The choice to hit the clothing optional beach was made in the frustration of traffic, which had been at a crawl — if even that — for the last mile.

“Should we just hit the nude beach instead? The turn-off is just ahead.”

Maddie had a point. Any longer in this traffic, and all desire to hit the beach was going to slip away.

“It’s probably less crowded, too.” Amy said. “I’m down for it. Let’s get the fuck off this road.”

Maddie took the right as soon as the opportunity allowed, and let out a “woo!” as the speedometer increased to a more tolerable number.

In the parking lot, they gathered their beach gear and headed down the path to beach access. They surveyed the landscape. A perfect sunny day without sweltering heat, and a moderate amount of folks on this stretch of sand.

“Perfect. Let’s set up over there,” Amy said, pointing past the volleyball net where four people were gathered drinking beers, the ball resting in the sand.

They spread out their towels side by side, anchoring them with their cooler and backpacks. Maddie produced a large squeeze bottle of sunblock. “Let’s do this.”

They stripped down, and took turns covering each other with the SPF 70. Amy took no chances as a redhead. Sunglasses, a very wide brimmed hat, and lots of sunscreen.

From the cooler, Maddie grabbed a can of sparkling water for herself, and passed a Coors to Amy. “Cheers, here’s to lazy beach days.”

Amy smiled, taking the beer. “Lazy naked beach days.”


Amy lay on her stomach, a best-selling horror novel in front of her. Maddie was on her back, a semi-sheer scarf over her face. Her right leg was bent at the knee, the ball of her foot touching her other leg. She enjoyed the slight breeze across her small labia that blossomed out from her slit like a tiny new flower.

She pulled the scarf aside and looked over to Amy. Her freckled back and round ass were white in the sun. No doubt, she would be as red as her fiery pubic hair by the end of the day. She was about to ask if she wanted another drink when she noticed a shadow gliding up to her.

“Madeline?” a voice asked. She turned to the figure that approached, and though the sun made his face a near silhouette, she immediately knew who it was.

She sat up on her elbows, and the sun shifted behind his head.

“Oh my god, James?” she said.

“Holy shit, how random to run into you here!” he said.

Amy looked over at Maddie, then turned and looked at the naked man in front of her.

James waved, “Hi, I’m Madeline’s co-worker.”

Amy smiled at him, giving a quick wave back. “I’m Amy.”

He smiled, and turned back to Maddie. “I thought that was you earlier. But when I walked by to get a closer look, you had your face covered.”

His eyes were unable to lock with hers, though, and she suddenly became aware of her open legs where he kept looking.

Likewise, she had to fight hard not to stare at his cock, which rested on balls that looked like they were stuffed with socks.

“Are you two…?” he started to ask, unsure how to finish.

“A couple?” Amy suggested.

“We are friends,” Maddie said.

“Ah,” he said.

“Are you here alone?” she asked.

“My friends are over by the volleyball net. They’re actually packing up to leave. I could stay out here all day, but they’re my ride, so I guess this is hello and goodbye.”

“Oh, bummer,” Maddie said, motioning to the cooler. “I was going to offer you drink.”

“I’ll take you up on that offer!” he said a bit too excitedly. “I probably have a bit of time before they are actually ready to split.”

She held out a beer and a water. He took the beer. She grabbed another and handed it to Amy, opening the water for herself.

“Here,” she said, sitting up and scooting back to make room on the towel, “Sit with us.”

He did, sitting cross legged in front of her. She had her knees up, aware that the view she now presented to him, her pussy, was even more explicit than before.

Amy sat up as well, and asked, “How long have you worked together?”

“You know, we’ve worked in the same building for a few years, but only recently in the same department,” James said. “Madeline definitely has seniority.”

“You can call me Maddie, by the way. At least outside of work,” she smiled. “We may as well keep it informal out here, considering we are all naked.”

“Speaking of which,” Amy chimed in, “I think my fair skin is gonna need more sunscreen before I go up in flames.”

“On it, babe.” Maddie grabbed the tube, flipped the top, and squirted a dollop into her other palm.

Amy reclined. Maddie slowly spread some lotion on her freckled pink-nippled breasts, circling them gently with her fingers, rubbing the sunscreen in with a little massage.

She squeezed more sunscreen directly onto Amy’s torso and went to work spreading it over her neck, chest, stomach and arms. Then, after putting more lotion in her palms and rubbing them together, Maddie put one hand on each of Amy’s inner thighs, moving up both sides of her vulva, spreading the sunscreen around her pubic mound, and back down.

She took a little extra lotion and, using two fingers and her thumb, rubbed it onto Amy’s labia and the hood of her clit. Amy shifted her pelvis, raising her hips slightly. That was a pleasure response, and Maddie used the pad of her middle finger to gently flick her clit.

Amy’s hands tightened on the towel as Maddie continued to stimulate her. Amy had a generously sized pussy, and now engorged, Maddie felt a little guilt at leaving her hanging.

“I thought you said you were just friends?” James said.

“Oh, there are benefits,” Maddie said.

She finished Amy’s legs and returned to her towel, sitting exactly as she had been before.

There was a new development, though. James’ very hard and very large cock was sticking up like a post between his legs.

“I’m sorry,” he said, “Just, that was so hot, and then just seeing you here like this is so hot, and…”

Maddie smiled. “James, it’s okay! We’re human. You have an amazing cock. I mean, holy fuck, I never would have guessed.”

Amy sat up and leaned over to see for herself. “Whoa, I bet you’ll never look at him the same way again at the office,” she said. “You think that’ll go down before you have to go home with your buddies?”

Maddie smiled, waved the tube of sunscreen, and said, “You may need some of this… on that,” motioning toward his still very erect cock. “Here,” she said, squeezing the lotion into her palm.

She reached over, closing the hand with the lotion around his shaft. He inhaled sharply, and she moved her hand in a circular movement up and down, spreading the white cream over the head and back down, and over his giant balls.

“Let’s protect this treasure,” she said, moving her hand back up his shaft and continuing to stroke.

She noticed his friends were approaching, coolers and bags in hand, ready to collect her co-worker. She continued to work his cock, and looked up at them with a smile.

“Hi, boys.”

None of them said a word, just looked on amazed. Beside her, Amy was touching herself. She always liked showing off, and this had definitely become a show.

“Your friend is almost ready to go,” Maddie said, noticing that two of the men were also now aroused.

Amy moaned. James moaned. Maddie was aware of her own arousal, touched herself and felt her wetness. She took one of his hands, manipulated his fingers inside of her while still working him.

“Honestly,” Maddie said, leaning in, “All I can think about is putting your cock inside of me. But that’s for another day.”

At this, he erupted. A long string of cum shot up in slow motion, followed through on its trajectory, made a long arc to her chest.

Amy was fuck-breathing, writhing as she also climaxed.

James’ fingers were still inside of her, and she flicked her middle finger across her clit in a steady rhythm until she too came hard.

Amy had sidled up behind her, reached around and touched the trail of cum that had slid down to her girlfriend’s belly button, rubbed it up onto Maddie’s breasts, and fondled her gently. Maddie bent her head back, and Amy leaned down to kiss her.

James’ friends were like cats watching a nature show on TV, still captivated. Maddie said, “He’s all yours, boys. We need some girl time now.”


As the four men walked down the beach toward the path out to the parking lot, Amy straddled Maddie, kissing her neck.

“Is that what we are, friends with benefits?” she asked with a grin.

Maddie shrugged. “Sounded hotter that way. You have the hottest beach pussy, by the way. Great show. I love you.”

“Love you too, sexy. This beach pussy is all yours.”




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