Amazing love.

She is amazing.

She grabbed the cup from my hand and filled it with beer.

“Here you go! Don’t be a stranger,” Monica winked at me.

I smirked in response.

I was surprised she wasn’t beating off a bunch of drunk guys with a stick. Monica just has this mysterious lure to her and she looks the part as well. She is 4’11’’ with a figure that I fantasize about to this day and she is extremely intelligent and conversational, which is probable why we stayed together long past our expiration date.

The music changed and and I turned towards the dance floor. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to hand with my buddies upstairs or go dance. Not like I had someone to dance with at this point.

I sipped my drink and looked into the room where everyone was dancing. As I scanned the room, I caught eyes with Hayley.

She was dancing with Jason who barely looked coherent.

Hayley kinked her body to push back onto Jason’s pelvis while she looked in my direction.

I winked at her and made my way up the stairs. Even though I was jealous, I didn’t want her to know so I figured it best to cool down.

There was one seat open by the door and my buddies barely acknowledged my entry.

The game was winding down and it was tight. Golden State needed to win by 5 to over and they were up by one. The room was split in their bets and tension was palpable.

With 30 seconds left in the game, the forward for the Knicks fouled out and sent Steph Curry to the free-throw line.

He made two shots and the room entered into calamity. Jack bet on the Knicks. Matthew bet on the Warriors. These two opposed each other in everything which is ironic because I once walked in on them jerking each other off.

There were 4 seconds left in the game and the Warriors were up by 4 and at the free-throw line again.

First shot, in.

Second shot, rolled around the rim and bounced out to the Knicks defender.

He took two steps and shot to the other net. The ball didn’t reach the board as the time expired.

“Push” I whispered under my breath.

I saw Jack mouth the words, “fuck you,” in the direction of Matthew.

Matthew jumped over the coffee table to grab him, and they started punching each other in the ribs. I should have tried to break it up, but figured this may be some sort of foreplay.

They knocked a lamp off of the end table, sending a resounding shattering of glass throughout the house.

Jack and Matthew exchanged multiple explicatives that caused a stir in the house.

I could hear disdain from downstairs.

“Shit,” I said as I stood up to run down the stairs.

In this commotion I just wanted to make sure that Hayley was okay.

I got to the bottom of the stairs as she was running out. I grabbed her hand and said, “we need to go. Now.”

She clasped my hand and I pulled her to the exit.

“Any idea how to get home?” I asked as we both realized I wasn’t fit to drive and Hayley’s car wasn’t there.

A Land Rover backed up and the window rolled down. It was Monica.

“Get in the back.” She directed, “I will take you both home.”

We ran up to the car and I opened the back door. I let Hayley jump in and slide across the bench seat. I hopped in behind her.

We drove off.

Monica gestured to the man in the passenger seat and said, “I am going to drop this dumb ass first. Then we can go from there.”

Hayley slid next to me. We were both behind Monica’s seat and probably not in view. Hayley kissed my neck and grabbed my crotch.

I was wearing a polo and seersucker shorts, but nothing underneath. My excitement became immediately evident.

Although I backed away at first, Hayley leaned in. She unbuttoned and unzipped my pants.

Hayley completely disregarded her surroundings as she pulled my partially erect cock out of my shorts.

She made sure my balls were out as well, then moved her head down towards my lap.

At this point I was at full attention when I felt her wrap her lips around my cock. As she dipped her head she added suction.

Hayley loved giving me blowjobs and put a lot into that. I also loved pleasing her so reached to start rubbing her clit, but she pushed me away.

She continued to go up and down as the car started to slow. We were at our first destination and I was very close to cumming.

Monica got out of the care and walked around acting like she didn’t see. She got the man in the passenger seat up and held him to go inside.

When they were inside, Hayley was grabbing my balls and continuing to suck my cock. She took one try at deepthroating as I exclaimed, “I am going to cum!”

She didn’t flinch. She continued sucking my cum until she swallowed every last drop.

Hayley leaned up, smiled, and said, “thanks! I needed that.”

I looked at her confused as she didn’t cum. Monica approached the vehicle.

“Just in case you were wondering, I saw everything.” Monica said.

The blood ran from my face as Hayley popped up and responded, “Good.”

She gave Monica a kiss on the cheek as we reversed out of the parking spot.

‘So I guess you both are coming home with me?” She asked as we drove off.

To be continued….
