Finally in person with Daddy [M-f] [DDlg] [learning] [shy] [pet] [no sex]

All of the characters are consenting adults. I write from my POV, as the “little one,” and I’m nearly 30. Wanted to be REALLY clear on that, as some of you may find your way here via my profile and not understand the DDlg dynamic.?

[Here’s a reddit post linking an article about DDlg and some good discussion, if it’s helpful to anyone.](


**“Kitty, I need to talk to you for a minute, alright? Put that down.”**

You’re appraising me from the couch. I’ve been lost in my sketchbook for the last hour or so, but seeing your expression makes me drop my charcoal pencil right away.

**“Come over here, baby girl.” Your voice is calm and controlled as you pat your knee.**

My heartbeat accelerates. I try to read your intonation, but you’re not giving anything away. It’s been a thrilling first week of finally living with you after being your long-distance sub for so long. We’ve had a fascinating sort of reset to our relationship. Suddenly I’m just as shy as I was in those very early messages and video calls. Giddy like a little girl. Neverending waves of butterflies in my stomach. Unable to stop staring, but also incapable of meeting your gaze for more than a split second.

I hesitate, wondering if I’ve done something wrong, and you call me on it right away.

**“Kitty! Over here. Now.”**

You don’t sound angry in any way, but you aren’t smiling either, and the way you’re looking at me puts my brain in a fog. I have trouble thinking when you command me so directly…almost like my reasoning shuts down and the only thing I can process is what you’re telling me at that moment. So I listen. I tuck my hair behind my ear and come over to where you’re sitting. You’ve already taught me a few different positions to sit in when I’m called to you, but I haven’t quite memorized them yet. You can see my unsure expression and, not wanting to stress me out, give me an encouraging smile and pat your knee again. *Oh, right! He wants me on his lap!,* I think with relief.

I keep my eyes downcast as I climb up to sit across your thighs. My legs dangling over one side, my feet swinging a few inches off the ground.

**“Well isn’t that just a good little girl!”** You pull me into a hug and my heart melts into my stomach. I grin with lips still tightly shut, highlighting the dimples on my freckled cheeks, and nuzzle into you as you rub my back. I couldn’t have known how much more powerful it would be to hear your *”Good Girls”* in person. It’s a monumental delight to hear those words in combination with your touch. After the heightened emotions of worrying I’d done something wrong, the relief and pride I feel in your arms nearly brings tears to my eyes. That’s not unusual, though. I’ve been crying on and off all week, for a number of sentimental and humorous reasons, but all equally heartfelt. We’ve both simply wanted this for so long.

**“I have a present for you, Kitty Cat.”** You laugh at my delighted gasp and giant, nervous grin. **“We’re going somewhere special tonight. It’s a surprise, though, so don’t even ask.”** I giggle, closing my mouth around the question I’d been forming. You laugh, rubbing my back again, and continue. **“Does that make you happy?”**

Still overwhelmingly shy and reverting back to the earliest days of our D/s dynamic, I can’t even speak or look at you. Plus, I’m simply too excited to remember the rules. I just nod my head and smile into my lap as my mind jumps forward to imagining what you have in store for tonight. Your voice grows immediately stern, though, dragging me swiftly back to the present moment.

**“Hun, look at me. I asked you a question.”** Fuck…my heart. Those words instantly shock me all the way to my core, and yet…between my legs feels noticeably hotter against the lingerie you’ve dressed me in for the day. A sheer lace bodysuit, almost like a one-piece bathing suit, with cutouts running along my sides, belly, and back. I fidget, shifting my weight a little bit on your lap, which only heightens my arousal as I feel the slippery wetness that is gathering in the crotch of the panties. I force myself to try to look up at you.

My eye contact is not perfect by any means. I flicker my gaze between your heated stare, your chin, my lap, and back to your eyes again and again. You’ve mentioned before that it’s endearing and arousing for you to see my struggle because it’s clear that there’s nothing artificial about it. I’m legitimately conflicted and overwhelmed by your undivided attention. I can barely stand it, but I also *live* for it. I take a deep breath, spinning the ring on my finger over and over without realizing it. It’s a self-soothing, fidgety habit you’ve yet to address, but you leave it alone for the moment.

I focus and remember what you’re waiting for. **“Yes, Daddy, I’m excited to have a surprise.”** It’s quiet, and my eyes are in my lap for most of it, but I look up at you with such desperation for your approval that you pull me back into a hug and kiss the top of my head.

**“Gooood girl, Kitty! See? I know it’s hard, but you’re being brave and doing even better than I thought you would!!”** Oh my GOD, it’s like my heart is soaring high above the earth!

**“Now, I want you to be a good girl and go take a shower. Shave Little Kitty and your legs carefully until they are silky smooth. Dry yourself off and then straighten your hair, put in your contacts, and put on the new heels you find in the closet. Finish up with the jewelry, make-up, and perfume I’ve laid out on your vanity. Once your hair and makeup are done, and you’ve put on your shoes, you are to remain naked. Go to the kitchen, fix me an Old Fashioned like I taught you, and come back here to me. Does all that make sense, sweetpea?”**

**“Yes, Daddy.”** My cheeks are beginning to hurt from the giant smile I can’t seem to shake. I’m breathing in shaky bursts. You watch my exposed breasts rising and falling, nipples hard, held up perfectly by the underwire in the cupless lingerie.

“You’re a perfectly clever little girl. I can’t wait to introduce you to all my friends when you’re ready.” Oh, god…oh, fuck. I’m still getting used to this life together, and these delicious moments continue to take my breath away. I squirm a bit on your lap again. You see my chest is splotchy and red below the collar bones. It makes you grin. My small body blatantly and visibly announces my arousal.

**“Ohhhh, you like that, don’t you baby girl? Is hearing Daddy call you clever making your needy little cunt nice and wet? Are you excited to run along and prove me right? Tell Daddy what you are, sweetheart.”** Ohhhhh, Jesus fuck. I’m struggling and you know it. Twisting around, breathing heavy, starting to moan. I open my mouth, bite my lower lip, and close it again.

**“Uh-oh, Princess. This is the second time you’ve hesitated and made me repeat myself”** You grab my ponytail and firmly pull my head back to force me to look in your eyes. I let out an audible exhale. I’m clearly torn between embarrassment, fear, and intense arousal.

**“I…”** I begin, but can’t seem to make myself speak. You take my cheeks in one strong hand, pulling back harder on my hair with the other, and force my face up higher to look at you. You see those same three emotions amplified in my eyes: embarrassment, fear, arousal. The perfect submissive staring up at you like a baby deer in the headlights.

**“I’m not fucking around, Kitty. Last chance. Get on your knees and tell me what you are, or I’ll tie you to the bed and leave you there while I go find another little slut to take on our date. And then after that, do you know what I’ll do? I’ll bring her back and fuck her *right on top of you*.”** Holy hell. I’m still shocked at the things that you’ve discovered can turn me on, and I see you getting hungry while I imagine the scene.

You’re riled up. Feeling your cock swell as you dip into the more aggressive side of your nature. You know I’m timid, so you’ve kept this element of rough play to a minimum while I get used to living together – to having my Dom with me in person for the first time.

It’s a big adjustment for both of us, and you know that a lot of the responsibility for how this goes rests on your shoulders. Kinky sex is uncharted territory for me. You’ve been carefully registering every reaction to gauge my responses. This time, my body’s reactions are *extremely* clear. I love this, and you know it.

Restraining me by the hair, you trace your finger slowly and firmly down the front of my neck. I feel goosebumps pricking my skin as you swoop a figure-eight around my breasts, then continue straight down my stomach. In one forceful move, you cup my entire pussy firmly in your hand and pull my hair so my ear is close to your mouth, growling dangerously low as I react with shocked pleasure.

**“Last chance, doll. Get down on your knees and tell Daddy what you are.”**

You feel my body spasm as you push your finger hard into my pussy and kiss me savagely on the mouth before tossing me down between your legs on the ground. I’m panting extremely hard, but twist around to face you with the most intensely lustful expression you’ve seen from me yet.

I gather myself onto my knees, spreading them wide apart, and rest my hands palm-up on my thighs. I push out my chest, arch my back, and look calmly into your eyes. The fear is gone. The wanting remains. You’ve penetrated past my anxious thoughts, switching them off with your dominant aggression, and putting me squarely in that blissfully calm and submissive state of mind.

**“Oh Daddy…I’m yours. Your kitten – your pet. I’ll be such a good girl, Daddy. I’m gonna make you so proud!”** It’s not very explicit by most standards, but knowing how shy I am means you’re impressed. I’m actually smiling as I drop my eyes down into my lap and wait. When you speak, it’s deliciously soothing and nurturing.

**“There’s my sweet little kitten.”** You reach out and stroke my hair, my jaw, under my chin – petting me as though I truly am a little cat, and I close my eyes and practically purr as I lean into the stroke of your hand. **“I was starting to worry for a minute, but that was a *very, very* good answer from a *very, very* good kitty. Now…stand up and strip.”**

This time there’s not a millisecond of hesitation. I’m high on the drug of your compliments and touch. I spring to my feet and peel off the lingerie, offering it to you like a gift. You smile at me and I smile back. There’s something tangible between us, and we can both feel it tethering our lust together. This life we’re creating, these little games and rules? It’s like they were already written and we’re simply uncovering them together. We stare at each other, and both confidently understand that we’re thinking the same thing.

**“Go shower up, now.”** Your voice is only a touch above a whisper as we drink each other in.

**“Oh, yes, Daddy.”** I whisper it back seductively, biting and sucking in my lower lip. At least for this moment, this interaction, you’ve conquered my fear and unlocked the playfully slutty Kitty who hides inside. I turn around, keeping my legs straight and bending over at the waist until I can press my hands flat onto the floor. I walk my feet apart, moving inch by inch, one at a time, until you can clearly see the openings I know you want to shove yourself into.

I walk my hands forward a few steps, and slowly lower myself, one knee at a time, into a crawling position on the floor. I turn my face to wink at you over my shoulder and wiggle my ass a little bit. I’m learning that it’s okay to be a bit silly sometimes – not always take myself so seriously. Grinning and happily roleplaying your slutty little kitty cat, I crawl out of the room.

It takes about 45 minutes before I’m standing naked before you with a drink in my hand. The ice cubes clink together as I hand it over. I then clasp both hands behind my back to let you look at me. You set down your drink and rise from the couch, coming within a few inches of me. I’ve really been pushing myself to stick to my workout routine, and it shows. I am looking *damn* good naked these days.

My hair is glossy and straight, and my makeup is youthful and classy, with just a touch of sex appeal added by your choice of lipstick. I’m wearing simple diamond stud earrings that belonged to my grandmother and the sparkly bronze choker from my cousin’s boutique. I brushed a bit of blush onto my nipples to highlight their pink color. My pussy is immaculately smooth. I’m wearing a perfect expression of innocence and elegance. I grin at you, flicking my eyes down and up in a demure and submissive manner.

**“Perfection. You are an incredibly good girl for following directions so well. Now, for your surprise.”** My heart leaps as you flash your handsome smile. **“There is a box on my desk, Princess, and inside you’ll find some new things that I want you to put on for our date tonight. We’re celebrating, little Kitty.”**

I practically squeal – **“Oh, THANK you Daddy!!”** Breaking out of my poised pose and reverting to my giggly self, I throw myself at you, knowing you’ll catch me as I launch myself up to hug you around your neck. We both laugh as you spin me around before guiding me to wrap my legs around your waist so you can hold me longer. You pause, staring deep into my eyes, and drinking in my adoration. I bravely stare back.

You’re mastering the art of reading me, of anticipating my next move, but every so often I find a way to surprise you. You’re thrilled and proud of me when I boldly initiate a kiss. Naked in your arms, clean and perfumed and lovely, I grab your hair in one hand, the back of your neck in the other, and press my tongue deep between your lips. I draw you in with a kiss so passionate and full of gratitude that you sink down to your knees, taking me with you. You kiss me back, sensual and hard, as you lay me down onto my back on the rug.

Deeper and deeper we dance together, wrapping each other in heady, hazy pleasure as the kiss intensifies, and before you know it, you’re devouring me. Working your mouth over my tiny body, pinning my wrists out to my sides, savoring the taste of my submission. With great effort, you push your mouth off me…just long enough to share what’s on your mind. My eyes light up and I laugh with excitement when I hear what you have to say.

**“You know what, little one? Screw the reservations. We’re ordering in tonight instead.”**


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