[M]y first ever sexual experiences (with my brother)

I’ve never shared this with anyone before and I had almost forgot about until recently when I started wondering whether it could happen again..

My whole life growing up I had to share a room with my brother, we’ve always got along reasonably well but things took a twist in our pubescent years.

I can recall vividly the night it all started, we had both just gone to bed and I was pretty certain he was asleep. I opened up my tablet and started watching porn. It took about 5 minutes of me laying there rubbing my dick to the rythm of thrusts on the screen before I noticed him looking over. This took me by surprise and I pulled my duvet up my body to instinctively hide my embarrassment. He sat up straight away and said “it’s alright, can I come watch?”

I said “sure” and sat up just assuming we would be enjoying the sight of the pornstar having her backdoor smashed in on the screen.. He came over and within a minute I could see his boxers out of the corner of my eye. They were raised a few inches from his waist and I knew straight away that he was hard. He then started squeezing the tip of his manhood through the briefs, trying to be subtle about it. I kept catching myself looking over before throwing my attention back to the screen. Then there came the moment that changed the whole moment, he caught me taking a quick glimpse. I tried to hide it and looked away very quickly but I knew he saw. I suddenly felt really awkward, how could I be drawn to looking at my brothers ‘thing’ and still be able to look him in the eye the same way.

What caught me off guard however, was the fact that the next words out of his mouth were “can you help?”. What was he thinking? Was he serious? I’d never even kissed another person before and he just asked me to get him off.. I had a wave of feelings rush through me in the space of a second before the words just fell out of my mouth….  “Errr, sure”.

He then slid his boxers down to reveal the erection he was hiding that whole time. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Are they supposed to be this intimidating? He wasn’t the biggest, I’d say 5/5.5 inches.. But considering it was the first dick I’d ever seen that wasn’t mine, I was slightly terrified.

That didn’t stop me though, my temptation took over as I reached out.. My fingers touched it first, gently wrapping around the shaft until I had a grip. I then proceeded with some slow, gentle movements. I’d always known him to be a bit of a handful but this takes it to another level!

As I began stroking, he gradually slid down the bed until he was laying flat. I was trying to keep a consistent pace going, pulling the skin down towards his balls and then back up, over the head. I knew I was getting somewhere when his hands started to shift around, they would be grabbing the bed one moment to running through his long ish, brown hair.

I kept up the same pace for a couple of minutes before I started rubbing faster. The longer I was holding his cock for, the more I wanted to push it to the limit. To get him across the line.

I was there, rubbing faster and faster. He was trying incredibly hard not to let out a sound. As the waves of pleasure ran through him, he couldn’t help but shuffle around. His hips were raising off the bed and his legs came right up… I knew he was getting there.

The strokes became firmer, my grip on his member grew tighter. I could see that he would’ve had me go for hours if he could hold it off but he couldn’t. Suddenly I felt this pressure in my hand, his penis swelled in preparation as my strokes kept going.. Up and down, up and down, over and over again.

I was lost in my own zone, raring up to this one moment.

Out of nowhere, he grabbed my arm and squeezed it tight, that’s when I knew it was time. Then, perfectly on cue, he came and my word, it was like a fountain. The pulsating feeling against my palm was incredibly intense as pump after pump of semen was shooting out of the tip.

He let out a sigh of relief and I gradually slowed to a stop before taking my newly glazed hand away.

No more words were said that night as he slid swiftly out of my bed and back into his leaving me to clean up his thick, white mess. But only after I made one of my own…….

I’m leaving the story here, if it’s enjoyed I will consider describing some more of our experiences. But this story I’ve written today changed my life. It was the start of a very long road in which I have, ever since been constantly reconsidering my sexuality. Having almost shut this away in my brain, I was thrown off completely a few days ago when I was sat in my office working and something triggered a recollection of this exact moment. I’m glad I am able to get this out here because I could never tell a single soul in person.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/mxxsb8/my_first_ever_sexual_experiences_with_my_brother