Robert and Alyssa, Part II (My long term Stockholm RP)

R – Robert
A – Alyssa

A – As her date stood next to her, Aly gently leans so her shoulder is just barely against him, not having the bravery to sneak a look at his face. Once she notices the robin, she instinctivly glances towards Jason with a smile on her face, checking to see if he saw it too just a split second before going back to look at it. His firm hand resting on her shoulder and guiding her set off the butterflies in her stomach again, if only she had the sense to realize it could very well be her instincts trying to warn her. But alas, she just thinks its the nerves of being alone with a cute guy and obediently follows the guidance into the cabin. Distracted by paying attention to him, Aly doesn’t take a moment to look around, his statement catching her off guard. The girl cocks her head with that curious look from earlier and asks “what do you mean?” She was starting to feel nervous as her mind flitted through possibilities, is he married, maybe he just cant cook, maybe he doesn’t want to go to the movies…. Maybe he just wants sex..” The poor naive girl couldn’t even fathom that her life could be in danger

R – “Well..” Rob began, walking towards the door as he spoke, cutting off any means of escape.
“My name isn’t Jason, and I didn’t bring you out here for a date.”
Using his body to block the motion, he slipped his right hand into his pocket and produced a knife, quickly opening it.
With his other hand, he secured both locks on the door before allowing his true nature to take over completely.
“I brought you here to have my fun with you in private.” He said, turning and showing the blade, his bloodstream already flooded with adrenaline.
“Take your clothes off. Now.” Rob commanded in a practiced, stern voice, a deadly threat explicit with the presentation of his weapon.

A – The moment he blocked the door is when the first wave of alarm hits. Her eyes darted around the room, mentally chiding herself for being so unobservant. It almost instantly clicked in her head that she was trapped. As Aly nervously looked around, Jason revealed the deception about his name, drawing her eyes back to him.
The fear eclipsed her thinking before she even notices the knife, his words chilled her to the bone, once her eyes registered the weapon they grew even wider and she made a soft sound out of fear as the adrenaline started to make her shake. She heard his stern order but didn’t respond, the fact that this was actually happening wasn’t registering to her. Neither fight nor flight kicked in as she stood frozen, in her mind she was telling herself over and over to just do it. Be a good girl and get it over with, try to survive this. Even though she was thinking all the right things, her body remained frozen. Staring at him with a shocked and almost confused expression

R – The sound of shock and fear the girl made was pure ecstasy to Rob. His face took on a satisfied look as he stalked forward, knife at his side.
“Don’t do anything stupid, I’d love nothing more than to cut those clothes off and beat you senseless. But you don’t want that, do you?” He said, closing the distance slowly and deliberately, ready to pounce on her should she make any move besides one of acquiescence. His gaze travelled up and down her body, noticing and revelling in her subtle expressions of fear.
“Strip.” Rob commanded again, now only two feet away from her, smiling down into her shocked face.

A – Her foot instinctivly moved backwards as if she was about to take a step back but quickly realized that wouldn’t be smart and returned it. The man’s taunt about beating her made the severity of the situation so much more real and made tears start to well up in Aly’s eyes. She averted her gaze down to her feet and took a deep but shakey breath as she crossed her arms in front of her, grabbed her shirt at the hem and lifted it up over her head revealing a fairly simple black bra. Her mind was racing as she did this, Aly had never been in real danger before and she was finding it almost impossible to make herself move.

R – Aggravated by her reluctance, Rob grabbed ahold of Aly’s neck and forced her up against the nearby wall. Pressing her face against it, he moved close to her, pinning her to the wall with his body. His hands then went to work, using the knife to cut her bra straps and forcefully pulling and cutting at her pants and underwear’s waistband. He dipped the knife into the gap between her clothing and skin several times, opening a few jagged lines down until both legs were fully split. Pulling back, he noticed several small cuts and scratches all the way down her legs, which made him flush with lust.
Taking a fistful of her hair, he forced her toward the living room, her destroyed clothing remaining in a puddle by the wall. With a shove, he left her to her devices for a moment as he went back to collect his bag, giving a firm order of “Don’t fucking move” as he did.

A – Feeling his hand grab her by the throat caused Alyssa to whimper and her knees try to buckle, but she was thankfully able to keep herself standing. That gratitude continued when she found she was able to step with him towards the wall, she was terrified at the idea of upsetting him any further. As he removed her clothes with the knife she squirms from the fear, and because this is the first time a man has seen her naked. Her squirming likely contributed to the cuts now lining her body, and she fearfully tried not to cover herself.
By the time her captor finished, the tears were flowing down her face and Aly was panting. Struggling to remain still and compliant, the girl showed no signs of trying to flee or fight back. It was obvious she had resigned herself to obey him.
When he grabs her hair a very small involuntary moan escapes her lips, easily mistaken for a sound of fear or surprise. The pleasure took her even more off guard than she already was, adding more confusion to the already overwhelming mix of emotions. Once he deposited her on the couch she sits leaning against the arm and pulls her knees up to her chest for comfort as she watches what he is doing. She didnt even realize she was giving him a perfect view as she shivered and folded into herself.

R – Returning to the room, Rob closed his knife and returned it to his pocket before placing his bag on a coffee table near the couch and kneeling down before it. He then unzipped it, searching around for a brief moment before producing a couple lengths of rope. Setting the others down next to his bag, he unfurled one and moved to the couch. Working the rope in his hands, he took notice of her pose and enjoyed the sight of her pale, gorgeous skin and slim frame. His eyes tarry a second on her nearly covered breasts and terrified face.
“Turn around and bend over the back of the couch, with your arms behind your back.” He commanded, looping the rope a couple times as he approached.
Rob’s excitement was swelling inside his chest, and his blood pumped faster as he took in the scene before him.

A – As she sat on the couch waiting for him to return, Aly’s mind wandered to scary places while she tried to imagine what he could possibly be grabbing. She was so convinced she was about to die that when she saw the rope it was almost a relief. But when she saw how.. and where he was looking she realized without a shadow of a doubt she wasnt going to be a virgin much longer. The short amount of time on the couch had felt like hours and had given her the time to regain control of her limbs. Hearing his new command actually relieved her. Following orders was easier than sitting stagnant in fear of what was to come. Her knees came shakily away from her chest, and although her moves were slow and far from graceful, she managed to comply with his order. Aly turns her head to where she cant see what he is doing, having decided it’s better not to watch for the time being.

R – Having complied and been relatively good, Rob decided that he would be gentle while binding her up. He slipped the rope over her hands and tied it firmly, then collected another length and tied her legs together at the ankles. When he was done, he came close to her and ran his hands down her thighs, feeling the tension in them.
“Stay right there.” He said jokingly as Rob collected a small brand from his bag, going to the fireplace and building a decent fire. Once it was going well, a few minutes later, he set the brand in the heart of it to heat up.
Returning to her, he gave Aly’s ass a hard slap as he approached, going around to her front soon afterward. Rob met her eyes and ran the back of his fingers down her cheek, then gripped her throat and raised her up slightly to better look at him.
“I’ve got some rules for you, and I expect you to follow them. From now on you will call me sir, and answer all questions I ask with yes or no sir. Understood?”

A – She focused very hard on remaining calm and continued to to avoid looking at him. She realized she was helpless, and even went as far as to hold her wrists in a way to make his task easier for him. Her date’s touch in her thighs makes Aly quiver on top of the shaking from the adrenaline, though that had considerably calmed down as everything sank in.
When he went off to mess with the fire she rested her cheek on the back of the couch and closed her eyes. Aly knew it was only going to get worse from here and she tried to prepare herself, her only goal to obey good enough to be spared. She did briefly wonder why he was messing with building a fire as she heard the familiar sounds, but was cut off as he approached her.
The sudden hard slap to her ass caused her to yelp out in surprise, once again her own voice betrayed her as the end of the yelp carried a touch of a moan to it. When he came around to face her there was still a hint of what just happened in her eyes the hand on her throat seeming to turn the hint into a spark. Even though the woman was still terrified, her captor’s words, his tone, his energy seemed to wash over her and she didn’t hesitate to answer in a shakey voice.
“Yes, sir”.
The tears from before were mostly dried on her cheeks, and her now messed up hair gave her an eerie, dishevelled beauty.

R – Rob smiled at her willingness to obey. This one would be fun, he decided, tightening his grip for a few moments before allowing her to breathe again.
“Good girl. Next, you will say thank you when I do something to you, be it painful or pleasurable, as I’m sure there’ll be plenty of both.” He said, taking a few slow steps around behind her again.
The sounds of his belt being undone filled the small room, and Rob put himself in a good position to her rear, one foot on the couch beside the girls knee. Her soft skin against him made him even harder than the sight of her bound and ready to be used. Rob then grabbed her by the hair again and pulled her body tight against him, his head towering above hers as he used one hand to grab her chin, forcing her to look up at him. His other probing hand reached around her waist, sliding across her flesh until it finally reached her clit.

A – Feeling his fingertips dig deeper into her flesh ramped the panic back up as her breaths were barely little gasps. For the first time, Aly struggled against her restraints but only slightly as her fear of disobeying him was larger than her fear of dying at this moment. The moment he let go of her throat she gasped for breath and took a few more steadying breaths as he spoke. Aly paused for a second before her brain clicked back in and she comprehended what he had said
“..yes sir.. Thank you sir”
She whispered, her face flushed red thanks to feeling violated, almost degraded. Alyssa’s head was a spinning, dizzying mess of emotions, a heavy confusion catching up with the nearly overwhelming terror and fledgling arousal. Hearing his belt spikes her fear and brings some memories to the surface. When she feels the indention next to her on the couch, her entire body tenses up in anticipation. She did not expect the pull to her hair and wasn’t ready for it, meaning she wasn’t of much use for the transition into this new pose, causing him to have to pull very hard. The sound she made this time was much more identifiable as a moan, even still the fear was evident as tears started streaming down her face once again. When he made her look at him, it didn’t take much effort as she complied immediately, she felt like he wanted her to make eye contact so she made herself do just that, even when his fingers made contact with her clit. The sensation something she can’t explain, something she hadn’t felt before. Against any will of her own her back arches into him.

R – While teasing her a bit, Rob lowers his head down to her neck and gives it a soft bite. Feeling her getting wetter, he continued to play with her, planting bites and kisses all along her neck and shoulder.
As her back arched more, he shifted his hands to her hips, slowly sliding himself into her almost airtight pussy. Taking a few slow strokes, he pushed her down against the back of the couch again, delighting in the tightness of the virgin girl.
“Tell me, my pet, are you enjoying our ‘date’ so far?” He asked in a mocking tone.
The subtle moan from before betrayed the fear that was so evident, and Rob couldn’t help but tease the girl for whatever pleasure she was likely feeling. Sweat began to coat his skin slightly as he continued thrusting, pounding her into the sofa harder and harder each time.

A – Feeling his teeth on her skin makes her pull back slightly. But she is aware that could end badly for her and quickly returns to where she had been. Her hips start to move of their own volition slightly grinding into his hand, this act makes her feel mortified beyond anything she has felt or imagined before. She felt humiliated, and even more concerningly, she felt excited, alive. Realizing this floods her with shame but doesn’t dampen the cause. When he removed his hand, she was surprised and revolted to discover she wished he hadn’t. Her thought was promptly interrupted by the painful feeling of being stretched out for the first time on his hard cock she can’t hold back a loud moan-like scream as her body jerked foreward as if trying to run away. She can tell she is soaking wet when she feels some of her own cum string down onto her legs. The sensations mixed with the slow strokes make her start shaking again as well, with each thrust her sounds start turning to moans, the fear and panic was still prominent, but her brain was spinning and her body was responding. She barely registered when he spoke, and took a couple seconds to process, she didnt know how to answer at first but was willing to guess what he wanted to hear “yes, ….. Sir” a stroke of his massive cock making her draw it out. As he starts going, the moans that the slow thrusts brought out of her started to turn into screams as her virgin pussy was feeling destroyed already

R – Her screams and moans only made Rob thrust harder, and between strokes, he slapped her ass again and again. He was holding nothing back now, and imagined how painful the act must be for the young woman. That thought brought another surge of excitement to him. He wanted more.
Dropping his hand to his pocket, he drew the knife again and flipped it open, tracing the delicate curve of her hips with the blade. The cut was shallow, but served it’s purpose as he felt that flood of endorphins at witnessing the girls blood run freely.
Having an idea, he moved the knife to the small of her back and dug it in, cutting the first lines of a word there. The act of pounding her made the writing sloppier than if he had been taking his time, but it would serve well enough.
“Oh, you little whore. I can feel how soaked you are. You must love being fucked, don’t you?” He said between his breaths, which had quickened considerably. He continued to cut into her back as he spoke, finishing the last letter to the word SLUT with a powerful series of thrusts.

A – By now, her most private of areas hurt so badly that Aly’s tears were flowing again. Even as the rest of her body seemed to be enjoying itself immensely, the longer this lasts, the less her brain works and the more she finds herself wanting to give in and enjoy it. But she wasn’t quite there yet, a lifetime of abstinence broken in a second with no choice is quite overwhelming. His hand landing with firm and sudden smacks caused her to jump each time and added more pain to her moans, but also with each smack her pussy tightened around and soaked his cock. She switched back and forth between angling her hips to take more and positioning them to save her cervix from being pounded. She felt a sudden rush of endorphins and had no clue why, the adrenaline was making it so she didnt register the knife yet, with the intensity of what she was feeling, she had a fleeting thought wondering if this was an orgasm. Shortly after the thought, her adrenaline let her register the knife, and that he was already beginning to carve a word into the small of her back. At that realization, she noticed the burn of the thin line going down her back and barely recognized that this was what caused that feeling. Without even thinking she blurts out “thank you sir” in an almost drunken voice while simultaneously pushing back into the knife slightly, she didnt even realize she was doing it.
“Yes sir” she pants in response to his question having gotten fully lost in the moment, her entire body reacting to his every subtle move, her moans now missing fear but not the pain.

R – Her unexpected movements caused Rob to sink the knife more than an inch into her side as he regained his grip on the girl’s waist. Drawing it out soon after, he discarded it onto the floor and pulled out., pushing her against the back of the sofa as he lined up his cock to her ass. Half a breath later he entered her, slowly at first, but once the tip went in he forces his way until he’d buried himself completely inside her.
As he starts to rock back and forth, he freed his belt from his pants and wrapped it around her neck, taking both ends in one hand and using it to yank her back onto himself. Unrelentingly, he pulls it tight, gripping it near the back of her head and cutting off her air. His thrusts steadily growing in speed, Rob can’t help but let out a satisfied growl as his pet’s screams exploded under him. Her ass was even tighter then her pussy, and Rob was forced to take deep breaths to stop himself from finishing early.

A – When the blade sunk deeply into her skin, the tears sped up as she held her breath and tried not to cry out. In the end she failed, at the same time her pussy starts showing signs of the beginning of a climax. Not long after, he pulled out of her. She didn’t understand why, because it wasn’t from pain, but she found herself sobbing at the absence. When she felt the head of it on her asshole, she started coming back to reality and feeling fear again, but that feeling didn’t have long to foster before she was forcefully entered. She screamed and tries to flee, fighting her restraints out of instinct. She realized he had her pressed against the couch to the point she can’t move at all, and by the time he was fully into her the screaming died back down to sobbing. So distracted by the world shattering pain, she didn’t understand what was going on with the belt until it was too late. As he pulled it back with force, her sob is cut off without warning. Aly had less and less air, and as the world started to spin she leaned back onto him her body starting to feel so heavy. Even through the belt, she was making choking sounds while she still tried to fight for air. Aly’s pussy was so wet her cum covered both of their legs and she was beginning to squirt a small stream of cum each time her captor thrust into her.

R – Keeping a firm grip on the belt, Rob almost lost it and came when the girl pushed back onto him mid thrust. Steadying himself to continue, he pulled her back so that her head was pressed against his chest and changed his grip on the belt to better strangle her. As he thrust again and again, blood from her wounds started to smear all over his stomach and cock.
“Remember to thank me for letting you breathe.” He whispered into her ear, waiting for her to pass out.
Rob started to kiss her cheek and bite her shoulder and neck where he could, delighting in the small sounds that broke free from his belt’s hold. With his other hand, he reached around to her front and pinched her nipple, rolling it between his fingers each time he pushed into her.

A – This new angle, laying against his chest so, starts to make the pain in her ass fade to pleasure. She wasn’t blacked out yet, but conciousness was seeming fleeting to her. Her lucidity quickly dwindling,Aly found comfort in the heat of his flesh against her cheek and focussed on that as a grounding tool as she fought to keep her meagre grip on reality. When he gave her his reminder, she was unable to speak, but managed to nod ever so slightly while her lips attempted to mouth “yes sir”. The new touches and sensations from him increased her enjoyment in the moment, but at the same time she was unable to register what he was doing, the belt on her throat and cock in her ass taking her full attention

R – Rob could see her face beginning to turn purple, feel her body getting weaker as he continued to fuck the girl’s tiny frame. As soon as he felt her go limp, he allowed her to drop back onto the back of the couch and regained his hold on her bloodied waist. Easing himself back and forth patiently, he waited for the perfect time to fill her up with his seed. He wanted her to feel everything at that moment, and forced himself to hold on until then.
Waiting only a couple of seconds for his pet to regain her breath, Rob framed his marks with a rough hand. He knew exactly what to do after she was fully aware of her body and surroundings, smiling at the thought of marking her as his toy forever. Feeling her begin to stir, he continued pumping his thighs and drove himself into her again and again until he was on the verge of bursting.

A – When she stirred, she hadn’t realized she blacked out for a few long moments as Aly’s head spun with confusion, she gasped for breath and some of the burning in her lungs subsided a tad. His patient pace gave her the perfect thing to focus on to regain her footing. Her heavy breathing turns to ragged moans, her throat was sore, but she didnt care. She was in a more primal state now. Surviving on instinct. In a sudden flash of cognitive function she blurts out a raspy “thank you sir”

R – “Mmm you’re very welcome my plaything.” Rob said in a teasing tone, exalting in her ragged voice.
Continuing to gain speed, his thrusts became more and more urgent, until finally he pressed himself fully into her and felt his cock pulsing. Pausing for a couple moments to finish totally, Rob smacked her ass a final time and pulled out with a satisfied breath.
Pulling his pants back up, he collected his belt and refastened it as he approached the fire. Bending slightly, he picked up the brand and examined it’s barely glowing heart shaped head. He made his way over to her, savouring the tiny shakes, whimpers and moans emanating from her exhausted form. When he reached her, he picked a perfect place on her right ass cheek, where he could see his mark as he fucked her more.
“Hold still, my toy.” Rob said softly as he pressed the brand into her flesh, holding it steady for a few seconds as it sizzled the mark into the girl’s pale flesh.

A – Hearing his praise makes the corners of her lips twitch up into the briefest smile. With her mind fully scrambled her sense of fear is completely overshadowed by carnal pleasure, her wrists strained against the restraints and her entire body was reacting as much as possible in these restraints and position, moving in almost a wavelike motion underneath him. Caught up in the moment, she found herself moving her hips with his, meeting him halfway and amplifying the force of his thrusts Aly’s moans seem to be desperate as he aproaches his climax. When he pauses to cum her hips are still moving, milking every drop possible, she doesn’t realize what she is doing to him, she just couldn’t stop her body from moving. She had a flash of fear that he would be upset with her movements but the fear was nothing compared to the will of her hips. When he pulls out, leaving her asshole agape she collapses forward, back onto the back of the couch and pants while her body spasms, ached and seemed to pulse. She was covered in sweat and blood, her ass was on fire, not just her violated asshole but also the cheeks from his rough smacks. The thin cut on the side of her waist felt invisible, but the carving in her lower back burned with a sobering intensity. Her pussy felt almost numb from the tingling pain. The sudden calm after such an adrenaline fuelled moment makes her head spin. His voice pulls her back once again. Thankfully she was pressed against the couch or her hips would have tried to flee the searing pain. Another loud scream erupts from her and she starts sobbing again. As she twists trying to see him so she can figure out whats happening to her. Her poor brain just couldn’t figure it out

R – After moving the brand around a bit so that the mark was fully in place, Rob took it away and ran a finger admiringly over the heart shaped burn.
“Now you belong to me, until I get tired of you. Understand?” He said, smiling widely down at her bloodied form.
Pulling the girl back and turning her around to sit on the couch, facing him, Rob waved the still hot brand in front of her face.
“Perhaps I should make another one, this time a bit more visible. We can’t let you go out without a sign of your ownership on view all the time, can we?” He teased.
Grabbing a handful of the hair at the back of her head, Rob held her in place as he pressed the hot iron onto the right side of her jaw, just below the ear.
“There, now you’re perfect.” He said, gently running his fingers along her face, around to her chin and forcing the shaking girl to look up at him.
“Give me a smile.” Rob commanded, gazing at his work adoringly.

A – By the time he removed the brand fron the flesh of her ass. she had figured out what was going on and started working on regaining her composure. She was starting to come back to reality as the weight of the situation started truly processing for the first time since he cut her clothes off. When he runs his finger over the brand it snaps her back to reality in a way so intense it feels like her first time experiencing real life. The tears slowing to a stream and the sobs calmed down to a quiet hiccuping cry, her face was a mess. She knows she doesn’t understand exactly what he means by belonging to him but she doesnt think on it and responds with an instant “yes sir” while meeting his gaze, her eyes leave his to flit over what she can see of her body, a flash of different emotions crossing her face. Disgust, fear, pride. When he moved her to sit on the couch, her face scrunched up from the change in pain and the tears speed up but somehow she held herself in an almost composed way. She was trying to sit up straight despite the pain and trying to keep her face calm.
As he mentions another one her eyes grow wide and she starts shaking her head no while mouthing nononono, but hardly any sound escaped her lips until the end of his question. Once his hand grabbed her hair and pulled her face into place, she started to beg him not to “please dont. Sir please”.
But that was all she could get out before the brand made contact with her skin. Once it did, she clenched her teeth and tensed her body, taking a deep breath, trying to keep herself from pulling away. Unlike the first time, she didn’t scream, nor sob as the last fiber of fight or will she had in her seemed to be burned away in that instant. His finger on the mark made the tears start silently flooding again and for the first time she realizes if she survives, this will be her life. Meeting his eyes, the shock of the realization, the turmoil and the ever growing confusion were all heavy in her eyes. Its wasn’t a dead inside look, but rather an ‘I give up’ look. Behind it a sense of something more. Something she didn’t even realize she was feeling. Being in his gaze she almost believed him that she was perfect. Ready to comply with his order she flashed him a smile. A hint of true gratitude detectable, “thank you sir”, she said without even glancing away from his gaze
