Sibling Rivalry [MF] [incest] [brother-sister] [femdom]

“Bullshit. You know I can kick your ass,” Alison deadpanned as she smirked. “What makes you think today will be any different?”

I frowned and shot back, “that last race the other day was close and you know it. If it weren’t for that fucking blue shell, I would’ve dominated you.” I blushed for a moment before adding, “I practiced all day yesterday. I bet you don’t stand a chance.”

“You bet, huh? What do you bet?” Shit. That was a poor choice of words; Ali never backed down from a challenge and I never won a bet against her except when she had the flu and was practically dead.

She grinned at me and I said the first thing that came to mind, “if you win, I’ll do your chores for a week!”

“Not a bad offer, but it’s kind of boring. I’ve been so busy lately; I could really use a hand, but let’s take it one step further. If I win, you’re my servent for a week. Anything I want, you’ll do.”

“And if I win? Will you be mine?” I shot back with a chuckle. It seemed unlikely she’d accept that, but it’d be handy.

She thought about it for a moment and then finally said, “fine. Do we have a deal?”

We shook on it and got out our controllers. The first race, I won handily. “I told you, I fucking own you today.”

She looked nonplussed and shot back, “three more, Eli. Plenty of time for me to take you down.”

The smile on my face faded during the next race as she beat the shit out of me, then it turned to a frown during the third race. I could still win, but I needed first place, period.

Coming into the last lap, I was ecstatic. I had a huge lead and I was unstoppable. Ali clenched her jaw and kept her eyes fixed on the screen as I talked shit. “It’s gonna be nice having a slave for a week. Maybe I should get a maid outfit for you. Do you know how to polish shoes? Oh, don’t worry about it, you’ll learn. Two more turns and you’re mine.”

And then I got fucked. A rogue green shell, and a dreaded blue shell right after I recovered. It was just enough and as I tried to accelerate toward the finish line, I saw her pass by me and knew it was over.

She beamed at me as I let my head fall into my hands. “It’s gonna be nice having a slave for a week, little bro. Do you know how to do chem labs? Oh, don’t worry about it, you’ll learn.” Ouch. Okay, I deserved that, but still.

I groaned and chucked my controller to the side. “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck. I can’t believe I lost. What do you want me to do?”

“First, you’ll address me as ‘mistress’ for the next week. That seems like a good start. Second, I think there are some dishes that need to be washed, but … I don’t think you’re wearing the right clothes for the job.” Uh oh. She was going to enjoy this a bit too much.

She rummaged around her closet until she found what she was looking for and burst back into the room, holding a stack of clothes. “Here, go put this on. I don’t have a French maid outfit, but I do have my Magenta costume from Rocky Horror.”

I stood up and protested, “no. No no no. This is humiliating; I’ll do what you want me to do, but I’m not going to dress up for you.”

She walked towards me and looked into my eyes. “Little brother, you agreed to do *anything* I wanted you to do for one week. You know I would’ve followed that for you. Be grateful this is what I’ve chosen for you. The only words I want to hear out of you are ‘Yes, mistress’. Do you understand?”

At this point I was a bit scared and I dropped my eyes. “Yes, mistress,” I said weakly.

“Good boy. Now, go get dressed. I want you to wear all of it; I’ll be checking”

I gulped and went to change. What would she do if I didn’t listen? I don’t think I’d want to find out. When I finished, I came back in and she whistled, exclaiming “you look good, little bro! Now, lift your skirt.”

“I’m wearing them all… Mistress. I promise,” I spat through gritted teeth. She frowned and walked over and … She slapped me. Hard. I couldn’t believe she actually slapped me. My mind reeled; she hadn’t hit me since we play-fought as kids!

“Lift your skirt, boy. I’m not going to say it again!”

I reached down and lifted it, showing the purple panties with a distinct bulge in front. “Yes mistress…”

“That’s better. Now, go fetch me a rum and coke and then take care of the dishes.” She sat down at the couch and played with her phone, taking the drink from me once I came back with it. I went to do the dishes and couldn’t stop thinking about how bad my face stung.

She didn’t have anything more for me to do, so I sat on the opposite end of the couch and we watched She-Ra. I couldn’t get my head around the fact that she actually hit me. Or that I kinda liked it. I’d been spanked before as a joke and enjoyed it, but that seems a lot different to me. Plus, she’s my sister.

She asked for another drink and I took the opportunity to make myself one as well. I was about half way through it when she paused the show and turned to me. “I’m sorry. I took it too far. I knew the power would get to my head, but I figured it’d take more than 10 minutes. Let’s call it off.”

My sister has never in her life called off a bet. Ever. I could see the tears welling up in her eyes, so I slid over to her and gave her a tight hug. “It’s okay, mistress. I didn’t listen to you; you had to show me who was boss.”

She kissed my cheek where she hit me. “I still didn’t need to hit you. You sure you don’t want to be let out of the deal?”

“I’m sure. It wasn’t that bad. Kinda cool, actually, as weird as that sounds.”

“Aww, my little brother is a masochist. Good to know!” She winked at me and resumed the show. I just sat there staring at her for a moment and then turned back to it. A few minutes later, I made a new round of drinks.

She cuddled up to me and sighed softly. I looked down at her and said, “what’s wrong Ali?”

“Nothing, I’m just comfy and happy.” I smiled softly and kissed the top of her head, which I knew always made her feel safe.

My hand was idly tracing lines on her back, like it had done since we were little, but this time the angle had my fingers tracing over her panty line, which I could feel distinctly. My mind started going over the day and the fact that I was wearing panties myself kept popping up… And then I started getting a little turned on. I could feel my cock pressing up against the panties and the resistance made me even harder.

I shifted uncomfortably and finished my drink. “Mistress? May I please change out of these panties?”

She sat up and looked at me. “Why now? You’ve been in them for the last few hours.”

I blushed and stammered, “Um, they were fine at first but now they’re just annoying me.”

“What, you getting a hard-on little brother?” She chuckled.

I just shifted uncomfortably again and blushed harder. “Yes.”

“Awwww, poor boy, all turned on and the only girl with him is his sister.”

I bristled at her teasing. “I’m going to change and go to bed. Good night.”

She got up and when I tried to as well, she pushed me back down. “No you’re not. I still need you. I’ll tell you when you can go to bed.” Suddenly, she straddled me and kissed me hard. “I’ve wanted this for a long time. I hope you did too, or tomorrow is going to be much more awkward.”

I didn’t say a word, just kissed her harder. Her fingers weaved into my hair and she held it tight, pulling my head to the side and moaning into my mouth.

She stood up and stripped down, then pulled my skirt up and pulled my panties off. As she came towards me again, I stopped her and meekly said, “mistress, I’ve never done this before…”

This just made her smile and she leaned down and kissed my forehead. “I’m glad to be your first, then. It should be with someone you love.” Then she straddled me and guided my cock into her hot pussy, sitting down on it. I moaned loudly and my eyes rolled back into my head.

“Holy fuck, Ali.”

She began riding me faster and faster, saying between breaths, “you haven’t felt anything yet, little boy. Now, fuck your sister.” She didn’t have to tell me twice. I started thrusting up into her, finding a rhythm quickly.

“I don’t think I’m going to last long,” I moaned between gasps. She rode me even harder once I said that, her little cunt squeezing me hard. “You better stop, sis…”

She looked into my eyes and whispered, “cum in me, little brother. That’s an order.” She slammed down on me hard and stayed still as she felt my cum pour into her. I could feel her milking me as she said, “good boy, cum deep inside me.”

I gasped for air as I twitched in her, then pulled her in for a deep kiss. “Thank you so much, Ali. Holy fuck.”

“Oh, it’s not over yet.” She squeezed my cock again and began grinding on my cock. “Now it’s my turn.”

The overstimulation drove me insane, with shocks going through my body. “No more, please mistress! It’s too much right now!”

“Shut up, little boy. You’ll live, and I want to cum.” She sped up and squeezed even tighter. My world spun, but holy fuck it felt good. Without even intending to do so, I started thrusting up into her again.

I could hear her breathing becoming shallow and uneven, gasping out, “Oh … My… Fuck…” Suddenly, she slammed down on me and clenched so hard it almost hurt. I felt the undulations going through her cunt as she came hard around me, biting my neck to stifle a scream.

She laid her head on my shoulder and cuddled into me, her pussy still gently spasming around me. “Thank you little brother. I needed that. For a long time now.”

“Me too, mistress. I think this is going to be a good week.”

She grinned and kissed me tenderly. “This is going to be a damn good week.”



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