Sex fairies

Hajime woke up from a drunken stupor. It was 6 in the morning give or take. A throbbing pain emanated from his large penis. Hajime distressed by this unusual pain was reluctant to pull off the blanket to see what was going down there. At the count of ten, he pulled off the blanket and hold and behold his dick was strapped onto a structure reminiscent of a hamster wheel made of unusually large sex fairies with their asses pointed towards him. His face broke out into a smirk, then flashed a look of worry and went back into a smirk and then into a confused grimace. He jumped out of the bed and then noticed his feet couldn’t touch the ground despite his best effort. In order to move forward, he would push down the long strip of asses with his hands, which kept sliding on his huge erected cock. To his surprise, his dick would behave like a sort of stylus of a vinyl disk player. Every time his dick landed onto the bulging pussy lips of a sex fairy, she would emit a sound from some kind of pop song through her gaping mouth. Hajime, weirdly aroused by this, started humping and squirting the bulging pussies one by one until his dick started hurting like hell. The pain soon became unbearable to the point Hajime decided to break out of his house without considering how people would behave upon seeing the abomination he had become. He spun the sex wheel furiously like a sort of crazed monkey unleashing a flurry of vaginal and penile excretion along the way causing a chaos of confusion and occasional outbursts of deranged laughter. When he finally reached the admission desk of a hospital, his pain had magically gone away. Realizing what he had done, he adopted a fetal position and spun the sex wheel to fly off to the sky never to be seen again. The end.
