I was a naked cleaner for an old coworker [FM]

I’ve been with my boyfriend Sam for about 4 years, we’re both in our late 20s. We originally

met when we were working together at a bar, and even though it’s been a while since we left the

job we still catch up with our old coworkers for the occasional drink. One of these coworkers

is a guy named Dennis. He’s in his early 40s, single and looks good for his age. When we used

to work together he would pretty regularly flirt with me and whenever we had after work drinks

he would get pretty obvious and shameless about checking me out. I never let it bother me, he

was never rude and never crossed a line.

So recently we’re all catching up together after a very long period of bars and venues being

closed, and as the night goes on we all get very drunk. Eventually it’s just me, Sam and Dennis

left having a few last drinks. We’re talking about our current jobs and how I’ve been made

redundant and am looking for work. Dennis mentions how now that he’s working from home his

place is constantly messy and my boyfriend joking suggests that he hires me as a cleaner.

Dennis then says that for it to be worth the while for either of us, I’d need to do it naked. I

laugh at this and tell him he can keep his money, but Sam thinks it’s hilarious and “a great

idea” and keeps the joke going. Dennis follows his lead and before long their both joking about

what he needs cleaned, how I’d need to do it and the hourly rates.

I’m sitting there blushing and kind of joining in on the joke, but I also get the feeling that

Sam is semi-serious about this. He’s always liked showing me off, though we’ve never done

anything with people that we know well. He’s also said many times that he likes the idea of

“sharing me”, but I’d always been hesitant about that. It gets to the point that Dennis and Sam

are discussing times and what I should be wearing on the day when we’re finally moved out of

the bar as they close up. Dennis says that “he’ll be in touch” as he leaves, and Sam and I walk

home together.

We’re both quite drunk at this point and he is very excitedly telling me that he wants me to go

ahead with this. He knows that Dennis has had a thing for me for a long time and he’s telling

me how exciting it would be for him if I actually followed through. I ask him how far would he

want me to go and he says it’s completely up to me. Up until this point I was not seriously

considering this at all, but Sam can be very convincing, and the more he talks about it the

more turned on I find myself getting. When we get home and into bed, he spends the next half

hour mercilessly teasing and edging me while trying to convince me, until I finally agree – but

only if Dennis brings it up first.

The next afternoon I get a message from Dennis (who I suspect Sam had spoken to) asking if I’m

good for Sunday. Even though I knew I could back out if I wanted to, I felt like I was almost

contractually obliged on account of my agreement with Sam. Sam spent Sunday morning teasing

and edging me but not letting me cum, insisting that it would make everything more enjoyable

once I was there. He wasn’t wrong. Sam dropped me near Dennis’ place telling me to let him know

when I’d want to be picked up. My heart was racing the entire way. We’d been to his house

before and I knew the area, but I’d never shown up under these kinds of circumstances. I had

dressed casually, jeans and a tshirt, but had a matching lingerie on underneath. My plan was to

just get down to my underwear and see how it felt.

When I arrived Dennis invited me in grinning like a Cheshire cat. He lives in a small semi-

detached flat with a private fenced garden at the back. The whole place is rather compact and

it was pretty clear that it wasn’t as messy as he had made it out to be. He invites me into the

garden for a drink to “relax and settle in” before getting to work. We chat for a bit and he

makes a few typical jokes and the whole time I’m so nervous that I’m almost trembling. It still

doesn’t feel real and I’m unsure if I’m going to go ahead with this. He can tell how tense I am

and he rolls a joint and offers to share it with me. This was the turning point for me. I don’t

smoke weed often, and I have a very low tolerance. I also find that without fail it gets me

really, really turned on. I figured if I’m going to do this in even my underwear I’ll need some

help, and I end up finishing it with him.

At this point I’m fairly high, and Dennis suggests we head inside to get started. I can feel my

heart pounding as we step back and I make my way to the upstairs bathroom to get undressed. I

very clumsily stripped down to my lingerie and then stood there looking at myself in the mirror.

The weed had done its work and I was so turned on standing there that I felt like I was about

to faint. Dennis had never even seen me in a bikini and I couldn’t believe that he was about to

see me in this shear underwear. In a moment of insanity I stripped completely naked and stood

there staring at myself trying to slow my heart. I don’t know how long I was in there but I

vividly remember the weird floating feeling of opening the door and stepping out into the

corridor. All of my clothes were inside the bathroom and I could hear Dennis moving around

downstairs. I slowly made my way down the stairs and as I reached the bottom he came back into

the living room and stopped and stared at me. Maybe he hadn’t really expected that I would go

through with it, he had a stunned wide eyed look on his face before grinning and letting out a

little laugh. I could not, and still can’t really believe that I did that, that I was letting

him stand there and look at me naked.

He gave a little clap and then came closer to get a good long look. He asked me to turn around

on the spot, lift my arms up and down, making sure he got to see everything. When he was done I

gave my chest a little shake and laughed awkwardly as my boobs bounced inches from his face.

Once he was satisfied that he had gotten a good look, he suggested we start on the cleaning. He

gave me a spray bottle and cloth and asked me to start by wiping down all the lower kitchen

cabinets. Everything in the kitchen was more or less spotless and it was pretty obvious that he

just wanted to get me into some compromising positions. So I’m squatting down, having to keep

my legs parted for balance as I clean while he pulls up a chair and opens a beer. After the

surfaces were done he asked me to wipe down the insides of the cabinets, so I had to get onto

all fours with my ass up facing towards him. The whole time he’s making small talk and the

occasional flirty joke, slowly getting lewder as time passes. After about 10 minutes of this I

feel almost delirious with arousal. With every position change I know I’m giving him a

shameless view and I’m sure there is no way that he hasn’t noticed how wet I am. I had always

enjoyed his playful banter and flirting, but never in a million years did I imagine I would

have ended up doing this and enjoying it.

I hadn’t been “cleaning” for long before Dennis suggested a break. He rolled another joint and

asked if I’d like to step outside and join him. He also told me not to worry about getting

dressed. I was hesitant at first but he insisted that if we stood by the door none of the

neighbors could see. The back of the garden is hedged and runs along a walking track so he only

had neighbors to each side. Even still I felt terrified stepping out naked and barefoot onto

the patio. It was a warm day thankfully but my whole body was covered in goosebumps. The

neighbors fence only came up to just head height and I was worried if I stood too far back

someone might see. It felt incredibly surreal to be standing outside naked with Dennis while he

was fully dressed, sharing a joint and letting him look all over my trembling body. As we

finished the joint he put his arm over my shoulders and squeezed me next to him saying that I

looked cold.

Having now smoked more weed in a day that I normally would in three months I was feeling well

and truly dazed. I let him lead me inside and he kept saying how he’d love to have some photos

to remember this. The idea of letting him take pictures of me naked almost made my knees weak

with arousal, but thankfully I had the common sense remaining to insist that they were taken on

my phone. Next thing I know I’m on my back, legs apart as Dennis stands over me taking pics and

commenting on my body. There were a couple of poses involved, but the most shameless one had to

be when I was on my knees, bent forward showing him my asshole.

What happened next seemed like a fairly foregone conclusion at that point. Dennis could tell

how insanely turned on I was and made a comment about how it’s only fair that I get a look. He

pulled out his cock very close to my face and I just kind of stared at it as he slowly brought

it closer before I put it in my mouth. I’ve always liked giving head and I think I’m good at

it, and it didn’t feel like long before he asked if he could fuck me. He went and found a

condom and in a few short moments he had me lying back as he held my legs up and apart. I love

this position, it feels like you get penetrated so much deeper and there is an exciting

helpless feeling about being pinned like this, so exposed.

Unfortunately he didn’t last too long, pulling out and sliding off the condom as he came over

my chest. I felt a little disappointed for a second but without my asking he slid down between

my legs and began eating me out. Despite the fact that he had just fucked me, knowing that his

face was now buried in my pussy sent me over the edge. In what felt like less than a minute he

had me cumming as he held my shaking legs apart.

We took a moment to catch our breath before he led me back to the bathroom. He gave me a few

moments on my own before he heard me turn on the shower and then he came back in to watch me

and chat to me. It was a weird feeling, on account of the weed most likely I was still insanely

turned on and having him watch me shower myself was making my heart race again.

I made an excuse to leave, had a last drink with him after getting dressed, then headed out

and started walking down to the shops. I sent Sam one of the pics that Dennis had taken and

said that I was ready to be picked up

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/mu0ogl/i_was_a_naked_cleaner_for_an_old_coworker_fm


  1. Yes – you are one hot girl. Could be a credible short film, softcore of course!

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