Robert and Alyssa, Part III (My long term Stockholm RP)

R – Robert
A – Alyssa

R – Rob had left some time ago to pick up food and liquor, having tightly bound Aly to a chair in the kitchen, naked. He stepped though the door with an armful of groceries and stalked over to the table near where she sat.
“Well, my dear, until I decide what to do with you, you can make yourself useful. Serve me well enough and I may decide to let you live as my slave.”
Setting the bag down, he removed a bottle of whiskey and went to collect a few glasses.
“Against my better judgment, I’m starting to enjoy your company enough to keep you alive…. for now. You’ve been a good girl, thus far.”
He said with a smirk, setting the glasses and bottle down near the edge of the table and taking out his knife, then bent to cut her free of the ropes.
When she was out, he opened the bottle, poured them both two fingers of the brown liquor and picked up his glass, motioning for her to do the same.

A – In the time her captor was gone Alyssa feared he would never come back. She was worried he had left her to die. Even still, her mind wandered to the events that had happened up to this point, taking the time with the silence to process what happened. As her mind wandered she found the feeling of butterflies rising up and her sore pussy starting to get wet, a fact which made her feel ashamed and embarrassed.
When she heard him pulling up, Aly got filled with worry once again, this time worried that it would be a stranger coming in to see her like this. Instead she saw Rob walk in and got filled with a confusing relief, almost excitement. The excitement grew when she noticed the grocery bags, as she was starving by this point.
As he spoke, she listened attentively, watching his every move, the idea of being his slave an equal mix of terrifying, exciting and confusing. He didnt indicate a desire for her to respond so she instead waited.
Without realizing it herself, when he told her she had been a good girl, Aly’s cheeks flushed red and the corners of her lips turned up in the slightest smile. Having remembered her orders, she issued a bashful…
“Thank you sir.”
The smirk on his face raised her eyebrows from a flash of pure curiosity.
As he cut the ropes, she didn’t realize she was holding her breath. As soon as he made the last cut, she remembered her manners.
“Thank you for freeing me, sir”.
She spoke quietly and without confidence, all the while casting her gaze away from his eyes. She did notice his motion and grabbed the drink, patiently waiting for another signal.

R – Pulling a chair around to sit facing her, only the corner of the table between them, Rob sipped on his drink as he ran his eyes over her nude form. He much liked her remembering her orders, it was one of the reasons he’d decided to let her live.
“You’re welcome, my slave. Now…”
He said, patting his leg.
“Come sit.”
He leaned back and watched her, taking another drink as he waited for her to obey.
He absentmindedly studied her, the mark he’d burned on her face, the many bruises from ropes and his belt around her neck. Her nipples, which seemed to be hard or hardening. The soft wetness visible on the inside of her thighs.
He loved everything about that situation, and delighted in knowing that this small, fragile woman was his to torment. His to demand pleasure from. His to kill, if he wished it.

A – The small woman continued avoiding Robert’s eyes, but upon his command to come sit, she finally met them with an obedient nod.
She carefully cradled the drink, having not yet taken a sip and tried to stand with shakey legs. Aly’s shaking almost caused her to spill the whiskey, so she set the glass back down on the table. Terrified to risk spilling even a drop as she shifted herself onto his lap, never fully standing up while her entire body screamed with lingering pain. She was very careful as she sat on his leg, seeming to try to make herself as light as possible, once she is positioned she grabs the glass again and holds it with both hands. Her mind racing about what may be coming next, her heart thundered so hard in her chest that she was sure he could hear it.

R – When she sat, he pulled her close to him, taking in the scents that covered her. Light, flowery perfume, sweat, blood and the distinct smell of sex. He met her eyes again and took a drink, seeking to numb himself to the strange feeling of affection he had for this woman.
“You please me, my dear.” He said at length, after staring into her eyes for a few moments.
“You’ve been so good, and brought me much pleasure.”
Rob moved slowly into the crook of her bruised neck and kissed her gently, moving down her shoulder with more kisses until he stopped himself. He loved the taste of her skin, the salt mixed with sweetness from their exertions.
“Do you want to belong to me?”
He asked, testing her again. Trying to find some flaw in her that he could use as an excuse to slaughter her. He couldn’t bring himself to kill so perfect a creature, to waste something as rare as she.

A – Feeling him pull her close made Aly quietly gasp from surprise and the pain, she was mostly used to it but it still caught her off guard. Copying the stranger, Aly took a small sip from her cup, causing her face to twist up momentarily from the burn of it.
His words quickly distracted her from the liquids burning sting, the blush on her cheeks deepened, and when his lips meet her flesh, her body reacted and instinctively leaned into him, a small pleasurable sigh escaping her lips. She tried to stifle it with another, larger sip of the liquid, the woman’s hands lightly shaking as she filled with a new type of adrenaline.
His words caught her off guard, as they seemed to always do, and she brought her eyes back to him. They were filled with an almost innocent confusion. Her face blushes even harder as she speaks, one of her hands absentmindedly coming up to caress the painfully fresh brand on her face
“But… I thought i already was..”

R – Rob smiled at her naïveté, she clearly didn’t understand what he was asking.
“I am keeping you, yes.
But there is a big difference in being my slave unwillingly and being my pet willingly.”
He said, following her motions and moving his hand to her cheek. He ran his thumb lightly over her brand as he looked into her eyes again.
He could feel her movement before, leaning into his kisses, softening herself in his arms.
“So, I ask you again…
Do you want to belong to me?”
He asked, moving his right hand down her body and resting it on the fresh cuts in the small of her back. He traced their outline and waited for her reply, finishing his drink as he did and setting the empty glass on the table.

A – As he spoke, her face went thoughtful and the girl leaned into his touch on her cheek, pressing into it and ignoring the pain that was trying to bring tears to her eyes. The idea of willingly giving herself to him seemed to make her head spin. She couldnt help but think back on what he had done to her. She also reminded herself of her thoughts about never going to be able to return to her normal life. Being so degraded by him, she already felt like she belonged to him. She had already realized that she now lived to hear him call her a good girl.
As he asked again she already knew her answer. As she began to speak, she felt his hand on the small of her back and drew in a hard breath at the spike of pain. She takes one more sip, her hands shaking slightly. Once finished she meets his eyes and shifts her weight to face him better
“Yes sir, I already feel like im yours, and i already want to please you… I’d rather be your pet than your slave, sir”.

R – A huge smile spread across Rob’s face, he pulled her even tighter against him and took her head in both hands, pressing a deep kiss into her lips.
“Good. I would rather that you were my pet as well.
From now on, you may call me Master, as well as sir.”
He said, his face only an inch away from hers. He ran his fingers down along her jaw, to her chin, and gave her another long kiss. When he pulled away, he kissed her cheek and down her neck again, sliding his hand into the middle of her thighs.
“Pour us another drink, this calls for a celebration, my pet.”
He said, working his hand up her thighs as he kissed her shoulder. When she picked up the bottle, he reached her pussy and could feel how wet she was, exalting in the tenderness of her flesh. He started to massage her clit softly as she tried to get a grip on the bottle and pour, trying to distract her from the task he’d set.
All thoughts of searching for a flaw had fled his mind, and now he wanted simply to reward his new possession for her loyalty.

A – His tighter embrace sent another shock of pain through her. Aly’s body tensed up momentarily before relaxing into him once again. She found herself plesantly surprised by the feeling of his lips on her own. When he removed his lips to speak. she found herself leaning forward trying to return their touch as she felt filled with disappointment from their absence.
As his fingers trailed down her face, her lips pulled into a nearly full smile “understood master” she replied breathily, feeling intoxicated by his touch. When his lips finally returned to hers after what felt like an eternity, she sighed happily into the kiss, the sound was almost a moan of pleasure. The kisses down her neck making her melt into him even more. She seemed to be relaxing more with each moment of contact. The hand between her thighs caused her to tense up but that only lasted a moment before relaxing.
“Yes sir” she replied to his command, immediatly turning to obey him. As his hand traveled towards her pussy she spread her legs for him slightly, not wanting to make it any harder on him.
Before he made it to her clit she had both glasses in one hand as her other was trying to grab the bottle. She nearly fumbled the task when her body jolted slightly from his touch, almost making her drop the bottle as she released a small moan. Her face burned bright red from her reaction, but nonetheless she focussed deeply on her movements, controling her breathing and trying to tune out the pleasure he was causing her. It took her longer than it should have but eventually she carried out her order, setting the bottle down. After putting one glass in each hand, she waited patiently for him to take his as her hips started slightly rocking into his hand, she wasn’t even aware she was doing it.

R – Rob took the glass with his free hand and drank it down in one shot, throwing it to the floor when he was done. It landed without breaking and rolled to a stop a second later, but Rob couldn’t have noticed if he tried. He moved his fingers more quickly now, feeling her clit slide under his finger with each pass.
“Finish your drink, my pet, your master wants you to please him.”
He whispered to her between kisses, not allowing her to pull away for several seconds.
When she finally did finish the drink, he pulled away from her pussy and slipped one arm under her knees, the other supporting er back as he lifted her up. He carried her into the living room once more and set her down in front of the couch, forcing her to kneel.
“Take my belt off.” He ordered, filling his fist with the hair on the back of her head, making Aly look up at him as her hands went to work.

A – As robs fingers sped up Aly’s hips tried to as well, which brought her attention to it. Now aware she was doing it she designated some of her focus to keeping herself still, but there was nothing she could do to control how wet she was getting.
His kisses seemed more intoxicating than the drink did, but once Rob gave her lips the freedom to follow his orders, Aly did just that, first taking a large gulp, eager to comply. But she still wasn’t used to strong drinks, and crinkled her face up from the burn. It took her a few breaths to be ready to finish the last of the drink, but by now her hips were trying to move again as her task distracted her focus.
She finally threw the last of the drink back, once again making a face before setting her glass down.
Before she had a chance to realize her hips had started their motions again, he pulled his hand away, causing her to invoulentarily gasp.
Suddenly she found herself swooped up into the air and was cradled into his arms, pressing against his chest. It felt like only a moment before he deposited her on the floor in front of the couch.
When Rob’s hand went into her hair, forcing Aly to look up at her Master, her face scrunched up in pain, but her hands obediantly got to the task of removing his belt, a task she made quick work of.
