Dom, sharing it with her. Dom resisted at first, but Daisy held her, then she started kissing Daisy back, sharing my syrup. When they broke apart, Daisy swallowed and went “Yummmmm, what do you think?” Dom had already swallowed, nodded and replied, “Can’t wait to get my fill of it.”

Daisy laughed and got off the bed, leaving the room. “I mean it Ryan, you taste really nice, better than almost every other guy I’ve ever sucked.” Dom said. She hugged me and then told me she really wanted me to be her first lover, to take her hymen, but didn’t have the nerve to ask.

I didn’t tell her that I was completely oblivious so I said, “I wanted you to share my bed for ages, but didn’t have the nerve to ask either.” A polite fiction that got a smile and a kiss, a hand on my dick, a naked woman wrapped around me. I wasn’t going to retract that, ever, sounded better than ‘I never noticed’.

Daisy, it was hard to think of her as ‘Mom’ now, came back with full water bottles. “Drink up,” she said, “Best thing for you in a session like this.”

A session? Okay, then, “What was the tattoo on your leg, Daisy?”

“Oh, a rooster.”

“Why a rooster, Mom?” Dom asked, clearly, thinking of this version of mom as Daisy wasn’t yet working for her.

“What’s another name for a rooster?”

Dom didn’t get it so I said, “A cock.”

“Yeah and the tattoo on my shoulder?”

“A ca-,” Dom started, “A pussy?”

“Precisely and what happens when a cock and a pussy come together?”

“That was the tattoo on your ass, Daisy. Two people fucking. Which is why you had it taken off.”

Daisy nodded. “Yes, that went before your father took off, I didn’t want it any more. After I met Ian, I was glad I did have both of them removed.”

Daisy went on and told us that as mom, she was trying to do the best she could for us, help us when and where we needed it. But some nights, not too often, she wants to be Daisy again. Would we be willing to help her then? I’m not sure who got in first, me or Dom, to assure her we would love to. After our father then Ian, mom, we think, deserved something extra in her life.

That was the night I learned how to properly eat a pussy. How to allow myself to be pleasured with a head job. I had to wait a little while to recover, but then mom/Daisy helped me learn how to really fuck. I had sex with both mom and Dom, fucked myself senseless. By the end of the night, Dom was almost as good at sucking my cock as Daisy. This was the greatest night of my life and for me, it solved so many other problems I would have ordinarily had trying to learn about sex with someone who was likely to be as inexperienced as me. Every girlfriend I have had since, every girlfriend I will have in future will never know, but they will have an awful lot to thank Daisy for. My mom being a porn star was a blessing and absolutely no problem.



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