[M/F] [Non-con] [Slow burn] [age gap] The Nice Guy – Part 1

You can read part 2 here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/mwv5ou/mf_noncon_age_gap_build_up_threats_humiliation/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

The “Nice Guy” and the “Thot”

**Part 1 – The Drive**

10pm in May, the night is warm, still and calm. The lights of the city glisten in the distance as Evie wonders down an out skirted neighbourhood, off the harbours. The streets were empty, except for the few drunks and dodgy folks of the neighbourhood. It wasn’t the safest area; it was known for its drug dealers, prostitutes and general weirdos. But the buses were done for the night, and getting an Uber this far out took its time, so Evie decided to cut through to get to the cab bay.

She tried to keep her head low, purposefully trying not to be seen by anyone else on the streets in case they were looking for trouble. She was in a terrible situation. Walking through an area like this in nothing but a tight low-cut top, a way too small and tight black skirt and her hair in pigtails really advertised her to any creeps around. And her thighs highs and fishnets probably blended her in with the few scattered ladies of the night. She takes out her phone to see how far away her cab is. “45 minutes!?”, she puts her phone back in her bag, sighing. This is no place for a scantily clad 18-year-old to hang around. She reaches a crossing and waits for the green light to show, trying to pull her tiny skirt down as it rides up, and adjusting her top to stop her tits spilling out. The signal goes and she crosses, noticing the driver of the stopped car ogling her. Evie tries not to think about it and walks faster, feeling vulnerable.

She nears halfway through her walk, when the bounce of headlights swings around her, shining on her from behind. The car’s horn honks, signalling her. She hesitates, feeling worried regarding who it is and what they want, but slowly approaches the passenger window. The driver, a slightly overweight, average looking man rolls down his window. “Hey, you lost or waiting for a ride? This is a dangerous place for a young lady to be alone”. His voice, charming and considerate, and he speaks with genuine sounding concern.

“Yeah, I’m waiting for a cab, I’m just walking up so it doesn’t have to drive as far”. Evie makes sure not to stand too close to the car, just in case someone was to jump out and drag her in, and be able to hold a weapon to her. Leaning forward to talk to the driver exposes more of her cleavage.

“Cabs take ages to get here. You want a ride? I’ll drive you home for you”, he smiles at her, gesturing to the seat next to him. He notices her heaving cleavage, and struggles to take his eyes away.

“That’s sweet of you but I’m okay. I don’t mean to sound rude but, I just don’t feel safe getting in a car with a stranger”. Evie casts him a half smile to be polite, brushing her hair behind her ear

“That’s understandable, but it’s dangerous around here and you’re all alone” he paused, “and dressed like that”. He unlocks the passenger car door. “I promise, no funny business. If you give me your address, I’ll drive you straight home”. He gives a look of trust, but his eyes wonder to her juicy, creamy body as she considers his offer. Evie thinks about it, feeling stuck between a rock and a hard place. She either gets in a car with a complete stranger in the middle of the night, or wonder a rough neighbourhood alone and scantily clad. “I wouldn’t forgive myself if a left you out here and something bad happened to you. And I know you’d regret not taking the offer too” he adds, trying to convince her as best he can.

“You promise I can trust you?” she asked, timidly and with a slight tremble in her voice.

“I promise. I would never dream of harming such a pretty little thing such as yourself” he smiles at her, opening the door for her from the drivers seat. His last remark creeps Evie out a little, but she knows there’s no real win in this situation.

“Okay. Thankyou”. Evie lowers herself and slides herself into his car, making her skirt ride up and expose more of her squishy thighs to him. She notices how clean and well-kept the car is. She considers that if he is so neat and clean, surely, he can’t be some kind of pervert. As she closes the car door, her new chaperone breathes in an intoxicating scent from her perfume.

“Where to m’lady?”. He swivels his hound out as an ironic chivalrous gesture, starting the engine of the car. Evie loads up maps on her phone and shows him the address. “Okidoki. That’s not far from here if we cut through the side streets. Buckle up”. He speaks with a wonderfully friendly tone, and Evie finds herself becoming relaxed. At least now she’s getting home faster.

The car leaves the rough neighbourhood, reaching a long main road. The stranger turns his head to Evie briefly, “My name’s Blake. What’s yours?”. He asks in a bubbly tone, like two introduced mutually by a friend at a party. Evie glances at him, swishing her hair back before replying

“I’m Evie. Its nice to meet you, Blake”. Awkwardness overcomes Evie as she feels her response was brief, but she’s unsure how to converse with strangers in this situation. She decides to stick with her silence, assuming that he’ll say more if he wants to talk. The heating of the car flusters Evie’s cheeks a little. As comfy as Blake’s car seats are, their angle keeps making her skirt slide up her legs, sitting about an inch below her panties. She tries not to stress about it, simply gazing out the window. Blake glances over, noticing her tiny skirt. Her thighs tempt him – so soft looking, creamy and thick. Blake felt his blood rush…girls in thigh highs always get him.

“So, what caused you to be left all alone at night? You been to a party or something. Must have been dressed like that” he looks her up and down again.

“Yeah, I went to a party with some friends. But I decided to leave early when…well, it doesn’t matter”, her head looks down, and she goes quiet.

“If there’s something you want to talk about, I’m all ears. I like to think of myself as a good listener, talk away, Evie”

“It’s just stupid guys. There were these three guys that kept hitting on me and wouldn’t leave me alone, even when I told them to. Later I went to the bathroom, but as I got in there all three of them were waiting for me. Two of them were jerking off while the third one tried to grab me, but I managed to get away and just ran from the party”. Evie tells Blake this bluntly, seeming almost unphased by it.

“Oh my God, that’s awful! What a bunch of assholes, huh? Well, I’m glad to see you’re alright. And if it makes you feel any better, I’m not like that. I see women as beautiful people, not some kind of sex doll”, he places his hand on her leg to comfort her, but it startles her.

“Thanks, I guess that’s just guys you know” she rolls her eyes, but then smiles at Blake, a gesture to let him know she appreciates him listening.

“Are guys usually like that with you? I mean, I could understand it. You are very attractive, if I saw you at a party, I’d hit on you too. Unless you have a boyfriend of course”. Blake turns the car down a side street halfway through the main road, avoiding traffic and other people.

“Yeah, quite often. Nearly every other day I get random messages and guys trying to get with me. The worst part is the constant dick pics”

“Everyone wants some Evie! Sorry, that sounded creepier than I meant it”. Evie cringes slightly, but knows he means well. “I’d only send a dick pic if a girl asked for one. But then again, girls never have any interest in me”

“I’m sure you’ll find someone eventually. I mean, you seem young, your kind, a good listener! Some girl will fall for you eventually, Blake” she gives him a smile to reassure him. “That’s why I don’t worry too much. I’m only 18, I have the rest of my life for the right guy to stand out”

“I look young? That’s great considering I’m 30. And I appreciate that, Evie. You’re very sweet too. And again, very attractive”. They drive past a coffee house that’s still open, and Blake slows down a little. “Hey, what do you say we get a drink? I could really do with a coffee”. Evie was hoping to just get home soon, but after such a disappointing night maybe a drink with someone new might make up for it. “Sure, but is it okay if we don’t stay long?”

“Of course”. He pulls up on the curb, grabbing his wallet. “You wait here, I’ll be back in a minute”. Blake leaves the car, locking it as he goes. Evie panics at first, but then realises its probably to stop someone getting in his car. She shuffles and readjusts her outfit, feeling the straps of her bra digging into her back. She decides to use this opportunity to remove her bra, sliding it out her top and putting it in her bag. She checks her dark red lipstick in the mirror, and pulls her thigh highs up again. Blake gets back in the car, noticing Evie’s breasts look my prominent. “Did you take your bra off?” he asks, a slight grin on his face

“Yeah, it was digging into me. I hope that’s okay”

“Of course, it is. What do you say I help you with those thigh highs too” he smirks at her and giggles, but she ignores his question. “I didn’t know what you like so, I just got you a peach ice tea”. He hands it too her, staring at her loose breasts under her top as he sips his coffee.

“Thankyou so much! I love ice tea. And I could really do with a refreshing drink”. She slowly wraps her lips around the straw, sucking the drink as Blake’s eyes remain fixed on her. Evie shuffles to her side to face Blake as they drink, giving him a better view of her body. Like an angel built for his eyes. He was starting to understand why guys obsessed over her.

“So, no boyfriend, huh? You ever had a boyfriend? Or a friend you did stuff with?”, he raises his eye brows at her, suggesting he wants her to confide in him.

“Not really. A lot of the guys at my school were creepy and it just put me off dating. I’ve done stuff before though. I’ve given hand jobs blowjobs and I’ve had sex a couple of times during one-night stands. Sorry, that was probably too much information” she giggles. “What about you? Had past girlfriends?”

“No that’s okay, talk away. I had a girlfriend but she dumped me after 3 months. I lost my virginity to her but she was really frigid and never did anything other than vanilla sex. Which is a shame since I’m really kinky. I remember begging her to do ahegao but she never did”. He moves a little closer towards her, breathing in her delicious scent. “You smell really good”

“Well, I’m sure you’ll find someone right for you who is like you”. She sips more of her drink, slurping the last of it. “I love ahegao. Its so cute but hot at the same time, right!”. She looks at the car’s clock, sitting back and butting her seat belt back on. “Anyway, we should probably get going again. Thank you for the drink”

“Okay, lets get going”. Blake puts his coffee in the cup holder and sets off again. “We’re not far now anyway. I have to say, this has been fun, Evie. I didn’t think driving some random girl home would be such a nice way to spend my evening”

“And I never thought I’d enjoy the company of a stranger in his car, but I guess life is full of surprises” she remarks, before giggling.

“Yes, it is isn’t it”

The two pull up to Evie’s home. Blake marvels at the size of it. Not quite a mansion, but certainly no regular house. “Whoa, this is a nice place! How did you afford a place like this?” he gazes at it, seeming impressed.

“I inherited a large amount of money from my Grandma. I bought myself a nice place and I’m saving the rest for school”. She looks at Blake, casting a half smile again. “Well, thankyou so much for the ride. I really appreciate it. Can I give you any gas money or something in return?”. She gets her purse out ready. Blake lowers her purse away

“Please, the pleasure was all mine. I just wanted to see you home safe. If you really want to help me out, there is something you could do. Could I use your bathroom?” he asks, with a look of nervousness on his face. “That coffee went straight through me”.

“Yeah, that’s more than alright. Follow me inside”. Evie opens her door, leaning forward as she gets out and showing off her juicy ass being hugged by her skirt. Blake follows, locking his care and standing close to Evie as she opens the door, enjoying her perfume once more.

Evie opens the door and switches on the lights, lighting up the whole downstairs. Blake looks around, admiring the decor and spacious rooms of the house. Evie points to a door near the end of the downstairs corridor.

“The downstairs bathroom is just there. I’ll be back in a minute to see you out”. Blake heads into the bathroom while Evie makes her way upstairs to change. She heads to her room and into her walk-in closet, taking out a crop top. She slides her thigh highs and fishnets off, before changing into her crop top that barely covers her tits. She looks around for her shorts, when she hears Blake call her from downstairs. She leaves her tiny skirt on before heading down to him. Blake stairs at her in her exposing clothing. Her large breasts peaking out of her top, her creamy legs completely bare, her ass so nearly peaking from under her skirt. Evie notices him staring, feeling a little self-conscious when Blake finally snaps out of it.

“Thanks for letting me use your bathroom” he says, in a now monotone voice, little expression on his face. Evie notices his wide, focused eyes.

“That’s okay. Thanks again for your help. Let me get the door for you”. She heads to the door, reaching for the handle, when Blake interjects and moves closer to her.

“What do you say you give me the tour? Or at least show me the living room?” he asks, looking down to her and seeing straight down her top. Evie hesitates, wondering why he wants to look around. But after he’s helped her out so much, she’s afraid to be rude.

“Okay, sure. If you’d like that”. Guiding him down the hallway, she shows him into a large spacious room, with cream and white carpets and sofas. The room looks clean and presentable, yet clean, practically unused. Evie notices Blake walking over to the sofa, sitting down comfortably and looking at her legs.

“You know, you should have taken your thigh highs off in the car. You’ve got really nice legs”. His eyes run along them, and Evie crosses them while stood up, feeling very exposed now.

“Erm, thankyou Blake. So, anyway, it’s getting late and I’m going to get some sleep. You going to be able to get home alright?”

“Why end here? We could still hang out, talk through the night. I really enjoy your company, Evie. And I could never get tired of looking at you”. Blake’s smiles and remarks now come off more creepy than charming. Evie realises that letting him into her home may have been a mistake. She thought maybe he misread some signals and she meant it as a romantic gesture.

“That would be nice, but I have work tomorrow morning. I’ll see you out”. Evie walks past him to leave, when he reaches over the arm of the sofa and grabs her wrist with a firm grip. Evie startles and freezes, feeling her heart race.

“Nah, come sit down, Evie. Let’s watch a movie or something”. He tugs at her, trying to get her to come to him. She eventually gives in and sits next to him, her thigh pressed against his leg.

“O-okay. But just a short one alright?”. She begins licking through Netflix, but worries about the situation she’s in. Surely this wasn’t malicious, right? He’s been so kind and helpful until now, he must just be caught up in a little romance or something. Or so she thought.

“Are you going to choose a movie, or what?” Blake asks, now sounding impatient. “Just choose that one, that one will do”. Evie senses the almost angry tone in his voice. She tenses up, feeling nervous but trying to focus on the movie, when she feels Blake’s arm wrap around her shoulders. He definitely thinks this is some kind of a date.

“Hey, erm, I’m not really comfortable with your arm around me like that, sorry”. Evie goes red and shy saying this. He looks at her blank, not saying anything as he slides it off. Relief overcomes her, when instead she feels his hand resting on her thigh. “Oh, erm, and maybe not there either. I don’t really want to be touched okay”.

“Oh, c’mon Evie, don’t be so stuck up. I just saved you tonight, the least you could do is be grateful for it”. Blake’s voice becomes deep, almost menacing. Evie feels a tremble in her fingers. His hand slides further up her thigh

“Okay, I think maybe you should go now”. Evie gets up, when Blake grabs her wrist and pulls her back forcefully onto the couch. “Ow! That hurt! What do you think you’re going?”. Evie struggles to get him to let go of her

“Shush, Evie. Just let me do this”

(This is just a quick story i wrote in a few hours so i know its far from perfect. Let me know if you are interested in part 2 – i’m already working on it!)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/mw9gh3/mf_noncon_slow_burn_age_gap_the_nice_guy_part_1

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