The Club, Part 2 [kidnapping] [slavery]

*Note: This story contains kidnapping, rape, sex slavery/trafficking, and other topics that may be triggering to some. Read at your own peril!*

I awoke to a knock at my door. My new owner stepped inside and said gently, “I’m sure you have some questions for me. I’d like to give you some breakfast and answer them for you. Would you like a few minutes to get a shower and get ready?”

Clutching the blankets to my body and trying hard not to cry, I whispered, “I just want to go home. Please let me go…”

He stepped close to my bed and looked at me for a moment. I could see his eyes flicking back and forth as he thought of how to respond. “First, I told you to always address me as Master. Second, if I ask you a yes/no question, I expect one of those in response; if I want you to elaborate, I’ll ask you to do so.” He took a breath and sat on the bed next to me. I pulled my legs away so they wouldn’t touch him before he continued. “Finally — and this will be hard to understand — but this is your home now. You will live here with me. You’ve seen the accomodations already and while you’re currently locked in this room, you will gain access to more of the house and the grounds as you gain my trust.”

My head spun and I couldn’t suppress my cries anymore. I began to sob and he laid his hand on my knee over the blanket; I was repulsed but I couldn’t even think to move away.

“I will give you a few minutes to compose yourself. I’ll come back in 30 minutes; please be ready for breakfast once I’ve done so. I trust you’ll be able to find towels and clothes. See you shortly.” With this, he stood up and walked out of the room. I heard the door lock behind him and the soundness of my captivity hit me, triggering another wave of sobs.

A few minutes later, my emotions just overwhelmed me and switched off, stopping my tears. I stood up and hunted down the towels, then looked in the closet. I found only onesies, black and pastel miniskirts, striped panties, and plain white ankle socks. I picked an outfit at random and went to take a shower.

The bathroom was incredible; heated tile floors, a giant jetted tub, and a shower with heads on both sides. He might have been my captor, but I couldn’t deny he had good taste in furnishings; it certainly beat my horrible dorm bathroom. I got into the shower and stood there with the hot water raining down on me from both sides, before a panic hit me: how long have I been in here? I washed my hair and body as quickly as I could and got out, drying my body and wrapping my hair in another towel.

I looked in the cabinets until I found a hair dryer — a beautiful, high-end model — and took care of my hair. As I finished, I heard him knocking on the door to the bedroom. I shouted, “just finishing up, I’ll be out in a second!”

I heard him walk to the door and he said, “I’ll be out in a second, Master. Just a reminder.” I shuddered as a new wave of disgust hit me, but then I grabbed my clothes and got dressed and brushed my hair. I opened the door and walked into the room, seeing him seated at the small table, watching the door. “You look beautiful, Amanda.”

Looking down at my feet I whispered, “thank you, Master.”

I could hear the smile in his voice as he exclaimed, “you’re learning! Good girl! Please, have a seat. Are you hungry?”

I sat in the chair opposite him and said, “I’m ravenous, Master, but the table is… empty.”

He turned his head and said, “please come in, Jamie.” A middle-aged woman with kind eyes entered, smiling at me as she did so. “Amanda, this is Jamie. She’s one of our staff here and will be happy to get you whatever you want. Our kitchen staff is top-notch; nearly anything you want, you can have. In fact, there’s a phone on your desk,” he gestured to it and continued, “you can’t reach the outside world on there, but there is a button for the house staff; any time you need or want anything, they will get it for you.”

My eyes widened. How could this fucking creep have this much money? I had so many questions and no answers. He looked at me and said gently, “I know this is overwhelming. What do you normally eat for breakfast?”

“Pancakes and orange juice. I’m vegan; no animal products please. Can your kitchen do that?”

At that, he actually genuinely chuckled. “Yes, I can assure you that will not be a problem. Jamie, I’ll have the same. Thank you!” She nodded and walked out of the room with a smile.

“Okay, I’m sure you hate me but I also know you have questions. I can’t promise I’ll answer everything, but I can promise you that I won’t lie. Go ahead.”

I just looked around at the room and said, “… How? How do you have all this?! This bathroom alone must have cost more than my tuition for the year!”

He smiled. I hated myself for thinking how cute his smile was and blushed slightly. “I’ve worked very hard, but I’ve also gotten very, very lucky. I started a company at the right time and sold it. That let me start another, and that went public. At that point, I had enough money that I could’ve done anything I wanted, so I started another few, which have done well. I’ve surrounded myself with smart people and now they run all my day-to-day operations, for my businesses and charities. I just do the things I find fun.” He had charities, too. Of course he did. I was in school for finance and I knew all about the write-offs you got from doing that; it might cost him some money, but he’d save a fortune on taxes.

I scoffed. “So you’re just another rich creep that thinks he can have anything he wants, and uses charities to look good and write it all off.” I was so angry at this point, thinking about how he literally bought me the previous day. “Jesus, how do you sleep at night?”

“My charities are for the things I care about: animal rescue, healthcare efforts in underprivileged areas, coding classes for kids. I write things off — my accountant would probably have me committed if I didn’t — but they actually cost me way more than they save me. But you’re not wrong. I bought you. No one should be able to, but I did it. I wish I could say I’m sorry, but I promised you I wouldn’t lie. I wanted you, Amanda, and I’m privileged enough to be able to afford you.”

I just gawked at him. There was no remorse, no apology, just a simple fact: he could buy me so he did. The next question seemed like an obvious one. “Why me?”

He shifted in his chair and actually looked uncomfortable now; maybe the question was only obvious to me. After a moment he said, “I actually had them get you for me. The auction was a formality; they require all the girls go through it, in case someone will pay more, but there was no way I’d let that happen.”

He … had them get me?! “How did you even know who I was?!”

“I’m kind of surprised you don’t recognize me. I came to speak at one of your classes and you asked some great questions. You looked so cute and innocent and you were clearly intelligent. I knew I wanted you.”

My eyes widened as it dawned on me who he was. He was the richest man in town, by leaps and bounds. His net worth was higher than the GDP of many small nations! “I … holy fuck!” I didn’t know what else to say. Part of me was still raging inside, but another part of me was thinking: he could have anyone he wanted and he chose me. But in a place like this, he could have another 100 girls and I’d never know it; maybe I wasn’t special at all. I had to ask, as much as I hated myself for doing it. “Have you ever bought someone before?”

He looked down and quietly said, “yes. About two years ago.”

“Where is she? Did you-” I couldn’t finish the sentence. I didn’t need to.

“What? Oh, no! I would never kill someone; at least, I’m assuming that’s what you mean. It didn’t go well; we weren’t compatible at all. It’s hard for me to talk about because I really did love her. But as far as I’m aware, she’s perfectly fine. When it was clear it wouldn’t work, I paid her a very substantial sum of money to life comfortably, in exchange for her silence. There was no animosity when she left, but I haven’t talked to her in a long time.” He looked genuinely sad as he talked about her and I couldn’t help but feel sad for him.

We sat in silence for a moment before Jamie knocked on the door and came in with our breakfast. We thanked her and she left us once we confirmed we didn’t need anything else.

It was utterly delicious; he evidently wasn’t exaggerating when he spoke of the kitchen staff. I was so hungry, I ate half my pancakes and drank all my juice before I paused. “This is wonderful. Thank you.”

“‘Thank you, Master,'” he reminded softly. “I know you’ll get the hang of it. And you’re welcome. This is your home now and I want you to be happy. I know that’s … Not easy under the circumstances, but I’m going to do what I can to make it happen.”

I steeled myself for the question I didn’t want to ask, but had to. “Why do you want me? I mean, what is the point of me being here? I doubt it’s just to let me live in the lap of luxury.” I started eating again, hoping to look calm and unaffected.

He wiped his mouth with a napkin and thought for a moment. “That is hard to answer, for a few reasons. But in the end, my goal is simple: I want you to love me and I want you to serve me.” He said it like he was describing a job but my eyes widened.
