[M/F] [Non-con] [Age gap] [build up] [threats] [humiliation] [dirty talk] [rough sex] The Nice Guy – Part 2

If you haven’t already, you can read part 1 here: [(1) [M/F] [Non-con] [Slow burn] [age gap] The Nice Guy – Part 1 : Erotica (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/mw9gh3/mf_noncon_slow_burn_age_gap_the_nice_guy_part_1/)

**Part 2 – The Rape**

Blake pins Evie down to the sofa, watching her squirm under him. She begs and pleads, feeling her wrists hurting from his grip on them. “P-please! Let me go! Stop it!”. A sharp pain suddenly radiates in her cheek as Blake slaps her.

“Shut up! Come on, you think you can go around parading a body as hot as this without someone trying to fuck you? Now, I don’t want to have to hurt you. But you owe me this. I could have left you to be kidnapped, or killed, or gang raped in an ally somewhere. But I helped you get home like a good guy and the least you can do is let me have you, especially after wearing this!” he gestures at the skirt.

“Please! I don’t want this! You can’t just decide you get to sleep with me, you creep! Stop it!”. She struggles more, trying to push Blake away, but his larger weight makes her attempts futile.

“I’m a good guy! I’m a good fucking guy! I’m not some asshole jock. I was nice to you and helped you. I complimented you! And now you want to walk around half-dressed and deny me a fuck? You’re just another stuck up whore, aren’t you?”. Blake begins forcefully kissing her, moaning against her mouth while she squirms. His hands caress her thighs and her calves, despite her attempts to kick her legs. “Fuck, your skin is so soft! And your lips…so juicy!”. Blake shoves his tongue into Evie’s mouth, making her eyes widen and her to give out a muffled scream. “It feels so fucking good to finally do this. I’ve been drooling over this body all night!”. Evie kicks and struggles as best she can, tears forming in her eyes. The room spins as she’s lifted and thrown to the floor, when Blake grabs her hair to force her onto her knees. “Oh, yeah. You look even better like that. With thighs, tits and lips like that, you were made to suck cock!”.

Evie quickly pushes him back, before standing and running away. Blake quicky grabs her again, pulling her back to him, holding her from behind. “Come on, don’t make this harder than it has to be. All I’ve ever wanted is to experience all my kinks and fantasies with a little thot like you. So that’s what we’re going to do! I’m going to thigh fuck you, tit fuck you, face fuck you, slap you, grope you, fuck you in every position I can think of!”. Evie feels the sweat of his unfit body through his shirt. It became clear to her; the slight overweightness, unkept beard, lack of stamina. This was a man who spends his day jerking off to random girls and trying to sleep with them. A true *nice guy*.

And she let one right into her house…

“Get off me! You’re so gross! Get away from me please!”. Evie struggles as best she can, when she scratches Blake’s eye. He screams in pain, falling to the ground and holding his face, cursing at Evie and shouting threats at her. She looks around, when she sees her mug on the coffee table. She smashes it over Blake’s head, weakening him. Opportunity presents itself, and she runs away towards the front door. Blake grabs her ankle from the ground as she reaches the door, before kicking him and running in another direction.

Evie reaches her bedroom door, locking it behind her before running into her walk-in closet. She separates some clothes and hides behind them, trying to catch her breath. Her heart pounded and her legs trembled. She tried to remain calm, think of some way to get away from this. She wasn’t sure how badly she injured Blake, or if he could even get up. She knew she needed help regardless when she realised…her phone was still in the living room! Her breathing slowed, and she managed to steady herself slightly. Perhaps she thought, if she just hides long enough, he’ll panic, or not be able to find her, and run away.

No such luck came…

After a few minutes, she heard Blake calling her name, demanding she show herself. Evie panicked, and curled into a ball. She could hear him rummaging around rooms of the house, trying to find her. It wasn’t long before he found his way upstairs, searching every room before coming to her bedroom door. She could hear him trying to break it down, shouting that there was no escape, and that he will fuck her. Tears formed in her eyes as she heard the door snap of its hinges. The sounds of Blake’s footsteps were heavy. “I know you’re in here, Evie. I can smell that delicious perfume in here!”. He began looking under the bed, under covers, behind doors, when he notices the walk-in closet. He swings the door open, slowly walking along and staring at the clothes. “Quite a collection here, baby! Maybe I should dress you up before I have my way with you!”. With a shaking hand Evie covers her mouth to quiet her panicked breathing, feeling the world melt away as she can only fear for her safety. In front of her she sees Blake’s feet stop, and hears his heaving breathing, only briefly interrupted with grunts of frustration and excitement. After what feels like an eternity, he turns and walks away, his feet out of sight. The terrified Evie lets out a sigh of relief and feels her blood rush, relaxing her body out of its ball slightly.

Like a flash, Evie suddenly feels a sweaty hand on her ankles, tugging at her leg. She screams out, while Blake grunts in anger. “Got you now! You’re going to be so sorry you injured me like that you whore!”. She kicks her leg wildly, trying to loosen his grip, when his other hand grabs further up her leg. The ground slides beneath her as Blake drags her across the floor of her bedroom by her leg

“Help! Rape! Anyone, please help me!” she cries out in vain. Blake slaps her face again, harder this time, jolting her neck.

“Now listen, slut! I don’t plan on beating you, but if you don’t shut your fucking mouth, I will!”. Blake looks down on her as he slides his shirt off. His belly hangs over his jeans slightly, and hair covers his chest. Evie tries to get up again, when Blake lowers himself and grabs her leg, running his tongue up it. “Mmmmm, delicious!”

Evie wiggles, trying to pull her leg out of his grip, but he is far too strong for her to overpower. She lets out a frustrated moan, but Blake only responds with laughter at her distress. With swiftness, Blake pins her arms either side of her head, lowing his body and pressing it against her. A wet sensation brushes against Evie’s leg, as the immense amount of precum leaking from Blake’s cock soaks his jeans.

“You proud of yourself, huh? Tricking and manipulating a teenage girl like this so you can get your dick wet?”. She hisses and insults him, but he seems unphased. Abuse from women was something Blake had grown accustomed to after years of being a creep.

“Oh, I am very proud of myself. For so long I’ve been trying to get girls alone so I can finally fuck stuck up bitches. You think you’re the first girl I’ve offered a ride for? I spend most of my nights looking for girls all alone, playing the gentlemen so I can have my way with them!”. This confession hit Evie deep. Like prey in a predator’s trap, she was caught, helpless, and being devoured. A bead of sweat ran down Blake’s back, and he began grinding his bulge against Evie’s bare thigh, letting out little moans of pleasure.

“You don’t have to do this, Blake. I know you’re probably lonely, angry, maybe even scared. But hurting me won’t change anything. It won’t make women want you more, and it won’t help you feel better in the long run! Just stop, okay? You can leave and I promise I won’t tell anyone!”. Humiliation; that’s what Evie began to feel. Being made to plead for her freedom and safety on her own bedroom floor, in her own home that she opened to someone she trusted. Blake ignores her bargaining, and continues dry humping her, his head next to hears, breathing on her neck and grunting in her ear. “Blake…Blake please! Please, don’t do this”.

“Oh, just shut up already”, Blake exclaims, forcing his mouth on hers and roughly kissing her. Evie feels his hands sliding up her body, gripping her top and pulling it up. She tries to slap his hand away, but his strength makes it easy to pull it out of her grip. He pulls back, drags her torso up and yanks her top off over her head. “Fuck! Such perfect milkers! I’ve been ogling these bad boys all night!”.

Without any tenderness, Blake grips each of Evie’s breasts in his hands, squeezing them in his large hands, moaning with pleasure. “I never knew tits could be so soft! I bet guys are constantly feeling you up in public, huh?”. No response comes from Evie, she just continues to whimpers and pointlessly push against his body. She doesn’t want to cry – deny him the satisfaction she thinks – but she also can’t fight or he’ll beat her. She does her best to stay calm, wait for an opportunity to break free. This time, she’ll make sure he’s out cold, or even dead.

“Ow!”, she cries, as Blake slaps her tits hard

“I asked you a question, bitch! Do guys feel you up like the slut you are?”. Evie knows the answer is yes, but she suspects Blake does as well. He just wants her to say it out loud. Degrade her by making her degrade herself. Manipulation and control at its finest.

“Y-yes, sometimes”. Her voice breaks as she responds, a tinge of desperation in her voice.

“Yeah, I bet they do. Who can blame them right?”.

Blake releases her breasts from his hands, leaving her against the floor as he unbuckles his belt. Evie sees that he doesn’t have a grip on her, but his menacing gaze is so fixed on her, it’s as if his stare pins her harder than any hands could. His jeans slide down, revealing a pair of cum soaked underwear with a fresh, wet patch from his precum over her. “Now, lets see what your underwear looks like!”. With a hand either side of her hips, Blake grabs her skirt and begins pulling it down her legs. She struggles, grabbing it also and trying to pull it back up, but the back-and-forth tugging causes it to rip, and she gives in. Blake tosses the clothes behind him, gazing at her body with wide, hungry eyes. Like a slob, a drop of drool drips out the corner of his mouth and lands on her black panties.

“You’re disgusting!” she spits out, hoping to hurt him in anyway she can, even if its emotional.

“And you’re hot as fuck!” he replies, smirking with pride at his wit. “I’m so excited I don’t even know where to start. I think maybe with these creamy thighs of yours”. With a fistful of her hair, Blake drags her up onto her feet, standing her in front of him. She goes to back away, but his arms lock around her body, forcing them to be pressed together. With his underwear slipped off, his throbbing cock pokes her thighs. “You ready, baby?”.

In a roar of ecstasy, Blake slides his cock between her thighs, digging his fingernails into her back out of pleasure. Evie’s eyes start to form tears, and she desperately slaps against his chest; but whether the pleasure was too much or she was just that weak, Blake wasn’t fazed. His thrusts came hard and aggressive, making her body jolt. He felt as if he was floating, levitating. He had never felt such pleasure in his cock before. “Yes! Oh my god! No girl has ever let me do this before…not that you’re too happy about it either”. He chuckles at himself, before rocking his head back and giving out another grunt.

“Just get off me, Blake! You’re nothing but a pathetic pervert! I will make sure you get a life sentence for this!”. While she meant it, her voice and helpless situation didn’t make her seem any less weak. She knew that there was no way he was backing down now, not after he had gotten this far. She just had to wait for him to finish using her thighs, and she could quickly make a break for it.

Blake begins taking slower but stronger pushes into her thighs, making dribbles of precum drop down the back of her legs. One hand was now fondling her boobs again, while he grunted. She noticed his fixed look on her trembling lips, and began to fear what thoughts were now running around in his messed-up head. She knew she was his property now. If he wanted something, he was going to get it. “That’s enough of that” he remarks, removing his boner from between her legs. Evie thinks quick; if she’s going to get away, its now! She feels her feet ready to run, when Blake grabs her by her hair, and pushes her onto her knees. She resists, but the pressure put on her shoulders hurts, and she submits under him. From above, his red, veiny cock pulses, like a menacing creature. He leans over her, wrapping his belt around her wrists. She pulls her arms apart, but Blake responds with another hit to the face, leaving a red mark this time. Like a skilled hunter, he has her hands tied behind her back in seconds. She knows this is something he has practiced before.

“You look so good on your knees, thot! I think its where you belong personally”. He begins rubbing his hard cock along her face, teasing her and measuring how far down her throat it will reach.

“You put that thing anywhere near my mouth and I’ll bite it off!”, shouts Evie, hoping this will at least deter him from violating her mouth. Blake makes no reply, he simply opens her closet, walks in, and returns with one of her leather belts.

“I dare you. Because if you do, I’ll whip you unconscious!” he snaps the belt in his hands. Her stomach drops. Half-naked, tied up and alone. She really had no way to stop him raping her mouth. “Now, be a good little girl and do that sexy little ahegao face you brain dead sluts always do”. Evie shakes her head, trying to get her face away from his leaking penis.

“No? But you thots are always so happy to do it in front of a camera for guys like me? I know, maybe you just need to be choked out first!”. Without mercy, Blake wraps his hands around her neck and begins squeezing, making Evie gasp for air and struggle. “There we go. Now all you have to do to make me stop is do that slutty ahegao face”, he laughs at her spluttering. Evie continues to resist, but feels his grip tighten and the air escaping her lungs. “I don’t need you conscious, you know? The only reason you are is because your struggling and squirming gets me off”. Evie’s face starts going red, and a tear roles down her cheek. Blake’s patients starts to wear thin, and he grasps her neck with both hands, squeezing the life out of her. The room begins to fade and blur, and Evie gives in. She sticks her tongue out as far as she can while rolling her eyes back, making him let go of her neck. “There we go! Now you look like a true brainless cock sleeve! Now stay like that for me”.

The humiliation is too much for her. She feels so helpless, small, weak. She just wants it to be over and done with, but she knows he’s so sadistic he’d make it last forever if he could. Like a beast, Blake starts slapping his rock-hard cock against her tongue, making it wet and slippery against her spit. She knew what he was lubing it up for. She screamed as his hands clasped either side of her head, before being muffled as his thick cock rammed her face. Roars of pleasure escaped him, as he savagely pumped his dick into her face. Evie gagged and spluttered, feeling his cock hitting the back of her throat, stretching it and making it burn. She was now crying, tears pouring down her face. “This is even better than I imagined it! I’ve been dying to rape a girl’s throat like this! And with plump lips like yours I was not going to resist!”. Evie could not respond. All that came from her were the wet, sloppy sounds of a face fuck interspersed with gagging sounds. For a brief moment Blake pulled his cock out her throat, letting her breathe to keep her conscious, but is met with the arousing sight of precum and a splash of gag spit drooling out her mouth and onto her tits. “Mmmm, yeah, lets get that rubbed in like an oil!”. Blake gropes her tits again, smothering them in his precum and her spit, while Evie cries her heart out and feels her throat burn. His cock twitches in front of her face, revolting her.

“Stop, p-please. It’s…hard to…b-breathe!”, she splutters, but within second Blake’s cock is down her throat again. He thrusts so hard and violently that she goes dizzy and the room fuzzes around her. Her knees start to sting, and her neck aches.

“Fuck, this is too fucking good! I’m having to hold my load back!”. Blake then holds her head still, pressing it against his stomach, balls to her chin and stomach to her nose. Evie wiggles, struggling to breathe as Blake keeps his cock as far down her throat as he can, arching forward to stretch every inch he can. Her eyes bulge and her face goes red. She knows she looks ruined, destroyed even. Her vision fades, when Blake pulls his cock out quickly, letting Evie fall back and gasp. She coughs and her spit runs on the carpet, before whimpering and crying, repeating “please” under her breath over and over.

She tries to push herself along the floor to get away, while Blake jerks his cock over her body. Without a word, he pulls her towards him by her ankles, and strips her of her panties, exposing her tight, tucked, and perfectly shaven pussy to him. “Fuck me! What a perfect pussy, baby!”. He spits on his fingers and begins rubbing it, licking his lips and breathing heavily. The sweat on him made his hair stick to his forehead. He looked like a man driven insane with lust.

“N-no! No, not there! Please not there, Blake! You’ve had my thighs, and my tits and my mouth! Don’t take that as well, please! I’m begging you!”. Evie now screamed and pleaded exhaustedly. Anyone who might have overheard would have thought she was dying.

“You’re so pretty when you beg, Evie. Let’s get you up”. He collects her off the ground, throwing her so that he hits her desk, facing away from him. He grabs her head from behind, pushing it down, folding her over her desk. She caught a glimpse of herself in her mirror. She was broken. Just an unrecognisable mess. She suddenly felt the head of his cock rubbing her pussy, and began to panic. In a futile attempt to kick her legs, Blake retaliated by spanking her, making the slap sound echo throughout the house.

“I’m going to fuck you, Evie. And you’re going to look at yourself in the mirror at the who you are while I do it”, he yelled. Methodically, he glided his stiff prick into her tight, warm pussy. Like a wild animal he roared with pleasure, thrusting slowly to savour how tightly her pussy clung to him. “God damn! I didn’t know a pussy could be so tight!”. Evie scratched her nails against her desk, feeling every inch inside her, feeling as though he were rearranging her organs. She felt stretched, opened and used. Like a cum tissue fresh out the box.

“Please, please, please stop, oh…god! Stop it! You fucking monster! I hate you! I hope you fucking die slowly, you asshole!” she screamed, not wanting to give in but hating the satisfaction he got from her resistance. He responded by pounding her harder, her tits bouncing back and forth, her ass rippling with every thrust.

“Here, let me hold these still for you” he claimed, gripping her breasts tightly, using them as handle bars to hold while he violated her. She squirmed at every thrust, feeling completely filled. She felt no better than a fleshlight, made for his personal pleasure. “Are you looking at yourself in the mirror, huh?” he asked, gripping her hair with one hand to force her head back, presenting her face to the mirror. “Shit, I don’t know how much longer I’m going to last! Better get through these positions quickly!”. Before Evie could dispute him cumming, she felt herself being thrown onto the bed, landing on her back, her own arms being crushed beneath her. Blake quickly mounted her, holding his hands around her neck while inserting his raw member into her pussy. Her scream in protest was strangled out by his hands, and the wiggling of her hips only pleasured him more. “God fucking damnit, look at those tits bounce! You know what I love most about this? At that party there are three horny guys frustrated that they didn’t get to fuck you, but here you are, getting the fucking of a life time by me!”. He laughed almost hysterically at this revelation, but it only made Evie feel like a piece of meat, born to just be the sex slave of men. His hands release from her neck, and he gropes her thighs over his shoulders, still fucking her. “Oh, yeah. Not long now, I’m getting close!”.

Evie screams at this, “NO! No, you can’t cum! Please don’t, don’t just stop, isn’t this enough?”. But no…

It was not enough. No one could ever get enough of Evie.

“Fuck, looks like we’re cutting to the final position early, I can’t hold it much longer!”. Blake pulls Evie up to him, straddling her legs either side of him and pressing her body against him, tits squashed against his chest. He pumps quickly and rhythmically into her pussy, spanking and squeezing her ass as he lets out more and more moans of euphoria. Evie tris to extend her legs to pull herself off his cock, but his tight grip on her but prevents her.

Blake starts rambling, moaning and grunting about her, about how he’s close. “Oh, oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! God, I’m so close! I’m going to blow my load! My thick cum is going to fill your thot pussy!” he screams, fucking her like an animal.

“Please no! Don’t cum inside me, I beg you! Please, you can’t! Stop it, I’m not on birth control! You can’t do this please!”, but she knows her pleads are pointless.

In a flurry of moans, grunts and monstrous thrusts, Blake screams in agonising pleasure, his cock exploding in a whirlpool of cum inside her. Evie shrieks as she feels endless rope after rope of hot cum spatter against the walls of her pussy, and cries out in misery. Blake’s moans continue, still cumming his load, watching it spill back out her pussy and all over his own cock. He pulls it out, finding that ropes are still blasting, covering her milky thighs and soaking the bed sheets below. In small, fine strokes, Blake squeezes out the last few drops of cum onto her thighs, before standing back and admiring his work.

There Evie lay, crying, whimpering, covered in a mess of spit, sweat and an inhuman amount of cum, running down her thighs and gushing out her pussy. She hears Blake shuffling in his jeans, before taking out his phone. She turns to see him pointing the camera at her, picturing her. “There, a little something to remember you by” he laughs, casually putting his clothes back on. He squats down next to the naked, brutalised Evie, getting close to her face. “Now, you tell anyone about this, and these pictures will be all over social media before you know it, you understand?”. Evie does not answer. She just silently nods without looking at him, curling up on her bed. “Very good. And may I suggest, you make sure your windows and doors are fully locked, okay? I can’t promise I won’t pay you a visit again sometime”. With that, he collects his things and leaves, not bothering to tend to his toy, nor untie her.

Evie just lays there, in the emptiness of her room, broken and humiliated. After a while she manages to loosen the belt on her wrists, before showering and cleaning everything Blake came into contact with.

She will never get in a car with a stranger again.

(This is part 2 of my quickly written story. Please let me know if you enjoyed and what you think of the characters. I have ideas in mind for a part 3 or a sequel!)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/mwv5ou/mf_noncon_age_gap_build_up_threats_humiliation