An Intimate Scene

Note: This is my first attempt at writing any sort of intimate scene. Because it’s more of a demo of a full scene that I’ll be creating later, it’s just foreplay, but I think I still wrote it well.

Quartz white needles brush and graze upon my neck. Her slightly chilled breath authoritatively, and yet softly forced itself onto my neck and through my nerves, causing my body to shudder in cool delight. A gentle bite landed on my neck, and I could feel my lover sucking down on my skin. Her mouth is shortly separated from my now wet skin, and I can assume a love bite is left in its place, as she then whispers up in my ear, “Now with just one look, *all* will have it engraved into their minds that you are *mine,* and mine *only*.”

Her alluring whisper slithers its way into my ear, causing my body to shudder more than ever. After she claims me, through both bite and speech, she takes a moment to lock her eyes with mine, and the intimacy felt in the room largely increases, to the point where all I can feel while staring back into her orbs is extreme attraction and intensity. Because of this moment, our minds have merged and locked together, for we have been claimed by one another.
