Summer Nightmare – Part 1 [M/F] [Incest] [Noncon] [Oral] [Blackmail]

Jerry sat at the large round table in the kitchen of his home eating a bowl of cereal. It was early still, just after 6am on summer Thursday morning. Jerry was 15, tall for his age at 6’1, and athletic from playing baseball every year since he was 7. He had short cropped dirty blond hair and piercing blue eyes. Girls never really noticed him, mainly because he kept to himself. He emanated misanthropy so the girls at school tended to steer clear of him, but he watched them. He kept to the background, secretly lusting for their young bodies; to pin one of them down and fuck them until his balls were dry. Jerry lived with his parents and 19-year-old sister. He avoided them at any cost, which was why he was up at 6am eating breakfast so that he could get back upstairs to his room before anybody woke up.

His parents were too loving and nosey, always asking why he was so anti-social, and offering their half assed attempts at consoling him. His sister, however, was another story. He continued to eat his cardboard tasting no-name cereal his parents buy, staring at the fridge in front of him as he thought about his sister Becky.
That stupid, stuck up bitch, always snapping at him, or ratting him out to their parents for peeking in her while she showered or changed. As if it was such a big deal, they used to bathe together when they were little. It’s nothing he hasn’t seen before; except she’s filled out a little more. Okay a lot more.
Becky was hot. Easily one of the hottest girls at their school. She was 5’11, with long blond hair that was always straight, even fresh out of bed. She perky C-cup tits and slender frame with the tightest ass hed ever seen. Not to mention her cute lips and freckles dotting her gorgeous bitch face. He shifted in his chair he cock grew thinking about her tight sexy body.
He thought back to the previous day, when he sneaked into her bedroom and watched through her bathroom door as she washed herself in the shower. The water running down her gorgeous silk skin, the soap from her hair creeping seductively down her breasts to her waistline. Oh, how he wished he was the one washing her, exploring every inch of that flawless figure.
But he had a plan. A flawless plan to get that bitch back for ratting him out so many times; for all the missed concerts when she got him in trouble and all the unfulfilled erections as she walked around in booty shorts and a tight tank top. His cock throbbed angrily thinking about her nipples pressing through her braless shirts she wears all too often. Quickly rising from the table and taking his bowl to the sink, he made his way up to his room, desperate to beat off to the pictures he secretly took of his sister last weekend. The pictures that changed everything. His ultimate weapon against the dumb cunt.

The weekend that had just passed had began relentlessly boring as usual; he had been grounded again thanks to his sister’s big mouth. So, he passed the time playing video games and watching porn, as Becky went out with her friends, enjoying her freedom and partying all night. She arrived home late that night at almost 2am. Their parents were asleep, not that they cared, but Jerry was still at it, having just blew a tremendous load all over his chest watching another of his many amateur porn videos depicting a brother fucking his sister.
He had just turned on his Xbox to continue his gaming night, not bothering to even pull his pants back up, when he heard the front door slam, followed by clumsy footsteps making their way up the steps and down the hall. His sister was clearly hammered again, which meant he got to listen to her drunkenly masturbate in their side-by-side rooms. Sometimes she got so intense that he could not only hear her irresistible moaning, but also the wet sound of her fingers working her pussy like a violin. He would always jerk off and cum so hard listening to her moans, imagining that it was his throbbing 7-inch cock driving into her Iit was too bad he just came, it felt like such a waste. He would soon see how wrong he was.
After about an hour of gaming out to the sound of his tantalizing sister play with her 19-year-old pussy until she passed out, he realized that he’d had to piss since he first turned on his game. He pulled up his pants and buckled them loosely before sauntering over to the bathroom, checking his messages on his phone as he did. He quickly relieved himself and walked back to his room. Jerry’s room was just past Becky’s and as he approached her room, he saw that the door was slightly ajar. He began to step a little lighter as he gently pushed the door so that it opened wider to reveal the most agonizingly beautiful sight, he had ever laid eyes on.
There on her large bed, spread eagle and completely naked, lay his gorgeous sister. She had obviously passed out after her orgasm, he never dreamt that he would be so lucky to see it. He stared in awe as her perfect shaped breasts moved up and down slowly as she slept. He pink pussy still glistening in the soft light from the hallways from her vigorous pussy play session. He crept closer, nearing her bed as quietly as he’d ever been in his life. He was so close that he could smell her sex. He reached his hand out slowly to touch her soft tanned skin. He stopped as she stirred softly in her sleep and her shifted slightly, causing her arm to fall across her body, resting on her inner thigh.
That’s when he had an idea. THE idea. He thanked whatever higher power there is that he had brought his phone and, quickly turning off the sound and flash, he began to take pictures of her naked body. He greedily snapped photos of every angle he could manage, taking special attention to close ups of her prefect pink pussy. He even was able to very, very carefully maneuver her hand from her thigh to her pussy for the most perfect centerfold shot he had ever seen. If he wasn’t so greedy, he’d have sent it in to penthouse or something. He grinned cruelly to himself as he stood up straight and admired the delicious example of young female beauty that lay before him. He was ecstatic with anticipation for what he planned for his older sister. It was going to be glorious.

As Jerry climaxed on his bed, shooting cum all over his stomach and laid back and took a long breath, smiling up at the ceiling. It was summer, school was out for another 2 months and his parents had some stupid romantic vacation planned. They were set to leave at 6:45am to catch their plane, leaving Becky and himself alone for the next 6 weeks. He had been annoyed with the thought of spending 6 weeks alone in the house with that annoying bitch. She would probably be always inviting her bimbo friends over or having big parties. But all that would change for her soon; he was just waiting for the right moment to spring his horrendous blackmail on her. She wouldn’t ever dare cross him again. All he had to do was wait until their parents left.


Jerry looked impatiently at his phone. The time read 7:03am. He had personally watched his parents get into the town car and drive away. He even watched the flight on the airline’s website to verify that they wouldn’t be back, not without missing it; and that was not going to happen. Much to his good fortune, his sister was still asleep, which meant that he could sneak into her room and surprise her. This time there would be no parents to yell to, or to ground him. There was no way for her to escape her fate. Unless of course she wanted to be the new face of his favorite porn site.
He confidently strode into her room and quietly shut her bedroom door behind him. Pulling off his shirt he made his way to her bed and stood over her, watching her sleep, still naked; completely unaware of the month she was about to have. He slowly pulled her covers of her body to reveal her perfect tits again. His heart raced and his cock was instantly hard as he gazed at her body, he craved her; all of her. He wanted nothing more than to be on top of her, balls deep in that fresh pussy, but that can wait. He may as well make it last and have some fun with her.
Not caring about subtleness at this point, he reached down and began to caress her tits. They were so soft and perky; he rubbed her nipple softly causing it to become hard and she moaned softly. He smiled a sick smile as decided to break the news. Leaning in close and resting one hand on her collar bone, spoke into her ear as he pinched er nipple as hard and mercilessly as he could.
“Wake up dear sister.”
Becky jolted awake with a yelp and sat up, staring blankly at her brother as she gathered her still drunk senses. It was then she realized the sharp pain on her nipple and looked down to see her brothers’ thumb and index finger squeezing her nipple so hard it was purple. Anger began to rise within her, and she scowled at jerry and opened her mouth to ask him what the fuck he was thinking. But before she could get out a word, he pushed her back down into her pillows by her neck and let go of her nipple, only to quickly retrieve his phone from his pocket and hold it in front of her face. The large, sinister grin that was glued on her brother’s face was not nearly as unsettling as what she saw on his phone; his thumb swiped over and over, shower her picture after disgusting picture of her helpless and naked, sleeping body.
“You seriously took pics while I was sleeping?! You’re sick! What the fuck is the matter with you!”
Jerry continued to smile as he tucked his phone back into his pocket. “It’s your day of reckoning dear sister. Unless you want these photos to be all over the internet, then you are going to do whatever I say for the next 6 weeks.”
Becky burned holes through her brother, “Are you fucking kidding me? I’m calling mom and dad! You’re not getting a goddamn thing from me you creep!”
Jerry chuckled. “I’m afraid you will find that difficult to do that without a cell phone. I have disposed of your phone and installed lock software on mine to ensure you can’t call anyone for help. Besides, I promise you that I will put these online.”
With that he began to untie the string on his pajama bottoms, causing Becky’s eyes to widen and she suddenly became fully aware that she was completely naked.
“Uh, what do you think you’re doing?” Becky exclaimed in disbelief.
Jerry smiled a serious smile and let his bottoms drop to the ground to reveal his raging cock standing fully erect and pointing right at his sister. He took a step closer towards her. “Oh, it’s not what I’m doing, sister. its about what YOU are doing.”
Fear and panic began to play on her face as she tries desperately to think of option or way out, but she can’t have those pics online. “Please, Jerry… this isn’t funny anymore.
Jerry leaned forward quickly and grabbed her neck. He leaned into her and became serious. “You are going to suck my cock now sis. And you are going to like it. You are going to suck my cock like you’ve never sucked before and swallow every bit of cum I give you. Or you will regret it more than you can possibly imagine.”
Defeat spreads across her face as she sees the seriousness in his eyes. She can’t believe she’s going to have her brother’s dick in her mouth. But at least he isn’t trying to fuck her. Becky stared at his throbbing member nervously. She had only sucked a dick twice before, and she was really drunk both times. Plus, the guy didn’t cum in her mouth at all.
Becky was pulled out of her thought by Jerry grabbing a thick handful of her blond hair and hold her head firmly up against his cock.
“NOW BITCH!” he yelled into her ear. Startled she jumped slightly and reached out and gripped his cock. It throbbed in her hand and he moaned softly at the first girl to ever touch his cock. He couldn’t take it anymore; she was taking too long. Still gripping her hair tightly, he watched her open her mouth slightly and roughly forced her head onto his cock, he felt her lips glide down his shaft as his mushroom head push to the back of her throat. His sister gagged and put her hands on his hips to try and push him off, but his athletic arms kept her in place. He held his cock in her throat for a few seconds as he felt her throat tighten while she struggled to breath. She tried a muffled scream, but it did nothing against the cock plugging her airway. Jerry then pulled his cock out of her throat and his sister fell to her knees coughing and gasping for air.
“Don’t hesitate again you slut. Or I swear ill fuck your throat until you pass out.” He barked. “no suck it like all those jock dicks you suck at school!”
Becky leaned back up, teared and drool streaming from her face and grabbed his cock in her hand and began to quickly suck her 15-year-old brother’s dick. She slowly worked her hand up his shaft as she sucked the tip and then picked up the pace working her head up and down faster on his throbbing cock.
His dick tasted so sweaty and dirty, and it took everything she had not to throw up. Jerry began moaning louder as he held her had and began working her faster on his cock, pushing his cock deeper and harder into her mouth to the back of her throat.
“Fuck sis, you give such good blowjobs. I’ve always thought about this, but I never thought it would feel this great.” He jerry said through his heavy breaths and loud moaning. “Keep sucking like that! You’re gonna make me cum sis!”
Jerry stopped moving her head and began thrusting his hips into her face, fucking her mouth roughly. Becky started to panic again as her brother grabbed her head and held her still as he fucked her face without abandon. She couldn’t breathe at all and the back of her throat felt so sore from his cock smashing into it that she wanted to cry. She clawed at her brother’s hips and legs trying to get him off her’ trying to scream but nothing came out.
Jerry was in heaven. His legs began to tremble, and his balls tightened as he felt the biggest orgasm of his life building. He pumped furiously into his sister’s tight throat as she beat helplessly at his legs to make him stop. Just as Becky’s sight started to dim her brother tensed up and loud out a primal growl as he jammed his cock far deeper than before into her throat and began unloading stream after stream of cum down her throat and into her stomach.
She felt his grip start to lessen and quickly pushed him away causing her to collapse to the ground coughing and vomiting all over her bedroom floor. Jerry reached down and caressed her check gently before he spoke.
“Don’t worry sis, I know that was rough, but you will have plenty of practice over the next few weeks. You’ll get the hang of it in no time.” With that he smiled sweetly and pulled up his bottoms. “Go clean yourself up, then come down for breakfast, you’ll have to eat; you’ll need the energy for later.” He winked at her and strode out of her room leaving her still coughing and wheezing on the floor.
As Jerry walked out of his sister’s room and down the hall towards his bedroom, he smiled to himself as he thought about the next few weeks. Becky was in for one hell of a holiday, he thought to himself. This sure was going to be the best summer ever.

To be Continued…
