You take a long bath after a hard day (asphyx, drowning, fetish)

Maybe you’ve just got home from a long day at work, you start to run a bath to relax. You’re tired, maybe you’re not paying attention and you slip on the wet tile floor.

You fall backwards into the bath, hitting your head on the wall as you go down. It causes you to black out for a few seconds. The water is still running you hear the rushing in your ears as your come to under the water and you gasp reflexively.

Water pours into your lungs. You cough but it only cause you to take in more water, you push yourself up with your hands coughing water but in your weakened state they easily slip on the wet bath. Your head still under water, your body jerking with every breath of water your burning lungs pull in.

And then suddenly everything is still. The pain fades away and you feel lightheaded. You feel serene, like it’s ok to let go, the last few bubbles leave your mouth and you feel your vision fading, your limbs are limp and your chest has ceased to move. Lying still in the bath as your vision fades and your life slips away.

Your lifeless body, can’t stop the water running. It can’t hear the downstairs neighbours banging on your door. By the time the police break the door down you’re too far gone to be saved. They lift your limp body from the water and lie you out on the bathroom floor.

What a beautiful girl, such a waste.
